ain i ‘ soles \ ie fae DAILY News ———_ a — — v —aeeme R, : ‘0% O82 OOH Oe ee « as THE DAILY NEws | RES GEN. SEELEY man. SoHEDULE s/f - I . ” RRO eee ne PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA | , COMING WEST For the Ban. Ke ; N } Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News (\F RAFUMATISM Moudays, Wednesdays and Bat. Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue, : E indays at 10:30 a, im, EN 1 LOTR H. F, PULLEN, MANaainG EDITOR. ; He wae aren a tuantiede From the East. .. of pare om TR) Be Tai co. | -| Happily Stopped When or eee 7 Sundays, Toesdaye and Thura "S SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Began To Take “Frult-a-tives” | viajor Gonorat sooldy, ormpr M78 AT Bem QUALITY Xity, Leki Saas -spineentas ; , I ’ ninist tn “ae S City Deltvory,. by carri¢r or mall, pt . MPTIEM, «+55 60 4 vers, $1.00 3 Orvawa Sr., Hui, P,Q. , ' For Vancouver and South, nee By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, | ¢ «pore year, I suered with Kaew. (W'tT visit the i ruiaiinte pe ——— in advane@oper year ..... 66.6 e ec eee eee eee eebewees $6.00. | wetiom, being forced to stay in bed . a military si a Wiatketave .... 2. i p.m g i - rough (a i“ ne re T “Yr Cr "jes advance, per year ........ wees $7.50, | for Gvemonths, J tried ail kinds of Saturdays ey Ses ae ar pn ee Oe ee sinc : P oh medicine without relief and thoaght = future ~ days : 11 p.m ° yne | Iwould never be able to walk again. Py tf Oetober 1 . ‘ TELEPHONE 68. One day while lying in bed, / reud i “~~ oe , ; 5 oP . ty } tersing eens OFFICE HouRSs me $1. ** Prwil-a-tives’’ t sate’ ee ee eee eee Oe , 90012, Mernogn, 120 to 5.3 : Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch cach insertion | ee ee oe Cree Sport Briefs ; , 120 to 6.90 Salartayy, $i i ; medicine; and it seemed just what I i } . a 4 Seuth Every Evening trom 7.40 i} Transient advertising on front page ......+++. $2.00 per inch.) peeded,so I decided to try it. ; ~ 3 r rom Vancouver an se ; t to 9 Local Readers, per insertion, ..........00005- 25c. per line.| Tae frst box helped me, andl | Phe program the Aquatic). pots sebiiicehne “1G ae Dental Nurse in attends; Massified advertising, per insertion, ..........+. Ze. per word,| wok the tablets regularly untilevery [jay al nex s fa - oo. everves9 ppevhion a Plaeie 100 for ane “ance I 1 Notice each insertion {Se, per agate line | traceof the Rheumatism left me.” peen arrange: a aikal hy thes turda 30 a.m J for appointment i ‘es, ‘ ser . os Se oe uc, ‘ of ined ridays : . me : LORENSOQREDED. larernoon of Raturday, September |" p.m Remeue, © 6 Fleleereon Rc Contract ‘Rates on Ay ehoation. .| B0o.0 box, 6 for $2.00 /trisisive Be. 45. 1, to be a most interesting aud, SePtent Otol + >» 9, Helgerson Bik., Cor. 3 andi All advertising should be in the Daily News Ollice on day pre-{ At all dealers or sent postpaid by Sil sining th watep|* amd N i, a Best Equipped Office in Northern RC -edi ication. - All advertising received subject to approval.| Fruita-tives Limited, Ottawa, RT AALS Go 14 ake withs * ceding publication uv ising receives jer I senna ie tes Rare 1 o'eloe Shas dacae and Kc ee : : ; _ tra) 10 p.m DAILY EDITION. angie sx rhursday, Sept. 16, 1920. I SKINS rom the City He x jays ® p.m ‘ . ( ) | jiead the way |! he Wat mwoere there i tf j h - international Court , Gum ‘Boots, Rubbers, Shoes, $) 55), naval «niuie and parade of .. "POM Amyox and Alice Arm. 1 ‘ At The Hague. ‘ '3 Overalis, Gloves, Shirts, fo gpiiy crate: cisenéinn Mint ny a.m, 4 \ Tha hii | ane a « Minch nh kadihitie ae Waterproof Duck Clothing, tee exit) be » ieee s Bate” Veh cc 00 06 S08 604 p.m The despatches announce that