SSS LL Sa i Major Bullock-Webster | Tells of Launching | Peps provide a new treatment for coughs, colds and lung troubies. They are litt! = ts made up from Pine exterc®s and medicinal essences. When put into the mouth these medicioal tmgreui- ents turn into healing vupors, which are breathed down direct tothe lungs, throat and bronchial tubes. The Peps treatment ts direct. Swallowing cough mix- tures into the stomach, to cure ailments and disorders in throat ‘ and lungs, is indirect. Peps are revolutionizing the treatment of colds and their price is wit the reach ofall. All dealers, 50c. box. Send Ic. stamp for Fi * TRIAL PAC KAG! ; DPE POOP EO TAXIDERMY \ : < in all its branches. Work life-like. tisfactior Guaranteed, D.C. TAIT | 1116 Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. We have now on hand 1000 Tons Wellington Goel 1000 Tons Edson Goal only a |} » of i meet- no: in pr As we anticipate searcity and increase coal] but also a d ing your demands delivery this fall, strongly recommend that you make sure ff} of your winter's supply now hy iffieulty in for prompt we th 6 deg 29 min. West a otetance phoning 76 feet, thence North 84 deg. 84 116, 564, Blue 69 la st a distance Of 175.7 feet to the “ y¥ boundary of Lot 3643A_ thence i if wing Southeriy boundary of Lot {7A North 26 deg Bast @ distance of Albert & McCaffery i feet point of commencement, 6nd y y tals z wo Acres, more or less, which Limited ated on the twelfth day of August, 6. NORTH, Agent for the Taylor Mining Company ee i Limited Oe j pater at Alice Arm, B. C., 4ms Tweirtwn } ‘ August. (920 THE SUPREME OURT OF BRITISH | OULUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA-! © ° | TION ACT AND IN THE MATTER OF ectric arine THE ESTATE OF BALDUMERO SALINAS ! DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that Probate of the oer pply 0. iW snd VYestament of Baldomero Salig is granied t Wilham EF. Willams Nor | ; ee Rupert, B. C., as Executor, on the Cow up PY Rupert } ' { September, 1920. All persons} ELECTRIC AND GASOLINE $ iirine tuins avuns: the said Ponte are! ‘ 1 le ame with the @nid ENGINE SUPPLIES iW m # on or before one month from and all persons MARINE HARDWARE mee ee said Estate bre re representing Canadian Fair- juired lo pa to tne said William : . ’ iis or before one month from banks Morse, Ltd., | the jal Marine CG. O. Crude Engines Stationary Engines | Gasoline Drag Saws Circular Saw Frames Pumps, etc. Electric Light Plants i Self starting —will operate Kerosine -—-the most simple and reas- onably priced outfit on the market. Write us for full particulars. slow speed on TERRACE FRUIT LANDS 410 Acre Tracts 2 miles from Terrace at per secre on terms of 1-3 Cash, baiance 6 afd 12 months. Aii land easily cleared ; 160 acres, 4% miles Out On main wagon road. ood soll with clay sub-s0l, All good land and level, Tifeber on this land i# reserved by the government, Price $11 per acre, cash. 15 f-acre lots adjoining Basenpall #ieid and Terrace Townpsite just put on the market, All good level tots, ideal sitet for @ Summer home, ‘These will not last long rice: $300 r lot; Terms 1-4 casn, 6, 12 end 18 months, ’ Kenney Bros. & Co. Real Estate Brokers. Terrace - - B.C. CITY MARKET In view of the fact that the | Canadian Traveller SE ROO | first of the big ships being buill here will take the water soon, L. Bullock-Webster, formerly of! this city and now connected with the Harbor Marine yard at Vie oria, writes most interestingly to this paper telling of the launch ng o i ilar ship at Vietoria Ile says: lo the public in general the launching Of a big shij@is very wonde i and incamprehensible affair and though aft a cert it the spectator sees the huge mass come to life as if were ind move first slowly and then with ever-increasing speed until} { takes the final plunge into