ay 2 ————— — So _ _ —p THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT - BRUWISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, Annee Epiror. ‘STOPPED HER * HEADACHES Years Of Suffering Ended Tue DAILY NZWS WELL KNOWN Q ss===~ COUPLE WED Miss Eisie Shaw Becomes Brido Of Jack Judge at Full Churoh ce aMURARAUTUDE DEAD EAATN AUER ARE a= W)zs MACDONAID, as a j “Fruj ives” Wedding SUBSCRIPTION RATES: | By “Fruil-a-{ City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ............ $1.00 112 Hazen Sr,, Sr. Joux, N, BL ‘ ‘ . oO By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, , “Tt is with pleasure that! write to | d ; ee dh eee er Ere Teer rw Sug eee ... $6.00, | tell you of the great benefit I received ia = r j j i] EW j N CS To all other countries, in advance, per year ......; . 87.50.) from the use of your medicine Ca " , Cc —_——— “Pruti ees eee. rR or ‘ tye ! ea : a question that, vou are not absolutely with them, you are Ee } ' MAIL SOHEDULE . :. S diay = ; with ; ae Sy ee bound to be against them. eeeeeeseersseeres nt? ; n owe Pewee eee wees eee ; Texé politica ap an sxaeipic. Thaw dée-peieed wie iy (bla PRINCE RUPERT TIDES * )4\/+ For the East ov 0! avoid taking sides, but they can’t. They may do so between |e@@ ee eee eae eeeeas) and : Mondays, Wednesdays ano Sat T elections, but the moment there is a contest on, people become » Wednesday, October 13. | ' ays ab 50 = QUALIT } excited aud see sinister meanings and sinister motives in evers High, 2 a, my 20.4 feet From (the Eeest. = . ’ ‘ f ‘ 13:56 p.m. 24.8 feet j si “ — Pree en eee, a8 Srp. in Ake Sane ial janeen. Cie peiee, Low, 7:59 a. m., 5.6 feet W. Vaughan I undays, Tuesdays and Thore Phere are some people who think it unfair if the paper takes 20:30 | 28 feet i lave at 7 p. a f) sides. They would like a newspaper to be a mugwump. On the Thursday, October 14 gat Yr. whole, however. the newspaper that goes out after something Higl 7 a oO tt ! ‘ For Vancouver and South. 6 definite is likely to get Jess abuse than the one that tries to 44231 rf [ , : i Wore q's in straddle the Low Vs BS Aw 0.9 > 963 ‘ , we : . nn" ~ Zi a Tt. ’ crery This is just mentioned to illustrate the difficulty of being rhe time used is Pactiic Stan Met ; fair or rather of being considered fair. We all have different dard, for the 120th Meridian west ee t I ' r 4 Dental Nur viewpoints. We see things from different angles and sometimes(!t is counted from 0 to 24 hours ling ' Phone | this is caused by prejudice and sometimes through the possession from midnight to midnight Mi - ; : ‘en ' , 7. ‘ rivem te fa hed Fr Vane 8 h } “ of ittide information. The «reat. thing in life is to be toleraatic The table given is for Port had P ; m ancouver gnd Sout Rooms 4, 5, 6. Hel t : ; : " : o“"“ Simpson but the time for Prines . Sundays er ee 10 p.m Best Equipped ( of the other man’s viewpoint. Rupert varies only a few minutes Wedding Supper . days i a oP " Asar men are more tolerant than women. . They knock/on some days and on others i t y a ’ : \ about the « iry more and meet more people. They learn to) !he same. The range of the tid p.m er realize that there are almost as many different viewpoints as there "8" be computed as 5 per cent i T are people and they respect them greater at Prince Rupert than at ied ' 1s i, a , “i )Port Simpson both at springs and Mra. S} ‘ . ° . interest Charges Ine aps. Therefore the risé in the!) wan th ' For Anyox and Alloe Arm. rg | n Prince Rupert harbor is slightly) The de ’ { S ‘ys 10 p.tn, nue to Rise. | | In spite of the urgings of