We ~ PAE DAILY NEWS ~ —— —_— - — ~~ : - - — — — oe 7 Tae Dany News) HERCASE SEEMED UMTS Towne. ss nicscasag "2 PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA * For the East. : E N Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News HOPELESS WIIt be Assisted by Two. Commis-| Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat \ i | S Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue, sioners—Council Could not irdays at 10:30 a.m Gilninune ——__\ H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EpiTor. ce Find Suitable New Man From the Eaat, oo Gk, But “Frult-e-tives” Brovght | rie city coanea nas decided on! Rontayee Tuesdays and ‘Thure SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Health and Sar’ jthe motion of Ald. Rochester, days abd py a. | QUALITY “T] City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ......... eee S100 lseconded by Ald, Kerr, to instruct eons i By mail to all parts of the British Kmpire and the United States, On Be, Netw Or., Mowrens. iGily Engineer. F, 8. Cleme For Vancouver and South, ' in advance, p VORP 24 BN Cs eOeN bio GUE W's o's Ste 4 004504 $6.00. a . ¢ 7 7 lpring down the 1924 assessment Tuesdays ....+65+ sveweee Die To all other cov utries, imadvance, per peer... di seeisee 97.50. T am writing you to tell you that ets the assistan: f two con th Oe ee eee TELEPHONE 98. f ome my life to Frudt-atives’, The ssioners wl f . { p.m, Yr. a he Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion | medicine rolieved ~ when i bad fois Aid bie Water dats updays ...... or. ae Oe Transient advertising on front page .......... $2.00 per inch. ras uP aa pak ng i eran mii Vhe question of an assessor was! Beptember £0, 21; October 4, OFFICE HOURS Lecal Readers, per insertion, ....... Phe ecsser 25c, per line. wer iter eon ee : laid over last we fo all { ind Nove , pm Morning, 9 (0 12, Af ernoon, 1.30 to 5.90, Set rd Yassified advert isertion Bc. per word. | L7PPHe—hed eultored for years bina) application be receives OH | Classif ed a vertising, per ir a a OF. | ad noliling { took did me any good. al applications F ~ Every Evening trom 1.29 a Legal Notices, each insertion, ...... ee. 15c. per agate line. joes aoe land last night tw ented From Vancouver and South, ; . : I read about ‘Fruit-a-tives” and ; bo > neil > * i Contract Rates on Appliestion. tried them. After taking a few boxes, ito the couneil, « ry W UNGAR oc ce eae evans 10 p.m | Dental Nurse in Attendance All advertising should be in the Daily News Olfice on day pré-| orig wonderful medicine made from |MOontwomery, $200 a month, and Wednesdays «....... T0:00 & HG Phone 109 for + ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. | spy iz susces, Lam now entirely well [fron O. J. Sumth, stro it Saturdays .....sse08 10.90 agn appointment Madan ROSINA FOISIZ, $= [Were not considered and ‘the ap-|f ys ewe ew, Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Blk., Cor 3rd ang DAILY EDITION. a Tuesday, Sept. 28; 1920. . | pe. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 250, [Piieation of BH. Hendersor 1 A pOtOper | F Best Equi i and Oy . : Vancouver, was " i to.ltf 1x {. a ' est fquipped Office in Norther RC _ >| At all dealers er sond postpaid by La, : Saul at gs } nel Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. owever fe, (00, was & ves , \ Prohibition Plebiscite jdrap with the ar: g al For Anyox and Alice Arm — Vote Very Soon. clusion already stated. unda ies 68 40 Dan a a About three weeks from now the people of the province will be} it SUITCASES inhi \\ .. v Dm asked to vote on the question of whether the people through their lf Government shall go into the liquor vending business or continue | iy R U N K S i CLAIM DAMAGES cao, Snes, Ok, Gee ee 113 ‘5S. S. PRINCE RIIP the present system of prohibition, This on the understanding that | | ° ! fay A .. a wt R “if the present law be allowed to stand, the Dominion will prevent the | HANDBAGS ‘Demand Made to City Council for yy eodaye ., ae Ee. pm. importation of liquor into the province, at i $400 for Injuries Caused S S PRINC] The editor of the Daily News is strongly.in favor of prohibition, | WHOLESALE AND