= 4 ¥ F i At oF F Poet “t ph rt ef Ormes Limited We have a particularly 00d assortment. Page & Shaw’s bottled candies of many kinds. Pascall’s But- ter Scotch, Fruit Drops of many kinds. Sticks im bottles, Our Chocolates are of Lowney’'s the best quality, Ganongs. Moirs, Willards, Neilsons, Liggetts. The price is right. Stel m nM LG For Liver Ills. NR Tonight — Tomorrow Alright ORMES LIMITED STEWART M ich vy has a j Prenu I The Pioneer Druggists ‘I | oi Phones 82,200 THE REXALL SIORE :po. pox ee} ts Re aE ir Alaekat | : N¢ 1 New \ 0 SSR Ss! cea 7, © : a hu . Fe f boa Davi | kK ‘ ete ad \W MeGirew Son GIFTS TIMBER SALE X 2097, lingo hes alrocah ' the this | perty THAT ; : h ht . the I Alx ‘ h r tar led operation LAST moval or |‘ Be Ge th He eeber, particulars Gf Whe Chror mereewe, | 5, , Always a Reminder. TIMER SALE X 2324, a ‘6 Fas ( oie d ' A Perpetual Thing of a Steere Rioee Bows ta Beauty. tet) Harry Red Ma Nickel J ___ tne f \ Jeweller % ‘ FOR SALE HOUSES mm £3,600 £4,700 S27 500 iR SU ees sho tes £1.6 eecesevedce eS? 000 . eae rea ww es OR ew BY tbthth Ds Beis Kee ing oe £4 850 shia irtu moo McCaffery, Gibbens & Doyle, Ltd. Real Estate © Insurance Prince Rupert, §.C. POPOL OLE LOD OL OO DOO OL OLED OLD OOPDLM ‘ DENTISTRY . Don't neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; } Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- dey, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, @day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT . Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- OUR COAL IS IN THE LEAD When it comes to quality, and you will here the right kind for every purpose, No matter what you need cooking, heating, we have coal for power COAL THAT !IS RELIABLE Consumers Coal Co., Ltd. J; Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 always find H it A La Oarte. hie ESTATE ur UINGHAS, DELEAS WHUM r made by lie above plember, A.D ‘ > bi ‘RN Ft said Jom swear t the as CCUrTINE 1v7 after from the date tice of this meantime proof ts Hegistra f tts Court at t that the said ae- . . at ‘ eras, Was alive se que y to the said thirteenth day of AND IT Sf HEM GHMDENED that the j ! 5 sn notice Hupert Daity hed at rrince Lupe ' 1 of one montn i ki a i ert, B C., Uns 400 lay f Sey A.D, 1920 JUHN MH. MeMULLEN, on a Administrator. Daily News Specials! Peak Frean’s 1d Country Biscuits AwekR. Value, this w 30c per half Ib. package Bourbon Petit Beurre Corinth rand Fleet Custerd Kindergarten Digestive Tiffin Sh. rtcake Osborne Golden Puff Pat-a-Cake Clotted Cream i and we guara i fresh and ! Rupert Table Supply Co. PHONES 211, Mable i 0) nia hs to tem LA A Learn a Good Trade in Eight Weeks ‘ nm learn tim ‘ ! ! ‘ * weeks by ur " a iw ork” in hop tion guaranteed fi ‘ end for cur ef i deta MWOLER BARGER COLLEGE 306 Main &t., Vancouver, B,C. oe mrerecerarecacernenrarererararerurary Hotel Prince ame? CUROPEAN PLAN $1.60 per day and up. FIRST-CLASS CAFE BUS SERVICE TO HOT SPRINGS AT LAKELSE Visitors to Lakelse U So can get automobile servicer fro Terrace by notifving | A. Wa the liverymar Park Garage ! race, who has a new |} truek for this business Heas able rate if @ eS eeesessesesece * TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY ee WANTED A bright am) Action of Herbs on the System 4 srat as « ‘ riva ark y t and . ‘ 4 " vor t 4 1 i me V ul | ! b tr af “| ba very a h ' i bn la < ! ‘ tu 4 ¢ ite Kupert t uw ; wl mm renner and tt work t bla Bulkley Valley Beef Prices No. 1 Side or Carcass. 