0 tAFOA OLA TO LO Dressed Beef Ship ) ywar rivin ” stock Slaughter ky piv ect for the the Bulkley Valley f J, FRIZZELL 25, 185 » Market PRINCE RUPERT es 10, rket 99 OF OF RI SIRES BI EIOTS ~ Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper TAXI TAXI Phone 75 WE NEVER SLEEP Prince Rupert Auto M. H. LARGE 707 Second Ave. - Prince Rupert eres rer es ar ere ark ee —— PRINCKE RUPERT, B. CL, THURSDAY ICTOBER 44, 1920. arruthers was % Vesterday’s Circulation 1,525. Street Seles Wrecked in Collis 392. PRICE FIVE CENTS = | CANON SCOTT MAKES PUBLIC CHARGE AGAINST DOMINION GOVERNME NT Vue Comey ) NEEDS You" lision Caused Wreck of Trawler James Carruthers en who left her in dory have not yet been found;) ers arrived lest night; Vessel in Exposed Position jovi wh NEW POLES ARE 15th, Hush Money to Ross to Keep Hi Him Cuiet Rev. Canon Scott’makes serious allega- tions against Dominion Government regarding the Ross Rifle; $3,000,000 Hush Money Jy BEING PUT IN (eS, eee avr CALGARY, October 14.—‘*When Sir Charles Ross brought G.' Ml A. M | WE TaLneo ction against the Dominion Government for $18,000,000 the th ron s aia — Government did not dare allow the case to go before the court W. & I , nag won a es because it feared the truth about the Ross Rifle, the crime of arii rucie N k; . =e riage . < Ai a erimes against the Canadian soldiers might come out and they . Fens, Spe gave $3,000,000 hugh money. [demand an investigation into the i Ross Rifle.” With this statement Rev. Canon Seott, senior chap x g lain of the first division, was received with cheers by over a 7 thousand peopl @ mass me re ; THE COLORS seh eh tet Chetitenbicnn De =pate! he housand thousand people a at a mass meeting here. ; Comur Board Prevent ‘OBJECTION TO GAS BOAT IS ; ~Onimerce DOal revents : Sugar Prices Droppi El Mi 1 Sugar Prices Dropping to | Beene. and. Cc in this C fs Com sabe onsumers In this Country omeia of Fish company at Van- OUT OF PORT \ Mel | -——_—_—__—-— | Couver Says Increase Would vit OTTAWA, Oclaber 14.—An order fixin » reta ice of | Kili Fi sin “ \ 14 * 0 er oe os ‘ ’ price 5 sh Business. ‘Chief Minty R eltin Word From as etalk. hime pelteattiiin ol iendld as gra: gar gf a price not higher than 21 ceuts plus freig why VANCOUVER. O€f-- T4Afrert Whalen Co. of 8. Couture + Ha ‘ Hhuk Wine: at; i" ager abe CT another der prohibiting the importation of refined sugar, |, a : es ’ . ; +f and Partner Overdue. : ‘ ‘ ! ‘. jbearing local protests against the . ' eninge bv the vard “« 4 ree , u the Board of Commerce. i jemand of the express companies wis Men Thrown on Shore ; ; : ' ! hat s its duty to protect industries on 3 for. an imerease of rales approxi-}_. ord was received at the pro- : : vinicial police office this morni ie way that it protects consumers on afmating forty per cent, the mem- 2. . from the Whalen Pulp and Paper ft s that all sugar refineries in Eastern [ers of the rail. ay commission vinpany at Swat ney. dk & ‘ excess supplies, wet cast yesterday nissing is bua h I Jae Fe‘ 8 kekm assistant tan- ee ¥ ™ " : > f the Canadian Fishing Co oes (Pt baa none Re PoP ete NE W i TE iS T IS ! : he i aan pe ild m a the boat left Swans bay I ! i AS Mil I seid ncrease would mea Oi tint Ante’ few Reoiiiatbla ciate i nt NE iv iL. f the fishing industry e i ’ anak i "a rae (rardauetl bal nare i Td BE BUILT NOW CLOSING ! it had already ina jcoulure and pa lib b that it had already in- I a A ee , e. Pates from-Sa% ke to Alex I be ind is : ong, has a green hull, white cabit i t a0 per ¢ t last year, resulling in j ‘ m” i Piel ts Must A a seri drop in business in car with rolling chocks above’ the ; assett Inlet ante us ee “lg ee, ; ~~ Water line and was equipped with range for New Method of joad lots to the prairies. Even » 44 hop. Buffalo engine : Transporting Lumber now the flat fish were being sent Chief A. C. Minty is sending out Story Work Will Commence Early in the oo to the prairies at less than cost |. .aces to all the offices along : , ee Spring, Says Harold S. John- I \eroplane Spruce Lumberjin order to get the surplus off the eoast in the vicinity, instruet- ston of Winnipeg. { iny's j the - one | thei oe oe ae them to be on the lookout for aLing lassett [1 e a zane ae = the missing craft, > l ‘ ol : ~ @3 ounect at lhe Z j ” . ° gna will . ft ' si c " i he entrance to Gardner Canal Sie . i oe . 