THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. H. F. ra aANANG EpIror. OVER 16 YEARS No Return Of The Trouble Since Taking “Fruit-a-tlves” 108 Cervrcn Sr., SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per PONT ass chess ges GI By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, Mowreean. = Lieut. Ff Sue DAIL Y News ee 1 -RAEUMATISH 18M FR FURTHER STORY RUPERT FLIGHT Brown Spent Three Days and Two Nights Without Food or Drink PLANS TO RETURN AND RECOVER PLANE'S ENGINE in advance, per year ....-. eee eee eter eee So Weleese $6.00. “T was a great sufferer from Ahew- To all other countries, in advance, per year ..... ge ee ee es $7.50. | mation for over 16 years. I consulted I we | Mi specialists; took medicine; used ! im TELEPHONE 98, ; | jotions; but nothing did me good. , ait | Then IT began to use ‘‘Fruit-a-tives”, , a : . ‘ vil i Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion | and in.15 days the pain was easier ‘ > ot i Transient advertising on front page ......- .... 82.00 per inch. | and the Khcumatism much better. as | Gr ee tai lane fe Local Readers, per insertion, .......+++ s ve 260, per line. | eke Fruita tives ne deni i teas Classified advertising, per insertion, ....6++++4 2c. per word. 6 _ ee owe oe c ' W ; years, , otur ‘ ! Legal Notices, each insertion, ...... ihe. per agate line.| 7° OE Den Pe Gene ee An ef : ina | trouble. I cordially recommend this cme Wi \ Contract Rates on Ay plication. ; ; fruit medicine to all sufferers.” Vi aa Gana . All advertising should be in the Daily News Office on day pre-| P, H. Mc HUGH I I \\ ceding publication. » All advertising received subject to approval. Se a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size %e. | wis i, i o | At all dealers or sent postpaid by | itrow I DAILY EDITION, atts Tuesday, October 5, 1920 Fruit-a-tives L imited, Ottawa. trips as ee | pry = = _ : ' ' 7 Important Visitors SUITCASES ‘ Speak I i i peaking To This City. lftight, Lieut. Lieee-W Yesterday the leader of the Liberal, party in Canada left on) I R U N K S lio give « t the east-bound train, continuing his triump thal tour of Ganada.! that have ne > 7 HANDBAGS ile here, \e ! He ceftainly captured Prince Rupert. The people who atte nded|} the meeti ii enioved his great effort and those who met him om At pEEnee Fret ; 7 uh enjoy uM ‘ . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL jet » it ha ul sabebually are enthused over the new leader. f Alert Ba ‘ i The address of the leader was such as befitted the position) 3 F M GUIRE rd y i ‘ he holds. It was on a high plane. There was no mud slinging. . . A one i vd ‘ There were no injurious innendoes,. Mr. King discussed matters 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert §)(ariotie > ‘a , | ere «ren : ve - of policy but particniarly the attitude of liberalism toward the| i , ‘ ne . ' cores id ' tte e ti problems of life. Very seldom, if ever, has there been an address IN PROBATE. | nen hine t epal which met with such general approval as that of Hon, W. Ln eS re Le tight i _ Mackenzie King at the theatre meeting Saturday night. IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA TRON ACT ‘ French Canadian iN The MATTEE OF ine ESTATE wr Master of Rhetoric. ERNEST PATRICK GINGHAS, DRCEAS The French Ganadian, Ernest Lapointe, was the most iiter- NOTICE 8 HEREBY OVEN Tr Whttes esting talker of the evening because of the fund of pointed humor tT MAY Y\CEKN of an Urder made by ‘ His Homor ' Mew Y nt above } in his speech He had all the vivacity of his race at its best. ira te om the ar lay of sé ptember, A.D ' Mr. Lapointe has been spoken of as one of the leaders of It 13 ORDERED that the said Jonn Mt ic™M ‘ ‘ wed swear t ur the party for some time past, He ippeals to the imagination of att . vid , the French Canadian people. Here he appe uled even to the du he expirat rns r : wit of the Anglo-Saxon and the reception he got from the large a tt oo 1s Astride of Log audience was thoroughly well merited. He is a master of rhetor BC, thet the said ae a br aif gk tsingras was ate h not studied rhetoric” but a natural gift of oratory that comes;™ he ‘said thirteenth Gay of the f¢ “AND iS FURTHEN GHDEKED that tne only to the few. AND IT 19 Fun) M ‘ at ine as : co Other Important ewspaper § ¥ for a per 4 ftnt ; Men Are Coming. st Prince Kupert og : ai piember A. 0 ~ omorrow there are other important men coming. rhe " JOHN Mf tt : : os UMecial Admintstfator ex-president of the United States, William Taft, Sir Edward = ate \ i ‘ he : CANADIAN NATIONAL MAILWATS. Cassells and Sir Thomas White are all names to conjure