Better Thon Pills For Liver Ills ATT on Por tae 7 We have a particularly ’ Homies - tay Li} eer Sr! Page & 4 Shaw’s bottled candies of } good assortment. many kinds. Pascall’s But- \* ter Scotch, Fruit Drops of many kinds. Sticks in bottles. Our Chocolates are of Lowney’s NR Tonight — Tomorrow Alright the best quality, Ganongs. ORMES LIMITED Moirs, Willards, Neilsons, Liggetts. SMITHERS The price is right. | sisal dite | y Buble minthg “properties. art o e to be prdminently rept nted in I més imi e the mineral exhibit at the Smith ers Fairs next Tuesday The Pioneer Druggists b. DD. Mun chairman of the ; ; Land Settlement Board, is laid uy Phones 82,200 THE REXALL STORE , P.O. Box 1680 it “a “v ar Mi seid Stine l narles Barrett, sufferis from oa uple of broken ribs is the re sull of an automobile accident ‘he Houston bill last wee Db. C. Simpson is laid up at his ] S ¢ home here, having shot his thumb jwith a 22 rifle last week =< ae ek : With the change in the an fan’ ATLIN ELECTORAL DISTRICT. Jagement of the G.T.P. railroad ane Smithers loses the resident as At a ‘ime when ties are Notice is hereby given that on|sistant superintendent \. Kil . drawn the closest. gifts bave|Monday the thirteenth day of}patrick has been transferred to an a deeper sneaning. September, 1920, at ten o'clock in/unnamed point. j ; rel mm al hie rove ent eo * . ‘ hor centuries the jeweler’s 7 SOV eK Oe et th 7 ordeal a tine Office, Anyox, B.C... a sitting of| Seventy-five children are a oh tial i ef gifts : Court of Revision will be held|“eady enrolled at the Smithers be Sah omy a os f h i a f revisine the/|™* hools, under Mr. kisey and Miss hey ae particularly |); { t { the above named | MeNairn, suitable and being small the . . ‘ il d rsuant to the transportation costs little.) — . the Provincial Mrs Dy \ I, Bayne i Phey carry value and mean-}, acti " ad - ae Pee Rupert is to be ize a ing. H. ANDREW the Baby Show at the Smithers 7 j i, sa of ¥ tks rair. At District. LAND AC N ft App! . OM DUIZET) sever toreer to took mrouen | ietetctnenion te Ay teers ttn the classified list Sine Gee Geport ilaey ar Glock. 5 Jeweler ; : ‘ dchijiithitiintys ttn tenbeen 4 46, om Manset fs i : ake t . t ! the ans 4 LANI) REGISTRY ACT SPRUCE & CMDA} ; ; (Sections 3¢ ina Chements " pat rete nu ‘ Sein ipealitcaaoag i Application No. 11417-1. File 6916,|followme & bed lands rab N« ' 4 altos has ber? aon “« al eS at plant Inspect these i i Setanta =e ee Sats i or fee Lol- t Kis liubert U Lrewe r i the i . wi § from . te, lyiux : ; zs a ' following nw wing i Ue Cily Prince Rupert, DENTISTRY } 200°" Don’t neglect your Teeth . 1916, th mae particula known and described as | ark along the westerty Bb: a Lots twe three and twenty-four : se eee ; S 24), Block tmrty- nine (39), Lots thirteen (13) sna four-| Dated August 26th, 192000000 tecn 14), Block Perty-one (41), Lot . Wy : IN PROBATE . . . ‘ y . eighice s siock » Lo Phen come in and buy them: eres Sec . aie iaet stan IN THE SUPHEME COUKT OF BHETISH Lots 33 and 34, Block 17, rorty Dine’ tae Lots eighteeh (18) plain tg ‘ ind =nineteen K tfty-one (61). “ . ‘ Section 1. ‘il m Section &, City of Prince Kupert,|!) THE MATTER OF Titk ADMINISTI Map 923 You are required to con- TIN ACT as e text the