“PHP DAILY NEWS ——— TS sIN ——- nor Excessive) BUSINESS DIRECTORY hese are Good Places to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy Overseas Trade Keeps | Canada Prosperous | Edmonton, Toronto and Victoria te ee ere ~ + ~ Oe teen, aor busy Pay Larger per Capita Tax é eee , Than Prince Rupert. AERATED WATERS FURNITURE AND GENERAL LAUNDRIES oF me a agen a i MERCHANDISE , According to authentic flenres BEAVER BOTTLING woRrKe CANADIAN STEAM LaUNoRy ly ublished recently by the Cithrens 708 Preaer rhaye 192 WILPRID GRATTON cor Third and Tr Phone for Cleaning « . i Phone Green 399, for second hand furni tn ene - IReseareh Institute of Canada and stk —_ figures obtained at the office of ; i BSARSER SHOP " PAINTERS AND DECORATORS 7 ithe citw treasurer of this ity it YOXKAHAMA BARBER SHOP FURNITURE r To Win World-Trade Sti We sane thal Prinbs Adiet's| ices tee Ss ina: {rence sin ang ptt S0no0en er capita taxation compares ve — FRANK BROOHU athinibiabiainitiiatintemenlitis — ] : c bly ait , ; ’ Third Aw Piet Uren 448 " W M | ) raverad a) atner jarger ene BAKERS > PAIN e ust eve op older cities in Canada. The total FEED STORES = TS AND OiLs taxation levied by the mut pality LA CASSE BAKERY THE A. W. EDGE OG lhere in 1949, including genera Phird Aven Phone 109 PRINCE RUPERT FEEO CO Paints, (th at Our Sea Heritage Our Ports Itaxation and lecal impr mont oy New keration, for, tnd Are. and Tim St - - lievy. was #900.706, which, divided CHINA, CROCKERY & NOTIONS PAINTERS AND DECORATERS TY ; a o 1p ‘ . . among ¢ wepulation f 8.000 IC Gitegh Our’*Men Ciet UE Dn uh sasns he. caps tots 70h Denny ALLAN 60 FISH MERCHANTS, RETAIL SELL & OROSSETT — Prone 477 Ligestion of Pe - Third Avene an et OMece ARTHUR'S MARKET een : LB Dod Hd .08 ay ew Thin Ace Phones 680 & 481. Fi). Dx * t “e | In computing per ipita taxa en . ~ Benen PLUMBING , 1SOnS. that ” : CLEANING AND PRESSING ie . tion, the local improvement taxes ; ' GENERAL MERCHANDISE STEEN & LONGWHL = Phone 5 a Minated i are not always taken inte ac iO! ,rexeve ore wornxs . ne am dry meee iat ‘ ; : it bit just the general tax. In that) deaning © 478 50s Bec fay a ae RENTALS ’ Trade must flow East and icase the rate here would be 828.00 —_— - natin eal _ — — * wrewet Sale of Auj Shaw for the total general taxation i- are ’ ow. MART — a Werth » Ciba West and Overseas— 1 Oped : CAFES GROCERIES _— —— soem] Sleniiagedinl s ee | allée g “ nerinatabive THE BOSTON Oni. LINDEY'S PRINCE RUPERT GnocEenry SIGN PLINT! : . Shut off this Dominion from the Pk ‘ i . ‘ adi eit . - ttre | *? ra Ave. Tine 4 es lL place te eat hb and Poltes Veone S86 we : ° | ee ne = Ee = - — OGLL 4 OROSEETT Phone 477 seas and in fifty years Canada a for 191 ee wee eure cape HARDWARE -~- eee teeentennreees — . . | vol wad nee si f the « . he will cease to be a nation. |. Kdadmonton 854.54 ae i TS HOWE & MoNULTY ted Ave #toves SHEET METAL works TERRA LU } i : ion bs a eo 100 — i heediory, penis aud Pieheraien + euy ‘ | erento . su be TRL plies Sveryising (© Sheet Motels : T j Victoria ....-....+.. 37.79 CIGARS AND TOBACCO rowers FRUIT ‘ Prince Rupert .... 7.9 YORKAMAMA : Ave. West IMPORTED GROCERIES — — os io. ae aie ws | Vancouver ......... 17.48 aa 7 “a The Navy League of Canada aii ,. 82.32 ont ae = oe a STEEN @ LONOWHL § = Prone 6 Winnipeg 0.28 DRUGGISTS E mame 5 - siden Cor os ae ' TAILORSLADIES A 2 eaves): sui5 6s ow s ~#,90 WwW. 4. mcOUTOMEON LAUNCHES FOR HIRE to 5 ND GENTS Oe RARE, 055 occ opnewae, Same second A t Veet = 7 we | , Leunet “SAREE THONG,” FPrene Bieck 400. } London ba ; > af fhe tare oN ern & ‘ Hee P en “ . Hamilton . \ ee 22.42 qeememnrnnementinn apenas a satelite i SAP Halifax .... 18 Yue Sener sr comme estaner gern ~—_ nae ee 9 ng ‘ ‘ Bee coger ~s) ee John NB 16.45 ee ay re m TAXIDERMY {| The Han nthe Wom J) Sith y 00 0 | D - ' SAYS: iM F ally LNews assirle S. | Kenney i 4, WILLIAM FARNUM 4 ous tape ee ' | ” 2 CENTS PER WORD LIN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than Soc ; Terrace «+ Bf . PUA t» Folly to race on a ; z . ust te rol Go saee os] INTHE ADVENTURER —s *- | stnan . 