or 13, 1920, —e | BASKETBALL IS Bricade MEMBERS URGED TO JOIN puying ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 4 j { ‘ mer ‘ ‘ 7a ] j . ’ ‘ i 7 : ox lus ® hy } nie that @ ! en on m tt) i lea ty regi E ‘ : verybody - h wae ‘ ra i the 3 ind wae one ; * - ‘1. D i 4 Lrady j \ } j jer h : : a : Local Activity ia ' the i I le a Ca " Me(os dis ed be y of "ms ° a the Stork’s 1: . Canada’s Favorit Stork’s RAGCAS Pavoririce rdware Many Teams Enter. Pi T b SD AVENUE Ipe Ovacco. Black 114 n in tne wa GOES TO PRINCE MAA PT GEORGE ASSIZES ; J Ui: ik. ' ; it Mr, Justice Murphy and Stenog- — —————-—-. —_—_ 7 : rapher Loft Today for There may be something » interior want. See the classified column |} . . - ce = ‘ 7" uperl fed bo, git. J ‘ Stee | i Ave. ar xu z 4 , 2 AND . : TIMBER SALE X 2587. E . ° . Li it d ~- ’ 5 Sealed tenders will De re seeived Dy tne ngineering 0., imi e ° he ee eh eee eee ee ae Operating—G.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry|Dock | iiitteine - hem ao we inkiooes i . : . o . rs i MALLETT ern studied «¢ ArIn, Cassia Our Plant is Equipped t Handle Al! Kinds of : ‘ 7 CI a witli pe aliowed for re 4 © ro WOULD MAKE HALIFAX ; paris of the une. ronenter MARINE AND - A KG wa ME raha j oe , a , . eee — — _— VAR THEATRE : facia COMMERCIAL WORK pati WAR THEATRE AREA Suck «TIMBER SALE X 2015. VeVi , ' “flows lenders will be necelvea Dy the Large and Sma!] Vessels dry docked. Several boats may Brd Avenue, head oot ey eee cake cher ena j be docked at one time in one section of the Dry Dock. ad Street tea i ‘an kK and 29 a 8 ? 0. Box 274 M p : iaan = f is M of tolled and bucked ‘Spruce an 4 Engineers, Machinists, Boiler Makers, . in aie Const Land District i Blackemiths, Founders, Pattern Makers, etc. Vi and is tw it) years will be ailowed for re- ; a iat | carte eran om mes wee eee soreee : and will be Bt ae P. O. Box 1713 Phones 43 and 385 LETT i TIMBER SALE X 2635. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Tae THUAN . ew Si, sees eas SO fe reer s owed Usipatine = also t” LITHUANIA TO BE soit oe See ian, es = = ountant ed rm ' sf wround nee X 2685 néar_Grer nt Rt v4 i wi, to cut 425,000 feet of Spruce, —— hall arrans SEPARATE STATE : \ appticatian Hemioek. taisan ane pager sae THEO COLLART, Notary Public ———— imag VY i SY ‘ i4 ' Mice lve : ¢ : mt - it ay be r vine ‘Deetric monte, prin : FOR Bat aa wry 100. = om ldth Stre nd Second Avenue, ; v \ rr witt cue i 0 4sl : GRAY PLANES aT FarRGO ; t Salees AKE rick that one month after the EDSON COAL FOR —— mad one neg a0, Sacked Lamp $14.00 nO AD Oe f ' of this notice Le Pie & ul Besend Awan . ee a, 5 muted, intend t0 angiy fo chanst Most Liberal MARINE INSURANCE on the Coast a venue a umtted ce at the cmpany to Le me ompany of North America. Pays Claims promptly 5 \ i it i at Pr { s 421 or 444 Se ein lan ee ot Ge ae P. 0. Box 66 Westhelme Theatre Block Phone Blue 69 1 1994 LOMNE & WRIGHT, LTD Bree owe oe STARTED WELL Big Crowd Attended Reorgan!za- tion Meeting Last Night— Officers Flected. TRAFALGAR DAY FOR THE NAVY Collection will be Made on that Goctasion for Boys’ Navai ZAFTERS a Ory | f | | | i | BEFORE ard “Tom - ™M Svre a HEAR SOMEONE | DOWNSTAIRS |! aay | 5 ues on | Gee See | | wont O-SO Youle ON ARE OF. | OME. ’ ME OWN ‘YOurRSE LF, ARE ALL Y UNDERSTAND! WIPE 1S THE paeery THE SAME . SAME way Il ‘ 4