THE DAILY NEWS we sa oe ee ee 7 THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue, * H. F. eUAAEE, MANAGING y EDeOe. LIQUOR CASES APPEAL COMES UP WEDNESDAY SAVED FROM | HFELORG MISERY And « Dangerous Operation, by Taking “FRUIT-A-TIVES” | SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ) ‘Argument Will be Heard in Vio~ lity Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ............ $4.00 toria by Chief Justice Munter By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, nm Chambers. in advance, per y@ar .... 66. e ewes tos eeOra os his ee £6.00. To al) other countries, in advance, per year ..... 4.6.05. $7.50, VICTORIA. Sept, 24-—In . nanan nection wth the is hail ye! TELEPHONE 98. i esterday of 8 ol aad li, Miller and Mele j 7 Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion | it Okalla with ‘ Transient advertising on front page .........-. $2.00 per ineh. | ing liquor at Prine ie Local Readers, per SBETEIOM, 2 ¥.0Ve es Ces er_eeces 2he, per line. | ipplication w y & Classified advertising, per insertion, .......5... Ze. per word. Henderson x ( i Legal Noto each insertion, ....s.:« ‘ {5e. per agate line. luxtice Hunt h ' Contract Rates on Phcation. jnecessary pay following th All adparseing should be in the Dally: ‘News, Ollice on day pre- —— lissuing of a erliora “il Ss p t MAS. M. 4. OR ' ' ceding publication. All advertising rece rived subject to approval. | gebs Unica Big Vanceneed, 2.0, i enderson ; d ‘ ia “T suffered with all the symptoms |*"~ rday a DAILY EDITION, aster Saturday, Sept. 25, 1920. of Female Trouble, with chronic Con- pay an 1 { Stipation and constant Headaches. manear 3 ad pains low down in the back and x will be | How Freight Rates i re pek body. 1 tried various x! Wednesda, g Affect Prince Rupert. ) a btaat i remedies without relief,andthenput | “Stuart H When . Vich-Pregident « Hayes; was. here recently discussing myself under a doctor's care and he (|’rince Rupe with « freights with the Board of Trade, he mentioned that our basie in advised me to have an operation, I jprisoners a week age, | dustry in this north country was lumber Yet the railways, backed refused. rb} wal a 4 by the Board of Nailway Commissions have put many of the Then, I started taking ‘Fruita. [being vacatior lumber mills out of business. tives’; and ffem the outset, I felt — So that people will have an idea what'the increased freight rates better, and this medicine has completely VICTORIA SHIPYARD mean to this place if may be explained that New York is the Best relieved me of all my misery and market for lumber from this port, \ car | ii of rough lumber suffering. My weight was only 143 | TENDERS ON VESSELS is approximately 20,000 feet, weighing about 60,000 Ibs. The old) pounds and now it is 168 poands. J r rate on this was 80c. a hundred pounds, bul under the new rates! em free of pain and headachesand the | ae this has been raised to $41.06%, or an inerease of 26%c. a hundred) ferrible Constipation; and whatsaved |Fou Tankers Wanted by Un- pounds, This is an increase of about $8 a thousand feet, or S460 me from misery is the splendid frait named Firm a car load over the rate paid formerly. The buyers will not absorb medicine, wae * | ae the increase and the sellers cannot. The result is stagnation for ts. M. J. GORSE. VICTORIA, s r the industry. 50ec. a box. 6 ae $2.50, trial size 2he. Mari = : At all dealers or sent postpaid by n of « . Enter Period of Fruit-a-tives Limited Ottawa, Ont inently wit t Lower Commodities. ————— - ' This is a period of reconstruction following the war. It is a . s te time when efforts are being made to smooth down the ill effects of OIL SKINS - the great strugele. The smoothing process had commenced,*® Con t} ty | i modities were coming down in price, ®teadily but surely. Everything Gum Boots, Rubbers, Shoes, p jlointed to an carly: return to more normal conditions. Then the Overalls, Gloves, Shirts, af Government put a spoke the wheel of progress by authorizing an Waterproof Duck Clothing, ‘ a immense increase in the freight rates on the railroads. How ts it Canvas, Tents, Salis, Suit suiries } possible to return to normal if the Government is the first one to Cases, Trunks, Handbags, ns et jump the prices? Harness and Saddlery rendera ‘a 7 Admit that the railways are losing money. Are they going t CALL AND SEE THEM irber M i increase their enue by illing off the industries on which they J F MAGUIRE a a wn as feed? Already we hear complaints of falling of in business Phe . . 