4 ' i? ’ : gotaent viet ’ ee | e ° ' William Farnur wt . ere BIRTH i E . ss rHAT violets are rather out of Might at the Westholme Th ;OHN at cist’ Crna b Aves other h da in October, declates another t*? I Livyd Shelden's rt , i ’ [A \ at ras ares 3 drama “The Adyentures Ol aw treicm THAT Suge is an vunksfown/hi« first stage succes« int . SITUATIONS WANTED -_ ‘ | niity, and inay or may not be! the type he now enacts t he WLU TED ‘ fa real contestant for the News fcereen. As Den Caesar de I in ong | y wonld , etn peiery prees Theat i ; penpant. lin The Adventurer Mr. Farn MIN WANTED : . ; af cue Apply PA). box eee lis ce of * eas. While his LI ; »AND TRACTOR ; i ‘ SALI M PHAT there is no let up in the : Pe ae co i Sanchihiniens - = ‘ 4 piaterest taken in the prehibition art has enabled him to portray om : j Sanitary and c. n Oct b r 20 , with success all types, it will In i be the ron SALE New ‘ Heating vole on ‘Lobe 20. ‘ te couemmemnen: — - - 5 ae recalled that im the famous “Ben ree h : Nous, ak “HULTRY POR BALI Se riist abe sone is gotiit te vols Fitur™ and “The Prince of India Ue olla ‘ ; , de. FOR SALE Or will weds for ap Sei "wale : Work life-like. Satisfaction igainst prohibition because hejhe seored notable stage successes and f trained met proved close-in Prince Hupert aaa 1p Guaranteed. says every man should have a/before he deserted the spoken for OUR SCHOOLS SUCCESSFULLY real extate right to be moderate if he wants | ‘he silent drama. ] pra ‘ exper The fast run-about Iduneh | yyy apes POR SALI yr. WwW D. c. TAIT to and how is he going to be} it will b a@ treat t sé this ‘ tl \ nobile Reh ¢ither with or without sical: teenie derate if he is not given a/famous sereen star as a happy Pract . ary 1 Maris cagine | EB 1116 Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. thancee, lrollic king hero in “The Adventur bones ' ‘ - a : . . Ore _ marine ¢s 4 ; (Ok e ? . er and the older theatre-goers “ “ ne it wine ’ THAT one man says he is going | of this city will reca when they . - Raitery ine fret ase large row boa : Traut to vote wet because his neighborisee him on the «screen i his ' with 2% hip. Caille Perfection $50 beuily bPessenge 32 is going fo vote dry and he knows |jatest Fox production, the pows | WW WEEKS REOUINED trab , ore ine v's la vtand, Linpra ‘ NM. M. Mephens, Pl e 222 tis neighbor is stocking up with|oef his interpretatio f the herd puAtT! VI eph ne 222 We have now on cases. n each of the famous stage pi : NCE - ; : ; ns hand a. oS ferred t hich URCHASER WILL SAVE @6.00.0 rity News ‘ a 7 eli referred lo piays inwh he} ‘ } fone ; i . n PHAT ome man Saye he’s going! to stardom beyond ‘a mNIIM 1) OPPORTUNITIES 20 hp. heavy duty ” - LHENT.9 1000 Tons to vot et and tybeliwith 8 saga 09 . feta Fe ee oe 4 alee S. engine price #2,200,00. ‘The z womer nd children. pce cg a Pe CIATION lle celina pe is engine bas gene uy , , c . : . #500 00 nee we bought this LOST Wellington (al PHUAT there is an exeuse for a j rt Gamaee , meth « from the factory. We have ale cae ae ; ) lman being a wet in some places, In the Letter Box ; : ‘ - ‘ pleteness of our n hand 6h. p. N. @ 8. engings, |' bi val es ‘Variety of 1000 Tons ee eee ©] THE BIGGEST AUTOMOBILE] Price for same complete, S508.) o. wturn to Daily Ne a ena PHAT most of the drys are not CHANGE OF FRONT. CONCERNS et ne See ee CHICKENS S =F Son (9 saying anything. a ; ‘heir mechanics uri. oon tease any eume y MAR on SRE e Kditor Daily News,—-When the! a: Pod epee in eleetrical FOR SALE. Four drays io Gret As we anticipate not only a : A the or 9 thing that oe previous vote was taker n the ‘ne Pesan asitemnebiia ech dina shape aed ime aupedes|_. my anos os scarcity and increase in price@f | election day will be the @ross |iiquor question, A. B. Tulk was es ‘ nelantly calling on vagons These wagons are , nee coal but also 2 difficulty in meet- B)'" He Cirele. working against government sale for graduates. because they good and will be sold for any cee ing your demands for prompt ]/ ee ae ee pe ne ee f liquor and