= THE DAILY NEws PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. H. F. EVIGER. MANAGING EDIror. THE DAILY NEWS SAVED FROM © SUPERIOR FOWL “LIFELONG MISERY SEEN THIS YEAR Excellent Display is on Show at hecesiaencien ite ‘ is aig And « Dangerous Operation, by the Poultry Annex of aking * nica ition Mall SUBSCRIPTION RATES: | a ote jity Delivery carrier or mail, per month #.......e0e. $1.00 rhe poultry sl it this y By mail to all parts of the British Kmpjre and the United States, fair ia one. point. where the iM AAVANCE,* PCT YOAT 0... sjeeeerersesreeeresesseccecs $6.00. excels ave To all other countries, mm advanee, per year ©. 6 eee eevee STHO, innex Was. p rs ul alt ree, | to th i TELEPHONE 98. anadielit : . [7 wae ane : oe : \V Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion choleki Ir I i ali Transient advertising on front page .......... $2.00 per inch, | a at tee diies bo a Local Readers, per insertion, ..........05004- 2he, per tine. Sinihaband®’ tome : Classified advertising, per insertion, Sts a4 2e. per word. | natin tani . \\ Legal Notices, each insertion, ...... {S5ec. per agate line.} Sherman Contract Rates on At lication, eit. vals All advertising should be ir the Daily News Office on day pre- - eeding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. MAS. M. J. GORSE Ply . , 89°S Union St., Vancouver, B.C, “T sudered with all the symptoms ||': ‘! om " DAILY EDITION, Br Friday, Sept. 24, 1920, of Female Trouble, with chronic Com \dams H stipation and constant Headaches. | Rhode Island Red 1,1 I hud pains low down in the back and |Shaw; 2, W ‘ ATTENDANCE DROPS ROBBERY LAST NIGHT sides 67 she body. I tried various |1, Gen. M. Sui \ AT FAR YESTERDAY : remedies without relief, and thea put (Shern " Ik M Warehouse of Prince Rupert Mer- | myself undera doctor's care and he (Su! herlandd ae cantile Co. is Broken Open ons mate have.an cperntion. 3 aes — er a ‘i Today Is the Big Day Both in the and Qoude Faken. then. 6 EES yell bea Agricultural Hall and on tives’; and from the outset, I felt jreyey: 2 J. bp Sports Grounds. The ware! of the Prinee hotter, and this medicine hes completely Ancona. ce ' M nee Rupert Mercantile Go, on Third) pefiewed me of all my misery and [yy 96 niet Maes I ' Paid admissions at the Fair Aven was broken info during | guffering. My weight was only 143 (2) 00.0 po Mi ‘ Building and sports grounds yes- last night and considerable quan pounds and now it is 168 pounds. J : PD. MaCorme W 6 terday showed a falling off, al-.tities of cigars, Jobageo and ¢x-| emfreeefpainand beadachesanddhe | pi 4 p. Met though the aggregate of attend- tracts removed. Entry owas made! terrible Constipation;and whatsaved (|. Fred Sha ance at the fair this year is still hy the breaking of a padlock by| me from misery is the splendid fruit ( i ahead of last. Yesterday 320 per-' means of an ordinary wood ehisel.| medicine, ‘Fruit-a;tives’.” tr, WA ‘ i \ sons paid admission to the re- The police are investigating but MIS. M. J. GORSE. mn aa , . creation grounds as against 700 qs yet, no clue has been discover- Se. mbox, 6 for $2.50, trial size 250. | 2 { 4 on the corresponding day last ed At all dealers or sent postpaid by a year. This is accounted for by Be eee Fruit-e-tives Limited _ Ottawa, Ont 1, M ‘ a*e . he . . wa : eee iat ' , \ the fact that there w no [00- eee eee ee ee em Sh : ‘ ures o at e® grot as esterda } . ie on Fads rounds vesteniy ® LOCAL NEWS ITEMS = ~wotenyge ia 3) outside o e Indis games whilk : : oon ee a Tee e eee eee ee eee “OILS! Prize —G r in 1919 Thursday was the big oe sports day, it being the y -| Wsk visitors arriving for the Gum Boots, Rubbers, Shoes, } °°" " fernoon without rain during the /fair last nightanelude G, N, Dus Overails, Gloves, Shirts, Bes fair period. Yesterday 833 paid Charles Durham, J. A. Roth Waterproof Duck Clothing, habe admission to the building as ford 1. W i Canvas, Tents, Salis, Suit Best per against 900 last year. The total EN Cases, Trunks, Handbags, tushbre W attendance at the fair for the first B. Jan tes ey Bay Harness and Saddlery two davs this year is 2,659 com- D. ALS Mass CALL AND SEE THEM , Pi erroday fase bin crowd the stenite last night, [t de Fe MAGUIRE §) croause } re ; (irae ta ' Today is the bie day everywhere 7 wa the ri last nigh . ° around