Page & ro ee THY DAILY NFws —_—_—_—_—_—_—_— en - —— _ JACK SH | a” ~~ eee ae | P fl | ait D il N Cl if i d Ad y S | aGHIC fs ort BEAT HERMAN IS CLEVER | ak Cws Vilassiile oY a ee i He 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Leas than SOc } ' I oe all | ec. erm EL tt Oy A Ht HR ; alwa S nnd ee | Champion Bantam Saved theta Patri Artists Were sdeaae WARTED. POR RENT ’ b Soatl —o 1 iL) | Knockout by Superior | With Enthusiasm at Rink pannel ‘| for two a haa —— en EES Generalchip | Last Evening. ~ ae PED Work boat, about sf Fifteen minutes to dry ee pag etitdiieen ' font 4 ; ' i capab ; “ in tad : 1k better than! ; qneusnetmmes i POvERaE TVN ’ eity i Ni i Ave ! t. 1% ‘ : + h rig og ; e RAST -CRREAO, >. Sept 13. Prince Rupert audiences have f earry n Mi oa , sie save tried Hecause I Sl yok Sharkey, who fought Jiminy ’ : hin te il Engine |PO (ENT rove TIMBER SALE XK Paz0 alwave the Same. | know bhe- : “iprebabiy never heard an actor, ; Witde, English featherweight a rriber ’ el forehand what each “ean will . impersonator, pianist and com champion, oulfeught Pete Her- j ut ! ! * he like. : hposer otmbinmed ol ) “Then, ton, T have never found Bent: Meng ele Epon, in ® ten before and Leslie Grosamith, whel ene \n WATERLESS TOILETS round bout The title holder was : rdinary Inposes a can that tastes of the tin. if kieckouet jseoms to be equally proficient in , ; . ” Povey i KnecKO ry = rik ’ ‘ ‘ . ’ ’ “It certainiy is like fresh write . o at ay SeEe any of these roles, was received , . ; aa ‘Or /Kaustine =y m of Sanitation tee cream, ae jwith great enthusiasm in his re- thee net . par uritatyl vered dis ' _ - ' : ’ “T use it for everything. " gicital at the .uditorium last even u un ul ! triets. Ord , y j pee gal The M i he M {jinz. The Jarge hall was filled to! _ [0 DOX tt mane eae bovile 1 seh TIMBER SALE X 2599 / ail in t oon i ‘apacity and emergency seating WANTED nan See 0) t if 1 AV Pacific Milk Co. | SAYS Sileets tol: 5s: Bs peat Satere] "ore cane set anal Bloene Mink Gas. Soak Limijed xe~ seds|the many persons in attendance fire Ney ms iad x I jcould be seated. The concert was 332 Drake St., Vancouver, B.C PuAT if everyone was as tall?" ii at « Ap t | ’ s Bt aided seentncas OMMEe laa atl LODGE MEETINGS FACTORY AT LADNER, &. 0. as every other one, what a jam of o ii \ t afta wabrellas thers would be on a standpoint of the entertainer and o Pp Lis tablet st Tayyvat dan ithe entertained Mi Bre be At ee wae ccpeeemun Pgs tee | Mr. Grossmith's progran WANTED ft : r a io ‘ nin rt tt oo ser } ’ AT some peeple sicep so/@bounds with numbers from the M ! h i y : . : . 9 ene ti ' TAXIDERMY sound you can hear there all over/ciassteal to tHe everyday humor Sn ne eee TIMBES SALE X 2622 ithe house, jous, It is different from the tart, witl services FARMS FOR SALE | . . . jpresented by the common run { warrant vl | Ltd i babies meer me e rls rs % ere ere many)... . : eh rHAT new babi nean fresh entertainers and there were mat Pr RL FARM LANDS The s | ; : WANTED A ti ghiy ¢ b jyualls on the ocean of life. surprises in store for his liste Se ; abt od | fA t f sich: ; ‘ ° . ers. The music was undeul y e — : . ee wan and Manitoba a Caper re rHAT the way to make toast is good, the humor of a bright kind 0 ; rs Le | a * 1 for xed sing ; 1 put it en the stove and burnjand decided dramatic powers en a : ppty . Poe 2 to f oo I 1 that will + tee i ¢).t and then take it to the sink and|(ered inte the