— WOULD HAVE Orrcers uecre> an - FOR PROHIBITION TARIFF FOR coMmING cAMPAicN | | me st REVENUE ONLY... temas tae te Bann enrews F ea + = ei oy 00 Brane hes 1919 —=— Commission at Winnipeg - p pay fl CHANCES WINNIPRG, Sept, 14.1 - , in betorethe Tarifl ; jou 4 ; agi miss the SMall F enevs ane for tari on a Han. President, a ws tricthy we mane " { bye at Verne thin ame Is adian Couneil of Ag Hare ter ; rt nhl AMOUNLS. janiny atiacked thie protective j “le ; - first lay of every poliey of the present zg ernmet ay cheqne fOr being the most wasteful and ‘ redit of our ‘ ethod of ' me nee Le for nin purposes and urpe T Mfr os nijuM ed to the nected with its applica ul npaign prograr ; netiinel years Last year the cost { oolle ne ) anahdteiiat 3 then have £158.000.000 was over #5.250.000 eting of en athor boye fs bay im prot twenty yer cont council ehambne nest Saturias |B “Brier” Smoking Tobacco has become a ° abe emery saatine, ee ota a nadian institution. More me — a | ian ot money soloed. =») QVERHAULING HECATE Canadi n smoke vans 708900 || Goverament 30 per cent the con “Brier” than any other tobacco in Canada. mer had to pay 58 per cent. (Crew of Men Working on her and : - : a a nae set. oa It leads in quality—and leads in value. ©158,000,000 which was collected / SS eee le way of customs revenue The sloop Hecate has been for - ° ORK? The wane set before the com- ally taken over foe the use 0 Now “Brier” comes in new form— ae See Se ey Seite ee te ae woe a Macdonald’s Cut “Brier”—the same tobacco OVE ar “The demand for reform in\sith power and also with tail —prepared under the Macdonald standards SS fitaxation, sirike at the conte te Saat: 8 established in 1858. ie ‘oe a vould ree Thre are ‘ Still leading in value. Macdonald’s Cut . se real wll) SEARCH FOR SURVEYORS “Brier” gives more tobacco for the money Famy de hen in the 1-12 Ib. package for 15c.—$1.80 § . Three Pianes being Used along Stork Ss ps ei Unuk River rdware lustry more than another! vaxcouyEn, Kept. 13.—While| ; es, AVENUD ’ 7 sini 68 a ne 2m wall x f 4 ‘ : i ie Black 114 dustry. Abundant)" ™ aa : ae toe c pr a fa aie . ’ — eS . Or” E RUPERT Sceuemhiminr’ tax Wh Wao aten ad FARMERS’ CANDIDATE Bl chor Council, Jpisvine wich nat tn tans in! perenmowo, Ont, Sept. 44 .B. U. bie eport of the bom f a a . “ ee. ve thy Wy a vate Must Have incom ’ LETINGS = the « : wht t wie snare f at rades Unit, First whic . bor Council, , . a ; ie Auxiliary, Firet u oe a n which are pr e e. e bedera , ' his t - ‘ 4 en ; ‘ b lay , . ‘ ~ + cl tee ’ t t . % probably : oe i . f Canada f reater ! 5 ’ rest upon 2, ‘ a : rlance in every respect ‘ taxation anwfacture da ” rw * Offer of taxation, In the past,| rata the principle of -MACDONALD, REGD Py i) N - ioe Of borrows pita i ye By reducing ; PRAT EO. MONTREAL Ge ¢ ended te bull the nse { e tariff ' . 4 ny i 4 COAL ‘at han people with regard . be Ff ! n mre bi w ornilion ! lilimate obliga nin tt ‘ i x! mail : “ by i + 7 . taxes 1 for ately " gid enfores ent a vo Pp? $12.50 ttle advantage was taken of the me taxes, the federa i mm, Ge re var period by the federal admi a { Canada woul®h tab Rat tnnt ‘ : en itt ; e * my, $1A0G Si eretenevaien ser'secte ce | : : ’ . | Aapprecantior of the word tl ‘ ‘ in we vd axatior For that renson, the fort ; vig « fa : , ‘ { through tl Can + PAS . 4 “en we aA Whict lies before the fed ‘ a » > ” irable eral department of finance fromiadian ¢ : tf Ag uitas i a Alberta now a is rendered ali the mere) — e LAND ACT . . . . —— M HHOulL, bul all the more neces- i > \s PRORAT? aflery sary on that account (ime of the FORM OF NOTICE. iN Tee SUPREME ' oF ens ee mited ery first things that should belyancouven LAND DISTRICT—DISTIUCT me ahertte 1 . " sUAapPICces } i” «ng AS i ! i ! i ' ™ st | 1564, Blue eg ! mder U nuspi of ul TAKE NOTICE that Pactfic Mitts, Limitea,|“% THE mat ht ALPMIENIS'DRA federal government is to call intolor oeean Pails, 1 occupation pulp and ana ! ¢ makers, intends to apply for per \ THE MATTER! e& eSSTAT. ’ ; | CONTerence the treasurers al mw Ww jease the following described BHARST PATHO \UHAS, DBORAS i | ; ere, PONY PREVINO® and of every lare: ee ne os @ past punee-at ike hie: anTa Att i : yt ; eeton municipality in the Dominion.)s.w. carer of Lot 1 False Inlet iuvers NUTIOR DS MEMEBY VEN Te avHOM it At this season of the year the prudent man sees to ‘ . _ltnlet, Usouee cast 4 baie thenee SOUT iy MAY NCEA made ; j ! > ‘ That mference should endeaver a hains, thenee west t hn thence |; Mon r Men Y £ i tie abov Sealed tenders Ww be received bY tne! i it that his heating plant (hot water, hot air or divide flelds of