panne - Dressed Beel Valley cf i FRZTELL 10, 25, - gf Fulton Market PRINCE RUPERT ya es ae / ; =x She Daily News 277 5 188 PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia’s ores Wi NEVER SLEEP Prince Rupert Auto M. H. LARGE 107 Secora Ave. - Prince Rupert B. C.. WEEN DAY. OCTOBER 142. 19020. VESTERDAY'S CIRCULATION 1,631 STREET SALES 360 PRICE FIVE CUNTS PRUTHERS ASHORE ON WHITE SAND ISL ee gotiations with British dmiralty in Regard to Pur- chase of Ground Hog Coal sal to Establish Enormous Bunkers near mouth of as River for Distribution of Coal to different points ( Square Miles of JAMES PARKER Lands Involved in Deal PASSED AWAY Smokeless Steam Col Deposit in World may eather of 5. £. Parker Died This be opened up if Syndicate gors through Morning After Hiness of with proposed plans Some Weeks. OUVER, October 13..—-R. C. Campbeii-Johnston, who between a syndicate representing the British Admiralty rs of the Groundheg coal properties, for the purchase { { y squere miles of coal lands, This area forms the largest s steam coal deposit in the world. mpbell-Johnston says the syndicate have plans showing coal bunkers on Portiand iniet near the mouth of the Saha a : with distributing bunkers at every port on the Pacific Be _. of Ayr. Scotland. At th Five @ proposal is that the syndicate shall use ite own ooaling mire of 21 he entered the drug supply the stations, business i nt ad int \ ampbell-Johnston is a mining engineer with a good isha ; OLBOARDS WANT TAXES ON “iiss cs NT POWERS MINES REDUCED 2" MAKE A LEVY oveonion.w ten. we. a, soa) ts we Question of Stands - ‘ 10 op ds: Gil- dena odivs a ce a il “al . N 1S RI PORTED ©: is snd aa bare NO ALLOWANCE FOR r a tis ae ne pooth MINE DEPRECIATION map scotivade stan mnie Rumor in fhanghai That Mon- ie oT pvc archy Has Been Restored ee PORN See oe ee at Pekin. C18: EG SUN DEOL REE ens a I Alaska was in yesterday mt : wx , j h 60,000 pounds, but eleared ’ und I h 6 C COMMERCIAL ‘AGENT tthe RC. Und LEAVES FOR TORONTO * J. D. McAuley Gone to Head Office has aoe SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA oa to Rapert. for Buty. ENLEAVE HOLDS FIRST MEETING TOOK PART IN GIG AIR FLIGHT. ‘ , v j i Moose Jaw to Calgary ht Lef{t—Capt. C. W, Cudamore, cats ae a ctr ROBBED BANK — CARS ARRIVE OF 319000 = SQ FISH SOLD Masked Men Cot Away With Six Cars Leave Tonight for East- Loot—Shot Man Giving ern Market With Fresh Fish From Lats Boats. Alarm. ‘\ ! i ; is Five Three refrigerator cars arrived! ti salts at the ast evening and three more to- Mat ¢ GAY, 50 @ fish scle was held this tha - bd | six cars will be , be despatched east this i y ts Phe f x were the arrivals r i saies (his ne Mureage te ) Ibs.; Venus ‘ ™ a. the Pacific s at (8. 4¢ ind 9.5c. ' {4,000 pounds, and apenter, ¥ pounds, sold —.” “aes CHINESE COUP sss Se the G. T. P., has been mi ¢ ‘ THIS QR} NING xi years. 1 4| inet Seomearent wri he Seat Sines VERY FEW BUYERS AT oonltel dis Forate andenigners Balance on Mand. PROVINCIAL TAX SALE > so far received no other det- ippointment, it is understood O Call at Vy : vil “ be transferred to some BY anc Morn non Way "* ; ie rit t Sy nY | Most of Property Reverted to the en Suver—Reception ny “ 1 held e558) Covernment and Only $17 Over , ms ‘ey af a ae ‘ vu te ‘ ss ’ \ ile las been promin- Planned eet . oe ‘ , i Delinquent Taxes Realizad. oer t ej} ' ‘ : the DUsiness and social life , Prince Rupert, He has daken ' : : ‘ this V es eial tax sal : ; ' lin : nierest in most of the aetivi- y Cons " . on Wee lies of the Board of Trade, Cana- I are SON ‘ ~ j ib ‘ the Ba iM \ ‘ lian (tub and other organizations i) new s mia \ nat iXes , ; F ; : Ss { ‘ Hele surf dul ' slings rs ; ’ ‘ ind his place will not @astly P ud | | They \ re ; ; y "Te lay ae eae ss On") \be filled, He will leave Prince es i re ' , ! lion, W. J. Sloa : oe ' , , Ruy with the well wishes of rsa ‘ hf i | mop ’ : , mn yi e thease whe have been working with pran dt their rey uta- |e. _ ‘ hmit ne Oren a him and his many friends every- or — : he t ‘ port submi he taxes W ls bought b , mh \ vive the consid de: Mi bipibat . ¢ 1A. VAs yeh { ted las ved & healthy) M. oM plios und A, W,. Cam i nen no abe. teh hand with several loro n sh 4 ’ sawetd # tstanding Most of iw y pe s were sald to CESARVITCH WAS ot the BATTING RECORD OF ist year's concerts netted bal-joutside bidders ond all the rest WON BY BRACKET li ad if , ny ul a 4 th t side of the | wes tt) sel price { the ey ‘ y THE BIG RIVAL TEAMS jedwer, EON eut W. oS. Fisher was - ’ . — “ ines ul none the buyers LONDON, Get, £3 The great CLEVELAND, O { In the ATTEMPT TO KILL vi H. ©. C. Black, Robert Stew-|Cesariviteh race Was Won by START world hick i veuter rt, Gerard Bakke A.J, Wheat-| Bracket with Front Line second, V mis ‘ ‘ Vite i ‘ rele i ‘ ATL S FROM ay. Cle Americal that MRIETSSELS, O% 3 An atl o. ¢. Perry, Perey Milk and and Greek Scholar third, di lane nerie outs CT toad thie rivals | ve { ' Vat vale ' ISSASSINALE | M \d , E10 VIC TORTA 1 { the Prin He { Alexander of _— EVANGELIST DEAD. ie ’ ts i ! it th) Uiulls ‘ wkhed hh lo Serb al a ee n tant oF ri ! hed port Brook! ‘ nd a report sentlearly this x inal BIRMINGHAM, Oct, 18.