Socialists that ca . i greater than Port Simpson. jleaves, white tt ae 2 , Pn ems Socialists that capital is unrighteous The beigt : ; ri i eight is in feet and tenths by j ‘ . and that interest charges are an abomination, the rates of interest of feet above the average level of forn “ fa From Anyox and Alice Arm. in in 00 continue to go up. In other words capital becomes more valuable, |lower low water. ’ < Nelson, a ‘ : way ++ Sn In discussing this matter of the rise in rates of interest the Royal WE 1 of huredays ...... + pm Bank monthly business letter savs: 5. ‘ ; tod ager KILN DRIED PLANER ENDS si ; od . . ; or Port Simpson, Arrandate, i . A natural corollary to the industrial activity d rise e . ° ; ae es from the Prin ot Vily an ri im -s . Bay. Wales Island and Naas River Om ip prices Of the lat six years has-been the rise in interest rate : i | eM ; , ave TIMBER SA X 267 4 v , hye, Prosperity at any time stimulates the demand for loanable funds BER SALE X 2679 wh " al hy: : Ki be ‘ ; Sealed tende i he and the rate that borrowers are willing and able to pay for them; Distriet. Forester wot tater “ts h Make Starting the ite ' tr Sth day of Uictober ' in this case the need of the Governments of belligerent countries |e Licence X 267 _ ' ™ i Oe for capital to finanee te war acted as a further influence to- : E 3 000 Feat of j | kK la ay, Wales isiand and Naas River a Pleasure . ve « ” llo we © it wards raring the price of money which, in the final analysis. is > ee was allowed for removal y : MM se p.a — . . , : Further particulars of the Chief Forest us } : determined by demand and « ipply as are the prices of ordinary | Vt oy a D ° of ie oe Prince j ‘ Order ft ‘ b Rupert sf i wet i commodities. The great supply of, and broad market for ¢ apital, | -— left the j ! Quess Gharlette tstandes L < Phone? make interest rates less open to sudden changes or sharp in- NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC. hy For Massett, Port Clements and Pacific Cartage, t has . . i » alan wie creases, In approximate terms, Government and Municipal , PION ACT. \ a _ 4 per isiand poiots aia F A S.C. CHAP s days, 6 — ceri flotations which, shortly before the war, were sold to yield 4 per “ a ae : ae : ARIIME PISHERIES x 0 i ros dom : cent, now have to bring at least 6 Her cent if they wish to com- Haysp. rt, British Columbia aa a! 78 on 5 un Masset, Port Clements aod ‘ c ; : ancouver, British Columbia neveny riv veivet i t med wilh Unoper laland ; mand ready sale. Bonds of highly considered companies yield |S a, Ht has, under Section 7 of the| ; (in ft ror Mu : mane Doe 6% per cent ea Ae ks oak . said Ac dep valted with the Mint mer of°. ~ ; : insteac f 4% per cent, While the average bond ao * whs at (awa, and im the affice |) Mirw j “ 1 ' —— yields probably 7 per cent, instead of 5 per cent. Standard pre- | 2eeit!9 District < f Prince Mapert on wytans residem n Taylor Street “or Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Soiled didi i ge , ’ i Rupert a description of the ste and the M; ' an ; ; 5. PRINCE “cz SLOCKS give a return of & per cent in plac e ot an average of eeie whats Sosen” a be be tin ine . ee pig ! vy one lore. 0 wr aaeeee SS ‘ : “te * plan Yop ee ) pull ne rel ' 3 6 fer ate ee fore the war, when it was usnal to see 7 per eent Skeena Hier Pinposed $0 be Built in the | varents ere 1 nut her 5. 