esse Beef | Ship jaug? w arriving rom the stoc k a “Ne Te aie Che Daily Netos ie | 10, 28,188 tS vic ee PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Centrai British Columbia's aati cine Market TAXI TAXI Phone 75 WE NEVER SLEEP Prince Rupert Auto M. H. LARGE 707 Second Ave. - Prince Rupert PRINCE it UPERT B.C., MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1920. PRICE FIVE CENTS Pw Brunswick Election on Saturday )RD IN FISH PRICES WHEN HALIBUT REACHES 20.1 CENTS A POUN srals Sustained in New CEILING WHEAT ° TOPUTRUPERT Cleveland Great Britain Not Purchasing Barge Left Here Saturday and .d Farmers 9 and Labor 2; Liberals claim 2 others EG, @etober 14—Very| oa Raturday a wecdnd "bande B: CLEVELAND, Oct. 14.—Cleve- ‘ {r« ere to & nso é . . brat ’ " wansos 'Y tend carried off the world series Tr ae nt ears ane ei \T SELKIRE Fish Price Today aoa norte” over Twenty Cents 7 Booth, Atlin and Reyal paid 20.1c and clones anthers over llc for Halibut on open mar- — wach, dhe stowed 4 ket; Car Shortage still on - - ana Agnes I ‘ i hee Atlir bis and 14.4 =} 17.000 | nds and : ’ ©. gyGnes ae eS ' f demonstrat - Fish ¢ ; fc and if . supplying any tests that ! wo nas Po aris hye lealers consumers ) pounds, Orient, 40,000 Winnipeg desire the Al-. Alla are wee a gue ent in fulfilment insold at r ! m account ‘ we ; seneral n Se ‘ ies 2 f the ¢ Dealers’ Asso “ ‘ NST 1 be U. RR TRA , sale i i pe & : I oa is if ‘ F - patil I RBITR! ON PARTY “1 een’ Ss “ PRAIRIE PROVINCES nt olen ee HAVE GONE EASTWARD piensa ms But Order is | erature DD als f Huge Monster ARE CONFIDENT THEY nore, Examined Wharves at Vancouver , Leat e 1c Oo g WILL GO BONE DRY PT eae a 7 before Found at Mouth Of TRAWO ees: ‘ ¥ vy recently, has ‘ TG ' ee, eee. hers and) ant ML. Hyde, an expert fuel't 7 ie a meas MeO arrived ond heatit gineer, to Winni- Wins Brunswick General Election 10 THE STATES = ON EVENKEEL «World Series Ball | mat has 2H Supportive tute, Comscevniews13,, ““UEn | Seen Beating Brooklyn ene on the home grounds, thus winning her third victory in the : ' ; 4 s DR GRANT ON ly ng f appar- aid shting the steamer pennant today by beating Brook- World's series. i . . * bat - e Rupert The other Jeff n with a score of 1 to 0. This An unassisted triple play by : lhe y buy ii in the week. These barges in Wus made by Speaker. Mails Wambsgass of the Indians and | | I ‘ PROHIBITION linited States? th xed for giving the vessel pitched f Cleveland and Smith home runs by Smith ayid Bagby Kine gd gainst that va ; or Brooklyt There was an im- were largely responsible for the z a eR i = on an even ‘pense crowd present to watch the winning of the game for Cleve- Large Congregation Out to Hear I ' hia ' " cula ot f salvage Same. land. The former put out a num- Address at Presbyterian his It ix “eee sat Sunday's ted Brox ber of ig a eg amd the latler e nex week before the Cleveland defeated trooklyn two men brought in a ftlock of Church Mail ‘ { ~~ 5 ' condition to «es - esterday by a score f eizht to runs for the Indians. s ' . ial raising. opera- os SM ko a bie ids Set once) Ta OUEn: “EXPERT TO - BAND CONCERT APPRECIATED Instrumental Music Lovers Given Treat Last Night at Band Concer: The concert given last evening in the Westholme Theatre drew : a record crowd and the place was crowded. The program rendered was one of exceptional merit and a source of much pleasure to all instrumental musie lovers. Te trad been intended to have Mrs. Stan- ley Bennet také part singing s bul this was made impossible by the sudden illmess of that lady. Will Balagno took her place on the pregram and rendered \ solos with first number was Kreisiee’s reo { Marie” which was he iPWily eu- red Will Edmunds so wave sey i rel s = \ h g ij will I rt feat i - I ors was } 4 j ‘ e Grreenvil Band wl h, always a splendid musica! ly, has de- loped eve to a standard der Will Edmund perienced ainine. Fach 1 - ceived with greal appretia 1 ncores V re OMnSISLeENLY ut- manded. GOING 10 CALIFORNIA M erest is being TO8CD tip and Mrs. Fred Stork and Two immense bones, part of spinal column of anti (),...oehout (he provinces of Man- Family Leave for South deluvian monster, being shipped from here Saskatehewan and Alberta Next Week. by local Japan’se tia fort! g plebis te in ne the importa- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stork and _ eee a > "rh | s ] gl } odav are yO Se is I i se provinces. 