14¢ do. Hind Quarter .. 18¢ These prices are F.O.B, Valley. Write or wire Broughton & McNeil ELKWA, B.C. or F OR Furnished Rooms Dominion Hotel Corner First Ave. and Eighth Street, Prince Rupert Phone Red 468 P,O. Box 363 ~ PRICE OF FURS Cc. H. French, Manager of Mud- do. Front Quarter .12¢ 13 RENT} Just Remodelled and Refurnished if you want to buy or s ’ Vl ? DRY KINDLING WOOD ( , ng : in Stove nee Red edar Shi Pia pero il P ART G DD. - 0 feet I car < Om. L s Dry Kiln Capacity eel Taser nor SITKA SPRUCE , { ; ‘ } ' ue IN NG, 9 ” ve TAK? rick thm © Ta r Monin a OCK FLOOR! hi itis et they iy ,’ on’ all ia 607 WESTERN HE an OF ALL KINDS id Mr. vane - CEILING FINE 3H } | tor Ww reek nsiadieeadeany ok “ ww seed ih ol » halt ruce P , ; : rr i { ian oe be, focated on Charlotte Islands SP pert, BO vers ne ui the b t Hives, Qe capa Mills: Prince Ri arent r th follow i i tn efted te about Ff sent 6 ' ind At Uypy | ake ; ‘* 3 a i et ; Local Agent» Al snes, 564, 1h 5 Minera sit and will he used for aties we. £3.C, relep* Er r Peer purposes Upon dhe tnines desertbed Prince Rupert, (ia ‘ 1 Woll Mineral Cleat and the boy ? ach of h ’ : % DOr ed on the ground on ieee ; : essed ieih a “ptember 1090 is sa re nad ' . Fas au : and an fppteanion Phont iddition, cach section ike | tin Rion ie Phone Red 414 nt ' depend.) ae is i teal ’ { “th as :\ ste F Necordae P Sl ADE i ‘ “ the Cont ie f Wa Highs, riiatment i ie ‘ ria ‘ with Krench cited tt pointe inet Mh, teor the oy : as : can re e ° victoria ' 1 f thy a " in ad al ' ow paper i 4 y , } , ai ib is an orca of Mf , nt es rad 8 ancouve t . f #30 @ : on 7: . the Walt Group a Ra ral (laine Prince Ruper a '\ ane a CUCTR inear the Kitzault iver The petition for E S AL kins from the au 444 the approval of the ncertak Ti BS tp ie { ryi seolor would W te ' Aenie Cha With tin W ue haamrese W H O L ND produce ‘ ‘ ‘ 4 " ut i“ d for about #15 apiece oe in ‘hd aes ae Mabe on ieee B FRUITS AN we cart? “ 4 dats xed | me troller ,, W itis ‘6 3 i on pe robs Wire or phone ue lry a Classiffed advertisement jinterested may tile an objection thereto 1 » | tive altics i the i mpir slher of Wat CH OF if \iignie or of the Water Keeorder at Prince u want anything. A lot of busi-)! Dee Sor ING COMPANY, LIMITED THE DAILY NEWS . et nis Westholme Theat TONIGHT AND Toscan son's Bay Company Dis- Bete Wiliam Farny goes ws i Advey A roma tic Cram love and actig: Misicading Prices | Fox Suns Comedy || *“Mongrel ca British Canj = Gazette | —— EMPRESS THEATRE - - Tonight and Tou | EMMY WHEL A “The Amateur Adventuress Sth Episode, “Whirlwind” Lyons & Moran Comedy, “Fun ina Wd. Yee Oe Ee Be BR ¥ 1s | 7 u TUM Varying Fox Skins wid 'o BS “nls --, | GHLARNOLD PRT OAL eS ‘I re (nner i i At this season: Bost Foxes KnOwn Notary Public. it that his heat pant t ter, 9 } Stoves) is put In $2,500 | For Sale If you want the ROWE'| in SHEET METAL WORKS | $3,900 | when your want H. G. Helgerson, Ltd. NO Insurance - Rentals - Bonds BOYS SENT TO I Vagaries of Furs “The Daily isn dowe that way, App! a 1 . Pha huditttie's’ an Advertise in 7 . th lat of te f t put ation Advertise io the Daily News. wulice | plember 22, 1020 i