rnressed Beet | " i] he ws TAXI TAXI era Che Dari ) Lv Phone 75 Bek ( on t fror Valley. WE NEVER SLEEP J. FRIZELL PRINCE RUPERT a eee 707 Secon! Ave. - Prince Kupert , 10, 25, 185 het Fulton Markt Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper 9 OP OPO COI OI OI OTIS FRAL LEADER OPENS CAMPAIGH AT VICTORIA PLANE DRIVEN ASHORE IN GALE WHEN ON WAY 10 PRINCE RUPERT ATHLETES MEET Exditns Exniestiaiian of ON THURSDAY Aviator Brown in Making NED Gon. oo SLING Attempt to Reach Rupert That Evening. i VICTORIA, Sept, 28.—Further particulars are now available im - ‘connection with the mishap to Lieut. W. H. Brown, when on his way With Thursday night’s meeting to Prince Rupert to give exhibition flights at the fair. He left Alert uf the Prince Rupert Athletie As- Bay for Prince Rupert on Monday. His Partner, N. A. Goddard, had svuciation the winter seasen of in- to return and Brown proceeded alone. ickenzie King Opens His Western Tour at Victoria . downward revision of Tariff particularly on Necess- aries of Life and Instruments of Production . . b BROOKLYN HAS ~ joor athletics can property be said After tiying an hour and a lialf the engine missed and the air- tion Re uction y o commence. At this meeting man landed near Nalau Island and dusk came on before the repairs iflicers will be eleeted’and pre- were made. Curbin Extravagance CHAMPION TEAM luminary arrangements” for the During the night a gale came up and washed the craft toward g winter's work at the Agricultural shore. The plane pounded to bits with the pilot still aboard, ——_— all quarters will be gome inte, Brown reached shore safely and after spending the day alone believes in wider recognition of Labor with re- NEW YORK. Sept. 28.1 ! ! he Association has been in- on the igland decided to try to paddle out on a log to waylay a 7 , te aa active during es or ac- steamer before being overeome by hunger. This he did and was j { trial policies he Na I uring Ub ummer on ac esentation in vhaping indus Pp ih ve i. hs Has Mandied 689,000 Court Cases. int of the outside sports, but, fortunate enough to be picked BRAD OG NECRT 7 by the cannery tender Hidden Intet, n Intet, his initial ' n y f ‘ ve || Deniso of xt week,- the, Guar . RO. T Toe eee, " Ne 1A, Sept. 28.—Hon, W. L. Mackenzie King in : arn an Fe his western tour here last night said a general election ‘ { i i { tho @eleb d ~« Rist ned back "" worm ” eetee £2 £84 888 8° VATE CA the Government I \ inl ‘ ently 5 his ap- the fair board sere is a bal- @ ry to restore to the people control over ' ees ei or . s der of the opposition said he favored a downward re- jan! yes es go 650,000 ©" 7 wer tia se o * baicigene FIFTH * 5 tariff with substantial reductions on the necessaries (4i: f ga a en bh by tle association and ah perle 7? e BY. ELECTION the instruments of preduction, .A reduction of taxation pennant ra i ving a e mag c Ts eon paid = connection. with the “ iit eter zn : - ade and this would be possible by curbing extravagance. (erday < mews ' te for ‘™prevement of ave a a Pe : : , - ‘ oe ‘ ia dis. (he purchase ; saraphenaha. 1” irs game o e chenzie King sald he believed in @ wider recognition of National League. Wa } a di . fis ge Y aot ine in “a * world’s ser a aia be play- * NOVEMBER 2? roqreentation te ii eee Or he ee ‘ : B nb zeG iad M therefore iu the best of hape. * ed on the grounds of the * iy : uld ha the effect of puttin . is ar eo mera. 7 Ome > ee eeeret , o “6 Seed vee she ° ° I ‘ew Yo coc Sth Ave Prince We want the young fellows to|}# American League pennant * eee ‘Klee continued, “that if labor is as necessary Bt. Lo Chicago 1 get in new,” said Col. MeMordie|* winners on October 5. * Two Candidates Already in the ve r ' ’ . ; : ' tel running of our railways as capital or management American League. ¥ ———— ‘this morning. “It is the begin-|€ * Field and Possibility of ” ! ; pl deiphi Vr 4, ie of the season and they will RO? 022A REE ee SM jace on the board of directors. New Hadeiplia 0 3 ’ Two Others. titled to its place i a Mr aahs ie PERR Y FIRES BACK be given @ chance te run things | h st diplomacy tn inter-imperial and Inter- e : soctneliidbon lin ee anaahd ae ine floor of rane and not Host Washington 0 AT HOSPITAL BOARD Kaye oe lake i oe turn Prat OTTAWA, Sept, 28.