6 Phe reason | dects keene" ward would de is about 40 miles from Swanson y con his nit y 8. T. Lewis, served, Bay. i Na ‘ h il manage is that ship- aes Fi bs ie ‘ s can no long be sent ove! i ae SP Se ey: RST ast teacue we MINERS STRIKE United § i ont pring and) Kastern ‘ta count of the WHIST LEAGUE \ ; y ”" ist of freigl rates which om A T ¥ ‘ ra f Ji feet he reas ; ‘ : : ‘it Great War Veterans have Taken NEXT MONDAY \ rb . s the ; I 2 = a \,, Place of Grange Lodge and ; ( § Z ’ ee ee ee. tee Won Last Night nad road, he : be anki Bia i tlie a hie'\ivetii'taiieine Owners’ Wage Propos..'s Re/ected \\ he VANCOUVER SUGAR PRICES ry cls leat a cet ns rinse ema fhe first session of the Frater-| py Men and Delegates Dev ide ? _—— ; ; . oo : Whist League, opening the on Action. i 1 little south and the Graham Island Spruce VAN {i.-Suga series of games for the Dybhavn ' r : . , Cedar Co§s mill at Port hallenge cup, tool lace in the LOND { I ’ . . n the | ( nents, Mr. Lewis states that ae ae ' I g at. le dele yed | ws ' is \ ‘ Zi : tI tt 1 i Sons of Canada Rooms last night. gates of ( | miners had a b nstructions : ; ' ee od ae Meta nie i o ' oc rhere were three sets of games|meeting regarding the pri I — are ’ 7 hanently, DUl Will, Ih all: ond a good deal of interest was! sulting from the miners’ re ion hi st obability, be reoper doin the . oneal ‘ Says Manufacturer's Tactics Im- . ‘ mi deh Pre feciaht binel taken in th the Orange lof the owners’ wage proposals. It i ‘ endeay ' Sp e. : bie. “=e” Lode as been replaced in the w decided that the notice of a Tren) ' ” pertinent. ; oe i aed , ae ae, i. lok - Lod has been l i ‘ Hi FEELING AROUSED . a wile Greve, lost (0 chedule by the Great War strike, which Was given a week ‘ te . esort thatil Rupert and the Grand 3 ; wine Veterans, Who will lake up their ago, should expire of Saturday. " ; \ ‘ from al! parts)'l Pacitie, for the companies t tha “bide iabie Tr = Bean 8 ately ot aiken N Objection Taken to Order Regard- \ h : to ship all their future pro- place on the ‘ on . : a4 iis means a great mining i} Ee | ing Sugar Prices. . . td : lai eT that swilhebe Last night the G.\ 4. ap o begin on Monday unless some i‘ ‘ oposed build ict markets ra W. H. Smeeton, defeated the Sons new intervention prevents it. - M } : this morning/reached by big lumber schooners; .".. W. BE. Thompson — OTTAWA, October 04 IL is re i that starter yhout iad direet at the mills en the of Canada, Capt : — ne erations § ads Batik | ee , a sted" t , 7 - 7 . aoa re Nee . , . ; : by a score of 6-3 fhe St. An- BIRTH — a how the High A ia ene ty oon t e pres d and and going from there _ drews, Capt Win Brown, were A son was boen to Mr. and Mes. ™ “Foot Dep aetend : be gate \ hat there would) the markets in Catifornia, : it victorious over the Sons of Eng- Melcalm Campbell of Fourth Ave inv ; : he ii : r ' y in keeping these \tlanti seaboard aad, possibly, land, Capt, BR. J. Cobb, by 8 te {Bast at the General Wospital yes- \ , led \ *, the railway com~/ Australia and othe CONIOr ERS and the Knights of Pythias, Capt. terday. \ i wd wy ois i advertise the! With the inerease of the freight Fred Wermig, proved>the better Lileedilinen est b ‘ s ready to ac ates the only solution for the of the Knights of Columbus, Capt. , BA NDIT 10 HANG mbna - and provide nsportation of lumber from the ’. W. Moerach, by 5 games 40-4. New location 4 at s for them, the orthern mills to distant miarkets d aw. HH] H ! j " y iijiway company will mMaturatly by water transpertation and A e — ‘Tom Bassoff to Pay Penatty for ais inéerested he present cessation in apera- LECKIE TO CO: ST T0 B ock fe Killing Constable Balloy. ] : ; arent bie he cont “d til ar- Associated with i aia j nt the hote there/tions will be continued until at ol will | 1 far \ e fresh dairy|/rangements for the new markets DISCUSS AVIATION Taxi Servite of 4 2 Meh iOna, On ti Pom Bas ‘ produ \ ‘ised for the/land the new plan of shipping have - Cars, Limousine i band has | n . re ements ill bel been ce sleted.. VANCOUVER, Oct. 14.—Oolonel Ph and Touring Cara, u ~ ind arrahgenu { will f beer thi} “\teneod do pe ha Ih Cee sid . thetima for aad ses fot sts — -- Leckie, whe took the planes as far one Your Patronage for king Gonstable Bailey es . Alberla, wholatd everyth hi tends rhe charge against William!as Selkirk, Man., is due here on Solicited, Bellevue on A t 7 last ‘ ; sis ind ' : > vis s Baines. the New Metlakatia In- tomorrow morning’s train. He i! i iY ¢ isston ha ake | ‘ oval \ a ps . i iz i has dian theft has been withdrawn will discuss the aviation eondi- witiey ale, Dando” at Auditoriu real i . B. ©. Undertakers. Phone 41. ry tl ty police, tions in the province,