puver, B c. DRK? SELL VE ——— mmencéd mak- l Still in ne of business ireds In use m Ronert huper. SALE AT y Stork’s dware Ane i PRESSE: |, x nert Feed Co. Green 64> t MALLETT AND HEATING DIKEERS irnished, Avenue head nd Street PO. Box 274 i Ct tooe nnbeotntibiisennnss .EVITT tioneer id Accountant car 1 Avenue Blue 421 of 444 OO Phe Or ree ae * 7 SS eS ae ” —_——_-- —_——-—___—- ——— A ——— - rene cms ms — —— ——SS ‘ t LOTS OF TIME SPENT ae NEAR BEER QUESTION In the Letter Box | eee eres rts eres eens e } ® ° ‘Council Deadlocks on Application AGAINST PROHIBITION e | of Knox Hotel, Ltd.—MoGee athe, ae Again Refused. read with 7 are already heavily taxed and the whole Province rying out for s¢hoels, hos- re? Pa ; Dr. Grant's pilals and roads Are you prepared to subm heavier taxation to support an hye eit ecouneil | ! ni au : : : ; : "3 ‘ of Coast Girardsmen, Preventive Officers, detectives, and stool pigeons in a fruitless uzain voted out the applications ‘ rn ‘ . c : lee ities toe a beeerhee Nets ‘ vour to enforce an Act whieli has not as vet be ccesstully -enforced tn ‘ary n a fig e done my es iifér the pre ine formerly nowt nit sf ty n the werld? / las the Empress Cabaret VW ! Johnson, solicif ! ‘ hy fhy not be les stray by the emotior irgument ) | professional purists, The polica ie th ' : , ee Sis ; : I tad State Federal Government h fr S14,000,000 in a futile effort plicant in jaereon 0 they We \ , . ‘ ; ; ; ‘ inatite’to cre ' : tI ‘ ste ore Prohibition, rrespective of 5 rivtions by lividual States and heavy pression on the board After i } n Herp expenditures, mount g to rrr’ B American paper and see llong time had beer faken by Mr a ourself whether their prohibitory law prohibits. Johnsen in explais gc the itua i ! ier of sean a ep Sores : oe : = irned On the statement of the’ Premier made Revelstoke on the 6th of October, 85 per lduced to the effect that H, KE. fos ; | cent the ponsibility of the enforcement of the present Prohihil bs gate lhad nothing 1 ad with the ay j Magna ) ’ af Fes por , , oe CHIOTES . ! Prohibition Aet rests upon plication, a vote called for, ; the Mimicipalities iAldermen Perr ind Murray hl Dp ling for grant the applicat ‘ IF YOU CALL THE PROHIBITION TUNE, DON’T COMPLAIN IF You ARE ASKED TO } i de en it water, Mele ; jand Aldern _ PAY THE PIPER, nan and herr ting ag ! | ther ny if fra thy e * ; ° Hotel. Limited, 1 I You have seen the workings of the Prohibition Act—Exercise your British Columbian [Johnsen manager, Was th ead j ‘ Common sense nd jane mit ' the ¢ ‘ rite au | 1 deadloc) Ald at hefare % d that the licer he nol f | F ote or a ed and Ald. Kerr moved that riak granted = hut tt DS cet for neiti oetion ia {Finally on motion of Ald. MeL. , overnmeni ontr mn, #¢ nied by Ald. Murray, th is 2 A matter was laid ove {fo i ; ( has 7 ny vk as OT i } 1 n ’ = i The Man in the Moon | serene aed ns on exe man SAYS~ j h yy jtt has to force/{ . , on eae iSs'the st | PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK » |'Kais j i the world ¥ i ; a Mi Sebi .wtapen: tl vu . / | anne en th speetab AND ‘ ; va ty a . . C li . d | motes. late tod Retry orth Engineering Co., Limited. hit + acted ? do . 7 Stipes pik ty 7 ae pe Operating--G.1.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock 5 Sena Our Plant is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of its } a . ; ah ’ HOOMES K. FREEMAN. MARINE AND rs tayo arene ach COMMERCIAL WORK & Sections 36 and 134.) ; sy) al inging #8 fa i Safety e Cala f Application No. 14740-1, File 63¥2. Large agi Smal! Vessels dry docked. Several boats may ae . i j Aht NOTICE hat application nas Deen h d k d i, ‘bibmaahis 5 a is . h D 3 D k 2 ess mast register wlof Hanson of Prince de docked at one time in one section of the Dry Dock. . . ae pert, B. ¢ as owner in fee under PHA te a Tax Sale Bee 1 from the Collector of , . fy itv city r ace Kupert, bearmge dete ; 2 3 iav ; . a mT | xis = “a ae ine 28th day of November, 1917, of ALL Engineers, Machinists, Boiter Makers, : . Ee A SINGUULAR tbat ‘certain | parcel