it is proj d to establésh an Canvas, “Taille, Odile, Sok: | international court at The Hague. The idea is a good one although c ; ; Tiunks, Hahdbags, Tao em . . : ) For Port Simpson, Arvondaie, Mii AND not new. The difficulty will be in enforcing the decisions of the Harness and Saddlery ind aL 2.15 tf , Bay, Wales Island and Naas Sliver E ° . ' F ‘ ;kinds 2 > ie Caniph ; . os court. Nations like individuals’ have not yet learned to wark in CALL AND SEE THEM jspeed boat race, an which " ; ‘a , “ ngineering L0., imited, concert, 3 F MAGUIRE linterest is tered, will Re) ee ee pan Operating—-G.T.’. 20,000 Ton Flonting Dry Dad The United States Republican idea ig that it is not correct to ~. . rene Low ling ule and ieaisilies 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert 3) oo ianine wi | he furthee © Som Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mili Our Plant is Equipped to Har yy try to enforce the findings of the court, but to use moral suasion. | ~ 08 ee oa % ‘ Rk aae i the |= Wales te'and and Naas River + 8 BAuipped lo Handie All Kindsg That is as useless as trying to induce temperance by supplying all : hale: ' co ; i ae, © MARINE eee eee © ew @ Plcasure boal rom thie AND the liquor and beer possible and advising people not to touch it a aaa TIDES pb lub challenwe >. 4 We are too young jp development to expect to get along for many), ae aeeeenaee eee|September 2 Q Crartotte Island COMMERCIAL WORK veon Char ’ nds; generations to edme without using foree. Mind is greater than Thursday, September 16. | The commitiee in charge For Masaett. Por Clements and matter, but matter counts a good deal yet. High, 3:39 a.m., $9.3 fset. lrowing and T: n Upper isiand poiats Large and Smal! Vesa i ere. oe It would be a distinct advantage for the United States to join 15:36 p.m., 20.45 feet, wine ‘Thy : a ego \ be docked at one tims is the Dev Tw the League of Nations, but it is for tUhem to decide. In the mean- Low, 9:36 a.m, 5.7 feet. ld be a lara i k tl 22:11 pem., 3.3 feet, ; ' mm Maseet. Port Cle it nd Engineers, Machinists, Boiler Makers e s satisfactor o thi that the league is get g to work- tries he 7 | " C mente a * : ; agi iti = 1 yt hink a i 1 i ting in vork Friday, September 17. a. : Upper Island points Blacksmiths, Founders, Pattern Maken ing order without the aid of the States. High. 4:24 4. m. 18.2 feet ; es : Labor Paper } 16:18 p.m., 19.5 feet. it that ’ We Solicit Your Enquiries } Low, 10:13 a.m., 7.1 feet. ; ‘ Fkidegate, Queer Charlotte? P oO B x 1713 Pho By Plays with Fire. a a ‘ rs ili ‘ ideale Jueen parlotte »U. Bo : ones 4) anf : 22:53 p.m., 5.4 feet, ia te ‘ ’ . Cit ad Léwer lala olnts ioe tor . After taking same Soviet money and holding it for a time the rhe tame used is Pacilic Stan- sane X ; ne a “ of : ae nd vn ie PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, . labor newspaper, The Herald,.has found that public opinion is sojdard, for the 120th Meridian west i ub! t foul j much Opposed to the idéa of the paper accepting the bribe that it |!t is counted from 0 to 24 hours and Me ntleman and row boat A has decided to refuse. It took a long time for the oWners of the a? ay ia ae the same, a ilko at i From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte! ‘ . e ia , »£ ' ~ paper to choose the strait and narrow path, but it bas come ot}. ue table Given“ or Port boys Ih lies, it is hoped, w City and Lower Island pointe Simpson but the time for Prince oie ite 30 ys Pas ae oO ; ‘2 yr right in the end. Rupert varies only a few minutes! , : aot hey ; 0 S S PRINCE RU ‘| . g : a} share The races e h hh ful ! e e The sending of casb to the Herald is making people wonder to|on some