character work _ Royal ima OF on 5 t gerait if ly and {i serape it ry onl ‘ i doe ee ae | Classical Numbers. WANTED —W young man we adapted fer da ne riM@BER StLle X 2628 i) THAY man who sold his fiv- Among the, Classical tumbers for cler Pxpermence ! : t ‘ n | ‘ a] ve found he had to buy another |Played by Mr. Grossmith as piano IMNEeCoessat# town) ad had at | eine about $| ithe fe his baby. solos were Mendelshon's Gen lined \ box @8 Daily ein . . heh rae ‘| bo at leerto 1 in G Minor,” William| News oMes ify h. 0 i) PHA keep your money at}|Pope’s arrangement of An el WANTED —1 ” j ‘ N t $/home” would sound better if there | Laurie” with variations lenri i ' ' Siwere not so many trying to inter-|Kowalski's “Grand Galop de ( . : ‘ ' . ' $iceptsits staying at home. cert,” and Donizetti's Fan i ‘ han j ! . from * , cs IMBER SAL 28 in all its branches. i ieee om “Don Pas ure Pewe —_—— — . Timse ex 24 Work life-like. Satisfaction ; PHAT yee markable hniqueé ! ele Bboy WANT! t Fr ' Guaranteed . \ i scandal now and then izes Mr Gross ti w k ' a t pos! 8 t Let Is shed by the oldest hen. and a S WAS espe ae iM ! f rd nh. SB e@eeeeen ewe eee ee ee in the last mentiot r er \" j if ‘ D. c; TAIT rHAT there is one consolation! which was plawed with ' - - sintansdenateatl ies Notice to Advertisers ° 1116 Broadway, Vencouver, B.C. 3/4bout these railway fares. A lotinand al WANTE! « fourth-|° : J |0f relatives will now have an ex- edgeripaeied with thi ass | t of ee a a EL inthis neap taboos ce hediscaiaasceceeechcodl - staying at home, selections were «many dy town A x 401 Daily ; ante - j . , 5 ’ sketches eon cues, & gx me News tin {7 ° ei 2384 wn THAT bos — be i as ae Fa a a TIMGER SALE X 228 Freight les are soaring ee ee ee es WANTEI \ > for Chances in ad ents * r rhe humor is mainiy along Ene =“ } Ge what a deal! ‘ t i \y should be on har ‘ . | sand gets away from thi * ' rhe only thing cheap ; Pair. bb 7 f - ' an * ane . : ’ , ie “dnl le “oll ee ordinary attempts of the nd —s coseeses sere wee : Feed Violin Sololst. OUSEKEEPI WANTED Tw ” or 7" Hugh § arb wl 6 wi {x ; trek i oe We have secured the agency for rHAT some people are always Hy . Ba ‘ c-| in fa : ng Ay LANL RKGISTHY Atl “ +f liat companying Mr. Grossmith on tt it store, H,. SS. Walla tf the best Cos! foundin the interior plate i Se ae ® ‘ oe present tour, has exceptional tal- . and, can supply any quantity. PHA wt ‘ it ehatent ‘a wictin' fin \“ ly ; porary stenog. |" Appiestion » ‘ ; ‘ 4 . } shen € , . cent as ohnist its work ts cy ’ , ur prices include delivery. WS ORE Tey ow phe : district forester TARE * the man ft MBER SALE X 2382 © : lthey are still too late for they havelof the brilliant, powerfal type but en Appty distriet for made , Tims Loose Coal ai $13 00 formed the habit. is more quiet and refined and WB) WANTRID}-Chambermaid at Knox 4 Tas Sade rowed ream ite ' . : ' ‘ . 7 Re eek livery delicate. His notes are clear Hotel e¢icee oan : ate wing ae wy reac » . f ~ Shi Gay of November, 1917 ait Screened sacked $14 00 THAT af ever they reach the and eweelt and his stake manner} . _ ma 1 Sonia — parce ; ect jxolden gates of paradise they will|i, very pleasing. Count Szeda SITUATIONS WANTED , and tring 10 Sim tee e tool lé far { . es ’ mi were ’ Per Ton Delivered _ , the gates will havejn., was here with the Chautau- “ . ' ‘ + Seen CTenee Just Give ames an4,|oua laxt week, and Mr. Barbour} #"! AIL, STORE SALESMAN —.