oetober 42, 1920. THE DAILY NEWS | ——— — — Peers :c:+ ™#e’_"”_!$s39#e7T-IIXNV30IIn71I9". 7 a! George Dover, of ‘I ‘ease, 0a aa | listered at the Hotel Prines hupert| { Local and Personal | °:':0s stiecsoon. , Bd is Pek £- wy | Men's Arrow Collarap soft or , eeps wot ren P | Ask for Atkins’ Sausage. ieee tv ony it , Hoc gach ada rosper | . . . cme eer us 240) Le NG yes Chevrolet Car for sale, nearly} | — Workers busy ms Sew. Atime Importers. so| The W estholme ‘Thea re will TEMPERANCE PLEB Wages goo es aa aelieae # ae ISCITE ACT — Farmers affluent — c Sanh Wimmer Oa ee oe : me . . . | . . . Mis M. A. Way has resumed Fred M. Wells i Surf Inlet Socom 1 Proclamation of Win World-Trade e pao De Ramm re Must Develop ee 1 Returning Officer Our Sea’ Heritage = Our Ports {os Getober 21, Trafalgar Day. | J.B. rley, post office inspe Our Men Our Ships |, 20" (mese* Friday or Satur-levoning on the Prince Albert fron PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ccciahtrip "DUM TA" ee eee aes In the Prince Rupert Electoral District ‘ae | Stuart Henders all ; Db a Oe ale 7 nown Victoria erimi: lawver TO WIT: errace in le interests of the| ea by tomorrow , g's ohibition cause, He will prob-fieain tor Prince George on a busi-|4 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to the Electors of the Electoral District y hold a mee gi e garden ’ er ; : : , : : : Trade must flow East and | Mrs WRG BF Whe GALCCS | nosy trip, aforesaid, that 1 have received His Majesty’s Writ to me directed, and bearing West and Overseas— : oo” Stantae: “Jokesoe ten date the Twentieth day of September, 1920, commanding me to cause the follow- hts Ghai th | Rev. Jas. Dus wg jenves lomor-|cuilty of vagraney in the polic ing question, namely:--- ut off this Vomuinion from the w morning for Port Exsingto t this morning and sentenced . Sh : f C d arrange for a serutineer and to sixty davé eee hard “a in}q WHICH DO YOU PREFER? seas and in fifty years Canada | 2. jeratiy torward the prohibition) 0. soa up. 1.) The present “Prohibition Act”? 1 nee a nation. wement. ae (1. e present ‘Pro on Ac will cease to be Sergei a eS | eee You may have spent some Of fe ii.) altel diesinet Matilde (2.) An Act to provide for Government Control and r days. If you hava't you wit, |Levinsky will be posted at the Sale in Sealed Packages of Spirituous and preciate the play f you have 4s pra Club, acrgmpements Zor Tats Malt Liquors? ve memories of those g . we BS having ! ue tf Bb Self The Navy League of Canada ys “Down on the Farm oa : : : ‘ ‘ " ‘ ecw ‘ a a “a to be submitted according to law to the Electors qualified to vote for the election ' o ats “7 . . ~ . . : i The prohibition hut is opening city | e Legislature to al: of a member of the Legislative assembly for the Electoral District aforssaid; and, every ‘ ne this week and the ‘} ‘ e ‘ A r ; : e li Sei V the issua al cde further, that in obedience to the said Writ a roll shell te opcred at eight o'clock in ted to call in and} « a ‘ ‘ the forenoon and shail be clos: d at seven o'clock in the afterncon cn Wednesday, aes - lure or discuss U ee. the Twentieth day of October, 1920, for taking and receiving the votes of the said ese oye errs er se 0 eo Electors in each polling division of the Electoral District aforesaid at the respective ‘ E. 8. Rich of a -el, accompa! : fe ssa ty | J places following:--- ed y : other, arrived tast = . Invest hi P " wht o Prides Aliaet. .Mre ae ging do POLLING DIVISIONS. ° e Nich is going to Prince Geors i res . ns ' &. Scot Atnarko Hajsport Margaret Bay Sand Spit —— ; M turn of , ee Banks Island hule-in-the-Wall Masset fewell xt ee f a Bella Bella Hydah Namu Seymour Iniet oe ce . id kde 7 Bsila Coola Inverness North Island Skidegate . Mrs. Director has returned f e the Daily waue o. Buckley Bay Jedway Ccean Falis Emith island e Ne ‘ s ex cage and Paste cilies where . cok ‘ 2 y Butedale Kimsquit Cecanic Spilier River a ew York pped so af a ees several months at : aed Cedarvale Kitimat Ceanda Surf Iniet : j t t methods . : , Claxton Kitsumgallum Pacific Swanson Bay setry. | api ph : : Copper Bay Kitsumgalium