3 om if é ie) i) eh Be ' i a care eh ; ae afte ; eke £ope4 ag" Wns hie, Wie it é P x zi ‘e < r Hike ee b ! ” a vs oi P i. - % % ace’ 1879. Lon 30 813K COUGHS BOO rt Ce DE OE OO TAXIDERMY | its branches. Work life-like, Satisfaction Guaranteed in all D. C. TAIT 1116 Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. LPPOOMPOO CASO LD LOLA OL OOOOEEEEOED DOO We have now on hand 1000 Tons Wellington Goal 1000 Tons Edsan Coal it is emer He Says. CAERN ARVON, Hier David here, rete Oct. 10, Lioyd George rred to the ila in Treland, , LOYD GEORGE WHIST LEAGUE _ QN REPRISALS When Police are Shot in the Back Pre- speak. | matter of |this arguing that -_. THE DAILY NEWS —_——- ee ses STARTING SOON Nine Teams Will Play All Winter for Dybhavn, Cup-—Starting Wednesday. participate in for the schedule Nine teams will competition winter's HDvbhavn whist cup he | ‘ec in Ireland do not bomb |starts next Wednesday night and 8 shoot men without|/the following is the list of Meets m. He said if there wasttn t e held: (hen war would be} Getebae 13-8. O, FE. vs. St. An | by bath sides, but when|drews; Orange Lodge va, 8. 0. f lieeme were shot in the back, |K. of ©. vs. K. of P jon it was murder. October 20—-8, O, C, va, St. An MRS, J. W. DEB. FARRIS SAYS PROHIBITION WILL BE SUSTAINED rwceepted vl Alaska ‘ee and of Washington ar 1d master of f sone anticipate not As we searcity ar : coal but also a difficulty aaah ing your demands for prompt this fall, we delivery strongly recommend that you make sure of your wint r’s supply phoning 116, 564, Blue 69 Albert & McCaffery Limited 2 owen RE gee SERE ner arene POL PAOPIDO FAO, WARD Electric & Marine Supply Co. Cow Bay, Prince Rupert ELECTRIC AND GASOLINE ENGINE SUPPLIES MARINE HARDWARE Fair- ; ane representing Canadian banks Morse, Ltd., gish Marine C. 0. Crude Engines } Stationary Engines Gasoline Drag Saws Circular Saw Frames Pumps, etc. Electric Light *Piants Self starting—sl speed will operate on Kerosine {he most simple and reas- onably priced outfit on the market. Write us for full particulars. 10 Acre Tracts 2 miles from Terrace at $60 per acre of terms of 3 easn, balance 6 and 12 months All land easily cleared 160 acres. 4% miles out on main wagon road Good sou with clay sub-soil All good land and level Timber on this iand is reserved by tbe government Price $11 per acre, cash. 15 1-acre lots adjoining Basepan Field and Terrace Townslte fust put om the market All good level lots ideal sites for 4&4 summer home. These will pot inst tong Price: $300 per tot; Terms 1-4 casn, 6, 12 and 18 montns. Kenney Bros. & Co. Real Estate Brokers. Terrace - - B.C. Night Phones - J. G; Steen, 371 W. Longwill, Blue 270 Day Phone 5 STEEN & LONGWILL Sheei Metal Works “Agent for McC lary Furncaes Sanitar Wont Engineers Sth Street and Fraser Street Prince Rupert - - - - B.C, Variety of Plants | p in bloom arrived CHICKENS & BROILERS CITY MARKET i fi days ago For his services le was paid by city warrant the f 25 cents, pay being at the dollar an hour { M. Marter is to remain large of he Methodist h for a fifth year His ap- nt has st been made. Ten Years Ago i. t ok NELSON, October 1 Mrs. J. j ba is vife of the attor-| I !, addressing a gather- aw { we i here, said that she|~ i nfiident ohibition would ry She argued strongly in tx r of the law and urged women | their influence to carry t the fertheoming plebiscite. KETCHIKAN The first bu of concrete for } first coneret sidewalk to be Alas was put in place by} warth Berg, w rmshipful | lirews Elks va. 8: 0. F.; Ives, K. of P. | October {Cea T eer Orange Le Mikes: K. of P. vs. K. of ©, November 3 K. of ¢ iks va. K. of P.; Vathalla vs isons of Canada j November 10-——Oddfellows vs jOvangwe Lodge; Valhalla vs. Elks | oO, C. va, 8. O.. KE. November 17—S8. Q. FE. vs. Val halla: St. Andrew's vs. Orange Lodge; K. of C, vs.) Elka. November 24—-8. 