in favor of the ' lhe types of men we tura reasonalie offer Appiy 1 LODGE MEETINGS delivery this fall, we strongly | Never forget to look through |jicense system wilt (he open bar rut Sweeney, Ivanhoe Hotel, Main) ~ z reeymmend that you make sure |'b¢ Classified list At that time a parnphiet was pub DAY AND EVENING CLASSES treet, Vancouver . i $055 FAVA of your winter’s supply now by llished under his sanction which NOW RUNNING —_——-_—_—_——__—- oo Moos eve . yo Siar y NOTICE. | said: Ca ‘ ae ' oe for FREI POR SAI i Great barwain, Rhack evening i I ! : 116, 564, Blue 69 iN THE CASSIAK LAND DISTMICT-—Hé- liere is a wide open door for iiinetrated eatalorue which buill for two cabins for removal Tu!Tiom wrteTe AT ALICE. AMS. AND oolitiea! graft and preferenes tel ine anmniete ators KN from tot an Ninth Avenue near Albert & McCaffery rAKE SOTICE that TAYLOR meNINO| What a seramble for government ROLL NOW is i save mone MeBride. Owner in mi pert OB SHORTHAND ~ T) Limited ! uid +4 %, the ity of “Finaoores, es Jabs, selling whiskey, if this act J th Kriday Write pox 424 Doily | Mimall private ¢ rrowuce of British Columbig, « Com jeomes into force! It is well to LARGEST. AND BEST. BODIP News oMee, hea a ing formed july mee rated under the tows af iii remember the evils of a prohib Pie aie te 1B chooal in|, On BALE dined hendiainer hones ‘ ed teaches “id province, intends to apply for per mission to lease the following deseripea| tion wovernment controlled sys i iW ho hat bas tance uate m the veeinity of Lote stroctio t i Y business 20 rooms well fur 7 s 15,0698, 3639, 36462, 3799 and seo mie, such as was in efeet before breve ted by (hh Dorninion nished, good location, Mra. i.) *2" e the Cassiar District op Alice Arm m Melihe ereation of the provinces of ¥ . . ‘ Skeena ODiestrict, commencing et @& Dom { rent for the training of Volta a te Mead 8 ' ee writ planted im the North West eorner at Low Alberta and Saskatchewan in thir ( i Wolters t. Loui . som, - , Nows off SO494 in the Cassar DISIFicl Wenee TUD-| Noth West Territor i th Ht ner 2nd Ave. and 6th 8t. Phone S ning Mouth 2 deg. 20 min West © distance |’ ae ee ee MULLS AUTO AND Red 9f uf FARMS FOR SALE eee, ee ee ate = | permit system in the Yukon. Hoth PRACTOR SCHOOLS f Os S ieee . . uh ’ J if : : Southerly boundary Of Lot B643A_ theves| territories were glad to exchange! crn Hu RAL we oress “andic. Pp ND ' Electric & Marine rotiowing the Southerly boundary’ af LO... se license , ANCOUVER SCHOOL POW BALA Iwelve horse mdi, P. WL FARM LANI 648A North #6 des. Kast @ distance of BC HCERAC HyelEIN. Gorner Granville and Fifteenth harnenrs fourteen to sixteen prairies of Alberta, basse if 0 po a and nes ; ' eee a Twp rr any tl mech, Today the liquor advocates Avenuc Woaeeat hundeead, accustomed to loggins wan and Manitoba are esp were located on the twelfth day of August,; have changed their tune andewant la haushbacsey Heights Car Apply Kitsumkallum Timber!’ ty auited for mixed fa ' ‘ the people te adopt sabmething ; i F 1 produce | Cc. B. NOMTH, a ’ tatliee Company, Ltd 4i Land that will Cow Bay, Prince Rupert Agent for the Tamer Mining Company jwhich a few years ago they cd ’ on - a err ae - Pa i fodder ELECTRIC AND GASOLINE Limited evea'4 i nnn ’ VICTORIA BCHOOT VOR SALI A good areain crops of grain an 10aG iClared to be ong. | i ALI ‘Anis y ENGINE SUPPLIES Rien} 0 ome ep. WISEMON Corner Blanchard and Fingard) Herming houne, aintaon rooma, well adapted for tein a ’ : ¢ ‘ / ; ~ ! = —— re ? i, ’ dimeauke ! livestock raising ea! MARINE HARDWARE it ean aipenees cae a ome as ee ‘1 ‘ and pool roam, Good loeation WV “ } rs anelll representing Canadian Fair- : COLUMBIA | Free transfers to our Fifteen 896 Second Avenue, Phone 557 DOs ot prions ayer i - ty 4 | : “ri aud ) yer banks Morse, Ltd., } IN PHOMATE; MAYOR MACSWINEY i ranches in Canada and UR.A |} #18.00 an acre, wit! ' oa rv as Marine C. O. Crude Engines IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINIBT BA. HAS Board lroom at lowest rates. | POR SALE OR LEASE.Job print years to pay if you