2 — ; reason is clear. People cannot continue to ship products at a loss 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert h a ft ‘ ecu tenn = ll eee ev eeveeaevees eeaeeene ' : td There is no such thing as standing still fer anY~ length of time. * PRINCE RUPERT TIDES * tons dea eigh a did Kither we are making progress or we are dropping’behind. This is/'* ®#* *®eeeeeeaees osen he cortat tion of a i true of the annualdall fair, This yearanhexnperunentdias.boen tied Friday, Septem:cr 24. jHbreaker forthe Donunion and this is the time to consider whether it will be repeafed. What Hig M1122 a.m., 17.5 feet. Ler nennent "hs TREY dembenge mew tyr itt is the effect of the carnival, if any, on the fair proper? 23:21, 18.2 feet. With requests for yen In looking over the exhibits the thing that strikes everybody is Low, 5:6 a.m., 6.2 feet. oming In a# thes are at ? the poor showing of industrial stalls. There were few@f this year 17:30 p.m., 7.7 feet. i € is a strong hope | than last. Putting in an exhibit entafls a fot @f werk but in many Saturday, September 25. that work maty be Obtained ' cases it means increased business. It is sometimes diffieult to trace High, 11:56 a.m., 18.6 feet. ithe yard opeh, Fh «f results, but some of the business men have direct business they Low, 5:46 a 5.4 feet. jof a new C.P.R , : have obtained as a result of fall advertising. 18:8 p.m., 6.4 feet. pundertake n, We must not always look at everything from the cold-blooded : wr 7 . 7 business point of view. The broader outlook of Communal benefit The time used ts Pacific Stan-| eis ay must sometimes enter into our calculations. Those who made en-/48°d, for the 120th Meridian west 1 The Man i Ht} the Moon tries are to be congratulated on their progressiveness. We hope it is counted from 0 to 24 hours. | / they will be: richly rewarded. from midnight to midnight, SAYS:- j . The table given is for Port|® <3 Regret Seaplane Simpson but the time for Prince fHAT Mr. Bows Did Not Arrive. Rupert varies only a few minutes |, cadtir he | Phere is general regret at the non-arrival of the seaplane, but’on some days and on others is na. b will bee : a feeling of relief at the news that the airmen are safe, Some people the same, The range of the tide|y,, pear u ' came to the fair for the sole purpose of se« g the airmen and may be computed as 5 per cent!,,, muntod possibly of taking a ride. They have been disappointed, but it was/greater at Prince Rupert than at re. ’ no fault of the dire« of the fair‘that the plane did not arrive.|Port Simpson both at springs and THAT be we he ! Every effort was made to secure the big feature Doubtless another neaps. Therefore the rise in the)! thie id K effort will be made next year and it is to be hoped with greater|Prinee Rupert harbor is slightly| You will be able to mas- the ‘expiration Of = ete ie at THAT the fair de over and now ticate your food properly + eee te Ot eee "veal" ta is the Cine to take atock, smenioned 10 the Me gistrar of this Court at, . . ‘ and reduce the work on ceaned, Srhent’ Vairick marae, was eee} THAT next year's event must be the internal organs of the set ieee to the said thirteenth day of hetter than thie. That is true body. saved it Tunrasn onDuweD wes enelevery year, fi” “Live a Little Longer”’ of wis order, the tha nt iy THAT thia is the season of the aeiieimnnegenielinion Kupert, B 4 for a Period of one montn. " ’ , | DATED at "prince Hupert, B. c., this é4tni year to commence making panes day of September, A.D 1920 Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE Member oy Tue B.C. Dewrar Cot_ece Office Hours:- Open Evenings stoizandi tos — DENTIST suntey ty nppoinmen 7 & &8 SMITH BLOCK. PHONE 575 FOR BUILDERS’ HARDWARE PAINTS and OILS, SAWS and AXES, ne aba and RANGES: Thompson Hardware Co., Limited Third Avenue, opposite Seeond Street JOHN H. MeMULLEN, ad the future, ometal Administrator. ones ems SS cece SAS RepRIsls ARE NECESSARY Sealed tenders addres sed to the under- i , ghed and endorsed “Tendeg for Ties” will be received at this oMee until tweive! o'clock noon Saturday, 25th day of sep-) _ + tember for 1,500,000 ratiway Ues to male ahd delivered between December 181 1920, and November ist, 1991, In ae cordance with Specification Ne, 3#56,! dated March 18, 1919 000,000 to be delivered on the Grand Trunk Pacific tine in British Columpm, | 200, 000 to be delivered on the Urand Trunk Paetiic tine in Alberta. 