Blacksmiths, Founders, Pattern Makers, etc. when is a bed not rh : ; ; r tract ef land and premises situas : SH Lt MBIA ing, and being dn the city of Prince Rupert, ' " i , r ‘bo nore part teularly kncwn and giese vines .as We Solicit Your Enquiries RM Low Ft , Block irty-one } CPOs PHA ' stun up eeetiee Pint. s\. Map Nine Munared and P. O. Box 1713 Phones 43 and 385. % . Pwenty nree ” atts fu ANGE! Ye 4 are required to contest the claim 3 {HAT af on SS Tee TORseeS Se ciate the 'Ootmy I PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. jofty { glits } sind 104 : Object, the date of the service of this notice * ~ i} , ‘ : rpose cwhich may be effected Dy publication. in hes ¢ At } ; f st enabie he Dally News, ‘hed Rupert. 6 ahd on 5 . at f vacances cour attention is called to section $6 of 1 ae int a drink badly HEALTH FIGURES IN at ras a Land Registry Act” with amendments, , r hb he do fer Assistant Forest Rangers. and to the following extract therefrom:- —- bia. TY T ire emp and in default of s caveat or cer- ‘ ; j i CITY SATISFACTORY \ abe iam pian eed tee With our modern equipment and sanitary methods, THAT { s fore the registration as owner of the we produce a wholesome : ‘ person entitled under such tax sale, ° 4 9 j ‘ aa ~ oe all Mth udtice, 2 2 Nine Births, Two Deaths, One In . > thr mats . : fectious Disease and One ' ; r under ns claim- U Fi tous y 2a : : = any ! by virtue t Fr hi Monta! Case Reported. ' f afy unregistered metrument, and a . al! persons claiming any interest tn * e : the land by descent whose title ts Our Goods are all made from High-class Material ’ ‘ . mx registered under the provisions . ‘ : Qualifications for Candidates. of this Act, shall be for ever es- | TRY THEM sur s ¢ and déparred from setting up ast to or im respect of the Th &. B 4 «id for wares, and the Regis- ie. > : Se he ee ee © La asse aker y titied under such tax sale es owner IAT I 7 Of teh ined ac sola techeaman” 717 Srd Ave. Auto Delivery Phone 190 niy 7 . i kn lee AND WHENEAS application bas been . ! : ,, made for a CertiNeate of Indefeasibie Title ‘ wend . my ceri tten, | tn the abow mentioned lands, In the name \ Bin oo pe PHA f 7 eeeiee ee a 1s to} AND WHBREAS - on Investirating: sae are sul tie tt ay pears inat prior t& ne th the t wa ; Rad tinaha r, 1916 (the date on which the Phone Red 414 Phone Red 414 ud ye woit h Preference is given to returned soldiers “Aid te “as were sold Tor uverdil Sa5e. : with the necessary qualifications. Bt Bh e oe pol ~— Sir eas a tupert Rest ' y THE EXAMINATIONS, Meryrise 08 MSES SURES: J pec- 5 na He hela tne e names ; ey { rt i below, | FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the/ vi PHA’ } i { apply to the same time I shall effect registration in! e ° mer } rf ADT A- | pursuance of such spplication and issue 8} of Pa the ‘ regarding ertificate of In tefeasibie Title to the sai , oe" «0 reeerdingy ‘netics sible Title to the said } Vancouver Victoria : i i ! f : Applicat you prosecute the proper i PUAT ne ! t , : mailed back ceedings io establish your claim, If Prince Rupert . ww ” me t : to Ube said lands, or to prevent such : , : ' amine thou posed actian on my part W HY Oo L E S A L E i seen ‘ t [n@te DATED at the Land Regtstry are mber Stt Prince Hupert, B.C, this 94mm aay o of nh mber St August, A.D. ‘1920, FRUITS AND PRODUCE . . - { rince H. F ACLEOD, . . I y ‘ e ! = Distrtet eC nus ot Titles, Wire or phone us We carry the stock AT an ADEN, To W. M. Evans. Crown Urantee. . t th | Advertise in the Datlv News f Lands jJonn Dahl & Jake Dani, assessed owners. IVE Gor th Ce . ’ "¥ re ‘ QTEQMEP ‘ TRUNK — te ok ae ( y ees al \ WHY A | GET A STEQMETO wHar 2 TRON r ’ ARE YOU LOSING YOUR BQLANCE — j WHOT IN THE NQME OF INSANITY WOULP YOU PO IF pai UW HAP ONE 22 WHEN A MAN'S MARRIED THE EXTENT OF YOuR TRaven LIES BETWEEN HERE OND THE GROCER —ONP YST YOu SPeak OF © TEQMER, TUNICS — wHy- r \ KNOW Qu THAT. > BoB. BUT TO-Pay | | RAN ACROSS SOME SRENCH HOYEL LABELS AND ! { JUST HOevE TD CET SOMETHING “TO PRSTE. ) THEM ON — Iii