Sen ae =p gp es "£5 | STOPPED HER i ii HEADACHES "so « THE DAILY NEws PRINCE RUPERT + BRITISH COLUMBIA gr ublished Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. ? } pany non-person il ‘ H. F, PULLENG AAG EDITOR. Years Of Suffering Ended jrecently gavett . are ctinnntncindtepatnescensentatanaatinsinsatitnstietiiaceses,. 1 claims in the it i " 1}: : SUBSCRIPTION. RATES: By “Fruit-a-tives j!ke Babine Gi City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ............ $4.00 112 Hasan St., Sr. Joan, N.B. jvorators are P Byemail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, | “Tt is with pleasure that I write to Davis and J. J. D ity BOVANUS, POF VORP oo. es oc s he cue Se eb ah eeeceees. 86,00.) tell you of the great benetit I received property shov \ Toall other countries, in advance, per year ......6.e64. $7.50.) from the use of your medicine traced at a lth = 4 cmenmnameaness | “Pruit-adives’, made from fruit finches for ® PHONE 98. | Juices. / was a greal sufferer for uUNNIN Assy on ¢ ran many years from Nervous fHeadaches 4} )) wold. «ile lear Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion Said, Sar cede ithe — G3 f . . consulted doctors; the labis i Transient advertising on front page ......6.66. $2.00 per inch. ME, | Lowal Readers, per insertion, ........+. ks cas 25c. per line. sel ig Cee Cee lgiade a bigs os Classified advertising, per insertion, ...e+++.+.- Ye. per word. After taking oni’ — be on the shipper — Notices, each insertion, ..... . iS5c. per agate line.) complately:celieved ofthese tesubles |“ n. age Contract Rates on At. ‘figetion. ; . | and have been whusually well ever |) MILLION DOLLAR ¢ Alf advertising should be in the Daily News Office on day pre-| yinee, Misg ANNIE WARD. a ali ceding publication. All advertising reecived subject to approval, | SOc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial sise, 20. esi ! At all dealers or sent postpaid by note ca DAILY © DITION, anger Monday, October 141, 1020. a, er pomnited, batisantntad 5 ria 7 " nS jit to reeent art i Resources Takes i SUITCASES ‘es A : w ; oo ti Slam at Prohibition. “Resources,” Weston Coyney’s interesting little magazine, | which is usually devoted to matters pertaining to development of TRUNKS Jie ee, HANDBAGS shite Into the th@ city and district, goes out of its way this month to take a Si a ne tiel flifig at thase who are anxions to have decent conditions in the WHOLESALE AND RETAIL tixfaction t community and are urging that people vote for prohibition of the 8 a th 7 liquor traffic. Incidentally it calls them “‘pussyfooters.”” Also it a a. the people who are convieted “criminals.” It says *Bigotted Aa F. MAGUIRE le 5 througl sehtimental ty: inny has in the past many wholésale slaughters 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert P. W.- Ra of the innocent to answer for; but in all history no device of sacked at the & : : ; Ishipment. This thé ungodly ever placed té its record such a long list of criminals|g@eesaeenees8ee08020/) _ -! . ; ) for he it ana criminally-disposed persons as prohibition has made and « PRINCE RUPERT TIDES *| : , : proudly cl#ims as its own.’ The article paints a sad picture Of) s#@@e eh ev eee a ees s) MOOSE MINE ACTIVE. the “fisherman coming from werk in a raging gale wet through Monday, October 11. | Work ‘ Hic ; m.. 2 v¢ ; ' and exhausted” and of conrse needing a nip. It also speaks of High, 0:36 a.m. te “4 ' (2:47 p.m., 24.5 feet ine at A \ the miner in the bowels of the earth, the arduous toilers of the ow. +4 sae ba Ay ne Se a ae logging camps, mills and shipyards and the shattered and nerve 19:13 p.m., 3 feet bina dl \\ whacked veterans of the Great War who ought not to be deprived Tuesday, October 12. niate eta of such stimulant as may comfort them. These people will all High, 1:19 a.m., 20.5 feet cated abort retognize “themselves in the picture and doubtless be sorry for , i re “1.9 feet dolly Vard e 7 ! if i ‘ ‘ themselves. Unfortunately the writer seems to have no sympathy , 19 : : i ; . as for the “nerve-wracked” editor worn out from over-exertion