th vir ground In the 722 Second Ave.. Prince Rupert and \ i. she aroune e grounds. , ) : building it will be the last chance Pw s ud beef cattl ~ i 7 to view the exhibits which wijl|arrived las Sul iro (he TANG) « 2 ee ee eee eee ere F ra “ ‘ f $ ; cont by le =} ; \ commence to disappear at 4 p.m, (of Il. Yarman at North Bulkley \¢ payee RUPERT TIDES 8) Runner, On the sports grounds there will George Frizzell’s slaughter! . ge geaeeeseeeseaes oe . ; “i oo be the baseball game with Anyox|heuse on ene Averee Friday, September 26. no rer a followed shortly after by the foot- rf ‘ 7 tan i Port Simpson Wail no difficults gly 41222 a.m., 17.5 t. dine ball game. Then this evening the : i : : n neu } 23:84 p.m., 18.2 feet. . F a) crowds “will flock to the hall for in defeating Port Essington a : . - tal 1 ifs. il bal sb OA mie yesterday-or - 7eve- 2. : i a : j ut prize 0 I polis Hill and wound up on the 17:30 p.m., 7.7 feet, bad ‘tow the Hop starting at 8:30. It is expected ‘ie onl bf. 40.0 séore. Gin Saturday, September 25. IW. H. Sb «WwW that a big attendance will be on [PONS CBG OF B Bens Sear eee lie . ; ; , : Hearns was balls : i st oie | High, 11:56 a.m. 18.6 feet. mm ie hand for the closing of the 1920) Carns Was Datis and strikes um- yy oe eaige SA feet in the i air pire and Harry Weber, bases. , Rie [Bult Polis! f a fair. . ree 18:8 p.m., 6.4 feet h cee Se ae laa Skeena Hiversearrivals by last ore um inéluded Mr. and BOSTON MAYOR IS CIVEN A WARNING "ii 0ctiutar! ae aoa - Mrs. R. G, Johnstone and family pt. 24 A third Inverness M and Mrs. Walter Lee, Domin and A. W. Carter Oceanic, might s tr BOSTON warning Wa- Peters in a The time used ts Pacific Stan- idard, for the 120th Meridian west. it is counted from 0 to 24 hours from midnight to midnight. fhe table given is for Simpson but the time for Pr Rupert varies only a few ininutes LEAGUE BALL GAMES FIXED Port ince which said: “You will be shot or — —— on some days and on others is gvidence Panny before Grand Jury Friday night at 12 Advertise in the Dailv News he same, The range of the tide Investigating Baseball! Betting nay be computed as 5 per cent incepemdiiianen greater at Prince Rupert than al CHICAGO, Sept ; j Port Simpson both at springs and/))..) the world's neaps, Therefore the rise in the);),,. Chicago team of the A Prince Rupert harbor is slightly|y woe and Ch ati TEETH fase Sear, The height is in feet and tenths jua : of feet above the average levei of deand suse si tigating It is not only to ad tog your appearance but your health demands GOOD TEETH You will be able to mas- ticate your food properly and reduce the work on the internal organs of the body. “Live a Little Longer” a * }inatter on the lower low water. Ta tas _ DaAseball cambiing serk IN PROBATE an imvers are uivolyved iN THE SUPHEME COUNT UF BHITISI CULUMBIA } in THE MATTEN OF THE ADMINISTHA WON ACH MEETING AT NOON IN and ’ IN THE MATTER (Fb THE ESTATE UF Fit EA ofthat Ota PROHIBITION CAUSE PD: INTESTATE NOTICE 18 HEHEBY GIVEN TO WHOM iT MAY CUONCENKS of an Urder made by iis Honour F Met. Young in the above Sra day of september, A. v 1920, as follows it 18 OHDENED that the said jJonn H McMullen shail be aliowed to swear to the Speaker Heckled a Littie But Given Good Hearing. Lace wn an wait JOHEODULE Por the East. My day W vaya m the Gast, | Fro Sundays, a> and days at 7 ft For Vanco. ‘ ver and South, and South For Anyox and Alice Arm More Tobacco for the Money Y Package 15% ‘Pound $180 t ; ‘ From Awyor and Alice Arm, t taye b ? or Port Simeon, Arrandale, Mil Bay, Wales isiand and Wa Alver j From Pt. Sir ® , Aer late, Mit and Sat rhure. Ray, Wales | and Naas Rive pa Dues ‘ Kite istande For ™ 3 Clements an ! i ta “ iementsa and ' dj ta ‘ decal (ueen Chariott and I! Island points i { > 4 Fre MKidewat Quewnw Chariot (iby i Lower Island nainte {2 i For Nkagway and the Yukon ' 6.4% &7 October e .. From Stagway and Yukon. ! i: Oct e 4 ancl Ne i e 5 Howart, Maple Bay and Swamp death of the said deceased a8 occurring I'd drink the bloody tuff on the Wurteenth day of April, 1920, after the expiration of one month from the date | long as T could wef Tt of the first publication of notice of this Ye i — | ] order, unless in the meantime proof is os swhenmyou re dead we furnished to the Kegistrar of this Court at