§ h mint ay " ‘ Frices on car load lots on hank heaven, will never reopen) aie altogether different types of a. 7 yee rae "You are “ cent the ote application to een eae lartists. Mr. Barbour is a Van-| * , i, - ‘me aute of ’ ne’ ox fe ouver violinist, “another proor|_ ™* ice 16 > ey : hy puntos TIMBER SALE X 2586 . THAT the man who is late -” “ New ‘ Rape ' ithat art of the highest class ty tad ons p sake . m i* oat ‘ " rince U er habituatty is as bad as a criminal. 'y zraph equ ; os ‘ be found right in Britieh { m ‘ ‘ : ; , we a ’ ~ a - peels all the arrangements of ’ ’ ss the tract F na Among the be ! . % a im dete a even Feed Co i ganized society and deserves f * ae box 105 Dymily N " ‘ ane ‘ ‘ ' i shment accordingly. nm 0% fo — te at oe ; , 7 iid le ae tare te registration BF cw a Corner 2nd Ave. and 9th St. | cee er —— eo ~ all persone we @ a LAND Act a composition of Fritz Kreisler’s ana t aiming throws Phone 58 Green 548 Following the concert last night} FUR SALI Sriny hp. N. & a, ~ foe a : - : Notice of intention to Apply to Lease Land. : ‘ ‘ oo . har ‘ ana mstnet,'the floor was cleared and a dance . - re loday {ux ~ mt ne ™ ‘ir ‘ ie rain Imatrict . skeen ilu } nae ; Ne 4 . ny wet District Lot 746, ob Masset Inet iof Mr. Grossmith and Mr. Bar- whe this wae bonugirt Pur Pe aaer 9 ad or the previas lake notice that the GHAHAM ISLAND ’ : tall bee ; T f “ok & CEDAK o LTD.. of romibour. cha will save this amount topped and deberred ‘Trem ne uy end i 0 ipenia, occupalio luinber merehanta, > = ' ‘ . or or im f ‘ ers or ts orenes io apply for ~ oanauianens © sense the | Pree : ; Bee aul Aivazolt armed | Ww hanel is wing described tands } » absence o ayo Me. | i bieton for particulars and ime we i mumenciag at 6 ‘pest planted at tne | In the absence { Mayor Me t pa na ave tithe ve ss : r of block 53; thenee/({@lymont from thé city Alderman, & nee Rupert Cigar Tenders are hereby called min West 20.9 fret; ; . _ tad Stet rd enue. Phor ane : ¥; os mn weet t10/vbhavn has heen appointed act-| I rd Avenue. Phone | ged ¢ oon Stee Satie for the puschase of Lots $i oc mene 408 tee +3 lime mayor. He presided at the! Blue 94 tf | te the above sent te tani “ : oe eas ee — ° = One, Two. Three and Four, r tens to @ px planted at the meeting of the city coun last ' rt AND WHEREAS nm nvreetivatineg ‘ ’ = “ corner of Said Dice & u iraoit ¢ } H Laban cruise Sip tithe at ag we that prior 6 he t9t ‘ y Block Fourteen Section f iy toll wine ria hi toe wig night. a cae ce - . ! ' ty : : ' toner, 44 SS aan ae wh te in She ' e weste pound tr pi@ecx al ile | J mh -Vv e wavy « *Th~ | seid tance ore told fur overdue tare Seven, Prince Rupert, owned the of commencement, COD- - . ne| #ine. Electric lent, ete, with or hah map Bg Bey ES gh” , 7 acres more or jess Skeena River arrivals at the * OT otherwise as eta {opm “ur resp by the late John Stinson, ISLAND SPRUCE & CEDAM GU. Hote : rand = . sa sw 3 . : with terew. Special low rate jive names. , : : a ‘ LIMITED ; Be SAME PETE Uhim TOP i tite ‘4 ‘ FURTHER TAKE NOTICE ts + th yt ’ deceased. Dated August 26th, 1920 were H. W. Chambers of RPal-] for bintine parties for «IxXty same ane 1 shall ef rea eel a : P . s . { J ele ow Bay. P.O ance Of Kuch epplicstion and ine Vancouver, “|moral, and Thomas Dawe, of P wh | 9 J. Field, | Ba . cate of Ip deteasit ets a, ae a September 3rd, 1929, Ir saington a 16)" an yl - sre = ae Congdon, Campbel! & } SMITH & MALLETT }POR SALI 18-25 Sterling engine