in The time used is Pactil Stan-/| aspects. D w@iting a lot of twaddle and having to resort to a little touch of dard, for the 120th Meridian west.! m. W two and a half per cent to keep him going in the same happy It is counted from 0 to 24 hours d hgmorous vein from midnight to midnight. n« but a } ; The table given is for Port Yossibly the editor tesources is aware th: se}. , Pe iy the e¢ rr Of Resource is not aware that. these Simpson but the time for Prince|\ ated same “pussyfooters” of whom he speaks are among the best Rupert varies only a few minates) ecentiy i bakiness men in the city and the most skilled of the workers\on some days and on others is take ij : Had he taken a look at the list of subseribers to the prohibition|the same. The range of the tide : may be computed as 5 per cent campaign fund he might have thought twice before speaking of sreater at Prince Rupert than at i{H@m in that way. However, his article will add to the mer@ment . | Port Simpson both at springs and @—-——-—--—- ee NO of the community and that is worth something. Ineaps. Therefore the rise in the} Train of Evils iPrince Rupert harbor is slightly | In the Letter Box greater than Port Simpson. oo The height is in feet and tenths) Imagination Created. & Resources speaks of the “train of evils” prohibition has | cf@ated. This train of evils exists only in. the diseased imagina- |of feet above the average level of| tion. There is no train of evils except such as a few ‘people who lower low water. | Edit Daily N haye no control over themselves conjure up. Perhaps it is an "i meral il evil that jails have been closed, that people are buying elothes | “" fof tt Mow I and shoes and other necessaries of life in place of liquor. Perhaps — Formby, f lis wer it’s a train of evils that women and children are receiving better} ion self-contre j treatment and are better clad, that children are born under bette r| TIMBER SALE X 2679. you ; [ yeate conditions and are given a chance in life. Place against these| Seated tenders wil! be vecetvea py tne) PCAs tu ' things the fact that a few people sell liquor contrary to law and the tt Sages DB er. 1920, tor the pur: oie. that a few people erect stills and are sometimes punished for the |¢™™* of Licence % 9078, peer Dramey iatet,|'UINe regarding & / to cut 0 fee ed sprt ‘ ‘ offense. Where is the train of evils that Mr. Goyney sees? lock and alsa ar na : ind I j Two years Will be allowed for removal! lett: Editor for Once fla eu oF 7 ther particulars « e on rester, |) hia Out of His Sphere. Viet F the District Forester, Prince ‘ mere “ Mr. Coyney is personally a fine man and the Daily News ha« ar relia wichita daar eee il ! alfvays recognized the value of his magazine and given ft sueh NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC. ' r publicity as it mer ted, but when he sets out to read moral ler TION ACT. j f tuyes to the community and to belittle the efforts of those who! R S.C, CHAP, 115 nds ‘ an 7 ~ee to improve conditions, he is out of his sphere and he} MARITIME FISHERIES LIMITED of It may be mry lac injures his magazine and his st¢ Le : The (ayspert, British Columbia, head office at J i hi landing in the community. The )yoi7Pc"h, British Columbia, hereby givesjor just natura 1umor of his article, however, to some extent makes ame nds for Rotice that it bas, under Section 7 of the)... vine t q ag : id Act de 1 with t ptiiabie acer any « any objection that may be taken to it. It is really One more boost Pubtic Works at ottawa, Pn is tee eben et f i ti for prohibition. of the District Hegisirar of the Land|” . , Hegistry Distriet of Prince Rupert at Prince ans rth _ Eupert @ description of the site and the . plans of wharf, satmon cannery and cota) “Ml the desirability )slorage plant pee p sed to be built in the { ‘ Skeena Hiver at Hayenort. Brit iumbia,j* * : } AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex Piration Of one month from the date Of) 64. list the first pubtication of this notiee Maritime (SC (= FOR Ss. A i_E.