the water, the active manner in} j which human ingenuily contrive SITLATE AT ALICE AMM, rAKE NOTICE that TAYLAA mInine IMPANY LIMITED, of 607 Creait Foneter ting the City of Vancouver, in the f sh Columbia, a Company j , nder the laws of the iad pr « intends apply for per- nission t jease the following deseriped nd situate nm the Vielnity of Lots g “ 639, 3642, 3799 and 3500 In ‘ : ar fistrict on Alice Arm im the District, commencing at @ post 1 the North West corner of Lot nh the Cassiar District, thence run- of Oetober, 1920, WILLIAMS, Executor. lay WILLIAM rk 5 P - ad * Night Phones - J. G; Steen, 371 W. Longwill, Blue 270 Day Phone 5 STEEN & LONGWILL Sheet Metal Works Agent for McC lary ‘Furneaes Sanitary “and Heating | Engineers 5th Street and Fraser Street Prince Rupert - - - - BC, gg Hotel Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN $1.40 per day and up. FIRST-CLASS CAFE A La Carte. NT { Variety of Plants | in bloom arrived CHICKENS & BROILERS s this thing is. seldom exp! rined | wv understood, \ few details concerning the py ith a slight curve dipping to the | ihe which was 80 success-| water Instead f ai straight y accomplished by the Harbor) slope down, they formed an are of vl e ¢ pany, may therefore a circle with a curve of about ; ‘ general interest. rehe in their entire length ihe in 8,100 ton boat, and up! keel blocks were arranged with a h i f tl launching fall of 7-16ths to the foot at the huge ht was carried on fore end and an ineh to the foot of steel Dloeks at the lower end 1g of the roen? bottom of the On Solid Rook iy, supplemented, of course, rh curve ia given for various! each side : : . ~ a : reason For one thing it ves i} ives had bes placed it a : " holdis ; li r eontrol i ding the and the eradies ad It al : P ships f#iso gpuarads again a tod di about .four hours ' . , anges of.made around or soft wt tide hundreds of e } a ground sinking as the weight i i wedges were driven hott : ‘ the ship comes over it and there I vi on heth sides, so as to 4 , causing a dip in the launch-| wing the weight of theship on to ; ; i int riess ie Vays. llowever, at the Harbor] ! ivs Mu hd ‘ , c | : , Marine there is no risk of this} t CK. at ; ng o curring as the bottom of th u il roi i . ; slipways are selid rock tect ntral blocks " ; ” at His maaAcs ik Oka ie split and knocked out andes, Meult to held tt : : + ee " i op Thee me sreige : 23 endy ippeinted ho f lau 650 Tons Weight rt Py . were * special a me the Canadian eg hi bute ft enadie th a o ul weight Co Delis ne controlled 650 , ; rhe forward bilge bl - t . . ned in posit th hit ’ ’ ; ’ ; ; 1 2 ' .% nh ship ins tt h han tw and , r ribet ‘ - - = \ \ + juare foot at : ‘ ¥ ; al ged on at t ! ‘ of launchways pt i, ido afte ied 1 ‘i ! ‘ vas of i? ‘ sa) ill : ‘* : ' ' it wi . ? wast meant the s . { the r ; | rey the 7 the “ ; Ih : i a ly head nent a Othe nventior ¢ J # i y he 650 tens w ‘ ; “oe : (lar the Naval Architect i ” 2.100 erticial feet, or ta aA hn nwa eit thins th ° prox alot ind a quarter epctition of what‘tisppened wha ns th oot : , ‘ e ,jlaunching the “Canadian Wir Lhe vays 1d eer an ou . ’ ¥ ner. It will be remembered that NOTICE. a craft entered the fairway, caus j ing obstruction just as (tt LIN THE CASSIAR LAND DISTHICT—-tHe-j, WwW 5 bei ing ¢ . ‘ CORDING DISTHICT OF SKEENA, AND inner was Degrinning » THON iBhe could not be released for fear of collidiug with the incoming craft The resuli was that th dog shores jammed and bad ever tually to be eut eul with axes Phe new inventior which wos ry simple, as many «great entions have heen consisted replacing the usual solid che which is bolted to the standing o ground ways to hold the dog shores in postliion—by a heavy steel box about 4 feet in length ind «8 inehes squar. t dimensions, heavily secured t the ground ways Box