janet of 1920, Wh BLADDER halt 04 HOURS if Fy h Cap iy) . re the ’ vot comaterfelta am eae NOT SQ MANY VEGETABLES ' Failure of Exhibits to Arrive ne em From Belia Coola and Islands bs THE VAILY RFWwse PRIZE WINNERS MINERAL CLASS Interior Contributes Largely to Mineral Exhibit This Year's | Reduced Number of Entries Pair —- Snow-white The agricultural end of the netted hefors Interior fleecy blankets a ' fair suffered considerably on ar . ' we . e eount of the failure of the Pella Its easy to keep them 5 BOCES PT ent in the ’ ‘ i} , eee F1C00lA exhibit to reach here and that way. It’s the best exhitat at the Fair this the poor steamer onnections way, too, because pure, Koll ne mplete which made it impossible for the clean blankets wear . - he miner. | Save oney southern Oueen Charlotte he longer. It just means i 1a come acros fhe Kitsume “sing thet perest, surest, : core fr i A Fuller! ui and Lakelee Valley retait aud geatlestof all cleansers ‘era ‘ biiat Vivo, } the handsome Matriet trophy . Lead fron ri 1. La which it wo for the first ime unlight i ‘ ‘ Arm: Keperanza, — Alice Arm j ast year or Fair Week ‘a : iold Ore from mine elt , Following is the vegetable prizé 0a ” _— Kitselas et Jara Hae Mt. Copper Co.; 2. Surf Intet liat: ef ’ Pointed cabbage 1, Fred Sha It washes without rubbing, Oh Te ‘ a > KE. G. Osborne; 3, Mr Ww. J twisting, or wreaching the : : ‘ Enairiol clothes. It's « wonderful ’ ah Abn rn DOWN AGAIN! Kirkpa : work saver ss weil as «6 f elion Gold Ors Kitselae : Hound or flat cabbage 1, Mr clothes saver Mi Cox 45 for Prices. F. W. Bohler; 2, F. W. Boller; ’ ; "ips ‘ deat te meist on getting thesoap you ' prer (or ef . Group on Mra. F. W. Bot ack for--SUNLIGHT SOAP Welle. Lindlend ati Savoy cabbage {, Mr I W tavEh sence ' ' : ae ae eK BRO S$ LIMITED ! Bohler; 2, F. W, Bohl : TORONTO 29 er Gold Ore—K a ne Red cabbage—-1, F. W, Boh ies a i ’ Mra. F. W. Bohlet ‘ 4 7 (ore - Hr f ! \ ae —— IBohler | Cla lowe i. Lee Wone . ‘ I : qi J noone y t ve kL. (i, Osbort 1. FF, W. Boh ; ; ' i ' Hi ; e ae ‘ i rabbi-—{, F. W , rSuit 1 134 hier; 2, Billy Bobler Rheor i Wes ' ' Greet hl rabbi-—i F. W. Bot re WI f ‘ an @ r Billy Boll Whit F. re and Pressed |], Scots kate—1. ates. Ww. 3. /non , Kirkpatrir ! \ La White tal .\ 7 j q : o : it INDIANS SHO essing Machine J) swiss P. W. Bohl FW.) W ead White 1, John B , ¢ r ; 4s J GREAT 5 LE r Price ts ! | y neonable ‘ 1. la W K } ¢ i pk , > ‘ y is F sagen : : : y-—1, Al- WW Port Simpson takes . Exhibition oom ' i Fw. , : Cup from Kitimat in Finely TAILOR J». is ‘inii - Played Game ; ow red Sh Mre ; / I e Rupert ; ' i,t : " “ : + hiaiten ¢ eee WATER NOTICE. ‘i y { ‘ toes——1, Fred tts USE AXD STORAGE biert ty A i h Por a e e ~ ried ant . TAKE N ICk that The Taylor Mining perceorerescoorrosr =e" i - 1, Mr rN “ i i kK oy ai, a0 mited, whose address ts 607 Mi om M : WW . . i : Ov ‘ ga ‘ t neve Hottdmse Vancouver, B. " . ' ary for license to take and use ’ e Offer A ots 4‘. Jot lure » ; ‘ : y tested and serum feet al ates curofr Wolf ¢ reek ; j 0 inten eee known a® Davidson Crees, whieh flows s = Mir : . { : n & | Vl j Me’ ? 