———EE THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. H. F. PUMLEN, MANAGING EDITOR. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Se = STOPPED HER a HEADACHES Years Of Suffering Ended By “Fruit-a-tives” i" ns Y NEWS HAS A MARRIED WOMAN MAIL SOHEOULE * ANY COMMERCIAL VALUE? |*=*«+ ++ «eeeeeee0" for the East. ee Nasa married woman ar ' Mondays dnesdays and Bat. reial value? urdays at 1 iw a.m \ccording to hy ad n fa in @ast n tn is . From ti £act. A ma | ! Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs company for ¢ pensation daya at 7 p.m, Rity Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month .......%.... $4.00 112 Ilazen Sr., Sr. Joun, N. B. he death of bh wife, whe had ty mail to a its of the British Empire and the. United States, "Tt is with pl eure that I write to een killed in a ra la lent For Vancouver and South, ) in advance, px OOS oS cc vaca 0:0 4 + COTTER ECU UC ERTS CES $6.00. | tell you of the great benefit I received d the verdiet Puesdays 7 p.m To all other countnes, in advance, per ye@r ....-eeeeees $7.50. from the use of your medicine h efendant ' : fay fig eee | “drwiiaadives’, made from fruit | yy that hn Sat lay { p.m TELEPHONE 98. | juices, 1 was @ grea sufferer for arcial .¥a hy j Si 4 it { ke many years from .Vervows /leadaches atl v1 { Het i Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion gr be ayer zl SS ee te finar ! und Nove » pm »/ ' * stors; but no Transient advertising on front page ...... ...- $2.00 per inch. ont : as ad a cael aa my have a di ; ry . { Local Readers, per insertion, ........+04+- ° 2he, per line. hen 2 aes hey struge , : om Vancouver and South, Hassif pertisi inserti «eo Cap end oe Y Ye. per word. ae a : During th WAVE wees eee eees 19 p.m, Classified ndverti ing, per insertion, Bs C. | *! , 7? | After taking several boxes, I was |. oe sleet ahd Al ae ate Legal Notices, each insertion, ...++-. bo oc. per agate tine. completely relieved of these troubles |, : 40.30 a.in . i ‘ Paiiint ‘ . Contract Rates on Apptication. and have been unusually well ever | . ; , All advertising should be in the Daily News Office on day pre-| gince”, Miss ANNIE WARD. [realize how l ceding publication. All advertising rec aived subject to approval Bo. a box, 6 for $2.0, trial sive, 250. jah \ 3 n ! I 7 : i ; ber At all dealers or sent postpaid by DAILY EDITION ati Tuesday, October 12, 1920 Fruit-e-+ tives Limited, Ottawa, i ‘ wit! ; : a Y BD ‘ ay, . “s OT eee Sad ita ' at's t For Anyox and Al Arm = = i \ lg “ bil i t =i iv } Majority Rule ; Ss ficiency, /1t it . a ery oe SUITCASE icieney 4 On Prohibition. : lor's lifetime, h he going ¢ From Anyox and Alice Arm On another page is an interesting letter from our old friend ~ leiainadia hae teft to obre . I jay ge, aN ; jmanag Capt. Hoomes K. Freeman in regard to the prohibition issue, He HANDBAGS lramily alone huredays ..... ss ¥eee D seems to assume that a section of the community 1s acting in a i Raise at Home. ’ high handed manner and trying to force prohibition on the rest WHOLESALE AND RETAIL This quest _ ‘ tie For Port Simpson, Arrandate, MII! ott : ito a superint ere : Bey, Wales Island and Naas River of the people in an autocratic manner. This is not correct. had imal | i ; a ; ost i omlecter dren, wh ‘ ‘ Bo sveeesenes p.m In this count the majority rules, Pheoretically that is J F MAGUIRE aa i ; 14 4 jied tha such wre ott i true, although we sometimes find that it does not work out in ° ° sated tny' hin oes " we > ‘ i? - - ’ practice. Just now one of the laws