RETAIL | by Rock Pile. For Port Simpson, Arrandaio, Mili . . GEOR believing that liquor is a drug and that iike other harmful drugs it ~ Bay, Wales Island and Naas River YAILING should be prohibited along with opium, morphine and cocaine. The A claim of #3 sented to x ive ’ 10 pm Midnight Sunday and Thureday for Swanson Bty, fact that like other opiates it has the power of creating a strong x F. MAGUIRE the city council last evening for); {tf pam Falls, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle appetite for itself and that many men and women are unable to hold} 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert damages done to Harry Duwease’s Anyox Wednesday, 10 p.m. Stowart, Saturday 19) out against the craving for it, is suMcient reason for preventing its ’ joar that hit a pil ! ‘ at the From Pt. Simpson, Arrandate, Milt S. S. PRINCE JOHN or vyynes ALERT sale as a beverage, Everyone knows enough about the effects Of | Sess jeorner of Bacon st ! and Ninth Bay, Wates Isiand and Maas River. ' “ aleohol indirectly in bringing misery and degradation into homes | Seeeceeaeseaeneses| or last Saturday night and 4 \ : a. ) : ; and in degrading whole communities, without attention being drawn le PRINCE anr TIDES »|v* seriously damaged was re. |s ' p.n ; vr . ; 1 it. RUF jferred to the city rer arecd the } 0 FOSS SSeS SO HHO cilivitor i elai wh Queen Chariotts Istende: omaen — . ae 4 ‘ =Prvice Honest Opinions : Friday, September 24. linade by W. H. J in. solicitor For Masaett, Por Clements and Pasccnnee” Mabied, Weneidey ont Catered 6) 1100 ane Against Compulsion. | High, 4:22 a.m., 17.5 feet. lfor the applicant mt ia } ts Prince George, Fameonton and Winntes. maxing There are many honest and well meaning people who believe} 23:24 p.m., 18.2 feet. j ak oie lichi § elt points east that prohibition is wrong. They say it interferes with personal] Low, 56 a.m., 6.2 feet. | ws ‘ ionvtiliisbiniiasadll Nt ' ‘ ements and ) Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines , liberty. While some of the people who so argue are those who are | 17:30 p.m., 7.7 feet. } lipp { ' ’ , at and reervations epety % ‘already fo some extent in the grip of the drug, there are others |... Saturday, September 25. Ten Years Ago j i City Ticket OlMece, G20 Third Avenue Preet Des who do so from honest conviction. Some even will argue that there | High, 11:56 a.m., 18.6 feet j in Prince Rupert i SER is a food valhe in liquor. Aft anyrateé it must be admitted that nearly Low, 5:46 a.m.. 5.4 feet. | s shih nen iia ER aiid Chartott half of the readers of the Daily News are opposed to prohibition 18:8 p.m., 6.4 feet ty a Law I {¢ ts and that they have a right to their opinions. We respect them. We| . Sr heaeee eee : Local Agente: pe: 564 116, let time there must be some eflicaey in aets of parliament, else why | umeiat Administrator. — | 'o a jarge extent for the slow ENTIFICATE UF IMPROVEMENTS Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephones, 9°* continue such an expensive institution in each province and also CANADIAN NATIONAL MAILWAYS. lof progress in the Canadian t . I i lt tee il in the Dominion? Combine good legislation with edueati { ‘ ene ; ee ey ae ’ 2 i education and Grand Trunk Pacific Lines. laa nel Sealed fenders addressed to the’ under- | PEERLESS AT USK ' t ; - as Is made, | siene dad and endorsed ‘Tender for Ties” } The Peerless Mir kh tay “= ‘ ee nee *rinee R . @ ¢ ‘ se d eA [Will be received at thts oMee until twetve| oe ee _ loom” tates Fria a ince Rupert is a frontier town and the tendencies are to (elork noon Saturday, 23th Gay of aC: reek, near Usk, has «be Rteen mies from the object to restrictions of all kinds. This is the first year that any htlember for 1,500,000 ratiway Yes to 7. Art ; oa attempt has been made to enforce the gz » } ; : Inate ahd detivercd between weet tat, |tracting considerabie ' 4 a ne . c — at i { game laws here. Among the!