0. C, vs. K, of 27e— St Andrew's vs nige ee) va. 8, ©) P.; Valhalla vs. Orange Lodge; 5S iO. FE. va. Elks. } Pe t—Oddfellows vs. K Jot f C.: K. of P..vs. St. Andrew's 8. of C. | December & of Canada dige; K. of P. va Andrew's va, 8.0.1 Loval va SI IkS vas. Pons Iva. Orange I! Valhaila; St December 15 Lodge Elks vs Vathalla range lAndrew's: K. of C. vs. Oddfellows | December 20—S8. 0, BF. vs. Loyal Orange Lodge; Valhalla va. K. of i.: St. Andrew's vs. 8. of ¢ January 5-—8. 0. B. vs. K. of © alhaila ves Oddfellows; K. of P s, S of ¢ January 12 st Andrew's lKiks; S. of FE. va. K. of P.; K. of . ve. Orange Lodge | January 19*—S fC. vs. Val lla: Orange Lodge vs. K. of P.; ike va. K. of C. in Prince Rupert | January 26 St Andrew's. ve ere cages K of C.: Vathalila . 8. of I October 11, 1910 Oddfellows vs. 8 f Dy Ag fate’s application on February 2—Orange Lodge vs half of t irand Trunk Paciflic|Vaihalla: FE} Oddfellows: K ay Co. to allow employmentiof G, va. 8. of ( ental labor in rushing the February 9—Valhalia vs. K. of { railway completion has |p > Oddfellows vs. St. Andrew's; turned down by the legislat-|Qrange Lodge vs. K. of © ture at Victoria. | February 16——St. Andrew's ve. 9 " 7 iValhalla;: S. of C. va. Biks K. of rhe provineial government has} p. va. Oddfellows. [presented to the city council an} February 23——K. of ©. vs. Val- account for #119,000 vepayable 6 ltette- Oddfellows vs. 8, of F.; Elks ia! government by the city for St. Andrew's. public improvements before IM-) March 2—Oddfellows vs. Val jcotporation and taxes due thelnana; K. of P. vs. Elks; Orange government. Lodge vs. 8. ef E. : eras March 9-—Orange Lodge vs. St. F. ©. Hirsching, a Porcher at del s; Elks va. Valhalla; 8, of Island farmer, was accidentally| va. Oddfellows ton the island yesterday. i pe set {6-8 of KB. vs. 8. of C bs: eden. Me . be : : Dp. H.M son has lodged a K. of P. vs. Orange Lodge; (idd iint th the city counes| enone vo. Sr car on a Ae Buildin nspector M, 7 Arch. & as 7 ” ’ Neill was tf Othailiee in orden, |drew'n; K.. of P. va.8. of | . of i¢ trafiie sto; don a portion of }' ep > yatet Ps : : ‘ that orriaon | areh range Lodg: h - rat Mr. Morri | Oddfellows:68t. consents ve K. of et. P.; 8. of G. va. K. of G. NOTICE. seseliapaiitenenenenenapnessatiiiciaitli IN THE CASSIAN LAND DISTRICT-—fea- PRESENTATION SCROLL COKRDING DISTRICT UF BSKEERNA, AND SITUATE AT ALICE AKM, TAKK NOTICE that TAYLOR MINING FOR EMPLOYEES AT COMPANY LIMITED, of 607 Credit roncier i ling in the City of Vancouver, in (me rovinee of British Columbia, a Company SURF INLET MINES incorporated under the tews of the iid pravinesr intends to appiy for per-!| “ha is, sit ne in. the" vicinity “Or Lows | Morte Craig, the well known ne Teen District on Sites “rm in tne |Durnt work artial, has just com- Sieonine In the ‘North Went corer yew pleted a fine seroll for the Surf (2A in the Cassiar ict, thence run-jiniet community whieh they are maT Ph ff #, 29 sin, me st aeneet to presse nt to SP Ryit h, nas - tan 8 diane on 178.7 feat 808 lice mechanic, on his leaving the iow nk. the 86 yutberly poundary’ of Lotiemploy of the cagnpany. It is | 3 fe er oem oe reson ee o signed by F. WwW. Holler, supern ' Two Acres, More or less, which re jocated on the twelfth day of August, 1920, c. B. NORTH, Taylor Mining Company Limited. DATED at Alice Arm, B.U,, Us Tweltin day of August, 1920 Agent for the LAND ACT, o. Natice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land in Gueen Chariotte tsiands Land District, | Kecording District of Skeens, end situate iong the westerly boundary of Biock 68, District Lot 746, on Masset iniet, GKAHAM ISLAND CEDAK CU., LTD, Of Port occupation tumber mercnents, for permission Ww lease the escribed lands ominencing at a lake notice that the ROG é ments, post pidntea at ine rinwest corner of bioc 5%; tMmence nortn 46 deg 37 min, west 29.9 feet; thence north 70 deg, 0&5 min, west 610 eel: thence south 33 deg. west 468 feet; ihence south 236.5 feet; tnence east 474 el more or jess to a post planted at the CuLnwe at cornér of said bioewk 63; thence vor tir casteriy folowing te hign-