made by the majority is being 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert lchildren are now wards , the From Pt. Simpeon, Arrandale, Mil! questioned und rother vote is to be taken to see if the people | = ; |pover ment ss y thir gh Bay, Wales tstand and Naas Rive: still are of the opinion that the iaw shall remain on the statule geese ee ee eee eee ee ailure parents lo provide ri. tt : na naga’ y ‘ e adequate }{ Toaet of: the “a iTuays e*« eee see m1 books. If they vole for il, prohibition will remain and an effort|« ‘PRINCE RUPERT TIDES *| . Ft: . ‘aid it ; children ‘ . a will be made to stop importation into this province, If the people eo@eeeepeoeee ePeeae eaves sanity th ‘ : re ; Quren Chrariotte islands: so decide, the prohibitto w will be repealed at the next session Tuesday, October 12. . netit For Moassett, P Clements and of the legislature. \ll depends on the people the mselvwes High, 1:19 a.m. 20.5 feet } we anaged e sa ' lipper island potots { > nt 4.9 fret Judging from the people one meets on the street, there is a ! a marked division of opinion. A number of the business men are orp a “ ; : ane ’ é ) vive p.m ' r Ml rt ite and with prohibition and. a number are against it. The labor ons Wednesday, Octover 13. | U ppe snd points have declared for it hough in the case of the Trades and Labor gis i i | Council it w rried by a bare majority. Everywhere there is is 56 1.8 feet ‘ : 0 ‘ : hariotte division of opiner The miv wav to settle it is to take a vote, ; sta " Se . arlotte 1 p 98 feel insurance. (ity and I a ¢ Istand points and the minority will have to abide by the decision of the majority, The time used is Pacific Stan-| ' ! ‘ 2, it because this is a demoeratie country. No one wants to force onjdard, for the 120th Meridian west . the people a law which the people do not want, but evervone has/Ut is counted from 0 to 24 hours ‘Ane . a right to urge the peeaple to adopt any law which they think em i to Set | t cha ‘ feet OE ae ; vi ‘ai ‘ 3 . he table given is f sort pointe would be for the benefit of the people. That is the position in Simpson but the time for Princes ' regard to prohibition. ;Rupert varies only a few minutes ‘ {2 Free Publicity jor some days and on others is shat j + ’ A he same, The range of the Lids : re \ For Both Sides. ; ; : mr them a e 82 or Skagway and the Yukon R . : ; nay be computed as 5 per cent) that for &h ama ‘ ' i 7:*° Octol We are glad,to give publicity to Capt. Freeman's letter, be-|geeater at Prince Rupert than at policy iy ‘ tien & ff > and Nove r 7 cause we want toogive both sides a chance to be heard. If anyone| Port Simpson both at springs and), > .? : and ‘ a both husba re A else has anything to say on the subject they can do so in the|meaps., Therefore the rise in the! oth : in of each-of From Skagway and Yukon. same way as long as the letters conform to:the usual rules of Prince Rupert harbor is slightls |, oe two sons. took out for each tember 10, 21; Oatober 4, debate janeater than Port Simpsom. {S-year ¢ wvment policy. If, '5. 