}192U, and November ist, 1921, in ac- lihis gear, Last season 460 4 ertinicat 7 apy tt Hi unattached portion of the population, the tendency is against pro-| [fordance: with Tie specincation No, 3856,| So ae were takin hue anit 7 ning Keeorder for a Certit hibition, but among those who have home s, there is a strong fe eling | 900,000 10 be delivered on the Grand! " " veroents, for the purpose of ia. ttn das Eb Pp a / Trunk Pacific line in Sritisn Compia, | Seas0n 100 tons have alreade C8 CROWN: Weeet OF ee aes aris ven in Prince Rupert we look for a majority in its | |200, 900 to be delivered on the rend | shipped. ri wor) t Ar rte ake notice that action, ur ; rr e ne Orn a present “a fe er © he « ction, ) favor, In so 1e@ communities in the provinee there will be hardly |4oo, ae orale aa terete Siulaapsinta ter tka Ueaes t of Ger Metion 47, must be commenced before any opposition to it. Omario betyeen Winhipes and Stoux ’ vn mes oom ; cee Ceruncee OF im Lookout on National Transconts lde ‘velopment and the ore blocked, | Pyare } = ental Manway on , : Date | 10th day of July, 1990 ’ . ‘ TL , ri o P | Tender forms aid specitications can pe|!! ix stated, cups about 8100 per optained at the office of the Uenerai Tie ton im valu That the proy { SPE EEOELELPOLEEPLOLLEOELLEOLLBODOES |Agent, No, 9, Toronto Street, Toronto | : property \, renders | wilt hot be considered untess| has merit is indicated bw the { Night Phones - J, G; Steen, 371 nade on forms supplied by the Hallway : j ougwil slue 270 No tenders (or guantties jess tah | thal the Provincial Government is W. Longwill, I 1195 000 tes will be considered | spending i vil Day Phone 5 ’ The lowest or ay tender not neces-| ' ~ itloney i thiprovit ie |sarily aceepted. itrails to it he Peerless Group ] It is not only to ad t K LANGHAM, rhe Se é og | General Purenasing Agent, vaneaiea | is being developed by Wells, Lind i uv N | . your appearance but Serene Gap. Be stab. Toronto, Unt. jland & Hamblett, who sent prize} Sheet Metal Works | your health demands NOTICE, ste oe it to Wp Pegem) exbipi+s Agent for MeCiary Furncaes i 091} wre, ome [IN THE casstan LAND DISTHICT—He- Ls Sanitary and } GQOD I EE I H COMDING DISTIUCT 08 SKBENA, AND OIL IN KOOTENAY Heating Engineers ji A ade Sion MINING That there is a rieh oil fleld in Sth Street aod Fraser Street | You will be able to mds- ther Ue or rh Credit Foneter |; |, Flathead country, Kootenay ; Prinee Rupert - B.C, i uiiding tn the City of Vanceuver, in the ‘ ‘ ir i ticate your food properly Province of British Columbia, a Company | ldistriet ». hear the enter LLL) MOtetemnoroerrrerrnerrecorerererooroe | jdidy incorporated onder the jaws of ine | and reduce the work on [said province, intends 16 appiy for. per- (boundary line, is the statement of ‘Mission to jease the foliowing deserip lands, situate in the Viewty or Low |20Hn Watt who came from thal $655,3688, 3639, 464%, 3799 and 3800 inipart recently to confer with the The Smeeton | the internal organs of the the Cassiar District on Aliee Arm in the! Bkeena District, commencing at a post part recently to confer wilh Pre janted in the North West corner of Lot body. Sie 644A ih the Cassar District, thence ron-| ier Oliver at Vietoria, Me, Watt ea Rooms ‘Live a Little Longer”’ ge fee ee hing Sout & deg. 20 a) viget 8 distance | prouglt satiples to (he coast with ee ame ALD} Of 469.75 feet, thence North #4 deg. 31 209 Second Avenue | JOWN BARRYMORE and, NITA N min. Weal @ distance of 176 him and he dicts that develop. Dr JOS MAGUIRE Rauinerly tne woutne opal Aaa. thence ied wala aad a et : : sane for "OR JEKYLL and MR HyvDe! Aw “vy > , wo cm ine ‘ , . my Home Cooked Meals At Westhbolme tamorrow (a na y H Memuxe or Tae B.C. Dewtal Cotteor sis reels Soiat ss asta dinaiice of moe ’ specimenia ae ein the oe the Office Hours:- Open Eveni containing TWO Keres ¢ or less, whien| fori © leavy petrolenm wax) sreak fas Inner an 1 9 to 12 ond 1 to G DENTIST sg...) 13 by Appointment 1999. rated on the o twelfth day of AGG lwiich is bard and burns with juipper “Th a é 7 & 8 SMITH BLOCK. PHONE 6575 Agent for the raviot mimes Company intense heat, All the available resh Made Bread Advertise i in € esl! waren oc Anal tras Mn. ais Henin information has been pul in the ; fiuree Times Weekly Quick Ree! aay of August, 1020, ion ee hands of the government, — The Paper that gets ne ae aide aia os ; en ll catia iin