oe gaan ® 2 Beel | ‘aL Fultor ap OF OI RI OI CIOS CIEL SE rket wer Che Daily News PRINCE RUPERT TAXI TAXI Phone 75 WE NEVER SLEEP Prince Rupert Auto M. H. LARGE 707 Second Ave. - Prince Rupert Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper : pitvKre DAY “E PTEMBER 30, PRICK FIVE 1920 CENTS — = —=— ——————————_—__—_—= = lackenzie King Addresses 4,000 son Sentences Changed to Fines rince Rupert men recently con- icted are now free but five of them pay fines MANITOBA’S NEW EIGHT MILLION DOLLAR PARL [BUT CATCH AGAIN BACK 10 NORMAL; IMMENSE QUANTITY MARKETED ————— Thousands’ Hear the Liberal Leader Hon. W. L. Mackenzie | King says Dom- _ inion Ministers are real Bolshevists; will speak at Prince George JAMENT BUILDINGS. re ak eapaaan : VANCOUVER, Sept. 30.—Addressing 4,000 people at the Arena last night, Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King reiterated his demand for an \s election He said the Government raised the ery of Bolshevism in : Canada but the ministers were the real Bolshevists by usurping the functions of government without any mandate from the people. ; ted Mr. King said he was making thes» demands because the Union ' Government was not a foree but a name, administering without the people's authority. The coalition was born by silent manoeuvring _ ' Buildings at Winbises when Borden's party was tumbling like a house of cards. — They had had neither submitted nor en- : Fs lt dorsed any policy. The new plat- il a aa Sat eee ae form was a pretense. = ao Referring to the Grand Trun mi * GREY WOULD GIVE ’ ver wo i 10n potrer nine, :' the Ranges ieader J h E t d t * COMPLETE AUTONOMY ~* jobare ed. financial extravagance © O n xpec e Oo ‘ TO IRISH PEOPLE ~ fand autocracy. Another exainple | Ariive This Af - Pounds of ‘Halibut i200 eo pe mans sar om 3 : a. Ts tracts without ten- . " riive 1S ternoon.: LONDON, Sept. 36 : ao meena on a cer Boards of Trade in Asking \ » * i « . t vs A H . | Dhe speaker reiterated the need ae oe ing } Jace . il j , . t { ; ‘ ; ing 200 I arser (ers and will continue to Anyox; gh ; ale . Harvest of the doets eas hereduring (\, aa ete of terit. - = “ ° Divers will Examire Prince Puger on ® thet { States g ‘ | Sch ve as . agous tiring: ote, Col. C. W. Peck, V.G.. ts golae arrivai of Alg« rine ® giving Treland self covers * September was arge, Cc ooners™ ‘laid: ain that the Union|? ask the assistance of. the ntcntitiaiinadaitin '* ment on all question. er N thi rd etme nhs ise — mr See ee cotskin coli Prince Rupert Board of. Tradé@ in & ‘rept foreign eS hie . now going or war _ ee ‘ 7 efforts towards having the Dom- pee noepride of ancestry or hope for ’ ' “ss n Ray!’ ‘* is a t tiv * — jrosterity jinion Government remove the m Os 5 . » i* ‘ ple t in , Ch a 20.000 pounds of halibut and 81,500 ‘pounds of it 2. s inounted imat te detest. rock in the middle of Seymour - Salas wd ach baw ob aac P nas i pa fish concerns during, the, month of Augusts!snee to demands Mr. King would Narrows that is such a hazard to a rd ‘ jie = obtained at the waterfront this morning.', ive an address at Prince George northern navigation and coneern- ri ; y satisfactory and exceeds the figures), - ane trie on a Aa eainhan ing which Prince Rupert would be ‘’ in 27.00 nds Fhe total handled here this sengzer the next day. saseeese © 0G DOREG te Peart Ter MEETING IN NEW YORK .. been much higher had there been suffeient cars See ilies representations to the govern are ware it 0 Dp ds ta away to olher nent in this regard and will also Objected to Singing of British , - ' While oth boats hearing TAX SALE IS ail rv ‘ a 1X - National Anthem i aL a The bait shortage has joards of Pecouys ee yeu . ? shing but all the ports on the well as the Shipmasters League asking their su rtofa Dy] . e cn dha bk bb O66 SOO 4 " h ‘Y y same dat 11. rhis is explained NEARLY OVER petition being sent to Ottawa NAT lON Al. s , ; s sh. the fact that on that day there The rock in question has long , oN SOVIET WANTS TO . vhen the British N : \liy, “ere a limited number of cars and | py of 147 Lote Offered 83 are Pern a dread to mariners of , Wt 1c MAKE PEACE AT ANY . ; ; - we, } nany on a zh price was paid to the Already Sold and Sale will nor prerers a has Reured 1 if ‘ COST EXCEPT GUNS * h n to boats © welling shipment cast Finish this Afternoon. in Many: Marine Gipasters, “ty wae . .