it Page @ eile ia > —_ THE DAILY NEWS ———K—&Kzzz—~—*—&=&K&—=x7Z[Z[{&[{[/[K*=—=>=" Ess We have now on hand 1000 Tons Wellington Goal VANCOUVER HAS 'BEER LICENSES — HUGE RAINFALL ARF DISCUSSED | Noarly Twice as much Feil in City Royal Bar Given New lease of| } i to South as there was here Life, But Turns Down in September F. MoGee Again. _, 1000 Tons —— sina 3 Prinee Rupert had only 5.2 inc hes| } MeGee appeared before the} cou uoal ill Jast month as com-j/city council last evening AasKing 7 U ired to 10.57 inches which Van-jreconsideration of tis ay cat A ‘ : im! in the same period.ifor a beverage lLieens that was 3 ti “ not or fe: : i cipitation during the [refused him tast Monday night scarcity and increase in price a ’ } } vas at ‘ geht andi Afte a ‘ . wubpeil coal but also a t nn t ing your demands for prompt . eady storms, allisustained its last week's decision . Fa a és w ‘ ming in brief showery spells,/Aldermen Perry and Murray beings delivery this fall, we strongly ’ , ; : Some peopie writing from Van-jthe only ones to favor the grant- recommend that you make sure 9 of your winter's supply now by auver say that it was like a con-jing of the license, os ’ . ms ad wour all the time Phere was a good deal of dis phoning ~ ‘ 116, 564, Blue 69 here, cussion as to the beverage leens-| f f th, .” . , fhe warmest day here was on|ing generally in the eity and Ald O Wei a fied od Albert & McCaffery }/<:xtomber 22 step tue reading toohoster in opposing the gran y is 72 west on September jing of the particular license i Limited | rnd 5, 38. The mean tem-/point stated that there were 19 | ‘6 on pple me dale oa koe ler -ohfterthey tyra ORE men smoke “BRIER” o POCPOSUODIOORS — Ider the old licensing system th Hubert W ard begs to announce has withdrawn his interests from the Parkin & Ward Electrical Cyr and. will in future conduct siness un- der the mar Ward Rhetic & Marine Supnly Co. Cow Bay Eleetric an Gasoline En ths ness man. Moreover, these pe . eing Sup | nid ” e Hard : I ; = - : s I 9 are ~~ were aes by Sata re | Macdonald standards established ware, arin ghting Sets, ? Sr va a a ' alles oday and gone tomorrow hey | e Lenition Devic ie eee catiy ta be aur{ were ne unit in the building up of in 1858. 4 Among cut tobaccos laules enarees nd renew- ; neet ' rt as ‘ pty . oa or tt 66 ed at reasonable prices. All | * threshing in the vi-l’tihind of faltness-but was. in Brier”’stili leads in value. There _ Special | attention given to j]ut 100 sof pals toe Corel ines is more tobacco for the money in mall Orders. ; 5 New Company. ‘| poe seers oe secereatentcreasectees n -_ om d. Matson also appeared at tt - 4 ents. POD. re mrt Oe OO ew . TAXIDERM' in al! its branches. Work life-like. Satisfaction Guaranteed. D. C. TAIT Cos Broadway, Vancowver, B.C. PRINCE RUPERT Central Labor Council Whist Sites & Dance Mcintyre HALL, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 6. Cards at 8.30 p.m. Dancing at 10.30 Gray’s Orchestra Refreshments. Admission, 50c Auspices Women’s Auxiliary O. B. U mm the Royal Hotel whict As “rar ; B5 t 7} COMMITTEE TO MEET (ss? w."raigur wt" srs Half-pound tins cents. ; > lon behalf of the apy ant al 46 5 RAILWAY COMMISSION 20a iiche guuliean’ ans 4 called the RH. ¢ of whieh] \ tee consisting of Act-}| Matsor was the manager a fa Dybhavn Aldermen Maken over the Royal Bar. U ter has been ap-ja new concern and 8. A, Corley | ted by the city council toiwho was recently convicted under] t the railway commission onjihe H. 6. Prohibition Act, had Visit here to present the city’s | rat hing to do with it other thar i } Various matters, amongiheing the landtord of the pren nm will be the Cow Bay levellises which were rented to the ay ' g juestion. Notice wa> | plicants at #175 per month. Mat i given by the Provincial Gavern-j|son, personally, promised the} i «t night's council meet-l|«ouncil that the taxi drivers we ¢ al bad applied again forjnot be allowed to have a tél =sion to put in a level cross- iphone there and ar enden ng at { Bay leading to the|would be made to have them atop! t wharf. idumping drunk men around t than any other tobacco in Canada. It leads in quality -and leads in value. “Brier” EDMONTON LABORERS... i ystem Was getting ASK SEVEN DOLLARS 5.9 | were saloons all over h In this part ar case t} Harvest Work in Alberta isl Take Two Months and Has Apo ared that one man was try-j i Just Started, Be hak thoes fe bao ait scickioies se ee Am oxorkiiant rent of hoes] has become a Canadian institution. DMG ‘) es a. rr nonth was being charg: d My 66 . $9 ur d aad m4 * es Gee and with such conditions as | q Now Brier comes in new form yee BO 8 ONT Htnese, honest business was being | : t ard and are now asking i car a ne 9 t 66 BE * ” the crops are exception= [peer