'daughters, Pat 1 and Ka een, ‘ = : | rq x! { - the skeleton of some rt : irranged by a ica a ’ i ; t Lb ' Carers nt | ! t vt hey Ww ol Ute _ Of eit ; - conspicuous ant ri : ‘ ree a eas i g the Ul provinces |winter months and e residen ' . ! wos + of bone further carry out the}),,, in Seeti > has bet Cadk-aae ifs theomes tl nN h America thousands of years ago there Ch vote s te be taken on/Mr. and Mrs. 8. 8. Magoff ie r } Pp tork he ; PRINCE RUPERT iS ! existed stupendous size In the bone itself there is |October 25, five days afte the Douglas P,. Stork \ I in = f t t} ; British Co nbia vote he cen-jcharge of the hardware busi 3 i} gt re ord ry person whether it is of fish or i bhi : ii WALES RESTING EASILY ' lie e, | . namma only that it has come from a huge a. " 4 ma oe t 0 ae i. DDE par : wigtitidiie ok als or it is ndoubtedl ne RES IN LONDON 88 ot 10 be ed crenata rit is, undoubtedly, bone. Road neskene ten Rie ‘ UNDU! ’ LADUE ae : - ‘ Phere solid pieces which are similar in appearance.| Columbia w i If she vote fot . , Phe , und Nat appearance resembling seetions of! prehibition th he will have e and Ow j a ‘ Niet ; Li Ihe Lun iit Poop le ois nee ‘ Ne ~ y bP f ! will y ia ‘ t 12 inches in,sen Island, at the mouth of the /@" oppertunity of shutting MY im Meet Him. ” ‘ suid they han M : Leagues!diameter by 1 res in length |Skeena slough by Mr. Ennyu, of Pertition in the near futur ’ w 4 . bw: areiiiieme iat Park Avenue, and are consigned Saskatchewan is the only one - { 0 PR RESS “1 o M Mayekawa, 344 Powell St of the three provinees that has j jurnis SAYS 60 D 0G , ee le suver, who will have them (tried severnment cont 4 and she ; , : iy i i bey are sections), i found it not workable. There ts further exatnined Mr. Ennyu| ue Bay o1 Pris Cue ON NE § § ERE ‘ i fac thi there ’ ci : Pe om » : W HIP H { - t ; at ul a -. elit them’ here this ‘morning (2° chance of that province evet more . , l its rom the rats » ta sud a syste } ; ; : n his own launch and they will go irning to such a system, ! Pemberton Thinks First Vessel sides at hi angles to eaoh ofher) oid hus sday night, eae oe | LECTURER SPEAKS Will be Launched End of : dl hat they a uthe In my travels about these In a neatly contested game held ve ‘ b sections of ‘ | eord and the 1 : t the Acropolis Grounds yester- R lin, r November. ' waters said Mr. Ennyu, ‘this|* Po ! . ’ i ow id be the ants ‘ ernoot! nt Ste TWICE LAST NIGHT at of -shool¢ ¥ , @ remnants | oening, “I have seen and found |48y afternoon a local All Btar { f rail intermediate league team again VANGCOUVI i) ! Ht ud many kinds of relies, but this is WAT, OR BURNED : : very las the mtity f the bones ' team by a 6-4 seore, ALM) VANGOUYVI 0 if \ ‘ h a ind fh speculation cial A hie. Simpson boys are remaining in \l : } d sinter # those w have seen them For sale-—Horse drawn ambu-jthe city for the winter, most of now ) ' j \ } x {! i» eir orig iad kind They lanes lo be seen at Shedden then wing employed at the Dry i ‘ ¥ (hut ' { whit ‘ . i} he the ia tt way south for the 1 nati Vhird Avenus Fast. Dox ah . a GQ \ \ aly f a4 Ww ‘ Make offers in writing to Prinee ae. has be tis last visit.{ The! vere Jound on Kit-/ Ruy General Hyspital, 39 =B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. ° . tlie absence of his father ARRESTED MAN WHO iS WANTED iN CHICAGO H. Michelevy has $500 Reward on His Mead Picked Up at Vancouver VANCOUVER, Oct if H, Michelev, wanted in Chicago on @ charge of obtaining #81,000 for 350 cases whieh he failed to de. liver, Was arrested here on Satur- day night. there was a reward of $500 on his head the Princess Alice made a special call al Swaneoy Bay last night to allow Messrs. Burdick and Yarrow, Vieltoria pard tnen, ta debark there luev are examin. me the wreek of the Pringé | Rupert with a view to repairs. Ff te ii A le Ret Ft 4 ee * é