— = eee ee ae Page 6 THE DAMLY NEWS CONFECTIONERY We have a particularly good assortment. Page & Sithaw’'s bottled candies of tmany kinds. Pascall’s But- ter Scotch, Fruit Orops of reany kinds. Sticks in hottles. Our Chocolates are of Lowney’s the best quality, Ganongs. Moire, Willards, Neilsons, Liggetts. When GREAT INCREASE REINDEER HERDS ike all the mean Success of Industry; 1,280, 18 things you ever did— mixed together, then Yeers Ago, now 200,000 and 110,000 Killed you need Beecham's Pills. Your mouth is a good indication of the condition of stomach and bowels. BEECHAM’S Sold everywhere PUNEAI ta Conca. PIL 1.38 In boxes, 25c., 50c. 12 Largest Sele of Any Medicine in the World MILLIONS OF TINS Beauty. pcetied senders wil ceived by tne han noon on for the John Bulger - reer iar Jeweller rn TIMBER SALE X 2587. TIMBER SALE X 2615. to Sealed vu rs Ww be received Dy the . 2 c y ' rr ? fr rr the an ne on On = r anG L. > Rooths. Moder . £3,600 urea n kildatia River ‘Kan ge : as Leis et £4 70 Tw 2 will be allowed for re- > ' nT va : ' ef Yorester ik ‘ 4 Vie t t ster, rin Kupe t ‘ ¥ i 1 796,000) - j Kk and 290,006 +t The price is right. Salmon Cans Used in One Year v " ert Placed End to End over e * 5,000 Miles Ormes Limited | oi.woo ane n ment le { \ The Pioneer Druggists as P edie ’ Phones 82,200 THE REXALL STORE :p.0. pox 1000 [\,....t.) 1 1.557.435 ! \ I dual lt l ——_ BUS SERVICE TO HOT e80 pom nd tins of id t d GIFTS SPRINGS AT LAKELSE ; u Visitors to Lakelse Hot Springs sn wk, we 1 I THAT can get automobile service from /l|ines they w i d Terrace by notifying C. A. Waite,!a tra ul i the liveryma Park Garage, Ter-/| Va ver the { ‘ LAST race, who has a new Ford car and) Na al Railway Growth Marvellous truck for this business. Heason- rt ivf i ‘ : able rates oe tf <.lmon w i Always a Reminder. ae a ee tie Rese cae ’ Bt I years pa j . £ { satin pat has 2 5 A Perpetual Thing of TIMCER SALE X 2382. he I ih 5 METHODIST MISSIONS PORONTO t) ; 1) \ 1. Sis ‘ ° ; cwiree or w. NEW SUPERINTENDENT : | estholme Theaty TONIGHT nna Q. Neilso James Kirkwood “THE LUCK OF THE |Risy Sunshine Comedy - - ee . SEVEN REEL FEATURE STARRING and gre “Back to Nature Girl A scream from start to { EMPRESS THEATRE - - - - who were in “Vagabond Luck’ Fourth FOX Prices - - - - . . Se and } ne TRE - TONIC RAY and FAIR ahalf Hours Lea I'wenty-three and Episode of “‘The Mi lion Dollar Reva NEWS Pete eae lo was we PRINCE GEORGE TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY * 1 Seeeeeeetenesceeeees POULTRY FOR SALI Sev pense “eply F. Shaw, Mcb M TIMBER SALE x 2672. Dee Bee. «eset ee a : 5 8 eived by one rmiture 82 ; M 1 er than hoor t ; the 3 192 r the sai A rea within * G.T.Y. Kail McCaffe Cibbons : t 4 “ for removal , r tin y s fr the nief Fores & Doyle, Ltd. ace hurt ye ne Foret . : TIMBER SALE X 2685. Real Estate & Insurance . See Prince Rupert, B.C. gor ; os for removal ‘ . ft ef Forester DENTISTRY | re . Don’t neglect your Teeth } ; ponte ater. se One decayed or missing tooth 2 . 