claim of, the tax purchaser), - oo $650 each within 35 days from tne date of tne|'* annie ag Y ay we r ate A, - eats * ; Lots 24 and 22, Block 46, ervice of this notice which may be ef ED INTESTATE _ T ¢ ected by publication in the Daily News), , Section 4. canal 5 citwations 43 culled . tr, encth NOTICE 1S MEHEBY GIVEN TO Whom th Land Hegist Act with amend 7 oo oar as i} = “ “9 res ; al o the f . ‘ os is treour cn ne ‘ ve $900 each yess and the following extract there: | a, an Bites rg f <éplember, A.D ical and in default of @ caveat or cerun or a - rr “0 thet ; ' ‘ cate of Us pendens being filed before ; on - co : ; > ° ihe registration as owne f the per wate es sor mulitied under s leall Live and ‘ z cCaffery Ri BSS te lai . ’ perso ; j the eay t ' ' ‘ and tt o 48 - or under them, a - : : ; & D | Ltd . | ! ; " : : . «i a ! a oyle, Ltd. 3 me 3 , ‘iad taba ‘ ae sed, I “t Va x «ras, Was a ~ ‘ 4 ce ve ' ' : Real Estate & Insurance Bot reg ler the provisions {\ubeedu tf this Ast, shall be for ever estopped avn if ix PonTes Prince Rupert, B.C 1 debarred from setting up any |. A%D IT i , . claim to » spect of the land « ay ae ht ‘ hur : solid f taacs And the Hewtstrar “Me Ry eo sper ee shail regist he f n entitied un pert ‘ ' f s ™ a of a monte ea a ee ee wher of the DATED at Prince Mupert, B C., tus 4p 1 #0 sold fo es day of September AbD i AND WHEREAS application mas been et Jun NH. MeMULLEN made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Tith OMeial Administrator e-mnentioned Jands, in the name) nvestigating the r to the 13th day date on which tne Auction Sale When it and you comes will purpose. No m coal fur powell what cooking, have we OUR COAL I$ IN THE LEAD foo to always here the right kind for every COAL THAT I8 RELIABLE Consumers CoalCo,, Ltd, J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block a Mw ’ : One decayed or missing tooth were gistered, assessed or equit- I have been favored with in lowers your efficiency PUKTHEK TARE NOTICE that at the/structions from David Hays, Esq., oe ame UUme I shall effect registration IMity, cell by Pubsic Auction bis f DR BAYNE pursuan f such application and issue a F ste . Certificate of Indefeasible Tithe te the saidinifture and household effects, in ' ands im the name of Hubert U, Crewe, Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; sless % ae ‘| eer the crea cluding, French Mahogany Bed Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- erding establish your claim, Wiroom suite, with Double Bevelled d«y, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, n the said lands, or to prevent such \ : ; Oat Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- ' ae ae lirror Wardrobe, pate : and tegiatry OMe > @day, from 7 to 9. v 4.¢., tis $tn aay of Mattress, Brass Bed Spring and ; ; DENTAL NUKSE IN ATTENDANCE H. F. MACLEUD. Mattress Mahoga Dresse > , ; sarues . District Registrar of Titles with French plate Mir ‘) PHONE 109 FOK APPOINTMENT fo Western Dominion Land & investment . ; ae ‘ it Chiffoniere, Wilton Ca Ma vs - we, si 7 iad hogany and Clu y hocks Franeis H, Hays, Leather and Mahogany Lounge Arthur ¢ Mitcnell William J. kKennaugh, Chair, Large and Small Br v4 OM PORy. Statues, Porcelain Ice B Bool Shelves, Card