400,000 to be delivered Manitopa ana pwere Ontario between Winniper and sioux Lookout on the National Transcontin- ental Haliway LONDON, Machoady necessary Sept, “py General suys that reprisals the eonduet of in Ireland, It transpires that six constables | killed when a motor lorry lwas attacked recently. are the Tie in guerilla war Zenda forts and specifications can pe er ! jobtained at the office of the Ueneral Tie ’ * he i lAgent, No.9, Toronto Street, Toronto, | Ail the Baptist churele " Tenders will not be considered uniess| Western Canada are havil rally made on forms supplied by the Hallway | " . 7 } No tenders for quantities Jess then | day services” in connection with 10,000 tes will be considered lthe Sunday schools tomorrow, A The lowest or any sarily accepted, EK. LANGHAM, General Purchasing Agent, National Natiways, Toronto, ‘Toronla, Sept. &, 1920, tender not neces- | lspecial form of service has been Canaman | prepared for the of€casion and all ‘ » ‘ ant [the schools will ae@t in unison, Y Mey ake . Pound $180 More Tobacco for the Money Package 15° "“~ee8 #8 @@ 8 © ©8288 © MAIL SCHEDULE . ee eneeaeeevreeeeeeee For the Eaet. he N ] S | ] Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat. 4 at ft a = From the East, Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs. of ee days at 7 p.m QU A LITY For Vancouver and South i } i aenaaiamnaniie ars maak re . fi p ; | D B i r. Bayne ' | OFFICE HOURS ’ Frem Vancouver and Soutn, Gorning, 9 to 12, Miernecn, 120 (9 6.50, Seven \ved Sundays 10 p. Every Evening trem 7.39 m3 We 4 10:20 a.m i 8 10.30 a. Dental Nurse in attendance oy Phone 109 for appointment tober "1 i, a Rooms 4, 5, 6, He Bik., Cor. ded Jes sed Office in Northen BG For Anyox and Alice Arm. | Best Equipped Office , é 10 44 : Wo edocs . v pa . From dnoek and Alice Arm. ato eae a 5 PRINCE R aT S.S. For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mill Bay, Wates Isiand and Naas River. ("" Sundays =, en, 10 pn §.8. PRINCE {fi p.m SAILING — From Pt. Simpeon, Arrandale, Mill rr Thureday for sone Bay, W isiand dW aR Midnight Sunday and , arap Serna OF gi an Falis, Vancouver, Victoria oe p Anyox Wednesday, 10 p.m Stewart oat S S. PRINCE JOHN or PRINCE AL BE Queen Chariotts Islands j M ; Ma t ri Clements and ' pper istand le ‘ r » ‘ tiie te and TRAIN aERvice es ‘ . siord ‘ pr d points Passenger Monday. eo “ me : ; frinre George, Pamon ip Line “or Skidegat eon Charlotte Agency All Ocean Steamship City and Lower Island pointe Yor imformat . reservations © neat 5. 18: Octol 2, 16 One Ticket OMce, G26 Third Arenvs " From Skidegwate, Queen Chariotle City and Lower Island pointe ii For shaawey and the Yukon. 17 if nt From Skagwey ond ‘ ia 4 ? Stewart, Maple Bay a Point. Saturdays I t Sundays i? : Ba, CANADIAN PACIFK Ril pian Paciric ocean eon CANS Oclobet re “Yur B.C. Coast Steamship ukon, Oetober j 8. 5. PRINCESS ss ALICE out for Ketohites, duneeu, Bheewr!: Alasta, from an r om pres OS For Vancouver Victorie ene Seattie pie aah Rept ns 6. 6 princess BEATS gy pated : 7 from Prince Rupert for Swanson Bey. wi Beaver Cove, Powel! River, Economy Ice Cream Parlor Every Setureer ‘ ‘ s, Por rates, reverveuce? ao ary D, Genere W. ©, OMOHAR ince Saeed Avemme end dh Strect * Cream, Candy, Drink 417 5th Ave. E. Open Night and Soft bacco Phone 18 Fruit, { Day Dry Kiln Capacity: ~—e— A. G. GRAY Teacher of Piano Studio 127 Second Avenue PHONE Blue 421 or 444 SITKA SPR WESTERN HEMLOCK rLoOn aD CEILING FINISH OF Variety an ? in iS arrived CHIC KENS Me BROILERS CITY MARKET Charlotte Islands Spruce Pol Mills: Prince ® Rupert, B aM | Local Agent® Deere 564 Prince Rupert, B.C. TT lep lants 4, i -