taxation eo that) ver hore to point Of COM- Haier on the 3 ua ' plomber, A.D. 1 sinus Lands not tater than noon or " stoves) is put in condition for the colder weather. If you want the work done promptly and right see u R menceement, and Hiaihiog 100 acres, More) yHoO as fF " ws tou ' f Septet , 494 for tm ooms here would be the feast possibiesor tess IT 18 OHDERED that the sald Jonn saihie fe BD - pig! Seger er PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED Mer n shall be \ : ty s ; . Avenus Vverlapping and therefore = as By Mark Smaby, Agent “soe tt i ibe said deceased a8 oreurrine , ! quilable a division e+ possills Date. site Fini, 1920 on the thirteenth das A tv alte citaeet iver | past Dis 8 net » the expiration of one u ' j { ' cee See ee 1 one if th —-—--—- ! hed M ] ) the fleld of taxation between ANADIAN NATIONAL HAILWAYS the pritiadien (oot ‘ . ry >) wears Will De aulowee for re-! wae 9 Dinner and He Dominion, the Provinces and Grand Trunk Pacific Lines. furnished to the Hegistrar of thes | | Further partichiars of the Unief Forester.| | ; the Municipatities. Political Sealed tenders addressed the under-/Prince Rupert, B. | that the sald de-/, ria, BOC, OF District Porester, Prince] , 4 lil it a yodorsed ren@er for lies erased, Brnest Pairick | gras, Was ative z Bt > Mada (Milheuttiea r ‘ ‘eaten ade Bread ities might seem to threats pet Mes Wo, kly ‘he success of such a conference, eceived at this office Until twelve | subsequentiy to the sa leonta day of e ee SE ae i } ‘ “ay in day of Sep-jApr 1vae i i r 4 raiiway ties to be! AND IT IS PURTHEN ORDERED that the ]iN THE MATPER OF THE PRINCE ROPRRT! Mulien do PUDUSN notice PISHEMIES, LAMETED, IN VOLUNTARY | | : ; i ee . sale he M ul the very great and very urgent d delivered between December 1st, | said . Kuper ! : : 0. and N I ist, 1924, In ac-jof tnt wer in the | e Rupert Datty LIQUIDA TLAN, hitional need of bringing every Meith Lie, Spectiioation No, 3856,) News, a newspaper published at Pres 220 2nd Ave. Phone 340 as "i ) ‘ 19 \ . mt for a period fr one montn the Creditors of the above-named Com i to) al Prince Hupert, B. C., Us én ipany are required on or before Monday, ' ‘ Kuper hart of the Dominion into co- be detivered on the Grana! bat pow QUE ‘ hoame in British Columbia. iday of September, A.D 1¥2¢ eptember the 200m 1820, to send their) . } beeper ation in the problein Of) Trunk ect ie niin ee drand DOHA HM. MeMULLAN, Juanes, and addreasds “and” particulars” of | when your wants will be attended to by practical da 2 . e000 . Fae omc! Administrator their G@ebts er elauns to A. DB. Dinning, 219 ‘Gopting a fair and just system rune ; 7 ot oe Ae pa ana | —————— -—~ -_— ile Building, Vaneouver, British Uo men. of taxation is of such paramount 40% U0 fo Liquidator of the Prince Ku 1 wr ae Neen een anes TIMBER SALE x 2633. jpoert Pishertes, Limited, and, tf so re ‘Noportance Lhat paliry considera. | ~ aaadiacssr ibaa steals quired, DY natiee In wetting From ‘the Sal NO BOYS SENT TO DO MEN’S WORK. ons of a partisan political Tender “and Speeitications can be Sealed tenders wil! be recetved by the | Liquidator, are, Dy their Saliettors, or per | = mine the General Tie Minist ef Lands not Iater than noon on) sonality, t came im and prove thelr said Tuning i nrne optatned ¢ . rte 0 ‘ 1 B « . p “ ———— i harac ter should be held up to wo L street, Toronto ine Bord any of me ” ene < wae. for ne ae 7 ee os 2 ne ae . , j . e considered uniess purohase t ioonet vOad . ot ‘ x . . . he public contempt whieh they Tenders \ = . ny the Netlwey Sa t of Hemlock Salsam, Spruce andi defauit thereof, they Will be exciuded es F i . " pmade Of TOPS ee jantities leas than| Cedar, and 2 cords of puipwood, on an from the bene®t of any distribution made| «== —— ——— * oe Nesorva, No tenders . : "e situated on kKlldala Arm, Hange 4, berere such debts are proved } RIBE ap }10,000 ties will he vonender nat neces vat Land District DATED this 12th day of August, 1990 . . “ ” st } ' ny : ike u noe i . ar a « Y y © , E FOR Income Tax Tre lowest ar a wee crue 1) vear Will be allowed for re BLLIGTT MAOLBAN & SMANDLEY fe ll is not unfair to say that the rey aeeerere aa movel of tiniber Sdticttors for the above-named Ly NE income tase if thos sie eal eeneral Purchasing Agebt, Canadian! Purther paptioulars of the Ghrer bi + ster Laqurddator aoe ‘ enural wale The P WwW . , WOPOURNTS ay ut . foronte Ont Vietorta UC. er District Forester Pinot ine tow 3s Breet, ietoria, th at Results {i . National Haliwe 1 bungee 1 British Columbia, ie Faper gets (foreefully applied in this country,| voronto, sept a 1 iHupert, § i ! ¢