Tables, Oil and Walter Color Paintings, Bric-a brace and China Sale will be held ° ° jat the Hays Block, Second Avenue, on TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, the 14th, 15th & 16th Notary Public. W have for sale a pair respectively, at 2.30 p.m, each day f Vraser Street op- G. V. EVITT, Auctioneer. posite the s Hotel, Area equal to 3% standard 25- A ti S ] ot lots, with natural base- uc ion a e quality, ren On account of silua- I have been favored with in find 8 Ain he flat ae bk tructions from Capt. Hills to sell ; hotel by Public Auetion, lis furniture i POCALION BOF soled, land heusehold effects, including, you need ipartinent house, Viano, Singer Sewing Machine, 2 healing, or theats We ca sell you Bed Bureaus, Davenport, Dining rT el | Ask wus Valle Chairs, lleater, Carpets abicait tf and Ling. Bale will be held at eT ee Capt, Hill's residence, Corner of a Bacon Street and 9th Avenue jiacross Hays Creek and will H. ¢. Helgerson, Ltd. commence at 2.30 pin, on Phone 7 Insurance ~ Rentals - Bonds MONDAY, 132TH SEPTEMBER C.V. EVITT, Auctioneer. — | i THE DABLY NEWS ‘SPEAKER’S CHAIR TO BE READY SOON LONDON Sept it lhe Speak er’s Chai vhich is to be pre sel dt the Canadian to © of Comnrons by the meybe of the Fimpire Parliamentary Assocta tion in the Hows: f Lords and Comoons s expected ft be reads in tf “ for the " of the new [le a4 ae (itawa early next Vea i the Canadian speaks I ! = ’ i i el his ha n tl t I lr This ! ‘ mn i tly, ana i f 1 will betw Partin ' 2 1 will } ' 1 n its it ‘ | ! ! ‘ f the i in if { " vhich 1 f onk | od i a va | i shed t left ir ' tit i i \ : i ” tt ! ta ! \V i Phe \ x and une Hos i 1 thy t py I { it b exirab e mapl t ti \ y M.pP l + ' the j i t \W lindios f hh iw of i we th ' i the inad h i i . ‘ hat i i | SUBSCRIPTIONS TO EXHIBITION | Westholme ————s Theatre| TONIGHT ONLY i ORO mM N Avomd om the + % DRANE L. PACKARD A photoplay with an amaziog soul! All that is fine, all that rrows allures in the act of living---pictured in vivid scenes that thr turtle cre One screen enicrtainment you ll never forget Mayflower Photoplay Corporation pre:ents George L, j Yeom the py by a are Tuch tts Come live i . Shenandoah" ; » “ee : e M1 Two Reel Snappy Comedy, “Salome vs fue as & 25.0 Prices:---Saturday Matinee, 15¢ and 35c; Eve 30« < 28 oo eee ee oe =o aeenoenaemeeemeeeee ee onto EMPRESS THEATRE, TONIGHT rs o I 10.00 , ‘ , i Sir, beaea ood Anita Stewart in “The righting Shephercess AK g i - a tone i ~ i.0 FOX NEWS Prices, 1S¢ und 35« MUTT AND JEFt I i oo ALE AL sit i Ir { j f Cas j iM _ = — —_ — ™ — — Lingeys Gi ! ) LAND KhGISTAY AUT, M I Lue “ sections 36 amd 136 i } y \“ it. Leave ves ait ation N tives). Pie 627% i Li ! la ».! iAne ‘id . . ‘ i | es i I ry ‘ le ty reatetier joun A. Murrey, of I’'rinece i ‘ i : Pa ; ing Lee | Irs rae ; a i I I — ; a i j M lay . CANCELLATION OF RESENVE | i MI i OLAI hea ta « : ' i‘ i VM p , i () — x \ | ’ y ‘ . s ‘ ‘ x ” , () j re yj ’ ar . ' P Min lia j Co . rang ® , Mag TIMBER SALE X 2326. M i ak | | Plums, Crabagp \V \ M 5 ums, { : i 8 : ) | ga% ‘ : , TT ee ; . Pears, Cucume os . i . ' . . ‘ N. M. McLea f wistra : ‘ Pj AT () LoL. Mel : ICKIUNY fiOns th | M l . | : ¥ i | Prunes. Cie N ’ . : | — ne ft Mis N ' 4a A \ , a a th em a | we ¢ yt 8, O : oo rr 3 » Saturday \ oa j . 