of Sand Info the box was fitted a sliding chock of iron-bark (a hard wood ifrom the © Phillipines with a housing of about 24 inehes rhe rest of the box being filled with fine dry sand heavily compressed! before the dog shore was fitted in iposition. In the bottom of the jbox at the rear end is a good size d} hale bloeked with a chock sup iported by a shore which can be jeasily knocked away At the right psychological moment th sand is allowed to run out ithrough the hole, relieving’ the |pressure on the chock, as the! cuts the ribbon with her jdainty scissors the guillotine falle pend cults a-cord which releases a tsponsor 28 ib. weight, which falis on the ‘ie, het lend of the dog shore, knocking it a idown, and the ship slips grace- 2 CENTS PER ys IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than 50c nal jfully down to the water, Dns onlie ak et etter erent OTE § FO All 80 Simple WANTED. FOR SALE—-Or will trade for ap- | PURCHASER WILL SAVI : mae | Any sand bags that are holding) —— —~- —— ~ - { close-in Prinee Kupert On h.p.! : : too securely are laneed with a) Young man wants h ’ ronal estate S. of price # 00 prt For For vet knife The big ship is pulled up three or four days a week. Apt lhe fast run-about launch engine | good by cables cunningly arranged box 114 News office i Keho” either with or without 00 e we l . - 449 Dail iy New beforehand, which exert a gradual engine m the faet Wel eee ae jpulling influence in various direc. SITUATIONS WANTED One first-class marine en- n hand 4 h.p. S . ent va r itions. ; " gee : fa, piive fur said apie — PoUullE ia£ay would tike Crepe wee | Tt all dooks so simple when you ment in store. Apply P.O. hox One firet-class large row hoat Prines Rupert § ; tf Looat jsee a ship such as the “Canadian! 577. City ‘4 with 2% bh.p, Caille Perfeetion Phone Blue tt —~ ail Traveller” side off with perfect . Inboard engine, — - nal ost yen precision at exactly the right FOR SALE M. M. Stephens, Phone 222 ron SALE, ! } : thc eels moment and withoul a hitch of| a ela hers and ing at the any kind. One is apt to forget| FOR SALE—Good rooming house VO BALI wOVS utensils and auon hes ‘ -— rio the vast experience needed to business. 20 rooms well fur hed complete, almost new, Also gaod and will be { ; TU make and superintend the neces-| «nished, good location, Mrs, L.| ther household furniture ate reasonable off \ u ptt sary preliminary arrangements. is Wolters, 8t. Louis looms, cor Conrad Street 40 Sweeney, Ivanhoe 1 THAT eel a ner 2nd Ave, and 6th St, Phone FOR BALI \> sued bareain Street, V mncouvel iia Ne TARIFF REDUCTION | AON le io itt! nopming house, sixteen roome POR BALA —Great bares Pig wencheee si ip ‘ Safe rice 8125 and pool room. Good location, : , , cab , fi on" n, enew REGINA, Oct. 41.—Dhe Saskat- |! a ve . tf ath a aud Avenue. Phone 657 huilt for tw . u ‘ 7 nates chewan Government sjoined with} — ong - fram tot en . lars Wf the farmers in a demand for tariff |Second-hand automobile for sale) POR SALE Rooming house, six MoBeine, “owner ' : { Daily ofc? reduction before the Tariff Gam. | cheap, Apply M. HL. Large, han teen rooms, good location, 845 Vriday Writ \ yj News inission this morning, press Theatre Block, tf Second Avenue, Phone 657, 41 News oflies ' | | ee THE DAILY NFws MACDONALD'S ros She Sotacco with a heart’ Canada. --Macdonald’s Sao ee ee ORE men smoke “BRIER” than any other tobacco in it leads in quality -and leads in vaiue. has become a Canadian institution. @ Now “Brier” comes in new form Cut “ Brier”--the same tobacco--prepared under the Macdonald standards established in 1858. 4 Among cut tobaccos “Brier” still leads in value. is more tobacco for the money in the 1-12 Ib. package at 15 cents. Haif-pound tins 85 cents. CUT | eal ‘Brier’ There pn sald a | { APP Daily News Classified Ads. ie re