with ‘ : a Grand Trunt Pacific Lines. in certain circles. Sir Thomas would have been premier today . Sesied tenders addressed to. ide under , 4igned and endorsed “Tender for Ties” a o ' if he had not absolutely refused to aecept the job. It was pressed\4 received at this office untll tweive : 7 ; K noon Saturday, @5tm day of sep-|hiid vidied ut ’ on him but he would have none of tt. tember for 1,500,000 railway ties to be ‘ ' : : we male ahd detivered between December 1st, ore ys nd 8 At the Canadian Club luncheon Thursday, there will be an|! and November 1st, 1995, mm ac ght and day he, was ; 4 oe nee with le Specification No. 3856, opportunity hear these men speak and doubtless there will be |Gated Maren ts, 1949 at ' : 100.000 to be delivered on the Urend a good attendance. It is an unusual occasion. Trank Pacific tine in Sritien Cotumbia I Li M i Trunk . t Aiberta eee “ mays ard brary eet ng 40 oo 1 be delivered th Manitoba and Ontario between Winnipes and sictr Held Tonight. Lookout on the National Transeonun t ce ‘nial Ratiw ; There is to be a meeting in the council chamber here tonight Tender forms and specications can be at and t : sbiained at the office of the Gene to discuss the formation of a public library in the city. The Agent, no. 9 Te pone Street, woes og \ frater so eties of the city are backing the move and it is to sana’ gals Saneied a ca nee ’ , , be ho ped that something definite will be done in the matter. No No tenders for quantit jess otnan, '" : : wil be te : one is opposing i proposa ind the onlw reason we have not a t r any yeh sot neces ' ha 7 i library be e this is because of inagion and lack of in- - ome: ab canines itiative General Purchasing Agent, Cansaiat ‘ Nationa! Raltways Torento unt : i } ront sep 3. 1990 Simply a Matter — is see Of Use of Word. ~ i ( 4 ‘ i : It has been suggested that the Daily News did not use the - - ernie | correct expression in speaking Of some of those convicted of u Ie land i selling lhaueor as “conviects.”"” We say a person who its conscripted TIMBER SALE X 2326. ‘ hiet aned is a “conscript,” and surely a person who is convicted is a con-| : ict. n ome the ne ' ' : ' Sealed tenders will De recetwea Dy the ve ! . 1c new ate published in the United States a Minister of Lands not jater than sole on oup of persons convicted for plz \ asehe ' . the 7{ day of Uctober, 1920, for the or nt J es By ' or playing baseball on Sunday in |cnese of Licence X 1346, to ‘cut 6.10 4;000 STEWART HOSPITAL ; ‘ state and sent to prison for eighteen hours were re-|feet of Hemlock, spruce, Cedar and fe to as * . " —S ‘peta sam, on an afe situat a ra niet, aoe k one hay oo t bunch of convicts the motorman had | tivers inlet, hange 2, ein Oustrict, net NURSES GO SOUTH ever taken to the ntion.” Three (3) years Will De gliowed for re- It is true that the most common legal meaning of the word Mpurther particulars of tne Catet Forester, is to indicate one who has been convicted of a serious crime. The Victoria, B.C, oF District Vorester, Prince After Busy Season at Mining word has degenerated with modern use and for that reason per TIMBER SALE X 2640. ~ Camp They go to California haps ‘ tne best that id } ! University. j I could haye been chosen under the ecuied tobe wih be neta! ied circumstances No one suggest« it the men convicted of selling Diswries f i st than noon on the M \ . . iM Oe wn | - - “a ; «th ay of 1970, f ° purcnase } ‘ ve ! liquor contr yt the prohibition act are on a par with the man icf Licence x 264 cnr lontey, 5 f “iS ' m7 , who kills ther, even though the use of liquor does often lead eu 600 Jackpine and Spruce Ties re ho have t “ a } iut UES OMe AA (ne year will be allowed for removal the = th to serious msequences, There happens to be no other word, ot it oe oe wae ; irther part re he ¢ e sumer e “¢ hy af ft however, which fills the bill and the one in question slipped in{}¥" toria, ae the Dist ore ee sper went , 1a without thought Of the second meaning which seems to have eupe one ee aibert by way r ie aker ms , gate and others th island Sint Sabine teemee th TIMBER SALE X 2679. nn eer tree —, ° = j if ee o es ; atif Sealed tenders will be received by theland ta a course in pu District ree not tater than noon on in oh ty 4 the 18th day of Oetot 1920, for the pu i" ivereany © uv ' chase of Licenee 4 2679, near Sra y shiet the pany ft eut 517,000 feet of Cedar, Spruce, Hem ner A . . ek and Baleam a busy mie il Mt art. ‘| two years Will be allowed for removal Your life may depend on it f— -- eee OO ee . P - Further particulars of the Chief Forester ; Victoria the District