We have a particularly good assortment. Page & Shaw's bottled candies of many kinds. Pascall’s But- ter Scotch, Fruit Drops of many kinds. Lowney's Sticks in bottles. Our Chocolates are of the best quality, Ganongs. Moirs, Willards, Neilsona, Liggetts. The price is right. Ormes Limited The Pioneer Druggists Phones 82,200 THE REXALL STORE ;p.o. pox 1680 Better Than Pills — For Liver IIIs wv oie Prvoaty sae) 7a | a folate a8 oe ORMES LIMITED HIGH SCHOOL ONLY FOR FEW ‘ ny ya Ik) “yn Tomorrow Alrisht PRINCE GEORGE was a Visitor here ist wee Vas much impressed with the ortunities hd prosper if Prinee Cie ue Alexander Ogle has been ad Gifts of Meaning It is Just as cheap blo gel you riutiug done wel. and dune 1uuie As it is luv send 1 away. Ls tte Wews Print Shup Ativertise co ltte Limits News LAND) KEGISTRY ACL Sections 6 aud 134 ae ma aS [oe He Application No. 11ti7-1 Fite 6216. At a time when ties are PARE Nether that a . as be ade t register liubert U. Crewe of drawn the closest, gifts have} ‘ups Kt is we im fee mde ; sal ecds ¥ . » a deeper meaning. — rs Foy ale . is from the Gos ux t Sth day of November, 1917, ‘enti on , wweler { . For centuries the jeweler’s vt ALL ANU SISULLAK that certain parce art has furnished the mostjvr tract of tand and premises , 1 in ‘ nf ie rl, cherished of gifts. e pa a known and 1 as , Lots twenty-t ? and twenty-four They are particularly | (24), bioekt even (37), Lots emgnt suitable and being small the} (3). "me | ee eat eleie Teiekee transportation costs little. c ), Lois thirteen (413) and four | la i é Forty ne 41), Lot rhey carry value and meane jvighteen (is), Block forty-two (42), Lots . ne (1 tw and thirty ; Hiock ing. t 1 Lots 18) jays i i the date of the John Bulger. 203 8 ~s a a Se bs we © aed we mae a 2 and it ' is La leg with at j Jeweler a Wile ext ' from ti a fa caveat or certin cate of ‘1 eus beige the before ithe ‘ at per (itenacsilininblilincehamsiiahthelic-cillinigbindeeinstuesiensiiatiniesbiiienscteiaanad son et ax sal all Person erve with mot A au et or ut thea a ally ' aint i” at t ’ t , ' v all per Inspect these} ©. wf this Act ‘ Le and leba ! ! ! i ' claim t r it respect « " j sold for ta\es and tie i ira site “ball register Le person entitied up der such tax sa as woer of the land #0 Sold for taxes 4 AND WHEREAS application bas Devs} Then come in and buy them: puncte for a Certificate of tndefeasibie Tith to the above-mentioned lauds, in the manne] ag. a5 Tom ae " Hubert O. Crew Lots 33 and 34, Block 17, LAi WHENEAS. om tavoationtine fin Section 4. ’ title it appears that prior to the 13m day of October, 1916, tue date on which tne said lands Werr * ’ , $650 each : were the registered, assessed or equit- « 9 i 99 +k al s 1 Lots 21 and 22, Block 16, .E NOTICE that at the h Section 4, tin 1 shall effect registration in put t f h application and issue 6 $900 each iia tn the: ao ‘of Hupert 0 Crewe, ; ; ’ ‘ claim : if McCaffery, Gibbons | °