—November treati Chicage Detroit 0. " nursday nigh! and mantles lee ie -OQxed. ae the untingsdnw, for ad tasted we sree: Sem vines Me Pe Gieveland 8, M4. Louis: 4 FINANCE COMMITTEE an interest in the’ tiles Otter: ‘the by-elee tte fn "Fatect Sa Pita a : Sto ein . vise, as far as £ am concerned’ made vacant through the recent : CAR SHORTAGE SENDS : one Ny jour belnaee eae Denes eee resignation from the House bs PROMISED COLONEL PECK os thers ee an- and draw milerest. : Hon. Martin Burrell. t sireot by Aiderman The talk about the quarters | aes rhe several Gatididnles HALIBUT AWAY AGAIN , Phere will be severa ion beine tow far away is nonsense. Writs Issued Against Vancouver | 000, GOT BACK TO TOWN os IJK. Rocrig They climbed the hill all-symmer|’ —kawyers fer ngome Fax i or ve nan has been chosen Two Big Schooners Cieared for «. It followed for baseball and = football and Not Paid. as the standard bearer for the as Seattie This Morning Because ‘ \ h surely good athletes de not object a : Torink” iis viteawenne bh : OTTAW A, Sept. 28.—The Seat “Be%: Sew nae Th Week Wild f of Low Prices Mes M d Roe rFapole- to a clinh anyway \ . Pept 28. ps same of “National Lib: ' = oem yoorneas © ; he Cou n lead ist of writs for British Colum- vty ’ | es . A , , , og ; ind Conservative Party of Can- North Out of Communication ims wh illegedly have omitted With World. t ‘ f : . a Re, . ca : se KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS ai their 1918 ineome tax, Was sine te eth biel. tin Players Said to be Im- n Richardson has w in “Throwing” Game . tution with 25,000 Iba. |apolig statement tha HAVE SOCIAL NIGHT {°c i”, the excheauer court andi sun Logie of West Scrnneriaad Lasi Year arCe vg > i , > The list includes many Vancou-|@¢cePting the nominat on be- . i Ref aa , ' tie ' refrigerate ‘ us . ¥ his failure Addresses by John Bulger and J. ver lawyers, including Douglas pelt * ie ae yay pds ae s to ship the fish east and th sifend 1 es ‘of the Public C. Brady; Music and Re- Armour, K.C., Dunbar Taylor, K. eran member of the British ' i not pay a fair), ‘ f the City freshments C.. and Charles MacDonald. sher-|#0use of Commons at ae t Phere « tof : iff, and also J. H. Hawthornth- Phere is a possi y of a la- ‘ a th 1e.was glad an Che Knights of Pythias had an/ waite, M. P. P. — ines and a Liberal being in j ‘ tl : i tant j ace t he enjoyable evening last night when For Ocean Falls there are the field. ; : sales ! itt ‘ld have been lodge was declared open and|Gheezu Tsukima and Albert Cecil PEN'PICTON Sept ae ne we ad Prep eee : Pir ounds, and |g i hey had friends were allowed to enter to) Fuller and at Powell River Mike United Feruters » conver ue ' YiA i | { li ‘ . ents how- in in the evening's entertain- Dytieff. nore: ae ve n “t decided to ’ 5 Ol ' t 18.2 ard ind man said be;ment, thus swelling the attend- $$ ——— ese a oy te in the Yale-Gari- Deane Laks u e.was Fis fO,00 | ds amd { ‘ a miserable ance to goodly numbers. Music jboo by-election, mate 1 there, abthough | \ { ) nds, sald t i did not reply.|’&s supplied by the Fanthorpe REHEARSAL FOR eee ree , : orden avo Wi Wi +o Pas 3 es | . re ~ ae i 0 siving ‘slend ‘sdlie sae ERT COL. EDGETT AS EMENT it ADE b got - me oe ; = . La em ‘ . e he eae a a Fa ee a ar t. a ” ites” gor Tyg ame FIRST CONC UNITED FARM THE REFERENDUM sit River the route of n-|""Tihe calste= of tw small aal-|impute iutere=ted motives to|"Prvelgus Stomes” and the wound) | | a Both were interesting and well With Number of New ‘Chosen Candidate by Convention : | Oficor ©. H. Mor . Jeo : : f ’ > ae ’ a enjoyed. Members. iulemiies " 3 MONTHLY DEBATES BY no a on CG ee of a high order psec | at Penticton This Morning. Today Spon 08 of the proposed visit CATHOLIC SOCIETY Game W i. W. Melntosh were served after the otiatsetn- rhe ore eee na pintediiaiviste eink ail ie I> a bolmi has received tifieation that ment, the committee in charge Prince I i igricullure, and Pre trapping w pon for all animalts/ing George Durh@m, . Cyril C.)the coming season was held last Che United Farmers in conven r Meighen, Gol. Peck said that |Qpening Smoker Last