PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Centra! British Columbia’s Newspaper OCT Y - 1920 M*orori hp aa — nee dm 4 TAXI TAXI Phone 75 WE NEVER SLEEP Prince Rupert Auto M. H. LARGE 707 Second Ave. - Prince Rupert Sand Takes yening Game of The World Series PRINGI epee eevee eeneeeeeee . PLANK ROADS TQ MEN OF WORK Needing E pire . Annual Est'mate NIGHT AIN ADDED ; —_ to One Her Wed jay sat Mor, ng \ M ind f the FALLING DOWN : me wer it M * GRIFFITH HUGHES IS ° INDICTED BY GRAND . JURY AT FALL ASSIZES * Ald. Kerr and McLennan Point * * Qut Grave Situation in Con- . : nection With Streets . ° ° Lid * CITY ENGINEER TO . e PREPARE ESTIMATES ¢e2e¢e¢88 #88 @ ee eee SGREEMENT FOR NEW MORSE CREEK BRIDGE Railway Company Submits Its Re- quiremonts to City Council; Left for Solicitor VALUATOR SENDS OFFICIAL REPORT Mm. P. MoCaffery Completes Ap- praisal of Local Railway Property for Board “STRIKE 1S FAILURE Big Union Strike in Crow's Nest Pass Falls to Tie Up Coal Mines, One CALA , ) It oh { mM \ i a PUBSDAY AN: "DD FAL TS THIS COAST roight Rates may make Ship- Crain to Atlantic PrOnibitive ment of ERI TH EP RINCE GEORGE ITALIANS ON HUNGER STRIKE AT ANCONA \ Sixty e j =f NEW ORGANIZATION WAINW \ id ) ! t \ Lea CANADIAN CLUB TO HOLD LUNCH \\ i y president Wi ve th { ‘ mmdiat i sdauy at the Wit Line tretub ' he A ition Boa } sir Wal é i . - a sil Thomas \\ and blows Gi, Kelly are ‘ ‘ : uerrive hi WW \ t OCTOBER 5 1020 PRIGE FIVE CENTS as here yen their sittings Agnew, assistant MERS LOOK Railway Employees Cet 25 per cent. Increase TARTS AP TER BASEBALL MAN RH GALENA AT "GLACIER CREEK NEAR STEWART Find was Made by a Man Who Hunting Goat on the Mountains —_—— | } * {ASSAY GIVES $320 TO $400 IN METAL STEWART, October 5.-—Some splendid ore Glacier hich » the a curious way by has been found at up the Bear River Creek assays from 8320 to #100 ton t was discovered tn a man generaily John the Finn for the known here as This stewarts of Was Working the hah Glacier property Was out getting some goat and He chased a goat looking up, meat for dinner. into a gulch and then Cle ks, Frei ht Handlers, Sta ion and Other Employees in jhe noticed something in the moun- Canadia National System to get More Cash OTTAWA, October 5.—The « other we the Car eceive increases averaging 25 per he res of negotiations between Railway Employees and the represer stributior wages has been arranged, up to 45 per ce ntin WILSON URGES OF THE LEAGUE Says Mothing it in It Impairing the Rights of United States Congress. \W SHUN es \ ving tors \ save = i at Ls z : x ‘ } saves = state s al ad { S . zt i = M y \ t \ { : { " - ! i h ~ ! this y \l Murphy a i i was | I d- h : tiled Alex. M. M som ¢t ed ‘ Bh O t ish & ght luncheon’ will some cases and neyer lower Board of Arbitretion re G.T.P. Ry. _p Waiter Cassels, Chief Justice of the Exchequer Court of canada, Chairman; William 4. Taft, United States, and Sir Thomas White, ance, and other distinguished members of the party, at the Prince Rupert Hote! on Thursday, September 7, 1920, at 1 o'clock lerks, freicht handlers, statior adian National system are t« cent antedating to May |, as mnmadian Brotherhood o the lines. A atives of rthan {5 per cent. BAR ASSOCIATION LOOK OVER PLANS ENDORSEMENT some sections consiser rather ~nall, ut all pleased with Splendid Court Rooms re-| resuliing in inereases | tain side that looked hike ore. | Further investigation showed it to He traced possible and ; be an outerop of galena. »jthe vein as far as then returned to Stewart and told fjof his wonderful find, carrying isome of the ore with him. At once a compa to prove the prosper formed and work is was The full amount of the inerease will be-fiiuded in, the first}? Proceeding. | finder has ' October payroll. jt geod interest in the “eotpany The advance announced séme time ago amounted to 20 per{@nd great things are exported ent so that this latest iouncement is five per cent higher than} from this property. he former ene, which was not satisfactory to the employees. NEW UFFICIALS CAN. NATIONAL Two New Weee-ecntaeaie in Con- nection with Maintenance and Construction so ation held an i x in the Govern cee te ag PORONTO, Oct The Can- K es yeterday after- plans for the dian National Railway depart- . = mu s 1 ‘ , rent of nance and nstruction se, but, as yet, me hay as beer divided. President jations ave “ fauna announces he appormt- Mose s be h ent of M. H. MeLeod as vice- any parts of th esident charg { ustt a L =| tally he land : ion, and S. J. H gerford - stry runt gists rresident mn charge @ operation » smal ai- t enmstruction, - a ~ satisfied with ~ act , noda- "INLAND REVENUE — SHOWS INCREASE VANCOUVER AIR MEN MAKE TRIP rmraw Oet he total ” 2 a ue for the nth of Fereed to Land at Mouth of the amounted to #44,921.- Fraser River to Clean \ ga me crease ove! Petro! Tank. t year of $7,218,- oe : VANOOL VI Oet 5 Ma é Sed ausianih MeLaurin and party from the \ vy the passengers arriving | loc; a stat flew f! Val by (au his this morn ‘ Es u i min. Ne s eral station men from = ¥ lay Al i WW extension to the Dolly|ing Premier Oliver, the party few wn} at Ali Arn Phe iback through this athe lay suspended for theling their pass. Stas iThew were delay u the mouth ‘ jf the Fraser Kiver, having been onpelled to imake a landing and clean the petrol tank, Canadian Club Lurcheon be t ndered the members of the valuation, consisting of ex-president Of the ex-minister of fin- Mr. Taft will deliser the address Tickets can be procured from Mr. H. Young. Secretary, and at the Hotel MEN ON STRIKE AT VANCOUVER YARDS VANCOUVER Oet 5 There we 175 men employed at the pipe shops of Coughlan's and Wal lace's shipyards on strike wilh the objeet of enforcing a demand for eight dollars a day wages. American eon. the guest at the consulate has Henry M sul-general, is the Kydet who ts Vis«ing city and with the consul, He in the serviee, having been among any other places stationed at Winnipeg and Vaneouver, vice been tiany years