tay, October 5, 1920 | — DAILY NEWS Page wil : -- — — ——__———_ ———————— tf «| , Local and Personal {|} The Man in the Moon | SAYS:~ x d ’s Trade Ask for Atkins’ Sausage. ul (HAT the glamnous from the ana a . Oy iplaying of the world series of > ALABASTINE 5-\b. package 55e ion’ . r . if d's s ee asepal Kaine Has gone, i ithin the Empire Ve tea a ee ee TEMPERANCE PLEBISCITE ACT B. 8. Coll of Anyox, is regis- ' : ¢ . tered at the Hotel p : Rupert a rHAT a W . e e ° | ere Was a i t f will grow in Miss M. A. Way will resume her|es streets r proportion to music class on Monday, October|*#! Pens In the es the development ' ar Mf) THAT th pat of the Sea-Conscious C. B. Flewin arrived from Po sceou eI Spirit the Chelohsin = th a a . or hi te Rastway Cornesion ap etul ning icer I ) . ind |} Hesk of oo . “a n sa ' —In the people lon, ate Peclotered at the Biaarieoal wHiaeth Ae Hhupe jeiea he dos n Pris —In the Government 4 cad _udee He Gbacuis Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Henderson] bm ie PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA j Anvox {he Chel PHAT | ~ i J +t 7 ish . ; . | ee a, wits dbend tae In the Prince Rupert Electoral District The map of the Dominion shows at a glance G R. G. Edwards Leckie|versa, a s views TO WIT: xtreme difficulty of spreading a Sea- n town, having returned fron : tei i ; 29 ks Re “ions irit r , . Stewart on the Prince Albert la et | o PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to the Electors of the Electoral District e o Nistios i : . . ‘ ° . a: : Onsciod Pp ne gS Fa ny. A keseads ‘ ry aforesaid, that I have received His Majesty’s Writ to me directed, and bearing y Ridsdale, charged with at-|week, subserib date the Twentieth day of September, 1920, commanding me to cause the follow- To develop our Sea-Heritage, we pt + ~~ + de, has | sag dices oui ‘is ca ing question, namely:--- must send chosen and trained emis- an oe ee Fee OF 8 teshink MMM cay thirtt ce Ge saries—our most able business men — A tee ce sale i Uidiis te evalitnn coda WHICH DO YOU PREFER? to make Preferential trade agreements rhe 2i-hgur system has been|age young lad t as h (1.) The present “‘Prohibition Act”? with other nations in the Empire. And — aopied orf the new time table of dress as’ formerls we must make good these trade agree- ili" (i. 'T. P. following the lead of 1) 8 (2.) An Act to provide for Government Control and ments with Canadian Ships. Canadian National Railway Oe ee Sale in Sealed Packages of Spirituous and pe Babbage wa ty Malt Liquors? tv days prisot with ‘ ‘ ° . = : : The Navy League of Canada. : shor by’ Meais Me.| THAT son hinks ( B to be submitted according to law to the Electors qualified to vote for the election { this morning n-|'* re Bree’ of a member of the Legislative assembly for the Electoral District aforssaid; and, Lat I the roa 6 y ie b tere ‘ S > and further, that in obedience to the said Writ a pcll shell be opened at eight o'clock in Barnes irged pla ‘ i Bull} the forenoon and shall be closed at seven o'clock in the afterncon om Wednesday, am a iis ei THA’ ie the Twentieth day of October, 1920, for taking and receiving the votes of the said . pee seer x. Accused is 1 ‘ Electors in each polling division of the Electoral District aforesaid at the respective ti ba pia : ening a places following:--- inpr r id Tenants Widies ants W. 8 : ae POLLING DIVISIONS. | i di! named nmiss Atnarko Haysport Margaret Bay Sand Spit i tt ASSOSS fctatpiaieienh apnea Banks Island © ofe-in-the-Wail Masset Sewell At this season of the year the prudent man sees to | ging down the 1921 assess- tT eee Beila Bella Hydah Namu Seymour Inlet it that his heating plant (hot water, hot air or # Baila Coola Inverness North Isiand Skidegate a ale Co ie the colder enanele i nee / Ten Years Ago ! Buckley Bay Jodway Ccean Falls Smith Isiand stoves) is put in Condition for the olde Veat ° : pe es “i in Prince Rupert Butedale Kimsquit Cceanic Spiller River r } Ve t ti ter er If you want the work done promptly and right see St y : Ii cieensiectbitlila toa a egkt, cei ae Cedarvale Kitimat Ceanda Surf (niet 8 , , : sede , : October 5, 1910. Claxton Kitsumgalium Pacific Swanson Bay 9 er — ; unk, E. Allistone a \ Bio: ; : Copper Bay Kitsumgalium Lake Pacofi Tarrace j R O W E; S i} es eR : a : a - 2 Copper City Kitwanga Port Clements Tieil f s Pier atvicdiat al thelb a fie Mins : Dundas Island Kwinitsa Port Essington Tow Hill | lian, ie tel eal etal » tha. eae Firvale Lakelse Lake Port Simpson Usk SHEET METAL WORKS i d included 8. H. Pearce and R. ; Atk ne Georgetown Lawn Hill Princs Rupert Wascham's Cannery i {i me i ra nadbedia” dad ist wher i ' mi € N 5. as - " ie Order from N - va i . 4 . i ® ground RFR RE RES rO re eR rR reee e Miss bD y ¢ 2 a . 