18: October 2, 16 preterred stock selling ata premium. Interest rat ) ets meade holden ee, Renee Ajyears al wens 10 stn ’ - strates On securitiés }Coast District, Britian Con ; ; have therefore risen thirty to fifty per cent in this period. as AND TARE NOTICE Conn. tne en-1cily: : . om ' umes Thursday compared to an average ris nm th ri ‘ ' — “ ame aomen from ihe dsie of Mis j Frog Skidegate, Queen Chariotte} . risé.in tie price of commodities of wel] | it, rst pubtigation of this notice Maritime : : ‘ ANYOX Wed day 10 p.™ over 100 per cent. Interest rates on bank loans 4n fc keign = Fisheries Lindted will onder Section 7 af | wr d City and Lower Island pointe ee ra ye OF PRINCE ALBERT ans ) COUN} Ure sale f ey 1 ate te o ' . ° : ® tries have risen in much the same proportion as tt , Public Works at tits ite tn per or t alae ! ember 14, 28; October 12 SS, PRINCE JOHN m ti ] 7 1O5€ ON SCCUl- Ottawa, for approval of the said site and ‘ ‘ be Sunday 9 P 1@s. m Canada, rates have remained almost stationary and the |@8@%, @nd_for leave to construct the said Ay yee engaged charges made by Canadian banks for accommodation are now aa. selmon gannery and cold storage} businfxs. Both bride and gz less than those in force in any of the commercial centre f the ene, at Prince Rupert, B. C., tis geen) wil ree th home . ver anne aed the fukon. ‘ ' . . 99 . ° : sv 2 y o pieanber, A.D 0 é Cet United States or Europe. . MARITIME risnenies LIMITED, nany admiring friends ’ ”" 9 ber - TRAIN SERVICE at 158 By Messrs. Patmore & Putten, Solictiors. | if | x i i A and Saw : ad Wecdnesc*y = = ' Monday —_ ——————— - ——- See From “Skagway and Yukon, : “ 4 antl — —- ———— ; September 40, 24; October 1, for He a *- ; Lines ; en ar. A , 7 OF tino r ing dire whi in T Ye 5 go i he ARG, HENERRY ; S All Ocean Steamship “ i in Prince Rupert i. , Agency / i - 0 10 Fe = rt, Mente Bay and Swamp yon. Snares ese Thre pvenve. Omer e e Point. Ony Theoret omee October 13, 1910 ee ee ae ne ieee e s Mrs. Prod Rudge, of Port } j i il, ntist. ' , ; rom NS a ee p.m. jington wis presented th Ce ee ll R Sa ts ie with the bronze yt of the nA acti Me oyal Humane Society o mion The best way to have CANA ooms 7 and 8 Smith Block is” seangustands Gir bre , ANAVIAL | he ben last spring she plunged i CANADIAN paowe oom the surging waters of the Skeena our ul valuable asset; otnes Feanrnber Ov wldnoss, Rooms 7 end 9-125 1 6;7-9\ Phone 575 _ DENTISTRY ‘sissies | LOW PRICES---Best material money can buy. PERSONAL ATTENTION AND PROMPT SERVICE wil] insure the BEST RESULTS. Sunday by Appointment Has everything to 8 Smith Block 3 Open Evenings n in considering the B.C. Coast sean se and saved = her nephew, Jack jerriman, from drowning Wu Cleaned and Pressed Lerceeeennneen ANSON ed mde i we Y cess-your person- {fj Marnn, MPI. glade the pt is by our S. 5, PRINCESS MAN). nae! sentation on e steann ‘ wey, Alm ie ality---your appearance and your good health depend Rupert on the eve of Mr. and | Sleam Pressing Machine oer Reciien, auncen, mers hover Wee upon your teeth. You cannot afford to neglect such a Mrs. Rudge’s departure for the Method lc tiicceaiaep qumerte end gel? south where they will spend the eniy takes 86 utes. Oeltob i N we winter, “ ‘oe Price le %¢ princes EATEN ye wane Reasonable From Prince Rupert for swanson Betis rand viet An industrial strike is threaten Delivery is Prompt Beaver Gove, Powe!! River, aoe every Baturdsy, a, app! we i” in Spain and King Alphonso Give us a trial. Phone Black 502 and sellin s te ~ ¥ “s i. nd the royal family are in readj Por rates, revervates Genera! j Ager penne oes LING TAILOR as ine See i oe ’ and 4th >t - The Swift Canadian Company 821, 828 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert Cor 3rd Avenue . advisability of|