y, Seple mbet os, 1920, THE DAILY N - EWS le m -——- ree Million Local and Personal me HERE ND WR, WILLASSSTIN, | — TOMOR ROW « Ask for Atkins’ Se F IGHT AGAINST * : ustom ne eavsaoes ieee | . . t ouis Stev ’ i ) oe if od sy ful tery to be Shown at CHURCH EX | f ‘ you would brave the ele | y to be Shown at ON % gel a rain coat at Demer ments the Westhoime r en i S WHAT 5" . r w cit ’ 1 ’ G . ° . | = ity council last yy Stine Robe a i night de-| or Canada $ rain fins M.A, Way will res tobert Louis St a led to support the resolut music elass earl ume her) erful story Dr , is pow- the Victoria cot ; jlution of —| arly in October. tf | tiyde he / ekyll and Mr.|8. ¢ ; incil asking other roauce p Be ua » has been translated ¢ ‘Take nunicipalities to s resentation of Trophy att jscreen with Jolin B ated to the |the” fight betwee th ae ome } iball dance Fr ty al base-/ the j oa jarrymore in;cot 4 neti ts me Vietoris : — | iday nig P iding role ane incil and a churel a anufactures |Auditorium, right icc thelat the Westholme Theatre shown |that has won nll Prin Maes ee cut, burn, sore 9 e Theatre tc ; m an appeal case Sex: 4 } ah * . ‘ 29 jrow. ilk dar declares . . tomor-|the exemption of ai a on} eevee Finds pain, ecurea Dy the West India Trade hate el ore on the Chelohsin of the most Fema: pe o be one|taxes and tax sales irches fronr ng and oe ae ) iw include C. P. De ever filmed able pictures It . . ; | ows ne yree > - ’ . ane . Devitt lmed, ippea the ‘ j ski w Agree ment and Canadian Ships a! ik. W. Deleourt. i Pine hadi ue le cated a the church in ke ary BT 1s ite’ ce siete a well known, ‘has jon beir ed to pay taxes anc de r Mr. and Mrs, G, 8, Eddir pidon pl ere a youd L080 : fy g sued by the city Set alers 504 box. lies Art a ’ ing, oO miveician, I 1 a Re Vau The ae 1 : ” oy, eee and ability to pro- |!!'«! Mri, are registered at the don physician, Dr. Jekyll, whose|(9 the | Ap ase was then taken ce as ppei ut upert, ly ; is exceeded | chure , where a : dr oaia Canad: : this year has ! Bs 4 Tae nl ee bing Secs | nurse won On an old Béint "e ws rawn the West Indies | | 4. Wands is to be the ¢ fin his chosen | tana t law dating back hundreds of he self id closer to tioneer at the city ts ie aur cientific invest ! and hisi!In sending’ tt 4 of years to the Empire. She iis ineeGiiaen a og which love with an s. He is in| preme en ase fo the Su- . can make =e OMe girl, Millice beautiful | Privy nada or to the} ments WwW it 5 a ntial trade agree- W. Vaughan Da Bir io a o Her father, that a. Victoria considered wiers and . ’ > _— avies retour ye BS “are “ . , ins tj he B iti kh Fl, a peoples under Morrow Morning Sr t imjman abou low i a famous |should } ' cia bes OF Bs, § At this se , : ritis saieieiltl : after a three ; nN rr. Jekyi A vCaT a Bua f ae § intern tic : da without arousing ths’ visit at West Rineon see persuaded by Sir Gey a a islespecially as all wot ae ve, it that ee ea the year the prudent man sees t ‘ srnational com ij . eae: 9 r.jcompany him to al ge to ac-|cerned in the int ye con-| is heatin é es to plications. rhe play that eee lon i ce ; ating plant (hot wate ; ) «e f t r ® nem Dr. GO will tong re-|; his experience Jekyll is led ee stoves) is put in condition for th oe ee i iber is yr Jekyll : 24 ) experime 3 is lee st : or thec Id Hyde” at the yl and M1 jent with a liquid the --———.