26, and November % Pc ‘ |} ‘The height is in feet and tenths rhs sd 7 hil - ° Aw Tv Ae re ¢ , > ave £ — a " y | mere tak ay | When Ex-president Taft was here a few days ago he em-|of feet above the average level of | iren. the bet { stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp phasized what is the crux of democratic rule, the necessity of lower low water ag os Polnt. the minority. bowing to the will of the majority. They have done : ie ifr «t : the 1 , I si fava > on that in the United States where the whole country has gone dry. | am SP oa : at the vl ff : 1 They have done the same in a good many of the provinces of > Fudd Ash : : 7 ‘ ' Daily News Canada. British Columbia if she goes wet will be the only spot TIMGER SALE X 2679 2 west of Quebec and north of Mexico where the sale of liqnor is | . | ‘ re ‘” i be received by the i legal. wot later than noon on),h ; er, 1920, for the 7 i 7 : 4 People Who Will ' ‘ ie rer ener seen ; a a » os ta detous ar, Spruce, Hem th ; TIMBER SALE X 2587. ttie Quest, - _Tw ears will be allowed for removai idle | rhe men who are going to settle this prohibition question joa particulars of the Chief I renter, | are not the business men or the * respectable” people of the com r “e , Ce ree Teeny: over te ot ons oan ot HE ' . munity as Capt. Freeman-ecalls them. They are the fisherme: Sad tak { t Ae , e lme Bshermeny|NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC. Ten Years Ago j the miners, the laborers, the shipyard workers, the store clerks, TION ACT anid Rupert . ie silowed re “ AUT, in Prince Ru and more important than all others, the women of the country. RK 8, C, CHAP. A1S it sd f ° f? ter It is the women who have to suffer fr 5 > | f inetrtet Forester, Fr Wy ‘ s “r from the irate use MARITIME FISHERIES LIMITED of t Siline ‘anu 46 eittl tia 4t ' nt : ee ae use of Haysport, Brscieb Columbia, head office at October 12, 1910. 7 j and iti will be the women w \ ave > si ory Jarge Vaneouve tiah Go t yereby es} : who will have the say, very largely | rote" inet it hes,-under Section I of tne Phe affairs of the Pr bess TIMBER SALE X 2615 as fo whether or not there shall be prohibition. Vf they sav ‘tno.’ [546, Act, deposited with the Minister of} 15,.),) ‘ ; : ; j Then + i all : ; + |Publie Works at Ottawa, and in the omee | UUPHICHY ub are being ans wilt be Ff 1 oy tm én we shall allow the government to sell liquor over the ecoun- - ~ ates Reristrar of the Land! sufficient funds ha than f ! Ys egistry District of Prince Rupert at Prin ter just the same as the grocer sells tea: It will be open for Rupert a deseript f the site and inei raised ¢ lear all indebltedeca ; ‘ > oO ‘ merry ‘ on purchase by everyone*and we shall have reverted very largely to | Tete 3 tobe amt un tne | ae a ' the c¢ itior ' Birt Bids ay Skeena River at Haysport, British Columbia, The Queen Charlotte N ‘ Mange } ondition which obtained before. the prohibition Yaw was |i? at apt Of taaries Lat .aete, Hange Selitat tw j n dell i ‘ra Will be e@itowea for re passed, except that liquor will not be on sale in bars ose of NUTICE that after the ¢3-iapent by investo mh fishes ee Ne g vt or piration of one month from tne dat f . 7 : 2 the « Yorester ae News is giving a good deal of prominence to this ques- ine first pi cation of this So tice Maritime | {| } on the Ishands d ne tt r, Vrines ust now becaus i s one 1 ir) r i I i fed ¥ unde ote 7 of eink ; ae “s e iti ! that most people are talking and me a 4 ole; ee. hee 7 yipast year. i . waliennel 1A About j . ) : f « > — ‘ ” ubliic orks is office i y ‘ e . eo a id if is one that should be decided right. There |utiawa orha of mis mice nthe fit, of | ° TIMBER SALE X 2685 ms only mother week to decide what shall he done We ask Plans, and for leave to construct the said! F. Besner of Montreal . tr everyone to study the question for himself and not allow himself Slane’ salmon cannery and coid storage |; own visitir vith His son. O : . : to be persuaded or stampeded. This is too important a question dat ATED ot Prince Reapers. 