pour you back into the botth Prince Hupert, B. C., that the said ae- erased, Erhest Vatrick Gingras, was ative | The first statement was mad subsequently to the said thirteenth day of 4 ; April, 1920 by a liquor sympathizer at th Dr.. JOS. MAGUIRE | Memner or Tue B.C. Dewtats. Co-Lece | Office Hours:- 9 to 12 and 1 to 6 DENTIST Sunday Pig we 2 ts. 7 & &8 SMITH BLOCK. PHONE 575 400N HH, MOMULLEN, | pe anak rowd wat OMicial Administrator. | rhore wa & 6aad | i = — _ —wicred and an interesting talk wa ‘ } IANADIAN NATIONAL HALLWAYS, lgiven by the prohibition organ Grand Trunk Pacific Lines, izer, Who explained that they We healed tenders addresse dt the under signed and endorsed “Tender for Ties’) HOt asked to vole on the 1 ber clock noon Saturday, #5tn day of sep-|bibition Aet,~but on the anrend statute, linder thie aet tl BUILDERS’ HARDWARE i, ca, ett PAINTS and OILS, 1920, SAWS and AXES, : STOVES and RANGES dated |400,000 to be delivered mm Manitopa ana ture . See Ontario between Winnipes and Sious! Th H d C i ; | Lookout on the National Transconun-|@sked a number of questions and I 1 ed ental Hailway | ite } ' kling, but oempeon ar ware O., mit } fender forms and specifications can pe i mpl d a Iette oe é rn my Thir venu Ppo Seeond opiained at the ollice of the Generai Tie the speaker Wars Pendy Will Pee MU, @ site Street ‘Agent, No, 9, Toronto Street, Toronto, Pr renders Will not be considered untess Plies. lmade on forms supplied fy the HMatiway. | ee ~ 5 ———P No tenders for quantities lees than on | tue ties will ‘De Tonpidared : DUKE ARRIVES iad The lowest or any tender not neces. | - vertise in e Dai ewe: |<" | KPMONYON, Bepl, 24, —’ths "| pores Mine Apent, _¢ 1 Duk f Devonshir rrived het General Purchasing gent, ‘anadian ike © evonashire a ives ere National | , The Paper that ‘gets Quick aa senna, tae, a. a yesterday from Peace NRiver, i day 000,000 to be delivered on the Urend) » eres ata ” I Trunk Pacific line in Britian Columbia, | rhe erowd listened carefull }200,000 to be delivered on the Urand and were interested in the titera AND IT 18 FURTHEM OUNDEKED that tne said Jom H, McMullen do pubilsn notice meeting beld by ds Win, St Nyrydur Ness f this order in the Prinee Kupert Daily son futside tle News, & hewsepaper published at #rnce Khupert, W.€., for @ periad of one month, TOO yesterday noen and the re DATED at Prince Rupert, B. ¢ of Seplempber, Db 1920 » nis 4tn ply was the retort of the Point. For——Satordays . +. 9 D.m Fie BUNGGPR ei eecess p.m : Economy Ice Cream Parlor { Cream Candy Fruit, ft Drinks, Tobaceo 417 Gth Avo. E. Phone 18 Open Night and Day ee eee and November ist, 1921, in ac- medical nen com aol give pres- ordance with Tie Specitication No, 3656,! ! Mareh 18, 1019 criptions as formerly, Trunk Paetiic line in Alberta, handed out and afterwards A. G. GRAY Teacher of Piano Studio 187 Second Avenue ee ee ee eae ote PHONE Blue 421 or a 4 arie! y 7 Plants in bloom arrived CHICKENS & BROILERS CITY MARKET | DDENTISTR OE a QUALITY Dr. Bayne OFFICE HOURS } Werning 9 to 12, AMernoon, 120 to 5.26, Sette, | otg Every Evening trem 7.28 we § Dental N 1 attendance Phone 109 for appointment | Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Blk., Cor. ind olf Best Equipped Office in Norther BC g ih eth Midnight Sunday and HA S.S. PRINCE GEO Thursday for Swansor 8 ’ Falls, Vancouver, Victoria and Seatsit } Stewart, Saterday Anyoxr Wednesday, 10 p.m t a SS. PRINCE JOHN or PRINCE ALSEM ‘ Samoenwn & “ os oh points rriare Georee TRAIN MAVIOE o . ‘ var Passeneer Mondey, Wdneedsy sm! Srivréey * ke Agency Al! Ocean S ecmadile Lines Por informeat 2 recrvatione apply F City Ticket Ofes, 676 Thre avesee. Pree! CANADIAN PACH tl Rul CAnAgian Pacinic 068 B.C. Coast Sami §. 8. PRINCESS a. Alesha, from pen fer Ketchiten, éumey, Srageey, na for Vancourer Viewerie: ond Seattle from Rept as pasnonse wea gg from Prince Rupert for Sweneor Ber re ao vicar Beaver Cove, Powell River, Vaencou - Every Seturdey. ep t sailings, 70" | Agent Prince Por rates, revervarion® and W. 0. OROHARD, Genera Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Dry Kiln Capacity SITKA SPRUCE. oR! WESTERN HEMLOCK FALL wna CEILING FINISH OF “rods yl? Charlotte Islauds Spruct vn Mills: Prince Ruperts aM Locai Agent ALBERT os, 88 64, re Prince Rupert, B.C. Telep