THE DAILY NEWs | ; = = a - _ - — — EI — a Se ————— | Bi Robert Frizzell returned ‘today| | | { P al | m a short holiday { p 8 th. } erson . D, Rand is a ne the m ivals in the city the Prince | Ask for Atkins’ Sausage. tg| corse today | . e e | * . . Chevrolet Car for sale, neanial The cheapest trip ‘ rriene new, Acme Importers. Whee adtttiete. TEMPERANE 7 * . . | ! may at a Pal : saa Mrs. A. BE. Acland will not re-] Beit PLERISCITE ACT eive on Thursday afternoor } Men's Arr W ft . . . i ued ny . 1 For a good suit, the Aeme m-|4 Img ters, Lid 240 P ® f at ¥U0c an the &, 40 . : ; ; 1 3 2 ve O amation Wa Utley arrived from Port|4 i , turt I C n last night's train i Visit i M.4 lve Port Cle i M Norah k ! 2 4 be a eu i u ifte pert. ist Mrs. Ed. D J " " ane a Liovd Mart drunk is fined . . . i I) ti I ‘ irt 1. HM. Sathar ent ed CF this “ i ait i i ny We eat foo fast—— near 30 days wit PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA We eat too muc . H. B. I i, of t ] j x. ha w | re > ° ° at napane Sets Pulte, Sore ) In the Prince Rupert Electoral District ss—chew it more. this morning | ' ; : Eat less , a 8 et ‘eee eee ee eee ere ee TO WIT: \« for the | ) : 0)’ >; . : : ne oe * oe - “"\s IN THE LETTER BOX *, PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to the Electors of the Electoral District | Saturday Y OCR ere aforesaid, that I have received His Majesty’s Writ to me directed, and bearing f t EYS : ib . 2 “4 PERSORAL LIBERTY date the Twentieth day of September, 1920, commanding me to cause the follow- : ne itt fie s anc oy —- i ear, the Acme Importers give! Editor Daily News ing question, namely:--- we OM. CNG ae a il of yesterday Shows me thet WHICH DO YOU PREFER? after every meal Mr. aha Wheel and + ae but i.) Th P o a \ “ se 7 er Bk a ve . Wakes deuaki : (1.) e present ‘‘Prohibition Act”? . aids digestion, cleanses ily. of Massett, reached tos : 4 teeth , forefa : (2.) An Act to provide for Government Control and ~ 4 oO « t ’ . . . the mouth and teeth. Pie edadehbaal bil of the een-l Sale in Sealed Packages of Spirituous and sweetens fhe breath. eo ee ee ore Malt Liquors? jay oun ! if i , a i to be submitted according to law to the Electors qualified to vote for the election OSTS x far north s - ' of a member of the Legislative assembly for the Electoral District aforssaid; and, LITTLE ~ Mt - “a sie further, that in obedierce to the said Writ a poll shell be opened at eight o'clock in €h2 2 ee the forenoon and shall be clos:d at seven o'clock in the afternoon cn Wednesday, ee 53 E; Mi i \ the Twentieth day of October, 1920, for taking and receiving the votes of the said M ( st : y me ‘ a te & ‘: . ‘ ‘ : ; ' Electors in each polling division of the Electoral District aforesaid at the respective j places foilowing:--- a f E ; POLLING DIVISIONS. ere” ong! Atnarko Haysport Margaret Bay Sand Spit ; Stina eal , A Banks Island ricle-in-the-Wall Masset Sewell gh peer Bella Bella Hydah Namu Seymour Inlet eo ehes Bsiia Coola Inverness North Island Skidegate | d Ti ht Th FI : eg , Buckley Bay Jodway Ccean Falis Smith island . e ig e€ avour - ” Eutedale K.msquit Cceanic Spiller River i h 4 Cedarvale Kit'mat Ccanda Surf inlet ept Rig t LASTS! dorning fro the sout 4 Claxton Kitsumgalium Pacific Swanson Bay ~ Re A m os Copper Bay Kitsumgalium Lake Pacofi Terrace eee eee | # paapel, the} J, Copper Clty tae ee eee hat ; ill Leag along w entrance i 2 Dundas Island Kwinitsa Port Essington Tow Hill n siled " ‘ ; Firvale Lakelse Lake Port Simpson Usk to & wry, P.O. box 8 ‘Taek ; Georgetown Lawn Hill Prince Rupert Wacham's Cannery ° P o t met aa Hagensborg Little Canyon Queen Charlotte City Welcome Harbour e ? Mrs 0, Crew : Hartley Bay Lockeport Refuge Bay Woden River f ¢ a child « da g class ‘ "7 : Lorne Creek Remo - lie I a Satu 5 = ’ a 2 4 88 ocEs Of which all persons are hereby required to take notice and to govern them- bd seer er . . . - s se s jer ew 0 n-| 4 selves accordingly. This healthy sport gives vim, vigor and GIVEN under my hand at Prince Rupert, B.C., this Twenty-cig hth day of 5 pe y-cle y rich red b a to boys