ine swears were, able, te --Macdonald’s Cu rier”--the good rorya ap. RS OD pay such hich rents where it was same tobacco--prepared under the he work of harvesting i . Pevestihe impossible for an ordinary busi <—w pPremtipege ts 2 i. DROWNED FROM TUG. i eae ds vs oae./TWO OF THE I DREDGES vadervon, “a Scotchman, was] BUSY AT M’NICHOLL when he ell overboard z Ivanhoe at Irving Tug Fearful took One across from | TERRACE FRUIT LANDS 10 Acre Tracts 2 miles from Terrace at $60 per acre on terms of 1-% cash, balance © and 12 months. Au jand easily cleared 160 acres 4% Miles out on main wagen road, Good sou with clay sub-soll, All good land and level fimber on this land is reserved by the government Price 41 per acre, cash, 16 ‘\-acre jots adjoining baseball Fieid and Terrace Townsite Just put om the market, All good level lots ideat sites for a summer home, There will not last tong rrice er lot; Terms 1-4 casn, 6, 142 and oa months Kenney Bros. & Co. Real Estate Brokers. Terrace - - B.C. DRY KINDLING WOOD in Stove Lengths Phone your order in early. PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. Phone 93. 8. E. Parker, Mgr. t n Seplember 28. The body} ' andl i | Dry Dock Yesterday Afternoon “ PRUE ayy we ‘ dees brought ts Advertise in the Daily News. fwo of the dredges ! : a this city by Grant & MeDonald, of LAND AUT. Vancouver, are now busy di Kotice of Intention to Appiy to Lease Land.jacross the harbor at MeNicholl In Queen Chark tte isiands Land District, Oreek for bottom material for the | ¢ District of Skeena, and situate | } Tr j t the las the westerly boundary of Block $3, / new ee Frunk wharf, th last t Lot 746, on Masset Iniet. lof the three having been towed ke notice that the GRAHA HULK & CEDAR Ww onTD Pm — over lisse the dry dock by the tug] eIpents, oecupation lumber merchant, 5 oo , - atrnd 1 apply for permission t lease the OP ful yesterday afternoon. Thi , wing deseribed lands jwill keep the Fearful almost con mmencing at @ Ost jantead at ine | rihwest eorner br’ pioek $3: tnence|(stantly busy bringing the gravel b 46 dee. 37 Min west 29.9 feet; . wl hence morte 76 606. 96 Guim west $10) 2°TOs8s the Bay, and the work is| t; thence ee 3 eee. wees 468 feats speeding up The firat dredge | e 8 h $6.5 feet; ence east 47 r tm r less to a post planted at tne) Was brought to the dock this] ih t corner of Sai lock & ib-eesteriy” fol wing “47 bign. wager | aftergoon for repairs, e nark asong the westerly boundary of D@ek|; Yhe dredges are moored to 3 © the point of commencement, con- | = wining 7.5 acres more or less dolphins and new piles that have) Se ot rntiebens LAND NITED. « CRBAK OY been put in and there is also a een ae 1 ne , _ fi Dated August 26th, 19290, houseboat which provides a mess |™ ee tee et ee et ee tt ~~ [ 4 NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC. |!ouse and sleeping quarters for { Cc. y, EVITT } TION ACT. the mien employed. Some of the Auctionee? | Kh. S.C. CHAP, 115. employees do not come across the al ews assi ie Ss, { od ” | MARITIME PISHEMIES LMT ED orjharbor at all, { 3 Auditor © Haysport, British Columbia, bead office at sient i 50c : Cuvée, Beitish Coleatie. paneaby aves 2 CENTS PER y IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than 50 } hemmeeooe pa ‘ ¢ that it has, under Section 7 of the! a SRS ewe. ee sald Act. deposited with the Minteter of | STEWART WEDDING es arene eer en a : - rublic Works at Ottawa, and in the office WANTED. PURCHASER WILL SAVE #5.00.00/)/ FOR BALI G / on , of the District Pepisizer of the Land -——_—— } sipntdh cnttidpemcienemmpiaiiiiiinaatings ena on Yt. p. hen fuly N. & ; wu { jHevistry Distriet of Prince Rupert at Prince i ' 1p. heavy au ‘ ” ! vf ' Hupert a description of the site and the|Edgar Marris and Mre. Bibeau waNnyih) Ay ONC Waitress . “i e price $2,200.00. The nislind. eond location. M I plans of wharf, salmon cannery and coid | "= ' , ' , a ; C ‘ pl . » - - 0 e ce upe Hazelton for a couple of weeks on One firsteclass marine en-|FOR ALS A heater cheap. Ay ply or their way from Seattle and will gine 4% Fifth Ave, Wegt 33 Lo EUROPEAN PLAN then return to Stewart to live. One first-class large row boat! = oe B12 LO —Retween Summit Av Ee 4 : 7 he » , in or “ eiwee nim $1.60 por day and up, ~~ enemas with 2% h.p. Gaille Perfection POW SALK—Safe Price $125 Pwo, a indie’ gold - 0, B, Bush, of the Bush Mines, | News office tf wg CLIOD , ; Inboard engine, | ome writ steh Finder pleas FIRST-CLASS OAFE Stewart, was a passenger in the M. M, Stephens, Phone 222, a Te 1 lo-| | tant OR and recely Phone A La Carte. eity on Saturday afternoou for|——————~=————-— mee WOK BALD Cigar store, won 0 Plone iia ’ ‘ 4 pox 074+ |stewart. HOUSES POR BALE—F,. W. Hart.! cation, Box 110 News office, tf) reward, I