Night bY) exoont heave: November 1 in-)Westaway and Harry Blake, levening in the Presbyterian |tion here this morning chose Gol of his first actions afte re Knights of Columbus. stead of Deve ‘ { An order- —_—— - Church Hall. The program out-|W. H. Edgett of Vernon to be thet from the three weeks in in-coune has ide this possible “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” is /lined for the first choral concert candidate in the Yale by-eleelion, he wilderness, during whielr tine rhe kK f Columbus held) unde thee ' dment te the more than a phofoplay, It is alis perhaps the most varied which This is the lipst ponlieal move vas only twice in telegraphic their fiest » r in the Catholic! Ga Protect \ct rhe open sereen event, Nothing like it has has yet been projected in the cily.’on the part of organized fariiers ld munication with the outside! tial] ‘ nig Will some sSIXt¥Y season for bea does not com-. ever been seen before. Westholme!) From the light and airy glees of in this province. ! d, was to wet in touch with) members ittendance m until i tomorrow matinee and evening. Sir Henry Bishop, Sir Frederick The colonel was formerly a jinisters He Was con o f n features of the Be RSE Bridge's setting of Southey’s poem | momber of the Northwest Mounted ‘ litident that they would beth be) pyening ‘ 1 debate wherein "rhe Ineheape Rock,” to ee of re and later a mt ae of the ’ ' ere Dut ‘ shied mw pre ‘ 0 yn { youuRge inenmbers ithe most popular oraterio chor- | expee itionary forces, in the yeter- col am , ea we we. Bee : ‘ oh re given an ; pportunity of Soviet Russia i IS Asking fuses, the hneal Society's ambi- inary department, He was born lions will mean concentrated ef- at Meneton. ° S Pacitic and t Prinee Kupert | «peaking hve knights tntend } J of before i ‘sna to Van Se vas a < such debates duonthty or eace wit oumania fort for the next severa’ weeks. rhe platform adopted tneludes and \ a ee »an educational point j There ee aa > a ore rs Ac en of : le oe, ea . n= hoe} . mild prove of untolk this year and one o ae particu- ownership and rete 0 0 2 Bob. Pea gad De, Taheate, in of view Hho Id peo OF a ele Offers to return eo Money and Art Treasures to |... pagiuros of the opening night tariff, 82ND Hom tho Bulkley Valley fore spoken in public, that countsy as Condition of Signing Treaty was the strength of the tenor and E RUN - } Phe balance of the evening was a mS bass. In order to balance therm SELF DETERMINATION 1A NOTICE taken up in card playtug when WASHINGTON Sept. 2s Soviet Itussia has announeed her /the society will have to greatly : . licht refreshments were served readiness to return to Houmania the Roumanian gold amounting to strengthen their numbers in ote FOR IRELAND MEETING A meeting of the Peinee Rupert rhb Westholme Orchestra fur-| $500,000,000 and the art treasures taken to Moscow if Roumania |prano and contralto, particularly | eer Amateur Athletic Association willinished music for the evening. will sien a treaty of peace. This is the statement made here by with the young voices. vitile thle teal Pe eae be held in- the Board of Trade Captain Stoiea, former Roumanian Liaison officer, yesterday, --—_---- i A ne) LK, Sept, 28.— J. M, oon s : i eatho dat 12 o'clock rhe anxiety of the soviet government to sign up treaties with Che body of a man named Fra-|MeNulty of Prinee Rupert was on . i en eee otras des 7 vet Gay, 3 month old. ber neighbors now that she is getting the worst of the fighting, is ser, aged 45, was brought from|the platform tas bt aa self , a u sine wing ere officers an f ‘Me pe M Joseph Gay,/rather signifieant, When she was advancing and winning battles, |Theeston Harbor on the Prince} determination for Leeland meeting \ 800 All members are urged to altend.|496 Ninth Avenue Funeral ar-|her leaders were arrogant ag those of any military nation, It is John this morning and is now abt| here last night when M. J. Costello : \ P PP MeMORDI sngements are in the hands of the general opinion here that the Bolsheviki danger, from the mili- }the B. G. Undertaking Parlorsispoke on trish freedom to & “i ew past. waiting interment. ipached audience 22y President. the B.C. Undertake lary point ut vi