days and on others is bate ' i 2 > r i ‘Ts are , & ’ ~ BB . . q on and graceful an the 4 t or what — — oaeers are in the pay” f a a wists. The | the samg. The range of the tide oe a ve ed ! bis Gileaitioes tend chicka’ TRUNK ) | inodel Russian Government seems to consider. bribery to be ajmay be computed as 5 per cent! ° September 6, 17 October S S PRINCE GE . . Virtue rather ‘ban a failing. It is possible too that fhe Herald would have accepies ‘nat money if it had not become khown to the public “that it had been received. The News is not blaming the Herald. Financing a labor paper is very difficult. It:simply goes to show that Jaber leaders are no more infallible than other people, and that when they pose as the only exponents of honest government or honest living we know that they have not yet met the tempter or that they are of the minority. Interest Here In 16th Battalion. Much interest will be taken here in the reorganization of the 16th Battalion as a peacetime military unit. A nuniber of Prince Rupert boys were members of the 16th overseas and Col. still to be its head. Just what arrangements the Colon*l will make are not apparent, but fact that his make Prince Rupert people take a keen interest in its success for years to come. One Long Gaia For Whole Week. With the carnival and fair only a few days away it looks as if Peck is the if, is reginient will it would be the greatest in the history of the city. The fair is, as always, a big event to many. It is the one occasion when a good many northern people feel that the serious work of the year TS completed and they are free to give themsives up to pure enjoyment. This year there is to be a new feature in the form of a street earnival. Already this is being prepared and it if there would be every opportunity for people to enjoy themselves in any way they may see fit. The visit of the seaplane will add much to the general interest Sef As and will bring people here who otherwise would not have made the trip ‘this year. To take a ride in the air, even if it is a little ex- pensive, is a novelty To most people. In spite of all the counter attractions on this occasion, the exhibition itself is not being negleeted by any means. There will be a geod exhib and all soris of other thjngs going on at the fair building during three days of the week.’ This is the central idea of the week, the side shows and flying and bgat racing are simply auxiliary efforts to make the week one long gala. ° o- — TEETH It is not only to ad to] your appearance but , your health demands GOOD TEETH You will be able to mas- ticate your food properly | and reduce the work on the internal organs of the body. ; » *Live a Little Longer’’ Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE Mespen or The B.C. Dewrar Cotamon Office Hours:- Open Evenings 9 to 12.and 1 to 6 DENTIST s2.4. ome 7 & 8 SMITH BLOCK, PHONE 575 SAILING Midnight Sunday and Thursday for Swanson bay Falls, Vancouver, Victoria and Seatih. Anyox Wednesday, 10 p.m. Stewart, Saturday # S. 8. PRINCE JOHN or PRINCE ALBERT | Ma TRAIN GeRy ioe Wednesday soo Beterter & '! ww : a went Paerne@ Geedey, wt ree. E¢owemtom « uo © Agency All Ocean Steamship Lins Prince Oe vor teformet ‘ were * on 4 hrenee Peort Ticket OMce, B70 Tir Onr CANADIAN PACIFIC 1 CANADIAN PACIMIO OOF anne B.C. Coast Steamship Ser 6. 