- older weather aa possesses men with brains de at the Westholme tomor-}, , separate the good she 1 1 that Judgement was vesterdas | If you want the work done pro : Fwill make these preferential a man into Gwo distinet b 1 tala WANE Counky Cobet be. Judea! promptly and right see . . o le «¢ sistinie odies ' ot yw Jue | agreements. But to make eh slits ok . volves Shh a Urue Be lies. |Joung in fa a dn ie y Judge these tre ade agreements we treme asl ption of crown lands ers it torhimsélf and! adminis. | *200 ‘ EJ. be plaintiff for 9 = = === have Canadian Ships. irae : ion bylaw was finally only Jekytl the oh raat not|Swain Jand lease sarge vs. H, A.} tak xy the city council last iropist, but als : -philan-|The defence did om" of Terrace.| mat. j sy mya é i ul put in: ap evil brute j F -|pearat nan ap-| SHEET METAI ‘ ielleah ich om as * Hvd side of a shan a t { . e ® 22 ORKS he Navy League . er ’ e Rink Friday, Octo-|'4sters Jekyll Sracter over- Phe fact, that the } =< 0 2nd gu of Canada Pres, to be given by Inter ly dramat cyl and, after stirring-|- ‘ re Hub on Second} ' Ave. Phone 340 diate Baseball League. ! " “ Si a i ning during the} when your = rchestra ray 8 r his th ik ths ad ind that dance } { wants will be attended to b ; amnanenme ; gg |ehara of tis ‘pet dua an ances |i, i ee ae dis ite his personality re- ; und the -bar-ruh_ih | ciiext y practical (i. OO ee ~ iw celebrated star John Ba Pe if estigated by { NO Y ein “I ekyll ‘ “ ™ ! ears that d : BO West - Jekyll and Mr. Hyd P. Lorenz i ! 1 1 { hat no license}y | S SENT TO DO MEN’S WORK . ' ime tomorrow mat Beige 1 ft Pp DEN Os We : | A us ing last i Soi ali ‘ ° . . ! : e j == ‘ Vist swe has } rae i MePhe Y Burns Adj Poageg: fig aye ty agreag Pg or be | justable nents to his press isin : <= venue Dp ' C m | s+ and Mr. Hyd hicken Ch pi \\ * t" TELEPHONE A native gance was Revd ‘asi ‘ eat, of x “Mr. Pout: n Op | =m x in the De Luxe hall . e : R. -0uU i TRAM M — % ' i = 4 all under ¢ AN! I AS i eh % Sie sa Hy aa 4 nd Wes eg Spee $ ncrease ee ; ») a A Te a inagement as last w i al NUTICE 1S HEREBY % saved. B & K CHICKEN gE production means ed « a ry AC he Mefntyre hall F : : “anv N that im ac according to formula whi or is a balanced ration ea Sidi ry ae ‘ incndiment ty the “Towts SST kgs whic d ration mixed i ¥ ! : ment Ac Bam : poultryn , was prepa agate : 7 , I Ay Adair Carss Chapter 1. ¢ M oa Leightor —_ He ceed cwisiacur ahs pers tered arin ie analyets of 3.6% Chicken oh ee ; vill pe pape ) itla . , ml es} or sale frou tne | overnmer oes eo : 1Op is je. Saves T De I hold a bazaar | 1] anit fied at the) ine ate or shares leds a bees at aue- Always in stock:- t and is also printe sd on e: coe ‘ ime eau suxe Hall to pital ye ' es . suburt r lands with Ov :---Alfalfa Mes ch sack abl ' ' aves valu- Senet 4h morrow aftern . g S iay morn. t fa town payment for | hehe Shell. Coarse Ground B , ee see! fse rap 8, Clam an | able desk space n three to six o'clo 2 ; , eerie Fi a , rr. S ateri a night ane : ; i — — j . al DRY DOCK " ~ a are staying at the |/t® day of LAND REGISTRY AUT TRY THEM ines upert awaiting the c 2 . 192 ' os : Sections 36 and 134 e | AND mtinuation of their jour " ; ot. 1 \pplicat a ass B Fe e journe : FIR pte il S| ! ation No 710 : Engi In cattle BOY LO for time allowed mov ona NOTICE that a j a Fun 6393 717 Sra Ave. Auto Deli e a ery erin . ' ; to register vt lion has bee elivery Opera g 0. im it rh e ' Serta ; rt, &. ast d Hans [ eranes Phone 190 ting—-G.T.P. 20,000 ’ ite t the ie! ghia oe ee Se eee ty m tne under ’ Ton Flos ' BOT i at last night's —_——___—. —__- EE ER ew, K { ar aie ~ Qur Plant fo “Whang me Dook i