4 ~ t westerly amd drains into the Kit- : Hw i ‘ ul as H t al teams i shout two and a half mites co : ' . ms nas : a ce aa he f the Dolly Varden Mine ‘ Ha -" ‘ 4 M ‘ Both teams rhe sterage-dam will be located one : ' ‘ er uM wed th d it tho ¢ from the Kitsault River. The capacity “ ———— "te he I tomatoes } ‘ j n ’ ae a cae : ft : voir to be ereated ts about nil, ‘ ' ’ i: : time wh ' to acres of land. The water will be diverted eae $12 50 ft, H. Deleontaine amin & Donald ” WJ ‘a " m the stream af 6 point about at the KILN DRIED PLANER ENDS, * ave ° 1"hes mor ‘ uc i fiver fot " Howe rie PEC a s » 11iS- Wolf Mineral claims, and will be used for a etait }! i ; u ui Te ie ene iby vith “Doe OWE? BURPEseS OPED, the mines described from the Prince Rupert Lumber Com- Fnglish peas iw J. Buse. M ey a , : oo ts as the Wolf Mineral Ofaim and ‘tHe Dolly 1 4 B : : a mye nd l fa ri Varden Mineral Claim. Mil ¢ eaey Lump, $14.00 won Mra. FE. Hellmar 12, F. We J ‘ . : . : Beg Ci This noties “was posted op t®e ground on pany 's : ; a 1g , 4 : G. Osborne. Cu ‘ ‘ i oe j neste It est was f the 18th aay f Sepeoeiner 1920 : e h e Fi fy i= y elivered : tha } hih Me ; neve un hele 4 copy ef ts notice an an application t ES era Any sthor kind peas—-t, W. J.|itelimats 2 Mrs, Ps Mintzomery, M" Exhibition Chaitonse Cup neta| acer a ee autre eee | Make Starting the Kitchen Fire “ ligsion we n : i WB. Fisher j \ ied y Kit t 1914+ Wi be Med im the office of the . ce wurable en — ‘ . 2 ecarder at P * Kup ; ap ~ ' ‘ ' . ms t ration or petition ; m Alberts wv . ! . 4 ww . A 356 a nied u in tler Reeorder P] e : ie W inds«« bear { M I Mrs. I ; . F. Boh. BYLAW NO. . : he Comptrotier of Water Hignts, a easur oa ‘ amenut Buildings, Victoria, B.C... with —— i McCaffery elimat Fred Sha CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. thirty da}s after ihe frst appearaese of a> KM ‘ . bmat ¢ os . malic in @ local bewspaper t imited . ’ ' M W ws a ’ . > ees The TY over which power wlll be Order from er 3 kintpatci 3 : vital ee ta wee eae | see Ltd. . Phone 93 : 6; 564, Blue 69 Wax pod beans——1, 1 WV h ing * nines at 5 ctsen te acl 1c artage, t e one Ta teveccorrccrorcooed | | Mra. FF. W a f the undertaking wilt be 3 , ; the office of the Comptraiier of . I ce Mi Ww 1 . ya oa cone “ Hights and with the Water Kecorder ——— ee ad . | M M ‘ : i} { WwW. B Sav Ho: paser ot t 2 ard 7 nes or the Bas t of i . - 3 Dag gay necks to (% vi ; > , . prewesss | ca at jate © be Died by the Comp MERPES ‘Recess 4 : W ' ! “= ro a. - 7 ; lent : er r Water Rights, and any person ’ ' , '.