ee ; ms ; Eh { BiG. a ; et i es iy 6 pn mis ; it eas ‘k t whe + det oa i Mh ve ? +9 Jif ot ma “at ie pyr ; aa ge g i “ ; Bd P pat { i eye a Se \ ca ee “ge @ THE DAILY NEws PRi) (& RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. a, F. PULL EN, MAnAgmNe EDITOR. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: by carrier or mail, per month .... City Delivery, ec ereeree (hb —E— Se cr TIE DAILY nen = Sa a SUFFERFD DAY © NOTED AUTHOR The Tortures of Dyspepsia | Relieved By “Frult-a-tives” By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, Lirriw Baas D'or, C. B, r * ’ ee ‘ a w desl 4 in advance, per year ....- 66. eee ees (as SOR Ce ecg eye ... $6.00.) “T was a terribie sufferer from 7 irs, Nel Chane e To all other countries, in advance, per year Or i ee ee $7.50. | Dyspepsia and Constipation for years, Mhonton p Re I had pain after cating, belching gas, (SU Nday night | v0 nes TELEPHONE 988. constant headaches and did netsleep (Were required : well at night. Finally, a/riend fold (the Van \ M “ a aoe sd ” ce Me(iune . j ‘ Transiént’ Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion | Sr oe as ' a = ve 7 Transient advertising on front page .......... $2.00 per inch,| te Constipation was corrected anc pt serti 25 soon Iwas free of pain, headaches cloek, but } Local Readers, per insertion, ......6++++-.+. % 250, per line. ) ified advert cert Ye 4 ord and that miserable feeling that building . Arra Classified advertising, per insertion, ...e.....4.. ce. per word, mpanies Dyspepsia. 1 continued rang ¢ re es Legal Notices, each insertion, ....... +». 15c. per agate line. to take this splendid fruit medicine oe SS - a 7 Contract Rates on Ay ptiesition. ey I om woll, strony and vel teil 4 All advertising should be in the Daily News Office on day prer) yigorous”, ROBERT NEWTON hes aelina ceding publication, All advertising received subject to approval. | {0c. @ box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. ct Aen le ‘ At all dealers or seat postpaid by ((),.,; i” DAILY EDITION, eager Thursday, October 14, 1920, Fruit-e-tives L imited, Ottawa. rir h - w advised ’ ! Honest and Sincere ; SUITCASES eS we But Mistaken. ; ah bel , In a letter in the Daily News yesterday, Gapt. Freeman takes I R U N K S n t att “ exception to the passing of a prohibition measure and says that HANDBAGS ul a d tl “the community has nd right to interfere with my business unless i Pi ‘ I injure or threaten to injure someone else.” WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ™ I I ’ We believe Capt. Freeman to be honest and sincere in np qmenpeemeee . t) holding his point of view, but he is not correct. He must- know polowizing that the use ef liquor is one of the most important factors in Je F, MAGUIRE There are 722 Secc ’rince iquc tram causing race deterioration. As a student he must know that Yan Geoget AUS, Senet ereee - M ith nes ‘ children born to alcoholic parents do not average up to those . _ a pe aad é , from non-alcoholic. The Captain surely has seen some of the @@@#@e8@ OOS SSS OBER en who w a the a result of indulgence * PRINCE RUPERT TIDES * © h)ilf ' i misery, disease and death which comes as AND NIGHT AT VANCOUVER So Many Wanted to Mear Mrs. MeClung Sunday that Overiiow Meeting Arranged in alcoholic drinks and the evils to which such indulgence leads.) ®*# 8 @@®@ eee see ee eee nit i ? t a These things are so well known that it seems like insulting the Thursday, Octo 14 i High, 2:40 a.m., 20 ft, : intelligence of the average newspaper reader to state them. It is 14:30 p.m. 24. ft } because of the iniurions effect of the consumption of ateohol that Low 8:33 a.m.. 6.5 ft ‘ prohibitionists vote against its sale, and not from any desire to 21:07 p.m., 3.4 ft Mr annov anvone, There is no honor or glorv in trving to impose Friday, October 15 , : ‘ 3:19 a.m ; ft tg the will of the majority on the minority in this matter. Only the visi My . @ ft hitie o5 4 “8 ft : desire to prevent suffering, to protect our own children, and to Low. 9302 aca 74 ft make the world a deeent place in which to live can rouse any of 24:43 p.m., 4.3 ft ’ us to make ourselves more or less obnoxious to some of our The time used is Pacific Stan i fellows. The prohibitionists are no fatdists nor are they “in- dard, for the 120th Meridian west It is counted from 0 to 24 hours ! ; lerant ort nniecal The uld. ho “ver. be traitors to then tolerar r ty! . They