and virls. : , , : he September, 1920. je EDWARD H. MORTIMER, Returning Officer. ; . | ‘ j Zee j ‘ —— ne $ INFORMATION WANTED ’ —_ | | le s allies . ee hicken Ch Por Bed Cashion teat | iit cie ieee MAN. | 3 Chicken O Or Boys, \alris and abies 2 , ACT A lads aN Craaee RE j h ‘ m 7 T MAN 3 La ‘ i Na Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land r poe Pe = a. ne reased ‘ $ Lana \ i919 $2.04 pr aa ictlon means money ene P Gane ckeee ma, ana $ x “ saved. B & K CHICKEN C HOP is a balanced ration mixed ae ae é ° a axiaa . , ys according to formula which was prepared by an expert ne aE ag D wae a eT ort ' poultryman. The analysis of B & K Chicken Chop is regis- Y zanna Wiis see ee . Ka ied ww mnere : [7 tered with the government and is also printed on each sack. ‘ nt —— Always in stock:---Alfaifa Meal, Beefseraps, Clam and “ a pe Ben ‘ Oyster Shell, Coarse Ground Bone, Charcoal, io Fret every- ie ph. north 4 wast $9.9 feel thing for the chickens. , "ik eh te THE BRACKMAN-KER Gout sosei done we - rn “fon -KER MILLING CO.,LTD. j . ‘ é ‘ th-ea the hign- wager P.O. Box 745 _ =Pricce Rupert, B.C. Phone 350 ’ 9 cw ™ ¢ ; stew t , : a r tess we = rr McKae Bras., Lt¢. on to Stewart on at LE Std Stee : —— Es : ‘ y K } has | Dated Aumrust 1920 ; . - ~ ; i ksellers Stationer: Printers ° tee | — em PRINCE RUPERT ]} Scare © an ae z ‘ al t & mé x c h PID r fF a on “ % « Stewart : Pho r raphs, Cameras Spare PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. wisguons von cae restos ov F GBAlPal Labor Gouncil, | = French Polishing ore har eee nm fire Fishpackers, First Saturday , npn Srd Ave a aSse a e and yesterday he z : Was . i. : ae febting: possess at ‘ ye organize OPEN FORUM " Prince Rupert, B.C, Auto Delivery Phone 190 chara: f Captain Boden She hey never hac etter bs ay Pan: Bm ae OBTS Sa (commencing Sept.) Seconc > . nan arrived earty m Alice Armin and + tell s ; » make and t amin ‘ partly wpitren and Fourth Sundays, 8.30 p.m Phone 547 — P.O, Box 725 1 4: ( é é ? ; e das test te ala RD ee \ and s afternoon : q tos" . a e the above Mnes (4 ———— af ~ ms a a nt the. tienen Save money. Now is the mantic et uy alone an cuales vile | T SO POE ELE OLS OLE OL OOO 2 . » le t » £, le io t ecducat ard ss are Sut IN rut at i Con | ul bi = Orders h . ; re ne future “Oe oy _ “ , 2 . oer : Preference ‘le given to penueoed ‘catdlare IN THE MATT Net a tr ADMINISTRA Phon® Green G07 1017 Sra Avenue Mt A ceive P. O. Box 183 ! h gol n the vee of future aye ee with the necessary Syelifestions. TION ACT, AND IN THE MATTER UF t Uention \ logging cam i and wil tivating the habit of thrift. THE EXAM ‘eon cs THE ESTATE ot G icPHERSU Dal & W. ation Phone 558 iced here by the Venture we haces thd ak Yor Gutp: Gamed Neiee, NEMA] ne ere garno atts ‘ There is a Savings Department ' candidate should apply 10 ume TAKE NOTICE that by an (Order of His opwedimmctnliicditinestncindiinsindaainiaasn ‘n to any at every branch of this bank. . 6 eras : = ti NP 7 se y Ung fate at (308 day BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Iss Ca “ ens Oe ee The staff will be clad to show you ' : ' one Wee eee ad OmMelal Admintstrator in the abeov Specialists in Light and Heavy Con- uf. k al Any article we : : ea ra \ \W beid. App ation Ist tate t wat ordered that notice of struction, Repairs end Alterations. 4 ‘ 10w to make the first deposit und matied back wder be published tu @ newspaper at > f Exel USlve L " ; W pads { for, you ean have for 90¢ tine to, reach the City of Princes upert anid all persons Firat Class aimee Work and aqcies eady- -to- ear Aon lmporters Ltd 40 a en a i oe inal i a +d : ae Seen tee berm . ois ~ 7 ° LA aye Capital and Reserves $33,000,000 F | Foutay Novetuber gun |Aguniateator ‘within Murty day frOM wee ee “Venue Make ee Down the . : ‘ b sis mt ousker ai Prin t aA rh at} e Khupert, B.C., Unis 6th BRICK AND CONCRETE SUILDING Prince Rupert, B.C. ; a athe eine Sad Total Resources $470,000,900 inp lay OF Vclober HPRO CONTRACTORS i ‘ . . ° Ab d lL. MeMULI \\ lua Deputy Minick C babies Ullclal Aduicuslrator, eon PELE LPO LL LL LOLOL EEE LA LED