- “Double Corner, 2nd Avenue, $900.00 o. on : te rms. inf part ay Westholme Theatre Block Phone Blue 69 day Of September, A.D. 1920. MAKITIME FISHEWIES LIMITED, | By Messrs, Patmore & Fulton, Solicitors. | 1)... hed} P.0. Box 66 Gere, etter try at ae ee SS ——<_—__——- | | would like to ask Dentist. EEE Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block DE. Haseverything to S Y do-with your sue- cess--your person- | ality---your appearance and your good health depend. |[\deceived thereby is upon your teeth, You cannot afford to neglect such a |[|W!°" on" reads the valuable asset. dees not trot out his PERSONAL ATTENTION AND PROMPT SERVICE will insure the BEST RESULTS. | “Remember my address, Rooms: 7 and 8 Smith Block | F. A, Pattorson, of Office Hours Lady Assistant Open Evenin gs iW ake a traming 9-12; 1—6; 7—9 Phone 575 Sunday by Appointment ne oe a eins d id De ciiatitihie peacieaaar . aa isle di esse ax |Canadian Ait force, : TIE DAILY \TWS ANOTHER BABINE THEO. COLLART, Notary Public Cuber int ot Districts hak “44d: pangs 6, ik be 7 me ne " A Snap. peisheries Limited ¥ HW under Section 7 of'i4 be an error In ats w sale ‘ ply oO » . ) EDSON COAL FOR SALE—Loose $12.50, Sacked Lump $14.00 Public Works et his oMee ip the city or|part of Capt. Formby per ton delivered Ottawa, for approval of the said site and : . th te Most Liberal MARINE INSURANCE on the Coast mene, and toe Tpeve 40 conewecs te maag]!) Core his rear end __Insurance C om pany of North America. Pays Claims promptly wlent,’ salmon cannery and cold storage) angering « lines « % ’ DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this B4tn Patio: And if the Mods Ktope to top the poll or as | uliant nmander ne by how he squares Uhis _ Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE | average prohibitioniat is. Virtue in wine and liquor, with the faet tilled liquors are a co modern invention, and i | | , Bol speaking of philosophers at | jwise men of old | be@ permnis Bit quote one on the subjeet wail: “Wine a moeker, ideink is raging and whosoever ithe Moderation League *the of this statement is brought home LOW PRICES---Best material money can buy. ita one with tremendous Ve ke DAVIDSON, left for Camp Borden | HIPMENT 1 | wi —— ee ge REPLY TO FORMEY. | Mining N News | Preferen the (== ae: o Foreel. Racgers : endideate® ' et © * give relturmed soldiers receeeary @ fications THE EAAM ATIONS. ' hemmed i a TIMBER SALE X 2587. TIMBER SALE X 2016. ' TIMBER SALE X 2685. : r res ’ t ef Pore Ve ve i ' \ after ' ! vie aj ua any Le ' ' i a @. ¢ Vv ta. A blend of fine'T . formen who nce il 9 al g SSS ES TTT PASS oe tt ee DENTISTRY si Dr. Bayne OFFICE HOURS Morning, 9 te 12, Mternoon, 20 le 5.90, Satertays Every Evening Irom |.38 6 § Dental Nurse in attendance Phone 109 for appointment Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Bik., Cor. 3rd andi Best Equipped Office in Northern BC ' epee Kiln Dried Kindling Woo ‘KILN DRIED PLANER ENDS from the Prince Rupert Lumber Com pany's Mill, Make Starting the Kitchen ft a Pleasure A OE COD —— Pacific Cartage, Ltd. Phoned ee eae S.S. PRINCE cent SAILING Midnight Thursday ANYON Wednesday 10 p.™ iia $8 PRINCE JOHN OR PRINCE : Vaneou ' \ Sunday 9p.™ Manan os _ RAIN SERVICE 15 : y and Saturday ® aff P rece Monday, Wednesda for Smithe ‘ 5 ' ; a Steamship Li " Aginey All Ocean ope we reserve For information sod re re Oty Ticket OMce, 820 Third Aves? The beat way to have YourSuit Cleaned and Pressed is by our Steam Pressing Machine Method, ly takes 15 minutea, Our Price is Reasonable Delivery is Prompt Give us atrial, Phone Black 502 LING TAILOR #23 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert CANADIAN PACIFIC BO RAL oro ootan seni B.C. Coast Steamship Seri eaten 8.8. PRINCESS ‘ten ri Alaska, from for Ketohiken, dunesu, Skegwey: os October 441 and a ‘ For Veneouver Wioter'* and vag Ovtober 1 wnd Le 8. 6. PRIN n Bay, eran vancouver * 6pm rom Prince Rupert for r Beaver Oove, Powell Rivér Every Baturdey, iy © ervations end sailings, OP pA Prince Rupe - For rates, re W. ©, ORGHARD, Gener® treet Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th §