4 “ - ~_- * lowers your efficiency ; I { this DR. BAYNE : Ce whut, LTD Office Hours--Morning, 4 to 12 — Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur IE A duy, 9 to 12 only Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- ; @day, from 7 to 9. J t A . d DENTAL NUKSE IN ATTENDANCE ; us rrive PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENTS ; = 200 boxes No. 1 McINTOSH RED APPLES Oaae ee = >" All $4.2 per box’ s1zes OUR COAL IS IN THE LEAD When it to quality, and you will lind here the right kind for every purpose. No matter what you need coal for—cooking, heating, power——we have Comes alway 5 a Consumers Coal Co, Ud Rupert Table Suppl C1, Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 ts Red Cedar Shing Dry Kiln Capacity, I Bulkley Valley | 4 SITKA SPRY RUCE_ . ‘ 4 Beef Prices 3 WESTERN HEMLOCK |! No. 1 Side or Carcass. 14¢ CEILING F INISH O! Kh do. Hind Quarter 18¢ } do. Front Quarter 12c } these prices F.O.B Charlotte Islands Spruce Produc’ y W le Ob) ect s bs ' ; Miiis: } : Reainahian & McNeil ‘ Local Agent« ALBERT & * ros? ‘ ’ % 16, io ee eee : i Prinee Rupert, B.« Telep! »s ~—- Aceletent Fores! Rangers ' T eee oorrer A el. THEO COLL AR I, Nota ary Notary Public. : an FOR SALE. ; QuveliGcatiqns: or, Candidate? EDSON COAL FOR SALI te! 4 ne the Coast * on the For Sale : “ aa ae : Most Liberal MARLNE INSUKAN\ 1 Kig on j ra ‘ pa ' Seventh A Od tate knuwieds P. 0. Hox 66 Westoime Theale Pic sae " OOO ELLE E DOLE OOO LO OOO oor ‘aan , . ae a “ - $2, 500 | ——— .* ‘ ca } bi \\ ; coos . ; } y » R IK ' Preference is given to returned sotgiers i * EVITT ; ; ve ‘ R PIN omed ft i tii : with the necessar uelificetions $} 1 ee | Mf ME EXAMINATIONS ; Auctioneer $3 } ur she ’ sit ' : Auditor and Accountant } } $3, 900 Sei ncria|| Ander ond Accountant | Perms #114 ‘ alanes BASKETBALL. Btn _ : OOOO ELE LE ELLE OOOO, ; ; , oe ranged \ } eke ad beck ‘ be ar \ be held sind mailed be A. G. GRAY i} ! i i i # "Dale soamer of Fiano ; ; HG. Heoerson Ltd. eure iaioim |i Z 444 $3 insurance - Rentals - Bonds ’ , LHULY . 4 PHONE ae Sr os emssereieirinssindaheliaia dilesaimaiaatalortainiol NOTICE. Symphony 0 Orchestra oo Ai" Ta canta tee, Pea et, urc OLICES Io sie ade i PARE NIP. that VANES MINING Annual meeting f abe me erences me CUM ANY LIM TEE, of 7 Cre ait re ncie eee id be pig next Sunday, October 10. " re ie at ‘Grae 4 toad “ ‘dem m8 Ti hie july tneerporated tunder the tawe © Te 18, ( a A First Baptist Church. “aid ravines “tatends ie apply fot ber. pe Se abi igi M "oo" il if el ke ends, ae aie "a te ails of Lol Al Snembers and others j 40 beve ug ‘ uf 64%, 3700 and Jeou in interested reguested lo be ervies 7:30 Preacher, tev, Saas oF seat Se my a” poss present, ipiented in the North Weat corner of Lot ali) , id 15645A in Ut seeiar Distriet, thence ron Ernest A. Woods. First Presbyterian Church. j me Mn ; w 29 min Wont 8 Gintance — br. Grant will speak on Pro-jmin, West a distance of 176.7 feet to tne a southerly boundary of Lot BO49A, thence had Munday evening, and iowie the Soulherty b mundary of dat yale on tt ! wink Sunday evenit 43A Worth #6 deg baat s distance © . .- ve ' 01% feel to pont ef commencement, and DRY KINDLING WOOD J. 0 c% oy Sys OSES Es Ms, Anette Pinos rads a. " ne, ape ynareetnnea Fs Ot? seen uw NORTH FOR: EAREVER 19 0 prec pce tan agp daragg dd hay 1 be well for tl ent for the fayior ‘Mining Company Ww PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. wis to) web vd - lay oe ae aguas i -_ . | e Phone 93. 8. E. Parker, Mer. DATED at Alice Arm, BL, ie Pweiftn Bchoul at 12:30 lday of August, 1090