Own Siaughterin’ r ts of Live® n k dire vegisiative Li — panne nnn” veal Dressed Beef Fhip tock now arriving t from the stor k Be soncE J. FRIZZELL 10, 28, 186 phones Fulton Market PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER i4, L920). ; ‘TAXI TAXI Phone 75 WE NEVER SLEEP Prince Rupert Auto M. H. LARGE Sea 707 Second Ave. - Prince Rupert PRICE FIVE CENTS SPELL OREO CHEN ADD ES TRADES AND LABOR TP IFT BRIBE Labor Paper ALTERS CASE { Commercial Mission Dis- by Placing of Gold with DAME FAHEY SINGS TONIGHT , MEXICAN GOVERNMENT THAT WANTS SHIPS BUILT IN THIS COUNTRY of oo Great a Gap Between Wealth of Few and of Many mier Meighen in Addressing Trades and Labor Congress bof Canada Urges to Sirike Steadily along Path Reform Mi VISITING CANADA NO BAIT AT KETCHIKAN Uniess heii Run Continues There May be Genera! Short- age——Humpbacks and BURNHAM THINKS West CANADA IS A UNIT . mR A Large - hin Contri.ct was » From Mexican Government ' Matter is now before Dominion Gcveri me:t, tut Application has yet been made for Financial Guarantee 14. definitely ho VANCOUVER, says: “It Sept. —An. Ottawa despatch received here is now ascertained that it was the Mexican Government, which recently offered a large ship coutraet to Prince Rupert for part distribution among other shipyards of the country. The form of contract is now before the marine department but no application has yet been made for government financial guarantee. When making the announcement in Vancouver recently of having received an offer from an unnamed foreign government to build 58 vessels, if the Dominion Government would finance the project, Newman Erb said the contract was to build 20 steel Sor tsed. revenue cullers, 6 passenger steamers, 20 cargo carriers, and {2 steel tankers. He said that he had already accepted the con- ' ‘ tract, subject to Government approval. Should the contract be 7 ' carried out it would keep all the shipyards in Canada busy for a ; “ \ long time. ‘The question of payme it is the only one at issue. This contract has nothing to do with the contract for five I'he tankers lo be butt at Prince Rupert. ge and i ti aire 1 HIGH SCHOOL ‘AGAINST LOCAL , rm ; | . mam ; a } i situs ' itie < st Por = as | } 43 i ed mwhat by th } : he x this spring ADDRESSED LABOR CONGRESS YESTERDAY | ; ws ! mcks and cod nov being >is o eizhe ie eave erat chon, “ or. e , : (arto Rs, es a 3 ne iow b Premier Meighen, who sa Commeunistic Theories have been | onmty Six per conte of Puptis of City Council hie Secctetlon ni SO tee a shattered by first test. Country Get Beyond the Opposing it to Union of - : ob gabacncg - $$ $$ $ $$ —____. | Public School. Municipalities. é . “ } — : ' saG , |UNIVERSITY WOMEN |URGES PROVINCE TAKE faiukratir car which wilt be ated | WAS McMord u iat igs” glam teed agistrate civrorale wane fi SRUCR TIO OVER ALL EDUCATION ' I ' es . Convicts = ne A. ae rORONTO, Sept. 14. ria At the meeting of the Gity ae r cent. of our schoo! populationiCouncil last night. the city elerk are net utilizing our schools OW-!was instructed to wire the secre- E ase is to be Appealed to ile Young in County Court? | to nen-enrollment. Only .52 tary of the Union of Municipalities ‘ 3 Liquor Returned to Corley per cent. are taking adequate ad-/q resolution of the Council ob- Sane Ae MS ON ein ge ee aa De vantage by regular attendance. jeeting to the proposal to appoint i s af \ was convicted by Magistrate MeMordie this aoe 70 ae ceul. ee a local gevernment board in this { S i re . enrolled are in the firs our province and urging that the Pro- g ' \ >the B.C. Prohibition Aét and grades and only a small pereent-|\jncial Government take over the : he pe ty for the first offence. L. W. Pat-jage of the enrollment reach Grade |equeation of the p: nce wilh all ‘ ! * Gold St ‘ or Mr. Corley, intimated in the police court Fight. lits financing, { ut und 7.5 t! | vO be api ed before Judge Young. The liqnor Oniy 6 per cent. of the school rhe local government board , , 7 children of Canada are receiving posal has beer before the ' soid ; P residence in the rear o e Rova Bropeen 7 ? ; , ® : ‘ ist : — in the rear of the Royal the high school or vocational edu-|Union for several years a has ‘ 1 a5 Hi i i to him, there beimg no evidence alion heceéssary in a demoeratic each time been set forward a year > cane Cnc | wa onnect vith the sale of which the accused suuntry for good citizenship and ‘phi, year an al opt is to be reton. 