Lake Pacofi Tarrace Blue 92 =", ote « Copper City Kitwanga Port Clements Tiel New York revi v. the c. Bp. Miss O pe pg ele PAR Dundas !sland Kwinitsa Port Essington Tow Hill liseael Weil a on ee esd \ warn oene 7 “ me aire oa ; susht. of tha’ Maiakedia Firvale Lakelse Lake Port Simpson Usk rem EMS, Snteren Ben. Ax. ne. ONY BPOL sol, tas been drpilelateelitl Georgetown Lawn Hill Prince Rupert Wadham’s Cannery : the « Kpreas fou DAnIes 101 on 7 oentt at AWaict sulidkled TRetcd Hagensborg Little Canyon Queen Charlotte City Welcome Harbour ° city delivery cae received ene 5 "t Preseind \ *” Tolatd. Gu Hartley Bay Lockeport Rofuge Bay Woden River C.P.R. Yields Over ent slants Soabll. esl es. | cod ab ton Lorne Creek Remo “t ice will start ahou aa r , S P C t nonth or six weeks. EG bite ak Of which all persons are hereby required to take notice and to govern them- even er en Piel Pilane Gabert ié-& Bodh \ " ; aq was selves accordingly. : aise potatoes is proved], ” a ae be GIVEN under my hand at Prince Rupert, B.C., this Twenty-eig hth day of bro { to this of-j— = eo / : ’ ' i ‘ , 3 seme os : ; ex vofl =| | September, 1920. ves aay by s ' ) Rova % 7 i A f ¢ sale ie er garden, Sixth Bi. Kast} oye! ™ o aren s ¥ EDWARD H. MORTIMER, Returning Officer. Hi h t d tis 7 hes long, 4 hes} 6 is < PSE Le CE GOR Tar aE Sate SORE ‘ : e and 4 s. thick and weighs)” ‘ a ighest Grade wide and 4 Li . : ie Investment _A German gun was shipped to] . Mie j es WOMAN ARRESTED ‘oc in one Ge” Dunlop of KIDNAPPING CHILD Chicken Chop yh. ro a a th - NI NE\ KO ri hau Mr. PouLTR’ MAN! Increased “a : h ny | erate ! \ befor: iin bal oR 4 egg production means money . oe ae ess tturning writer of | Saved. B & K CHICKEN CHOP isa balanced ration mixed B d ne - > NE eed nt sa? hdl ee ae according to formula which was prepared by an expert on S$ 7 mm re eee AE eee (NFORMATION WANTED Sabot aa 20% ot a poultryman. The analysis of B & K Ch icke n Chop is regis- n a ean . ‘ot. wie oe tered with the government and is also printed on each sack. oiter ; on ge 5 A \ irew a ¢ —— erie evwrethiebicad Always in ‘otek 5. Alfaifa Meal, Beefs craps , Clam and hi ractive prices aa Sais dae etie , ' wor of a WATER NOTICE. Oyster Shell, Coarse Ground Bone, Charcoal, in fact every- } ‘ 7, fy : Oe ite taki Aaiirys STORAGE thing for the chickens, tc lar [an ns dor | tee ae woe: | THE BBACKMANRER MILLING CO. LTD. \ M heis f { nths’!"’ ’ Bg aS Om s sars Pa & | t t Prince RK *y ant Wh & ( L d. ‘ se visit New Zea-|9¥ © : a rae torag 7.680 dak ae “whted P.O. Box 745 Pricce Rupert, B.C. Phone 350 : ‘ po , 4 is ed ‘ ! : stream, also known : 1 ,as = . Now : eK w nf ws ’ yte 6. { ‘ , i ld Beier? eee ward. M, 1 1 drains imto the Skeena == : winch Bla V } it ' h at xtended| ***" ba Ave e, next | t ; De oe r of Lot 4445, SreR Teeny ene nenee enn reas { : ) Bidg., Vancouver, B. ©, . Sey. 376-377 eo ig] |The storage dam "will De located at Pi i ' avi 8 De. omega , ' } Careful Piano Tuning . \ i in Sinnk ies . . . : ane Coast District ; PRINCE. RUPERT ; Repairs to al! makes of Pianos, a A let f ir Black to the : > ae pee thee: eee i Phonographs, Cameras Spare oe 1 pisining: of tuell diel that Faia seat | GANA Labor Council, 9} var "stock. “Frosch Poteking it a eta AP Aint com First 1869 — 600 Branches 1919 tap Polat as _Satportaed ey | Sos nue O. B.U j J. Slade Stevens f 4 Aven hetween Sixth and Seventh hee No. 3705, as amended, and wilt be SecaeeaSR RCSL RS ee ) $28 5th Avenue W. ; ees : , Industrial pGrpose upon te Rae ; ae ) Phone Red 291 P.O, Box 762 { own ‘i streets Was re red last night to i 1443. Ronse S, Const BD hen CS SOR: Re Affiliated Units and Dates of ? { ie Se the Board of Work It was also 1 rhe apt tod for ts to supple- MEETINGS Seannty winneaes ‘ teed Urders Rece : ted out that the walk there ‘snditional Leence No. S308. as | Building Trades Unit, First “j Dt Att Receive P.O. Bor i868 fas not pul in by the city and the ; ie ie) a eee Srel LaberCuen.” TOM LEE CO. aq ention ‘ Hisguions wh rut it vere re- te talk Aer ae ae we AS ae Central Labor Council, Phone 558 , Sia aa ie cine ) alld q A cor f this