—Evan- tie { 7 . he ti Se aie id Montenes | Da aff for the |} co Rupert gelist Charles MeCallon Alexan iday.|300 of. better. : ! ‘ i lied this n ning. } Lb McAuley commercial |. DICATE REPRESENTING BRITISH GOVERNMENT AFTER GROUND HOG COAL Crew of Trawtes . Carruthers Rescued Vessel ran ashore at White Sand Island |. when on way to Halibut Fishing | Banks; Surveyor picks up men J. W. Nicholls, controller of the Canadian Fish an? Cold Stor- jage Co., received a wireless message shortly before noon from ithe 8.8.5. Surveyor saying thal she had picked up the crew of the steam trawler James Carruthers and that the boat was ashore on White Sand Island. That is about thirty to forty miles from here. -Four members of the crew are reported missing. Immediately the trawler G. E. Foster and the fishing boat W. R. Lord were sent to the scene, W. Bell, port engineer, being in eharge of the resene operations. The Carruthers left port last night at eight o'clock for the halibut fishing banks. She was in charge of Capt. Parsons and earried a crew of 30 men all told. if any information in regard to the missing men is received during the afternoom after the paper goes to press it will be bulle lined in the window of the Daily News. CANADIAN or CARPENTIER KNOCKS OUT | LEVINSKY Clever Frenchman Badly Punished | American Fighter Lasi Night JERSEY WSTY, October 13 Georges Carpentier “knocked out Levinsky, the American heavy- weight, in’the fourth reund of a scheduled twelve -round bout. Both fighters were in splendid ti | condition. From the middie of the first Air Commodore A. K. Tyfee of round the outcome was apparent. the Canadian Air Foree, who had The Frenehman’s blows were well the work of supervising the trans- delivered and effective. Levensky’s anada flight in the western prov-|plueky replies were too light to £ canes do much damage 'wiee during the seeond round SMITHERS iGeorges sent Levinsky to the lground, In the third round he slowed up somewhat, but in the \s a result of exposure in the fourth he battered Levit sky into Prince Rupert’ wreck, resulting s heatral corner, severe illness on her arrival At the close Levinsky showed here rs. Db. C. Sangster, mother marks of being badly pu Lished kinse ” « fown,. : : Ainsen, of tht WER but Carpentier was not marked ssed away last Monday after-\ynen he left the ring. Seldo if ever was there such enthusiast gathering in TEN S| OR) Smithers as the farewell dance given byw the citizens of Smithers TATION to Mr. and Mrs. A. Kilpatrick on their leaving. An address and presentation was tendered ned Formation of Fair Rents departing ettizens, ' ape eee Court—President Says Profits r Smithers hospital is now are Tco High. running in full swing. All. the equipment has arrived and tlre VANCOUVER, Oct, 13.—Organi- water and electric Light systems ation of the Vancouver Tenants’ are running in good shape Van-/| protective Association was per- couver architects are preparing |feeted last night at a meeting held plans for quarters for the lad¥! pore. Phe gait passed a superinfendent and an adminis~ resolution urging the establish- tration building . ment of a fair rents court and MeN a lother methods ef reducing rents. W. Ly Mackenzie King addressed President Ashworth said one ja, laexe gathering at, the stapons apartment house of which he here last Monday during the ten), ‘itew, showed a profitiof 65 per minute stop of the train, icent for a year and another 40 oi: ea. a per cent. lhe sum of 852 was: turned per cent over to the Smithers Hospital as Sen, ate nana the result of a whist drive held Oo. B, Bush, Pat Daly, Charles last week at the home of Me, and| Bunting and W. G. Harris are Mrs. A. Kilpatrick. ere in Spokane as wit. . . ’ inesses in the suit between Kh, K. During the past week four boys Neill and Bacon, the Spokane were born in Smithers distriet.|lawyer whe claims to have grub- rhe parents are Mr. and Mes. |staked Neili When he acquired the George Raymond, Smithers; Me.) Premier Mine and thus is claim- and Mrs. D. ‘VY. Greene, Telkwa;|ing a half interest in it, Mr. and Mrs. Tanner, Smithers; and De ind Mrs, Hankinson } B. C. Undertakers. Phone 41, ' nt eo ea & ae Ta * % f re ast