Forester, Prince bm] in addition n ! can not be properly carried out Super ther cases, At one time the by office girls. You cannot jwere three maternity cases and . : scveri ne it tive wtitut trust the delicate tissues of the | I th ule i : 7 : i y iwi only the two nurses to lool mouth to incompetent help. Injury and infection may latter then night lad day I result. i bor. H. 4 Davies is still | ne work for you personally at my office. lat the hospital but there are no You meet me---you get the benefit of my years of NOTICE nurses to attend to patients experience. | NOTICE 19 HEREBY | TICE AE GIVEN that all I use the best material money can buy yersons holding Crown Lands or Low in MAY TAKE SIX WEEKS M i . ” ° ownsite subdivisions under sgereciment y prices are the lowest considering the material (for sale from whom the purchase money | on sich lands or Townsite Lots remaining | unpaid is overdue are required to make) | Payinent, within six months from the date | of tms Notice, either of the full amount jdua, together with interest thereon, if| atiy be due, or @ Bubstantial propertion of! such amount, Which must at least cover) jthe full inte rest due to daje, together with | levidence that all tates, ther Munich used. No better equipment in Prince Rupert. “LIVE A LITTLE LONGER” Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE Memork or Tue B.C. Dewrat Coitece the agreements for sale wiil be cancelled, | ex TO RAISE PRINCE RUPERT VANCOUVER, Oct. 5 Ralvaui perts on the steamer Alwerine Swanson Bay state that the lor Provincial, have been paid, failing = le of raising the Prince Kupert Office Hours:- DEN Open Ev 4% provided by Section 70 y take six weeks Phe interio ‘onings B y on of the “Land| iia) ike aix wee ° ie tLeriog 9 to 12 and 1 to 6 The | tntrioaeen 4078. Chapter 129, Revise) Statutes Of) .¢ th6 yousel is so badly injured 7 & 8 SMITH BLOCK. PHONE 575 eons R MADER, | fies lthat the work of renovating will bepertment ot Lands, r be alone joby Mowill probably be} Victoria, B.C. April tet, 1920. done at Vancouver or Vieloria, | r- R Row ZAM-BUK for for Quick, Ca “THI rated ( a ; ; ng | Li i Cd {0 mean & vgs 5 : i ; Sy I ’ Bs a tei , omg ' vie "my 5 a 4 A ! + * tare herbal ext ening is lal | Doty “Simply Indispensable” —-vrtmene and sa a Writes this Manttobe Mother them in having a threet : arg ; j FIKSI : ’ , bs ~* bes He aren fs ‘ . reed ’ Cu A Ad meer thie Gane 8 ; AA, She : Hot ¢£ 4 : To cer Pais ‘SAMPLE BOX, ttame Sow stage) ta J . WAQ ‘\ rhet ED . *~ QUALITY 7 Dr. Bayne OFFICE HOURS Woreing 9 te 12, Mternocn, 130 to 5.96, Seutap, 1 OT + Every Eveniog trem 7.28 0 Dental Nurse in attendance : Phone 109 for appointment mo" Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Bik., Cor. id Best Equipped Office in Nerthem BC 7 ’ : : s any person! We - . We LANI GISTHRY Al AND re Ri eering Co., ie Operating—-G.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Da? Ai Our Plant is | to Handle A caged ° ‘ ac ORK . - COMMERCIAL W . Large and Sma!) Vess ] a ‘ . a he docked at one tir ; ’ , ' ae a r cer Engineers, Machinists, Boiler Makers ‘ es * being filed be Blackemiths, Founders, Pattern . } as 08 ” the na wit ; We Solicit Your ee ort poae aiming t at ones and st Bs clelsn: P. O. Box 1713 rar ! as Seime GRY PRINCE RUPERT, 5 gist oder the provisions 1 debarred m © lag cr a r ‘| f e bint geae CANADIAN PACIF tra ‘ wister oe person { 1 n tay sale of owner A WHEN stien bas been re te CANADIAN PACIFIC cuss sore made for a f ate of Indefeasthie Tithe PACIFIC bi te ands, in the name ] lg aggre onder wow BC, Coast Steams? ' : si i to the 13tn oay engine: ' ? ' : or wr fh the ( whers thereof OF 8. 8, PRINCESS ee woe ‘ r respec for Keteniken, duneey, Steagwer. Alesha, f°? ' os ; ol nTHel rAKE Ni I we tron Or an tint j aha en Fot Vancouver victors and Se { we are ‘ roger. a6 painces® BEATRICE A ooh es ake | ‘ ‘ eer y pr cas tr - Pe “oataks hy claim, if from Prince Rupert for graneey pcouver of view" af to the said land to prevent such Beaver Cove, Powel! River, eee proposed action ® my part Every Saturday, wor ® DATED at the Land Registry comer, in are pele » and seiline? ris Hupert " , hie 8am aay O or ervs A A.D, 1090 AMD, Genere HP MACLEOD w. o. ‘ORoH oe prince hurt H » ny Unie, Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Str “ ! 1 owners Night Phones - J. G; Steen, 871 STEEN & LONGWILL Agent for MeClary Furne aes Sanitar if W. Longwill, Blue 270 Day Phone & Ground Floor Cornet TO RENT OR Steam het ated gl % LSON, Phos Sheet Metal Works and eating Engineers Hay’s Block Sth Street and Fraser Street y Prince Kupert B.C, A} ply F - |