8. PRINCESS ALICE trem Prince for Ketehinen, Juneau, Steerer, Aloette, s ' { i ™ fot from Prinet for Vancouver Victories and Beattie Bonk { and i ’ a 6 Princess out aw Fale. Prom Prince Rupert for Swanson Bay, Oo Oe cg Beaver Cove, Powell River, Vene urer Every Seturdey, © O™ p, we? ® | Agent Prince R for rates, reservations snd ff WwW. ©. ORCHARD, Genere Cor 3rd Avenue ant 4th Street greater at Prince Rupert than at; President Iricoyen f Arwen-i44 nd November 1 ' Port Simpson both at springs and@/tine Repub, and his cabinet are ’ . ' neaps. Therefore the rise in the/cohsidering’ projects of law for From Skagway and Yukon. ' Prince Rupert harbor is sfightly|the suppressio f line f Septembe a 2 Octob ' Pi nl { { be { iateater than Port Simpson. jhorse racing is announced.j45 94 nd November | 8 e Bihuenos res has one af ef f siaceilineil j (@ rhe height in feet and tenths) 1; \ {t ; of feet above the average level Of! race ¢ : the itewart, Maple Bay and Swamp’ lower low water. ted by’ its fa J { Polat. i : iiilehbinadancaiaiinle ‘ iwhere mi ne of pesos cl j Saturdays 9 pm NOTICE, rt Sa . stn | a mands if i if lf Frou Sunday p.m. }IN THE CASSIAR LAND pDIsSTHICT—ne-|oiutuel betting t Races i COURDIAG DISTHICT UF SREENA, AND) carat ; an ‘ ‘ATPONAL MAILWAYS SITUATE AT ALICE AKM jare heid twice a M cays : TAKE SOTICE that TAYLOR MINING) ne? Sunday ; Grend Trunt Pacific Lines COMPANY LIMITED, of 607 Greait-Foneer “"' Penna the wader. Building m the City of Vancouver, m the | holidays the fiend ‘To of Sritiseh Columpia, a VCompany . ‘ Guly ‘incorporated under the taws of me|from 15,000 | 20,000 pers ‘ald previner, intends apply for per-i rhe news wre have ented wt Inteston jease the following descripea . : =o " ner 4 lands, situste im the viemity f Lottjon the fact thal, as a co ‘ ti . ‘< . $635,.3638 39, 3642, 3799 and 3800 Mm ‘ hihe Cassiar District on Alice Arm tm tne/ thie nounting cos of i skeena District commencing At & post),,. vublic has nerea ure planted in the North West corner of Lot)’ S | : = "| k Pace é in Briuéh Uoturebis 3643A In the Cassiar District, thence run-| wagers on the races Whete tot i ‘ tie wer ning South 5 Geg. “20 min. West a distance) ’ : i's Alberta Of 469.75 feet, thence North 84 deg. si) Dels on a Sunday were ! Orly i, : red Wanitobe ana min, West @ distance of 175.7 feet to the *} nia ” 5 t ‘ . . Southerly boundary of Lot 434. tnence | PUU.VUR pesos ney now , Kot tm ¥s ai Sram . ' : following the Southerly boundary’ of Lot! times aggregate 3.000.000 ‘ faliwe ‘Sid }3643A North 26 deg. Kast a distance of : ma BD ms can ¢ }501.3 feet to point of commencement, ana Phie idmintxtration ue OS | ip t ' hee 1 f jcontainmse Two Acres, More or tess, which ,),., ; i" radayv t ’ ‘ As jwere joeated oo the tweiftn day of August, || ‘4 irsgay races, at bear § ‘ i920 " t to be suppressed Itemcie . mf i cis, eonge. neh i iy a Neem f pre tb u haiiwes | Agént for the Taylor Mining Company r ; \ i Limtied Anus irpo, South Anu “ 1 i ect DATED at Alice Atm, U.U., thls TweIrw La \.F po, , : a pied ™ se ' day of August, 1920 heavyweight boxing champion ~— LANGHAM boon to visit the United States oa hasing Age enadias i ' ‘ Ha ‘ i 1 cent ¥ here he will seek the advantages Torent ef i oe be gerive ) good tra re eae ee “a ite b 4 rived from B@ d) traine er Ans amd @xpert management. Fir; *|weighs 213 pounds, His title ,4 Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. jwained by defeating boxe in w of i at Lend District ' t ' f Ame a nied «situate j hile and other Seuth Aimerican w wesle tar Hiork b3 : lane niet CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. jeountries. Ina mateh int ert ppt inane TAL An NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN snet we/Aires im June he knoceed o cnenth, “oecupation tnmbep tnoremannd, reserve existing over Lot 2566, Range & Antonio Jirsa, who styles himself jintena to aps for permission to lease the (Coast District, i» cancelled. . : f x Geecribed lands ; | one RK KADEN, jilre “Ozecho-Blovak champion,” it 1 “ink at & Post planted at “the | puty Minister of Landa, he sini . 