We have a particularly good assortment. Page & Shaw’s bottled candies of many kinds. Pascall’s But- ter Scotch, Fruit Drops of many kinda. Sticks in bottles. Our Chocolates are of Lowney’s the best quality, Ganongs. Moirs, Willards, Neilsons, Liggetts. The price is right. Ea e, Orines Limited The Pioneer Druggists Phones 82,200 THE REXALL SORE P.O. Box 1680 === BUS SERVICE TO HOT SPRINGS AT LAKELSE | _ GIFTS Visitors to Lakelse Hot Spmngs T HA I tan get auto bile service from) lerrace, by notifying CC. A, Waite the liveryiman, Park CGiarage, ~ f sa, who bas a new ord car ant LAST wk heh this b cae sitosiane ible rates tf Always a Reminder. Se eke See A Perpetual Thing of ee TIMBER SALE X 2382. Beauty. heated ten = WI De Pees a ‘ i vn John Bulger oe a ae ee a Jeweller TIMBER SALE X 2587. Sealed 1 “ be received by the than noo 1920, for the 1 1,418 and Batsam, Arm, Cassiar Re ‘ be allowed for re- TIMBER SALE X 2615. si it I ceived Dy tne FURNISHED BUNGALOW minister Of Lanas Wot tater ta Bean. On ihe 250! i f October 1920. fer the Lag » S P has X 2615, to cut 796,000 in Section Six for ret of Spruce and Hemlock and 290,006 feet BM felled and bucked Spruce on re’ tHated a sila River, Mange ° 2, Coast Land District tw 2 years Will be allowed for re- : moval of tinh You can see the plan of this “Further particulars of the Chief vorester, . Vietor i or Distri oreste , . bungalow at our ofiice. Rupert. 8. ¢ , + Forester, Primes e TIMBER SALE X 2672. Lots 33-34, Block 17,. Sec- am Sealed tenders ¥ be received by tne tion 1, #650 each, Ministe f Lands t tater than noon on : for the ! ' ' ir Poles na irea within McCaffery, Gibbons Jo. 6 2225 ce eave & Doyle, Ltd. fete ecu ot, ett rr oou Forester Real Estate @ Insurance TIMBER SALE X 2685. Prince Rupert, E.C. oe noon 8 Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- @day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT SS Just Arrived ‘ 4 re for removal DENTISTRY | Santana i ig rict Forester, Prince 5 Don’t neglect your Teeth } w afer tis One decayed or missing tooth ; ! 1 to chang lowers your efficiency 5 pa © Le Pine cig { j rt B C., Wits DR. BAYNE $1 I ee WhicHt, LD Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; $ “aa Afternoon, 1.80 to 5.90; Satur ? [7 ,a.cce d-y, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, ; POI ETO OLE OL OE OL ET OE 200 boxes No, 1 McINTOSH RED APPLES All sizes $4.25 per box OUR COAL IS IN THE LEAD When it and you here the purpose. No inatter for power——W comes to quality, will always find right kind for every whal you need cooking, heating, e have | coal tw Wi), i1LOH 30578 COUGHS HUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS OF FISH TIED UP AT FISH WARVES Vt i » % vat kish Ix al this morning so th sual | lay m nine fish s eld over un { ‘ vh th siluation may proved Phere th | { HOO | ds of halibu the tk “ boats posted on the board Ul Ra 11,000 Ibs \ noo m I Neilso Rray 6.000 Ibs bagels 8 Ibs Pair of Jacks 6 ton, 7,500 Ibs Clara i s . M Oh er i 1000, and tautl i cohoe salmon ROBBED BY BANDIT $30 After Driving Robber Two Miles. VANCOL VER (et i H opeland was held p on Sund con pelled to drive a Oo miles He was if thirty dollars - BORING FOR OIL then robbec ler- Hugh Connlent of Vancouver Lost AND STRUCK GAS LDMONTON i) x for o it Giraltt { Kd nlo ia « giving a pressure i a nds pe incl an mt of an abandoned w Claim iivision and }« ond 1 head of Alice F MINERAL ACT, ATE (IF IMPROVEMENTS The Dandy So. 2 PFrecvional Miter situate mn the Maas Hiver Min of Cassiar District here located on Doeliy Varden ined by the Wolly Varden about seventeen miles from Arm fake 0 wat tf, ; Miner's Certiticate 1896. CENTIPIC Ww Prank NO. 36621-«, tice tet, Sixty Gays fram the date hereor obtaining a Crown claim der secon 37, the provements for thm purpose of the of improvements, Urant ab And further take notice (nal action, t must be commenced bef issuance of such Certificate of | Dated this 19th Gay of july, i¥¥0 rai : min althe, the Stringham, in wo apply to the Mining Mecorder for a Cerun cate of ve n re ™ Bulkley Valley Beef Prices Ko. 1 Side or Carcass. 