would, however, be MOF » them from midnight to midnight. selves if they did not use whatever means lay in their power to The table given is for Port Women fr Prohibition. check the consuniption of alcoholic liquors, even at the risk of | Simpson but the time for Prines tt in eo : ‘ bei ng berated by those who have a thiral ftupert varies only a few minutes ion some days and on others is Think Twice Before the same. The range of the tice Voting for Liquor Selling. nay be computed as 5 per cent ~ ’ ifthe Captain had children to care for, sons and danghters greater at Prince Rupert than ati) ain j ; ) s oa i ' growing up, @lose friends and relatives in Whose children he took! Port Simpson both at springs and t. (ong ' ; ; . jneaps. Therefore the rise in the|is tha! w ‘ an interest, he would think twice befores he voted for liquor| prince Rupert harbor is slightly ' ar . selling, no matter if it was at some inconvenience to himself. Asigneater than Port Simpson. | In kd ha he says, no one has any right to interfere with the private lives| ‘The height is in feet and tenths! man tit} of even the lowest citizen unless it be for the protection of some of feet above the average level of |'! rr ae jlower low water, he a “ t ' one else. B { is just in order to protect others, that they do _— ih i . . rs. “al this. VR : rie When a man has children, he thinks more of the welfare of im ha i those children than he does of the rights and liberties of a few4 ter pa ah ' . ; f t people who think they cannot enjoy themselves without some TIMBER SALE X 2679. . ; i - it \ ! artificial exhiliration. Jle also thinks of the welfare of other|. Sealed tenders wil be receivea by tne) | , ‘ , District Forester not later than geon on | h h alave people’s children for his children may marry, and no one can tell |"™ Tre Tikeis e EETE har tee ee rh ise cence 2679, near Draney niet, whom they may choose. Suppose it should, happen that they!! 517,000 feet of Cedar, Spruce, Hem i ! ‘ 9 flock and Haisam ; asks might choose a liquor addiet or one suffering from an incurable! , A. sears Ss i be allowed for removas (4M He eg y tober , disease as a result of indulgence in liquor. There is no safeguard et ee eae oe 8 Coat Vorsoter, i : ’ ra r tt yistric prester Prince We none of us live to ourselves and to say that we have no right |"upert fo interfere with the liberty of our neighbors is begging the |NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC. |child?” was a h question, | PION ACT. by Mra. Met - (rt RK S.C. CHAP. 115 great ‘ i Chri eh eee renin MARITIME FISHEIVES LIMITED of oe : , Haysport, British Columbia, head onfce at thy { J Pane )Yaheouver, British Columbia, nereny gives oe mary, OF Just title -, es ‘hi te , J ; spp | MOllee that it has, under Section 7 of tne! girls " 1 little over two months and Christmas will be here bas set dencsited. With the tibtesee . : nig again—the » when ever > » » reme > publie rks at Ottawa, and in the omee eral Odiuin pr ! ‘ again he time when everyone likes to be remembered. Those of the District Negistrar of/ the Land lnred tis f unqualified , rf se es . : a2 Hegisiry District of Prince -rinee | * binses who-want to send things to the Old Gountry must begin to think! Hut Sort a deseRiption of the site o° Eppes fn f hibit about it. In a place like this where stocks are not large, itis well} tt to make purchases early. | pBepn a River at Hoyaport, British Cotumpie, Many people like to make things for their friends. It is easy ans of wharf, salmon cannery and ecnid lorake plant Proposed to he biilt in the District Lot 4445, British Cohmmbia NOTICI that after the ex HKange onset District AND TAKE ( uv but ire : a lead r piration of one month from the date of to b vy put a re difficult to make them, I'he article made by!the @rst publication of thts notice Maritime some tren is valued mue A a 4 f Fisheries Limited will under Section 7 of . lew ’ ined mu h more highly than anything else. If|the ‘said Act. apply tothe Minteler oF presents are to he made, this is the time to begin. Those who |Mublie Works at his omce in the city of iiiawa, for approval of the said site and are intending to make purchases will do well to be gin at once |plans, and for leave to construct the said! to look around and watch the stores f Wharf, salmon cannery and cold storage) 7 s * from time to time as the! | Shang mr r - new goods come in. Two months will soon slip by and then lag? ATED Mt Princectupert, B. C., sms atm | °° emony to Take Place Tomor there will | } ; | aia JET) \day of September, A.D. 1990 row at King Edward lere Wi ¢ the usual seramble tes pe AneT iM FISHERIES LIMITED, ’ 9g y Mesers atmore & Fulton, Solicitors. | eee — Rahat. Se ee a seme —— ——— ae a ae - | lomorrow afternoon i i jaclock the pupils of all eit ischools will gather al kh r jedward sehool to witne th es iveiling of a tablet erected to the vyemiory ! the pupals of thu upon your teeth. You cannot valuable asset. Dentist. Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block suds DENTISTRY ality---your appearance and your good health depend LOW PRICES.--Best material money can buy. PERSONAL ATTENTION AND PROMPT SERVICE will insure the REST RESULTS. | Remember my address, Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block ° feipart do with your suc- cess--your person- |f (ii. i Vl Iv as fpupi iit “ iver, afford to neglect such a lschool who j Judge jihe last post ments are ‘WILL UNVEIL BRASS TABLET went overseas t ta in the great war. ldresses will be given by Young, Lieut.-Col, MeM jdie, and Trustee Mrs.. Kirkpatrick : Mrs. Jarvis MeLeod will sing and Haseverything to ([}) Will Kdmunds will play selecUons jon the cello, and also will sound on the cornet whe unveiling takes place, i¢@ tablet which is of brass provided by pupils and ex ls of the King Mdward school, as made by Birks of Vanecou- Those in charge of the arrange anxious that any who interested attend the-cere Office Hours Lady Assistant Open Evenin mony. gs iF ia wae o-12; + Phone 5 575 _ Sunday by Appointment There may be something you) aye LL — ci tiwant. ~Bee the classified column} ‘ ATT EER (titi IESE Qsae = ACDO! Cut Brier More Tobacco for the Money ‘The’ ep. am Canada’s best — the ECONOMY Package cae D sparbeort HiME Ba =o ese envev eeeeee « MAIL BOMEDULE * s*#e eee eeeeeteeaee eee For the East. Wednesdays ano Sat. at iv.209 4. mm ov ee From the East Mundarvs, Teesdeys and Thure- days at 7 p. m For Vancouver From Vancouver and South, x faye . 10 p.m nese my e:30 a.m ‘ { i } ‘ : For Anyo and Alice Arm - . ; tH " pet From Anyox and Alice Arm ! ' ‘ ‘ as irudaye . peeeteecs po For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mil! Bay, Wales Isiand and Naas River . e* ! f i if pi. From Pt. Simpeon, Arrandale, Mil Bay, Wales Isiand and Naas River I «da a p.m Queen Chariotte lelande: For Massett, Por lementsa an Upper Island polote rom Masset, Port Clements and oper lala id points I a “or Skidegate, Queen Charlotte City and Lower Island points: . ther 5, 18; October 2, 16 From Shidewate, Queen Charlotte City and Lower Island points nber 14, ; October 12 ‘For Skagway and tha Yukon. Beptemi 6, 17, 27; Octobe {1 4 mid Nover er 4. From Skagway and Yukon, eptember 10, 21; Qetober 14, and November 6, itewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Point, kor Saturdays .....- 9 pom PPO MUNGBYS «ececees p.m Advertiag in the Daily News een“ meme The best way to have YourSuit Cleaned and Pressed is by our Steam Pressing Machine Method It only takes 16 malentes. Our Price ia Reasonable Delivery is Prompt Give us atrial. Phone Black 602 LING TAILOR 21, 228 2nd Ave., lrinee Rupert ENTISTR ‘ QUALITY Dr. Bayne | OFFICE |} Morning 9 to 12, Miernven, 136 te rr Saag, 1 A Every Evenitg tran 7.29 0 § Dental Nurse in ettendance Phone 109 for appointment Helgecscn Bik., Cor. rd ad in Northern BC Rooms 4, 5, ¢ Best Equipped Office Kiln Dried indling Wo KILN from the Prince R Make Starting the Kitch Pleasure AD ——— E} NDS DRIED PLé NER nert Lumber Com Or ler Pacific Cartage, Ltd, Phone GRAND. WE TEC National es “S.S, PRINCE GEOM atLING = Midnight Thursday \ AN vox Wednesday 10 p.m 85. PRINCE JOHN OR PRINC ! Sunday 9o™ £ ALBERT nivel ay TRAIN SERVICE Satu $ ay at "1 Monday, Wednesday and a vine Poassenwer f ’ a 4 x p ing direct we 1 Agency All Se iedsh sn Steams Por imformat and reervatt os Cltty Ticket OMece CANADIAN PACH Ml CANADIAN pacinie QOeAs B.C. Coast SteamshiP ‘oe WOESS er Alaska, from 8. 8. PAI! oo tunel ! for Ketchitan, duneeu, Skegwey, ¥ . di ‘ October 11 4 os en enn otoria and Seat nap 6 for Vancouver ¥! Naver October 1 08 we ae pnmnones mart nr “ n Gey victor From Prince Rupert ter Bere vancouver ond Beaver Cove, w ap Gaturdey, Ryery od aill0 apo” reservations ‘ for a ROHARD, Gonere! nd 4th Street Rupe w. Oo. Cor 3rd Avenue 4 Prince