n fide bed a al ation Every Tuesday, & p.m. v4 WAY i as { red te z it Pela" will be tied in the oMce ‘of tbe Women's Auxiliary, First 840 Second Avenue, West. big, Mi ' man Rochester favored tear Py : — Water | fer at Prince pert, B. ¢ Wednesdays, Dance & Social iil ar Sous a proper one Was pul in, t tions to the application may be at9p.m.: Third Weduesday, — iSs GL EESON ; ! eee Bete Young Men and Young Women eee) eee te. ve ne } ao . ae Business Meeting at 8 p.m. VEGETABLES fe) t night’s cil meeting ment *Bulidines. Vietorts, Bo” Ge. witht : Bvery T Wholesale and Retall Eee Exel Usive Ladi : R At last nigh council meeting cA n nt Hi dines Vis : wi this Fishermen, Every Thursday, 6 | ies’ eady-to- Wear Ald. Rochester took exeeption to have greal opportunities nirty ‘ys after the ! ret appocrenge or 8 p.m, _ oo General Contractors and = - . Sithe manner in which three trans- tre Marilime Fishertes Limited, Mater Senden, First and Third Labor Exchange. 1. ae Aven, — ; : Applicant ridays. , r . ve ‘nue Prince Rupert, B.C : ! rs costing $294 apiece had to-day. Ba es hy Oe eS eae Fishpackers, First Saturday ; “hy entoiag i boon ordered by the utilities de- n aa bot hotice is Thursday, Septeluber 23rd, 1920, | OPEN FORUM kag a Prince Rupert, B,C, i * \e0ccccccces P partment without coming before hey never hac etter ee ee eee oe ee (commencing Sept.) Seconc , _ Phone 547 — P.O. Box 725 ‘4 LAND ACT , 7 ¥ 2 % the co ceil li was his opinion chances to make and to cll and Fourth Sundays, 8.30 p.m " eee oe 0 en ae that orders of this amount should J) gaye money. Now is the J “%n°tittentmmoue Shits Rana District, Pa cowe before the cou | It was . ‘ 2 . as Hecording Pistrict of Skeena, and situa eo) saad. ¢ Sie ; TIS £0 time to lay the foundation aiong the Westerly bountary. of Block $3, IN THE SUPREME RT OF F 4 jointed out by Superintendent ‘ ak in Distriet Lot 746, on Masset tniet. COLUMBIA a tieilin Phon® Green 607 1017 Sra Avenue Ah LLART, Notary. Public eee that they aa been order- of future prosperity by cul- . hue oerd ' twat the ono or” ane _ ain MAS ri ‘ \ . iti MI ria OP ee er, Bnd Avenue, @B00.00 on terms, fled in emergency and the lowest § tivating the habit of thrift, B)ciements, occupation iuimper inerepants,) 21H ESTATE, OF HUGH -MePHEASUN Dalgarno & Watts he COAL A Snap , mn had been taken advan- on a , following described lands ; ‘ : cM OR SALI Loose $12.60, Sacked 1 p $14.00 quotation had There is a Savings Department Commencing at & post planted at the) -TAKE NOTICE that by an Order of His —- =: ce Pe tral MARINE. INSU ae mrs - at every branch of this bank, meliloti ag, ee i tEoo juin atv ‘was ate BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS ¥ “* Vom NE INSURANCE on the Coast re open to anye The staff will be glad to show you be x “tl _ ae a ee aan os van reat ae . and it oe eae ed that ‘aos ca ol onan” Tione and Malan Me 66 America, Vays Claims promptly Qur imvoices are opt ony how to make the first deposit hance south 9 fect; thence east 474 this Order be published in a newspaper at a . ‘ . We i lo wo Dnt inh hhak anion > the City of Priuce Rupert, and all persons First Class Stairease Work and , ean The one to look at, Any article we feet more or less to & Post planted at tne | L vl Theatre Block Phone Rlue 69 southwest corner of said block 53; thence having claims against the said Estate are Plaolsbing. r MGnbebatbantentnaneeocaceccooone (Paid $1 fur, YOU an have for 90e, ¢ g $33 000 000 north-easterty following the hign vere ed to fle the same W tn the Umetal Estimates Cheerfully Given na ee a ital and eserves 3 E mark alot & the we sterly bor mdary or om \cinatt at ator within Unirty days from the oy ti ; Two-color window cards take , tai ine "2,5 acres m re eo) i en “7 * VPED at Prin Khupert, B.C., this 6in BRICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING Ise In “Th ° ” the eye quickly, See them at the Total Resources - $470,000,000 (AHAM ISLAND SPRUCE & CBDAK GU, ¢ f Uct ber, 1020. eal CONTRACTORS ® @) ’ MITED 1 ‘ e Daily News News Job Departusent, i Dated August yoth, ivzu, i Ullicial Aduailistrator.