< ‘ | ee . — : terested may Ole an objection thereto im . 2 BRO he office of the Comptroller of Water : ‘ Lacumbers | ! I P gtits or of the Water Kecorder at Prince i ' ae i . ; i. 3 a : Rupert aforesaid va Transfer and BE. 44, Osborne : 1, A 2, Mrs, O. LAND ACT PAYLON MINING COMPANY, "LIMITED. i? — oer 1 pscot ' WwW It i ¢ { ] MeN Applicant : ager Service Pickling } ; Ww. abies ‘ Notice of Imtention to Apply to Lease Land. so ee eee. B erpoy sn aa : ee 1 ‘ ti Gueen C2 siands Lana piseriet ¢ is September 22, 1920. We now have a full line of Ready-to-Wear and Dress Hats press Hotel ah : Heeordine ‘ seena, and situate ee Se ee, y Se Exciusive but not expensive , RI Squash—1, F. W. Bohl ' “ Rn i the westes yoy Glock BF, BYLAW NO. 356. vt, ack 334 Hilly Kohler M Fr. W.R 5 ; "that iMAHAM ISLAND — j : ecbinat citaket ia Ce W.lp ¢ t & CEDAI LTD. of Port CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. A. M. Barbeau . ' panne us, og : raber merchants, oe . 7 se . nr r ' ssion to lease tne Notice ts hereby given that four (4 Deliveries Rel Billy Holle = : . oe lays after the last publication of this} 218 Sixth Street Phone Red 184 Long beets i, Billy Bohl mmencing at a post planted at tne tice in this paper appiletion will De)» rthwest ner ' eK 2 thence made | the Gbief of Police of the City}, Fr. W. Bohler 46 deg. 37 1 west 29.9 feet; Cf Prince Rupert for the grant of a licence —— A iT ’ : est 510 for the sale of beverages as defined in the Gilobe heets—1f Mrs G. WH ‘i ee aaee EE Gow a3 “as canes above Ty aw in and upon the premises” — a ce ea 827 2nd Avenue Place: 2. 4 Ww lieh +, bilby south 2 thence east 474 known as the Empress peyton a at : re r tess t : st Planted at the Fhir avenue, in the City of Prince Kupert { ° L EVITT holler : 1 tale ‘ twest 4 : ' . 53 seen Dated iis 22n0 day of Sepletnber, 1926 F. W. handler Portraits r j ie WwW oR . porth-easter r wing the high ye we FRED McGER, Applicant Fil developed ti wie ‘ : ‘ . . mark aiong the west ounaary ef Bick | Se nn nae era ms 7 ae Intermediate carrots—1, M e anxi-/83 wo" the point of commencement, con Pwo-color window ecards take} Photographer | Enlargements Accountant Gi. A. Plaes Fred Sha and rier |GnaHAM ISLAND & & CBDAK 6V. the eye quickly, See them at the | 318 Sixth Street Es ein MeCorma | pated August 261, 1920, News Job Department, - — — _ ~ _ — _ CS ST DRoppeD { } AM WO t= $ | NOM ABour }-——] VOW anit ™ , | en a Man’s Married _ | | HIS ONE REASON WAS A CONVINCER By FARR ; oe ee —_——-— et Sanat TTHIY 1S That Sey ee SH H-H i ive ~\X/ELL 5 VE Gor Vt > “HE YWSAR j - i ROY oes Mane PP wan Td Gor FOURTEEN ONE REASON IN THERE, A < 1 vt " eee “ I 1 it tt ee 1| rapppts aes WHY t CAN atta YOu hae Don't Cour || ALFORD “TO MISS GO IN ANP ARGUE iT OUT with Hee Ii WKAHATS “THE ERIC ré | y | ON, ME. THIS, Bargecus 7 Ae | DON'T COUNT “apace wee on! ON ME iil Sa