proceedings a! , cated int ? ar cial, if ert n Meredith,, | | in good condition, cheap, mow | Prypesee set the "Texiney fae pe ici fc j i j in Hilly Bey Buying lars Nupert, i s i4in aay of ‘ Solicitors for the said |} pLumgina AND MEATING A t Di engine, O, P, Smith, General |*“*** ©” 23% . Lxh ‘ Estate. ENGINEER? Cul e aSCasCs are ete) at F 44 PY " mete’ gone } j fo W. . fvar rown Grantes tat ur ~- sa cee ee Estimates furnished. . Vat. ee See Jann bali & dake simaet naaeaes a owners ‘ Seeman i ieved by er PPO SALI Six-room house with |? Address, Srd Avenue, head | | bath and basement. Close in j } : | | | Reclion six. Apply to P.O. box} 40 ACRES of Becond Btreet. | Every reader knows with what} 465 fo, appointment, is \§ Phone 174 — P.O. Box 274 lgoud results mothers and house FRUIT LAND } J lwive *” wuse herbs in the home |t OW BALI Enelyclopedia Brit-| e . | Trained herbalists have widened| a@nnica, sheepskin binding, Ap- i : ‘ ; Four miles from ‘Terrace, two- ; ithe fleld of herb treatment until ply box 106 Daily News oflice. tf ' oa Night Phones - J. G; Steen, 873 meee room frame house two acres nay : ’ , , se reme ‘ aff: . | meadow, threc ees en to stump W. Longwill, Blue 270 9 y Roan el — “ nd 4 POR SALE 2° ft, faunch with ¥ 3 " P ‘maes of nh me } About four hundred thousand feet Day Phone 5 | ees y , | ¢abin and good engine. Price aaW tier iiust pe logged wis ff) ous Character, | $200. Apply Daily News. tf winter and delivered at sawmill one j STEEN&LONGWILL canteen | - ~ | mile pway at $7.00 per thousand, ONDER TH ip ‘Oh SALI Allies Cafe on 6th] PRICE $1,500 ON TERMS. | Sheet Metal Works w D HEAL | Street, Apply to the manager ‘Timber will more than pay for tana. —-_ ———_——— RESTORER . mp _— | Fine opportunity for man with team Agent for ‘MeClary Furncaes eer a Lee Choy 16 diddethenen cede staesiiiiaeemnmutiitiamaitiis } Sanitary and rating Engi og hepresents the litework of a great} FOR SALE Heater, sieonut new, | Kenney Bros & Co } herbalist who has secured from) cheap h410 th Ave, Weet, 18 ° ° | bth Street ‘and Fra Praser Street all parts of the world hert aa can ied a Coen ; mp i a le a ; OUSES Har Tere Estate ae Prince Rupert B. cifles whieh reNieve Asthma, Kheu BOUBES I OR BALE—F. W, Hart. errace - - | ‘ . , » Y shee matiam, Stomach trouble 4, Nor-| FOR RENT eoree VOUS «Complaints, Kidney and ae _aoeevemntceenstcceentiemeeemcaee | ® Careful Piano Tuning Bladder troubt::, Female com-|PporR RENT. Nine roomed hi ones | Repaire to ali makes of Pianos, plaints, Piles, Bkin diseases, etc.) furniture for sale Alaska | DRY __KINDLING WOOD Phonographs, Cameras — § a Contains Nothing but Herbs—No| Tkems, rear Prince Rupert] o Ee im Stove Lengths parts in stuck, French Polishi Aicoho!l or Drugs. ; Hotel tf) — Phone your order in early. J. Slade Stevens On sale in Prince Rupert by | — Pe a ee Soene fom co Sepia eis ING “Cle WHIDLWIND’ oo PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. , Pho 428 - Avenge &. Prince Rupert Drug Co. j7O RENT Front room, for gen ROMANS Phone 98. 8. ©. Parker, Mgr. ne -O. Box 162 tleman, Best location Appl Starring Oharles tTutehinson, thewortd daredevil, i a in the \ £ Red » Apply} ee box 107 Daily News ofllice, 15) sensation of the generation, start-ing al the Mmpress tamorrow Staundl Canadia Vancouver BL an: C ; HM Ste lV ; attic For Quick : ie oreere eee $3 0,00 a 50 Or re tee Pe ener Pree re saee* ‘ Opposite Gove 210 4th St Your pass © J0 oe