*. hy i some hile the smal price was paid i fonly a couple of mor s ag that TT fy itis . “ it i going into cold storage, lhe highest price at this morn- the Prinee George got int reel J 7 Ja on ing’s city tax sale was paid by ‘ulties al this point and. ot e , i 97 block 16, steamers coming t Peinee Rupert A Fra ». Cole for lot 37, block 16, ; BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL ~ LIBERALS ARIE |) 2 feren o: ane 1 fo ak 18 ee as a nds Dowr De ision In i e while the lowest was for lot 6, Seymou Narrows ts in the Comox ~ Steam Engineors . Nati@na| League Seaa Peninsula block 26, Section 7, which went to iding eprest nted be Ht ox of 0. B. U e ' in weiphia 0 eondit the city at the knock-down price, Clements, it is felt that Skeena . . I i ‘ $21.27 Chere was a good at-'district is more directly interested e¢eeeeereeaeeeeaeete , American League. i l e | re tendanee at the sale this morning '™ the improvement i int of Neola 10, St. J s 2 i f Seplenolye we ty buyers were slow and the amount of shipping* that . : : A sasses there in and out-of Priner . “ ‘ } ‘ 5 - wer 24. Oddly prices, generally speaking, were ?@ MADAME GAGNON IS New \ i is itd bee ; ra iow, many going to the city with- nue) and cotpes Sheena port NOT TO BE HANGED Will Support Candidature of Col... jigging. Of the 447 lots up @me the pet , for its improve- ’ Se ee ) Cc. E. Edgett, According or sale S83 were disposed of this “ “ t ae well @ Me ies Be- , lanorning and the balance will be *'¢es he shipping to thts port al iS MOTHER OF TWINS | o to Report. ; a” aad , mae " ; . boats going to southeastern | isold this afternoon. ‘There are 8 , ‘ . ! | PENTICTON, Sept, 29.—Col. C.jiots more this year than there anee "wae pass through | PrAWA, 8 mace i] Ee. Edgett, the candidate of the/were last. The officials of the von ae are aed .¥ d tol United Farmers in the Yale-Gari-/sate, which is in charge of W. D. ne Sang oul... se Pook i \V/ i to fill tl I Van ity treasurer, are E. A would remove the danger of ves weha de is |} oy riding to fill 1 = Vaeaney ance, elt) eas wT, & gcaane °™ ‘ j ahd oul i e and » life | estholme 7 heatre caused by the resignation ef Hen.| Woods, auctioneer, and Harry “dg ys ° , . oe utd + j a i | : sae me esset the curre : | Martin Burrell, will have the sup-|Birch, cashier, enused by the tidé\at thet pail r if the Liberal party, aceord- In Section 1 there were 37 lots |* . : P ’ fhe undertaking would be quite AMERICAN i Saturday, Oct. 2? ing to the tatest information. It} handled the top price 1 37.1 : i A ai , hut web a lerke fh y am ’ | ~ felt by the Liberals that as they $589.10 by F. QO, Cole for lot 37, re a ae ; RS Fr ’ i : 2 c generally thought and the beneti AT HAZETON MRS. NELLIE M'CLUNG | 8 pm. Addresses by ad Ane farmers stand OF Beae ar tak block, mnooked (0 navigation ado thereby woul it cally the same ng, it is use-[> . o ; : A ass . Ht Ps ' } x be invinies tble Sree at 6:49 1S UNABLE TO COME y Hon W Sd less to divide forees “fan os sti ssa 4“ Aller Com. i . . . eeu n the ection 2 = ‘ ots batting Wing aR Ny ee H e ° LOVE TRAGEDY Iwere disposed of, 'T. A. Roy pay- ALBERT COMING IN. Ve ; , i‘ | nN Leiealinsiaeni ing the highest price fer lot 50, ar I} - f ie: iy eo ‘“e ris . i | Macker 1Z1e Ki g VANCOUVER Sept. 30 Miss ‘hloek 3, $205.38. M. M, Stephens PLACE OF RUPERT , sida ir . “a Mi Say - 1 1 } . : Katherine Mitchell, bookkeeper, got the cheapest lot, lot 23, block —_—- -- ; vi MeClas BS ste ; > ais l eader ot the Liberal I arly of C anada, was found dead in her rooms with #2, $39.14. VANCOUVER, Sept 30 Lhe ' ; , Recs ‘ the gas jet full on, It is thought In Section 5, of the nine lots Prinee Albert is going to Prinee B's having ton cue tee ween ace | ' i D H S B >| d M P to hav . ~aredy ' h. Collart paid $189.50 for Rupe lace of the Prinee Jot ; o have been a love tragedy, fsald, Th art paid 3 tupert in pla f th rin im A ag OS ae . Hon. Ts . . c an , . *9 * 4 lot 37. bloek 9, while lot 13, block which will make the Masset trip. \ i i \ j ter t bed ; Rd nh her daughte . ; , NOTICE 28, went to E. CG, Gibbons for Capt, Nicholson is going north lo- fon sayin tha he has a W. ( K da M P at paa5 0 meght on the George. . vee Slee up-to Qolaper F , enne , ' ** A meeting of the Prince Rupert In Section 6 there were only five ” y the gat the plebiscite in the ° P Aimatour Athletic Association willjlots offered and the high price for lot 7, block 2. The lowest was QD pyle tiie gab sae wire 16 Ernest Lapointe, . . be held in the Board of Trade} was paid by Thos. MeClymont for lot 6, block 26, knoeked down to ON RETURNS aoe Sry oe ee. mae ROWONSA DUN rooms, Second Avenue, on 80th /lot 18, block 17, $262.42, W. H.' the city for $24.27 pone s little hope of her eon W, D M ws . ; : Vickers xz he . | r , . on . ’ yy ; PP Seplember at 8:30 p.m ickers got the lowest lol, paying Among the buy esides those , His possible that a speaker m. uff, . . Business——Election of offleers,|#60.95 for lot 16, bloek 34, aleeady mentioned were De, J.P. ‘y brought here from \ All members are urged to attend There were 28 lots disposed ef Cade, Mrs. Corrall, G, Tinker, re SEATS RESERVE Ds FOR LADIES Ss. P. MeMORDIE, in Section 7, and Mrs, Christine H. Harlin, H. Tampton, J, W, Me. | 229 President, Johnson paid the highest price, Kinley and L. Astort. Advertise in the Daily News _— ———— TO ———— | : a