20 . > acific Cartage, Ltd. Phone 93 fiy yr beryity illingham | and aise Bit ree ere x ape Ot terns p Carta ee ee : : “ 6 AUC { s t ther 1 ater t tepairs to ali makes of Pianos, w Prin | t f2en w ¥ oo St B . ; Phonograph. Cameras Spare spital have gone south jan) f the event bv gz ra ns to t 4 may t : parts in stock. French Polishing tw it ec will d ite nursing inling a cha a with ‘the Water Pariia- 5 J. Slade Stevens i Miss Blair of the wi he be t tings, Victoria ns awit 7 SEALED TENDEMS. scarean ; ? 428 5th Avenue W. . 1 tatl has taken Miss Never forget to luok through ti e ae loca \ . ay . r ‘ om er sine ~ Reg a end rie a Yender for ree to cee oy oe ae Re e ar ing es khame’s place in Dr, KRergim’s|the elassitied lat : aphpseneheaamedibta alent be received at this ollice unt "a2 ‘o'clock me rm By S. F. Pika, Agent noon, Wednesday, September 22, 1920, - : D ' ’ he frat pul ition of this | f ‘ Ba ewal Of @ Wharf at Aincoitn | s°"* : ry Kiln Cx i ee s Thursday, September 23rd, 1920, |Skeena Dist iB. se + Y Ailn Capacity: 100,000 feet per day Archbishop Du Vernet held alfl ———_——_—- ‘al iiahon cadttsenae ae tne ~ TOM LEE CO. (irmation service in St. John’s || | NOTICI ihe District, Engineer’ at Prines ; i ne i SIT , Burns Lake, on Sunday, | 0 an é | : matte mpanies Act i f ane at the i a8 Ottces, Vancouver ; 840 Second Avenue, West. Sept 6. Five candidates {| | ee cretet dnd intttic matter Of George: | ,hcMcers Wilt not be Considered untess VEGETABLES IES sere presented by Rev Arthur ff} e e taw ce and mpany, Limited, ortapat ners : oi ‘ dah : wie om TERN HEMLOCK FLOORING, SIDING Garlick, the resident clergyman Fe te WENEENOT: vey, pursuane wo ‘MHODE ‘Cantaned therein. npanied by Wholesale and Metall CEILING FINISH OF ALL KINDS Vhis was the first confirmation in ff] inl rices oa Tae aueerediinie ar - a am LESSyeen crane, OG. 8 sears lee } General Contractors and this church and awakened much #} pany Ww nels Bs ‘incur Pubtic Works, equal to 10 p.¢. of the } Labor Exchange, ha tt | “ —_—__ m oo y kehire . u 1 Oe ae anay ane aM unt OF the tender. War Loas a ? > r 0 e 5 ‘ ’ . . ’ | rin ecting } leaner | 12th day of 0 tober, 1920, at the hour of 4, eaauvits or War Bonds ana eheaues ; ’ \ anet 2 v oF | boats as security, OF War wou en Prince Rupert, B, Q, lands Spruce Produc > Ltd. het tion fs. M. Newton et J} matted iuary last ta all holders } Ae cite tall nS a * at the creat. |" NOY Bg i. pg vo } > : > , M ll f aha stands effective tors of U sbove-hamed Company, WMECO ini. Henartment by depositing an accepted! ¢ Phone 547 — P.O, Box 725 ills: Prince Rupert, B.C, . e Board ef School Trus being W i volnntartly, are required bank ebeque Tor the sum of 810, payable) ~*~ Pring, Local Agents: ALBERT & McCAFFERY lees asking a restraining ordet The new GOVERMMen, Tax 14 in On (OF melon, holt Uamnen end addresses 10,180 Craet Of, the Rinse oF Penis t a © Rupert, B.C. Telephones, 564, 116, Blue 69 wainat the board to limit the ex 4 i pariicalars of th debts OF tending bidder submit & regular Bid, pondit eo he new Hays Oove I rdanee wit a solicit fa to une dato ~ - CG DESKUCHERS Phon® Green GOF 1017 Sra Avenue School to 8150,000 is set down tolf} pete i ring aS far as possible [A gt 20 . wshir A ! c. Pe cat, AY re eo a Secretary me before Mr, Justice Murphy ' blalog wo tations ibe tred’ DY flee in writin mm the me Ottawa, August 94, 10396 D | & W. HEO ieee i Thursday morning wi 3 } measty 5" Ros tn and” pr ove the anid oe oom eal * anne a garno atts hiss of Fisher & Oughton, ap met ade ia a “ 2 ers baa, wry 4 TIMB 2 n : i a COLLART, Notary Public aher. of Piatat © ee ‘ |] seat ne, seceled to, Sach Bole eee if [BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS benefit of at listribution made before Sealed tenders Will be received by tn Speciatists in Light and Heavy Con- orner, 2nd Avenue, 88OO.00 on terms, hh. Hooper represents the Sehool | bh det ved Mirntste r Lands not later than noon on struction, Repairs end Alterations, DSON co A Snap Board | oe a we chase of Licence -h 9388, Wo cut 316 o. Pivot Class Staircase Work and AL For SALE Lo iy Sacked Lump $14.00 ; Sd ’ JOHN DOBBS FORSYTH fect of Hemlock, Spruce, Balsam and eo ie e j Lu lator Cedar nh an area situated on D ey imiet, ™, Most are MARI , ry a classiffed advertisement | amen ante earners | ones “Se ty Be mn Dreney (0 alee eorfully ven UPanee ( INE INSURANC E on the Coast ‘ey want to buy or aell or if Two-color window cards take 2 vores mene Wilt be allowed for re BRICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING Box 66 W North America, Pwys Claims promptly : want anethings , A lot of busi Vancouver, B Cc, the eye quickly hee them at the Further particulars of the Chief Forester, CONTRACTORS estholme Theatre Block Phone Blue 69 ix done that way. EERE News Job Department. viesaeie iB Go OF District Forester, Prince