Page © We have a particularly good assortment. Page & Shaw's bottled candies of many kinds. Pascall’s But- ter Scotch, Fruit Drops of many kinds. Sticks in bottles. Our Chocolates are of Lowney's the best quality, Ganongs. Moirs, Willards, Neilsons, Liggetts. The price is right. Ormes Limited | | Saves labor. The nbn with each package ary a | arr in sce cuppa: CONCERT CONCLUDED OPENING FAIR DAY Vocal! Solos, Saittncari and Danc- wa ing Delighted Crowd in the Exhibition Halli. THE DABLY NEWS REUNION OF OLD PUPILS of Rev. | Geo. MH. Raley's Pupils Is Usual Annual “Get Together” Pleasing Affair. { pre ad tl! " GIFTED AUTHOR OF “EVERYWOMAN” MET A TRAGIC DEATH Walter Browne Passed Very Night Of the Play's Premier The Pioneer Druggists Woterdes ak Cee ee Phones 82,200 THE REXALL STORE ro. pox isso f°" 7 ee ee oe Was quite enjoyed by the ari ber in the building. The talent dis BUS SERVICE TO HOT ea ae ae tases GIFTS ‘SPRINGS AT LAKELSE jars exes vrs! mos wih W 3 Vis telae Hot Spr desis Pitman ompanying Robert can get a = ile servic pied Simms was particularily w ' THAT Perrace by notifying CG. A. Waite, on a ey ane ete . mange. i the liveryn Park Garage, Ter-|.” atest hSeBsecath Bd es far M LAST en whew orca ten 28 abl " ies ruta ee ee tae oe Thompson was his | v icceom pan is oth appearing in ur Always a Reminder. Te DL nase. (inom for both were throug . The 4ancing ‘by nevera . Re ladles wa rf exceptivnuai A Perpetual Thing of B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. and was oat pretty The French gavotte by Miss« Beauty. Winnie Thomson, Lucy P G.H.ARNOLD | 222" John Bulger | —s=2rwix |: Jeweller For Sale 7 . ¢ room, f} ~ " ASSESSOR. FOR SALE |}: “To, oo 4 ys | Cirel Rents $35.00. Price $2800. Ila! FURNISHED BUNGALOW cash, h, balance in Sho wie ot NOTICE. is Tee CASSIAK LAND mMsSTHICY he in Section Six for _ $2350. 00 — H ¢. Helgerson, Ltd. uw » the plan of this ea dani pa Insurance - Rentals - Bonds Ulin Uy al ‘ : voliece, l l 17 > LLL LLL LLL Lee te ele te tte Olney tay Hotel Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN $1.60 per day and up. McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Real Estate & Insurance | } Prince Rupert, B.C. FIRST-CLASS CAFE A La Carte. i FAR Tice that TAY n Missin me ANY Leni Tit, of 607 Credit ror 1 s in the City of Vane ver, it vine of Britien nia, 4 , = oi a rere a under the laws ' pr i? at ' ‘ ' t “ ja e Car m A Skeena i that ’ ed ‘ w 4 | ass i : “ 66% : \“ ta t a " Ag t ts r™ ‘ a Limited DATED at Alice : f August, 1 ‘NDING DISTRICT SITUATE AT ALIU® Aum Arm, 8. ¢ this Tweirtr DENTISTRY | Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE ) Office sannernenting, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 & 30 Satur- d-y, 9 to 12 ly “Eve ings, , Tuesday, We ina esday and Fri Gday, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOK APPOINTMENT Large and Sr Hs i be doc! hed at PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND Engineering Co., Limited. Operating--G.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Our Plant is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERC IAL WORK De essels dry docked. » time in one section of the Dry Several boats may Dock. Engineers, Machinists, Boiler Makers, Blacksmiths, Founders, Pattern Makers, etc. P. O. Box 1713 We Solicit Your Enquiries PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phones 43 and 385 ', SREBRNA, AND OUR COAL IS IN THE LEAD When it comes to quality, and you will always find here the right kind for every purpose. No inatter what you feed coal for-—cooking, heating, power—we have COAL THAT IS RELIABLE Consumers Coal Co., Lit J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 ed y BOB | “6 (BAKING POWDER a Konrette Safe and Sure ’ Contains No Alum SAVE THE CERTIFICATES FOR WEAREVER ALUMINUM raw EVERY WOMAN'S adver p 5 her ruthless quest of F faye ' o er a MOST spectacular bang : LS, a ; Py INTIMA F es of : , ORG tE of New Year's Ev: : ~ | \ i ar ‘ ; oe & b New Y rk Je ay A VIVID pictures of iife | : ry | SPENDTHRIFTS wooing Ne Cafe nd GILDED halls of chance: .; ‘ ga Away on frequently follows the neglect of an injury. Germa and dust get into the wound, it begins to fester, blood- poisoning bets in, and sometimes the loss of a limb ie the result Safeguard yourself against such @ possibility by applying Zam-Buk at once. This antiseptic balm de stroys all germs and prevents fes- tering and blood-polsoning. Then the healing essences promote the growth of new tissue and it is not long before the wound is com- pletely bealed ZamBuk should be kept handy in every home, office, store and fac tory for cuts, scratcher burns, scalde and bruises. It is equally good for eczema, rashes, boils and ulcers. All Gonlets, b0e box Westholme : : Theall Tonight and Tomorrow, Hatine and Evening “\"Everywomay ' Jt Avemont Ir See--- and souls. AMAZING scenes , a pi. \ Modeaty—even Cor try a 2. THE supreme hi ur in Eve ch K. rr its her heart's desir Jess ¢ Lasky (recente ote re EVERY- Matinee, 15c¢ and 35c; GREATEST WOMAN PICTURE EVER FILMED! Thrillingiy Dramatic Up to the Minute ful Beyond Words. Price Evening, 30c and 55¢ Tonight and Tomorroy Tom Mix in “Fighting for Gok You can always depend on Ti 2nd Episode of ‘*$1,000, 000 ‘Reward’ | MUTT AND JEFF Empress Theatre AND © CLOSING '# OUT [rics SALE! Lease up this month Stock Goes at Cost Enamelwatt aig Pi ee Aluminumvé 1 GALLAND’S HARDWA . 70 of 1] McBride Street Prince Rupa . on = ccamnamanmmemnanentls’ ors to the O PRESERVING CV lors to the F RUITS K irkpatrick Harpe Prices are Advancing on the Southern Markets | WATERPROOF Wy BOOTS and RUBBERS ©! f al) a ' Suitcases Trunks Hand J. F. Maguire 722 sl ene Buy Your Requirements without delay. Rupert Table able Suppl CO, PHONES 211, 212. eee . ———— THEO COLLART, Notary |) FOR SALE. Ongpe ay 4 We ‘iat oa EDSON COAL FOR SAl -E ae N INeT RAY Most Lsbeoral MARINE, Insurance Company P i P. 0. Box 66 Westho! me Theatr rr