5.500) Was fe ’ through his servant, Kenneth McKay, dequate living.” made to > leh it altogether and i i al d. 6.0000) thes I} ‘ Lele Lives Hi gh Money and W uham Ji RROnG SeRLomeRTS ae tae — ae net 4 : ' ‘ ! } ‘ rol rait nti we ,jyesterday in the report of the that effort. AGAINST BOLSHEVIK] ; i _ odd Fish “ om . Wah: Gee. ve iguin this eon was largely the omiuitlee on education to the ei ee ° any al 6 ane ‘ Se Ane Oe Riverdale Collegiate Institute, To-|%as arrived here from Australia. On Th day 0 air ween were . ioctinod WHHL Investi ibiti of , soldi arene btworte ON SINN FEINERS ha Ane 3 idl f the ohe h rith testified _ investigate ‘Possib o> ronto: Miss Gertrude Patrick, B. He has travelled round the world tal Sungs, “nig, ce : eats. eerchieae rae eet , A., Saskatoon Collegiate Institute;/fourteen times, OOK ti Loya Se ani: ChaAiaad hate ough ona |Miss Grace Stewart, M.A., Uni- al ! a ! Mm. >. % ty t assure was Pea ss sris ‘ Mrs. { ul ber yesterday after pay ' | Morrison left for Prinee Ru-|*@ft!s: Pts & lctoria. | ! i ined th Koyal bar be- a } States. j UT LE HED 60.00. it ce posted on lamp | - ' i e of S. A. Corley, Perl last night where he will in- mnee —— Sa ral A MOBI CRAS 000 Homeless i N ladies are sta Chief \ : vidence as Lu; esteate eundiiions with a view ” — - —.' ie mn a : hind 1 RUBBED WITH O!L the b ‘hibited in court hay. {lo arranging for approptiationa)O%™ sae Si aCunal en the}, TARRYTOWN, New York, Sept a 14 | ‘ed | hut, Patee 2% rifereee ht to him by the fer a peace army artillery battery, ponents ete “No " ao ti.—Seven people were killed LONDON. Sept. 4 Hunger | M Pris ind Mrs. W. H, Ker.) 0" a : ed in a Ae rhe general says that Canada school population ; - ie Pear when an automobile ¢rashed ms : nea nes Rater en lis getting from the Imperial gov-| o> Pe? Cents. on Saaemns eW8Ns | hrough the railing in a thunder- ' TD publ thes Daily News of August 20,/! *s rag : ? 5.48 per cent.; in Alberta, 6.25 per i ' iN = et and Third Avenue \ testifed along ¢’mment as many new guns as the ”> pe "h t hc aeabio 8 storm and fell 70 feet, elieve tt “in ‘ s eant is Us oe abola - i ee a e 5 “0 a, : : Ma BIA and Mrs, Camp-|* 0°" os. identifying aq Dominion left in Belgium during qm and “a eee Se 2 A ae . In Sates brand, Wilson's the war. Oe ee fe Oa ole MANY FROM NORTH bo eo he ine ort ay, su s ve 2 rece ‘ s cous ere Kx tot n Building—Mrs, T, ( 1 he had taken from It is the expectation here that) "°° * ae th at if “th > 1 nited a ae PRINGR Muned M D. Thomson and Ligue wine , ae ' ! le ex-artillerywen in Prince Rupert iower oe ta , ne a | VANCOUVER, Sept; 13.—In- . RUPERT MUSICAL SOCIETY ! I ; Tee Sis oe will take an interest in the mates, ae a yee Per : Idicating the approach of winter, ; ee ‘ M Jam Cal scheme of General Morrison and rhe D8 ia gages Prineess Alice arrived here > . age = . : ladame Wir if ° basa RELEASE FRIDAY will co-operate in the formation of Continued Bi xd) tat - jon Sunday with {00 passenmers 4 inh} re ugrin a ey i ad A e at Fulton Mrs a battery at the northern port, } fren Skagway and many from R : WiLL" OIVR"A ' § MoUlyGeay : R. E. Bray of Winnipeg has Two) yi. einur Berge and children NO DATE IS SET FOR rs mote ponte iy out before rat. crite Mrs . 4. Jol ee the roads were bad, ecital of Vocal Music eT Jol) Wake of SentanesRemited Jor Uc ace viii in tonn the PROVINCIAL ELECTION)" "Sts _ AT THE WRSTHOLME THEATRE 1. Bp, |Subats oF Mr. and Mee, Cannld & | | DEATH ACCIDENTAL Yesda WINNIPEG up 13 K ‘lParker, Seventh Avenue West, oo ; a yy Septe mber 14th, 1920, Trades and Labor Council, ee ae ae cA a ati mS | VICTORIA, Sept, 13—Referring mnnimuts he al a ised on Fri Phurston plarbhe arrivals On/to rumors in connection with a PAHS, Sept. 1 The death of Mission, $1.0 —OORR OPEN AT 7 Ha ’ wa +p Rid i Two Ww have | ree the Prince John this morning in-!provineial election Premier Oliver Olive Thomas is dee iared to have Mak, 0 Reserved Seats, $1.50 . os on Halt 1 le x s sen bane I. Todd and Mes. Hawkes /|this morning denied that any date|been aceidental, Five docters *’ Feservations at Ormes Ltd Ca nters’ I - eae had bean set. watched the autopsy. { | it rile ei .s Ai if veil hak os: 4 $+ ly = Si. a ees bs i + dh bs y ay Aa r. . a ¢ “ mM bed 7 , ¥ oe & r i