'y C., this e4tn | 1, sner. Miss Besner is also h ‘ Se to decide on the say so of someone else. MARITIME FPISHEMIES LIMITED, i 7 ue ¢ vs a By Messrs. Palmore & Fulton, Sesieplors.| The Presbyterian Ghurch has! Oe a ee aes r removal = = — _ ——— lengaged the Mmpress Pheatre f : ; ‘are of the Chief Forester a —— ms - lits services while the Salvation ‘ on Army is using the Majestic whil — in saaliienaciioaie sa heir citadal is being compl my AKE NOTICR tha ¢ month after the ; mn of tt notice Le Pine & . . . " st ‘1 4 1 hang I s s Mixx Annie Gurvich, niec of! ’ fou mpany to Le Pine Nick Gurvich, was married yester-|~ DATED at Pt Hupert, B. C., Unie , e7ih f ermbe 920 Dentist. day afternoon to ‘Tom Mazjum, (27% Of SRempe tity rp rhe ceremony was performed iu! valuable asset. Office Hours o~18; 1—6; vated Lady Assistant Phone 575 — a SS Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block DENTISTRY ality---your appearance and your good health depend upon your teeth. You cannot afford to neglect such a LOW PRICKS---Best material money can buy. PERSONAL ATTENTION AND PROMPT SERVICE will insure the REST RESULTS. Remember my address, Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block Sunday by faa Has everything to do with your suc- cess--your person- Open Evenings a - national Austrian style. The best way to have YourSuit Cleaned and Pressed CZAR'S BROTHER (yet, if it is CGzar’s brother SE BABTOPROL, reported that the Michael Alexandroyviteh, has ar rived here. our amanmmahin Steam Préssiad Machine names ine j Method. A- meeting will be held in: the It only takes 15 minutes, council chamber, City Hall, on jus Petes luesday, October 12, at 8 o'clock, sonticuine te Prompt a yansieny, ||| LING TAILOR 821, 828 2nd Ave,, Prinee Rupert Advertise in the Daily ‘News. A few months a Table Hockey for 2, oe ee ee ee Tt tet ome -- ome. ee “There ime has weeny it } b Ince Pip, appeoach H ette iy ; Ping. ‘ong, @ Y ar : + Int Arey" ~ and all the HOCKETT, 4 3 or § Playe — On any tabk H Igoe Heady or the bis ‘ : . 6 Oo : master ‘ t t ‘ ‘ a ‘cel Origu : ea) fndé then’ you acquire ait ayaa Cc hoc ke) s ' : © Ney —- . ~ 7 = < - 4m then iauy At a — The Hodis Mi. C 1150 Hamilt on Street VANCOUVER ENTISTRY —_— —— ssa ye QUALITY Dr. Bayne OFFICE HOt ' o* cw ¢ a4 Mereosn, 13 MM, Sawrtags, § & ‘ay Every Evening Irom 7.20 12 § Worning 9 Io 12 Ww] Dental Nurse in attendance pointment Phone 109 for apy Rooms 4, >. 6 Helgerso: Bl Best Equipped Off Cor ) Northerr rd ad BC (¢ Kiln Dried K indling Woo KILN PLANER ENDS from the ect Lumber Com DRIED Prit ce Rum aft Make Starting + the Kitchen Fi a Pleasure ES Orde Pacific Cartage, Ltd. Phone evtta Canadian National Rail G ————= Nei SS. PRINCE GEORG Midnight Thursday 4 ’ : SNYOX Wednesday 10 p.™ cRT ss. wmncs JOHN OR PRINCE ALB Sunday 9Pp.™ \ ’ ant | M : i ' wart. ¢? { Oetober 1 mo TRAIN SERVICE day os 18 Pa » Monday, Wednesday and Satur ‘ ‘ Sriither p a direct f ' Lines 1 Steamship oy Agency All Ocear neat 200 For information 6 1 City Ticket OMes, 6ze 7 reerrvetions aL ed Avenue CANADIAN PACIFIC Re pall B.C. Coast Stes er a ess MA 6.8. PRINC ; alesta, fP Pant Bate ARY = prince pope ! aut ror Ketotiken, duneeu, Shagwey, Re tite from prince For Venoouver Wicter'@ and See ue eomnbet 4 nd \ October 16 4 o i TR 6.6 sesnene® BEA per yard per gwaneon Be): vod yin River, venee’ saturday, @ ply 4 setting’ a) from Prince Rupert for Gesver Oove Powell Every & For rates rerervations ant w., o. ORCHARD, nies Ru J 4th Street afl Cor 3rd Avenue ane