14¢ do. Hind Quarter 18¢ do. Front Quarter 12c Phese prices are F.O.B Va Writ Broughton & McNeil TELKWA, B.C. —— ome COAL THAT IS RELIABLE StS Consumers CoalCo,, Ltd. } | Rupert Table Supply Co. goon it nun Sock Poses 1 PHONES 211, 212, | The best way to have YourSuit Cleaned and Pressed is by our Steam Pressing Machine Me ou. It only ee 46 min Our Price is Reasonable Delivery is Prompt Give as atrial, Phone Black LING TAILOR 821, 823 2nd Ave., utes, 02 Prince Rupert G.H. ARNOLD Notary Public. For Sale house on West roomed Seventh Avenue $2,500 Half cash. bhalanes to be errangod Six-roomed house on Fifth Avenue West $3,900 Terins $1,000 cash to be balance arranged H. G. Helgerson, Ltd. Insurance ~ Rentals ~ Bonds | ed ff it~ THE DASLY NEWS In the Letter Box ee ee es ee ee @ USE MEAD AS WELL AS HANDS IN HORTICULTURE TERRACE. fo the ka Havi tin » 1 “ti rat hit ly tt 1 &% ‘ I be i ‘ he tl i i ‘ ’ ; | ! , I any i es ; j : \ ! h Inevitable Condition he \ h ‘ i i 7 i \\ Study Books be hea ‘y I f ‘ be an exy ‘¢ | ; ay i ' i ; Co-oneration i i ‘ | ' 4 i } j ' and ¢ ad hi \ the i ind : hey I t tt ' 4 i ‘ if | ti 1 i ada i rr i snd ' WA ' ' ‘ ; ' md expand, te your ly r hand {yi nave ; hy t capita » it ‘ it work amd if th rm nore than a hundred 1) first vear f “A i iiready see il ti Litis il hie don't deery the tan ested Phe opportunity i il ind you would not take il Ce a PROHIBITION RESULTS Io the Editor ltegwarding the beth of Mr, Cowper in reply to iid showing the close associa- tion of liquor and venereal dis ea I wish to point out to bin that the delinquent girls who stated that their downfall was jmrad possible by the fact that OC cy AMabiph Laker presents FITZMAC On with The Dang GEORGE ICE PRODUCTION } EVERY Westholme Theat Toni Prices SCENE A SENSATIO Tome ‘row We and *ht and *ereeeeprervreeeaneae TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY ° eevmeoweveeeseeeeaeer ; i j i ‘ ‘i I + \ ri \ hi 1] j ; ed i ' { SAI | ti ' ' i ‘ \ W x \’t | i ; B.C. Undertakers., Phone 41. NOTICE, in Toe ANMIAL AND DIS THICT—tHe OOnMNG Dis Thiet OF BREBAA, AND rUATI AT ALi. AuM rAnK yori tha rAYiCn = MINING (HIMEANY ge bd Ary t edit roncter ' i ’ Vor iver, in the rat mia, & Company Lew ihe awe Of ihe ' int apply for per t a fottlowing deacriped tirat tt vieinat of tou ) 47, 327009 and grou ih the eesiar fhetrict om Alice Arm in the skeen fistrict commencing at & poal Pianted h North Weel corner of bot 1449A In the Casstar District, thence run nine in ee 29 nin, Weet @ distance f 4607 feet, thence North #4 deg 81 min, Weat a distance of 174.7 feet th the Southeriy & lary of Lat 36434 thence foiiow ite Southeriy boundary of Lol 16M40A Aorth We log. Hast @ distance of 601.% feet to point of commencement, and containing Two Ad more or tesa, whieh were bated on the tweitth day of August, iveu ‘ n NOWTH Agent for the Taylor Mining Company Limited DATED at Alice Arm, & U., this ‘Dweilltn May af Aumont, 4020 Variety of Plants in bloom arrived CHICKENS & BROILERS CITY MARKET LEE LOE LLL LLL LLL LL LL LLL LLL LEELA Orde: P. O. Bon Phone pt Attention rm Miss GLEESON ’ Ready-to-Wear Ma. Prot Receive Exclusive Ladie» | Rupert, 8 Third Avenue OPERA LD COLL OOE OT omen oer em ren mene A With our m Nutritious Bread Our Goods s Mas Wern ¢ are all ma rRY THEM The La Casse Bakery, 717 Grd Ave. Auto Delivery ai eeeeert utd | Lum ymeina AND . EnGInEEs TORK’ SELL TOVE Fa 4yenes Gurneys commenced ma phone 174 po. ing stoves in 1843, Suu econserttt the same line of business oe 1920. Hundreds in use in ' cast Prince Rupert. } f BRO ON SALE AT ; JO rransle ’ » Mote >” Fred Stork’s |) paseo Hardware ShOOND AVENUE Phone Black 114 “a EET: j Quie FISOW GML C0. <= We have secured the agency for the be«t Con) foundin the inter)! and can supply any quantity lrices on applicatio Prince Rupert Feed Co. 2nd Ave St E KF OR R F ar nished Domini tite or Fist AY oe py ti and 7U Green 54 Corner Phone 58 oer er coer ror rerrrr rere rcrerece