4 0 west corner of biock 63 thence [Lands Deparment, jt T _ ee a er 0; a | eeewaee. oe eee we eee . aoe sched. “« 0 rout pou, Iirpoithenee north 70 deg oS mim west 610 | Wird June, 1920 60d oes : ' , fret ty nee uth 33 Gag west 468 feet has a considerable ring history 4 in 98 feet; thenee east 474 TIMBER SALE X 2326. and before taking up boxing wa t more GF Mee 20 & Fost Cree St ES Y ' rH . fiwest corner of said Dioek 64; inence . a rofessional agreco MHA |horth-easterty followme the high: wapr j Sealed tenders will be received by me I mark along the Westerly boundary Df oie | Minister Of Lands not later than noon OMiwrestiey $3 tocu 1 of commencement, cot the 7th day Of Uctober, 19¥0, for the pur- | : js fate 5 ‘oes Sia lehase Of Licence X 2326, to cut 6,101,000) oe GRAHAM ISLARD BPRUCE & CARDAM CU ifeet of Hemiock, spruce, Cedar and Bai-| At last the two contenders for) ”” LAMETED | \sam, Of 40 Area Siliated on Faise iniet,| “ . yal. Zour : iHivers Iniet, Range 2, Coast District the Northern B. CG. ehampionship 1 August, 26th, 19399 edi Three (3) years will : i} ; tavat of odes be allowed fer ve jiave arranged Lbovethber and on MATE 1 Further partieutars of the Omer verester,!Sotomier Bbil he Butehers u ‘ JUNE OF BACT | Victoria, c., on. dbisesict Woresier, ans} plember 20th the Buteher GoLUMBIA | | ent commercial league champions, } IN THE MATTER OF THR ADMINIBTHA and the Golta, who held similar ThUN AGT . . : le » | ana honors inthe intermediate league, iy aye marten OF THK KSTATE OF will meet in a game that promises ERNEST PATHICK GLINGKAS, DECHAS ED; INTESTATE ' j f ; . to be the most interesting of this!) sorick is HeneBY GIVEN TO Whom CANCELLATION OF HESENVE, ball : tthe Golts, with LT. MAY CONCERN of an Order made by baseball season, ie Oolls, ‘Mu Honour ¥. Mo®, Young i the aboves NOTICE is Nereby given Mat the reserve 4044, Uassiar Districy KH. NADEN, mitter on the Grd day of Beptemper, A. b 1020, an fottows } IT 18 ORDERED that the sald Jonn ti, ) McMullen shall be allowegl to swear to the! a lone con of geod luck wad not a little good playing, have fought existing over Lot is canceled, u, Deputy Minister of Lands. their way to vielory in a close death of the said decedsed 68 occurring Lands D riment, ; , cot a a a. r[race tor the top of the intermedi= [i te, tarionth Y tuAh! att Mi "A Ssra Jipie, 4080, ale league,, while the Butehers, jor ihe first pubseation of parce, of ne ee er ene en : orde niess ihn the meantime proof is 4istarting of as a handful of ama Faraisinan 60 the Newistrar of thie Court atl . . . . ) sry |Prinee Rupert, B. C., Mat the sata ae.) Careful Piano Tuning teurs in June, have become a very cesaed eThest Varrick Ginetas, Was alive Repairs to all makes of Pianos creditable thunch of baseballers, [subsequently iD te said thirleenty day orf! ’ » wet, ’ Phonographs, Cameras — Spare A good live game is, therefore, Ny Tis ronrnen OMDERED tat we | parts in stock. French Polishing promised for Sunday week, [ee'd zone ie. me meee ee sh ieaer Sate | J. Slade Stevens ‘_-—--- aaporny |News a newspaper publianed at lrince | | " “ vriod of one month, | 428 bth Avenue W. Two-color windew cards take | TKD at Vrince Mupert, BH. G., this 4tti| Phone Ked 291 P.O, Box 162 fhe eye quiekly. ee them at the jday of seplombnr. A o sva0 e : News Job Department. Omiciat Administrator. think that becais DON’ stomach ¢4 ou are proof against indigestion’ by mportant digestive work is oo (hee bowels, liver and kidneys. “™™ active and work in harmony, } ou are of self-poisoning. HA a8 a BEEC iba SAINT HELES bowels to heip the PE