7 0 ve u i ‘ : PRINCE RUPERT CLECTORAL BISTROT ", ng Pl ACHES ‘ ee i ’ “ wv | : Ww pr buy urd i f : ‘ a !' delay his wee Pri Ik j AND WHENEA applien wrrive next Wednesit Pacifie ( t a Certifica ty 7. ii 5 net cat Prinee Ha Doyvwe St re ae : | b’rice 9 7t Met pA ; J A we ray | nok ble Gu ‘ mt ' e tly non ] ‘ tu i B)\it appears that prior to the vin day of A wives Rupert d Vv ’ j seen , a i« 1 , jat wh * ne said eHONES 211, rb : : — were whers U f, as Staten opt t - r res tive names e 7 et ms ee ee ee FURTHER TAKE NerTick that at the 2 oon alte tittw | ehall ome : ree irat , ‘ : ’ ‘ . 1" ‘ ) ° I anee f such application and “) ; Rupet ! Church Notices }/?" cnc! stacemeti tive F Hotel Prince } id tends in the name of John A, Murray, : ‘ , ee ene ee take and prosecute tbe praper ze ” pa be ' pe a ak the EUROPEAN pLal proceedings 1 establian ur claim, Z : : ' Her ‘ of First Baptist Church. any, to the said lands, of to prevent suct ' , $1.b0 per day Sunday September 42 Morn proposed action on my part iu. mM eh ge = — ss cart ; ade ‘ ible Scho ; Dated aftthe Land Heetstry OMer, | Seenvee ai piste ; ass if al 11 Bibl , { hunort, 6. 0, tae tee Ge ae A ! | { ' ‘ #8 qmane S | } hye i erviee a 29U Al agen - 4 ry her, He James Dunlop HW. F, MACLEOD Pt saneniinten First Methodist Church. District Kegtetrar of Tithes en aeeaee vee 4 #s ; Kila Mason ¢ god AIO) . e ViGie OG 98 whey Milner, . ¢ registered afd assesaed 13 : f Sunday School owner : “y{TT ne service al 7:40,)1 Vrieciiia UU, Hurrell c. V.E Preacher, Kev, KE. G) Reith, of New! eer. 8. G, Mortaapne oe oe " : Auction ; = , cc? York, MINERAL AG NOTICI Auditor and First Presbyterian Church. , se __aeeeetm Mi i ‘ ‘ al 44 « o'Cloes Certificate of improvements. YOTICR 18 UPRHEDY Orv en tha ed ae wee 4 ‘ “t ; ine Crown ul i f Subject When Death is nat NOTICH " . len i Alive yetional Mineral © 1, ilnate ' the rom whom | j im » oroV Death Heep Sunday School! un hes Biter M aI P Died ie ir tal lar “ " } ' / « Ril ceRVICE 10 a ‘ ‘ " dU AT { t 12:30. Pvening service at 7:40)/" Where locates 6 head off Alidé LDAYMeNt, within six dnonthe from. tne d "DDIN Sub { fe) Hesponsibility for Art wr oe i, oer OF te “ $I RINGS ; TAKE NOTICE that 1, Alex. M. Manson 4“, Wweother’ with interest a the Continuit® of Proures ‘ Vrinee Hupert, bh. 4 tne @ seen) an a nub ie) j poor ; A? s ree wer te if'eate 1 anount, wh + muse a Vere i 4 VPreache Ii H. tt. Grant, DW, ine ‘adh red a Py Karin u alee the full interost to date, together will y ser r aie empummemmnenttinsands Art ii. f Vree Miner's Certificate No. ievidetice that all taxes, whether® \ (0705-C, intend, sixte days from the date r Provincial, have been p fa ww ; . p It is just as cheap to Bet YOUT \hereot, to apply wo the Mining Heeorder | the ements for wall I ‘ y 1 e winting done wel and done at rad ag neat intag a Crawn rant "4 | Chis is Hovand tutes Of 1ome a6 it is to wend it ewar, Tes pg yi nae Nites notice that action tun ab o NATIEN " Che News Print Shoup. ier nection AS. must be commenced before Deputy Minister of Lands a the tasuance of such Certificate of tine |! Bache nt of! snids, provements ria f B. G. Undertakers, Phone 44. Pe. rum day of duly, AD. 1990 April tat, 1920