wed x 7 i iba WATER NOTIN E, Bi me 9" eg tant th: t ° or ALL| lant is Eq Sra ; s alarms in ; r trac f land and ‘ certain parcel j juipped to Handle \ twill lamaie RAG x, and belr : u “premises situate ‘ M landie All Kinds of nlenal . ag a rhe! fx re Dar fcularty kn “wn of rence Rupert, } Careful Piano Tuni dit e department + ian whose “Maan S Ment Since’ Sacre sae rae Repairs to : aa ng ARINE A jing accounts and pay Mes re Pati address is care jection Bigny (3) Map Nin iy one (at), oo makes of Pianos, «t 8060.64 ayroll jioras Be cote’ ten } ' “aa aan . and; : ng phs, Cameras Spare MMERC . . ® ion an : ubie Fes : < “ og oy Ss. wiinin 38 fee claim | Unde poles TENDERS, address at 5 rs stock. French Polishing jas st . wat the ate of “ da ‘ . — end seq ec Oo the i. Re and § IAL WORK The waver te:pek oot k a alte am," aiso. xnown | .NMCN, MAY De eMocied, hy Pee ate Seed atu Serer es rect Slade Stevens mal] x0 i g lo Nel~ | River, ab ry ie ee eee Daily ews, Prince eos cation noo : 18 oMice t fone " 28 hth Avenue W dock ul Vessels dry dock . ’ the convention of B.C.) "yh 5. Casst st corner of Lot aes | Lam ptieaton be ‘enttad &e talition a0" and | (0! Nao teaseet a sence 12 o'clock Phone Red 291. P. Vi ed at ocked @ unicipalities 2 Phe st triet ny Registry A tion 26 of the | =Keen al of a Wi 22, 1920, _O. Box 762 one time in ¢ . Several boats may | ties but on his sugges—/#beut , oa and to the folbveine ; with amendments, pone ce striet, B ¢ bart at Aincollin, eS — wi me section of the D ' ion City Solicitor Hooper ~|Lot 29, Rane ated at} = “and in default extract therefrom:— | and te SOs. Some OX OOMAERET ORR BD NCers, Machin} ty Dock. « Aalepatad to-tane is to The te ary « tifteate of lis See coveat or cer- tained at this De ae forms. of om pe seen ae a Didiciotn are Boiler Mak neell he a : 7 the Nelson will a : at : ‘ ' to be pe eon antiind eae as was “a'ed ~~ lit oy Enginee ey ho omece rif 18, Founde ee { gas he is in the south on |My! potnt 1-240 acres of land. ‘The Oe ee Senne nee. ae tax B.C. and ihe ost Oltices, Vancouver. | $ rs, Pattern M ther business Li water i as norized by land, Th so served with sale, | Filede ad Kincolith, B. ¢ Vancouver akers, etc ‘ i eenc ¥ ! tad from ti ! na or unde and those claiming hotice, | rs will not be cons 5 “ ) »B We Solici , . ° e 7 oe! . 7 Amend = 110 ing er them, and all through m printed forms st idered unless; > s ” t 1 fo ect I vt , any interes , rson* clai riment and tt ipplied Db a . 0x 1713 Your Enquiries 1. KE. Dyet has been granted ie dustrial purpose upon soe of vey unrerister jhe land by virtue pores Comtemmen that San’ eames 840 Sevond Avenue, West i contra by the ’ a >, Hang ust Dis ape rict Lot N the persons claiming an pt, and = jar no tender must be oi ’ eae ’ . “ih PR Phones 4 y the city couneil t cme applied’ mae a the “land by deseent imtaaaee an ‘Leaman en at atene mt ate by , wan INCE RUPERT, B.C Teen ee ee ea ee ite Tet ri to lier conditional cence Is to supptes| Of. this Arty shall bs whose ‘title is |Pubiic’ Works. equal to a SOETABLES “ plant at Seal Cove . @ | amended , nce No, 8705. as topped and debarred f for ever es. ‘iar ihe 0. the. topeer. wan't of thet holesal ———. foarts of the city y ‘ te eee on a . ; Was posted on th : land Roles of “n pin Re ae x the Domumon wu aso” oe tcuoe i } General © ; Ss mee — : 9 e following! e 18th day of Septe . e ground oan aball” ss tetas the f e jit require = ar Bonds and eels soutractor ates: Sectio > ~ A cop : mber, 1920 ar st . od th