THE DAILY NEWS ln { Local and Per al | |= nme mcrmnsrmnsotes it | | Ask for Atkins’ Sausage, tl | *. . . Lieut.-Col. C. W. Peck was jregistered at the Empress Hotel, | Victoria, on Sunday last wate.» W Kk. Meloehe of th Aleun an Mining Co. al Stewart, was an cone ae Proclamatio { of Canada imc x tonizli nn O in the new quarters the West- enhaver Block, si Avent 6 : @ : | ee oe e urnin 1er W. P. Hinton | dent of the G. T. P.. has I iting in hed nat the Macd tld Hotel has rned ¢ en PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA M Hi. O. Crewe is ¢ nenc- 6 * + p { eullediale dancing hake 1 In the Prince Rupert Electoral District bse Luxe Hall on Saturday at op it Phone Greer ee ii TO WIT: nd in Jour cooki ing en 1 baking makes every dish i din. ahs ehaewda PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to the Electors of the Electorai District . fe " dish, There's a distinctive relish, a rich h selling = oe paren aforesaid, that I have received His Majesty's Writ to me directed, and bearing pleasing flavor in ¢ kes or cookies, pudding s or pies made hte ds. agi se - date the Twentieth day of September, 1920, commanding me to cause the follow- with Eagle Brand. And there’s high food value too, For a he : ing question, namely:--- i of Eagle Brand i equal in units of food value to a pound br. A, D. B, Tremays ful ‘ cr and a quarter of beefsteak or a pound ard a half of pork. Marine Depertas ~ WHICH DO You PREFER? j nt om x his a er For this reason Jou ¢ ; *y usis Pagle Br n din preparing i spe n at the Digby Is- (1.) The present “Prohibition Act”? enus for t ile fi r-ligat muftins to delicious desserts. station, A lute of ae ver vecipgs tniloep pois evoking meee nutdGous + oe | (2.) An Act to provide for Government Control and ‘nd lessens the emount of other food needed to supply the bod). a, “gat | Sale ii Sealed Packages of Spirituous and W rite for ee of “Borden's Recipes” — we will mail it to you free. i Genie i ott Malt Liquors? In feed use Eagle Brand—it has a the standard infant et te abcea to be submitted according to law to the Electors qualified to vote for the election wd for 63 years, ” ; sale te ; yooe | : . : ie : of a member of the Legislative assembly for the Electoral District aforseaid; and, ~ \ 1) ' is turned fr } ~ . - . a m é : e-¢ 7 . BORDEN COMPANY LIMIT ED, » MONTREAL 2 , tn re further, that in cbedierce to the said Writ a poll sl ell Le cpered at eight ocieck in omerse: as ta - | month the forenoon and shall be clos: d at seven o'clock in the afterncon cn Wednesdey, oe : ds the Twentieth day of October, 1920, for taking and receiving the votes of the said aj t ph . ‘ : ene | ; ‘ : ; - ™ ae Electors in each polling division of the Electoral District aforesaid at the respective senies ales. = ECSTALL RIVER tock places following:--- Charles Monre % i“ re POLLING DIVISIONS. COPPER CLAIMS ~ at A 4 Atnarko Haysport Margaret Bay Sand Spit : . Banks Isiand ricle-in-the-Wall Masset Sewell é Ins ii 10 | tere - ‘ ‘ as bainl Bella Bella Hydah Namu Seymour Inlet aa i Ww interest is Again Being Taken in Baila Coola Inverness North fsiand Skidegate ? : the Properties Since Dropped . Buckley Bay Jodway Ccean Falis Smith island Fea by Granby. sterday Butedale Kimsquit Cceanic Spiller River ; ; , 4 Cedarvale Kitimat Ceanda Surf inlet This healthy sport gives vim, vigor and \ is . . Claxton Kitsumgallum Pacific Swansen Bay oan ie ; re ae } " Varde Copper Bay Kitsumgalium Lake Pacofi Torrace rich red blood to boys and giris. : hi Var Copper City Kitwanga Port Clements Tiell iad ' it . suri . Dundas Island Kwinitsa Port Essington Tow Hill : . Firvale Lakeise Lake Port Simpson Usk . at - he Fish Cr Georgetown Lawn Hill Prince Rupert VWadham’s Cannery , : : sis M i yaer, i§ 10 Lown ol Hagensborg Little Canyon Queen Chartotte City Welcome Harbour ial ; Eek 4s Seattle to the ner- Hartley Bay Lockeport Refuge Bay Woden River nds M : Pon- Lerne Creek Remo is tbly ; min- Vi M es : : : “ son the Alaskan side Of which all persons are hereby required to take notice and to govern them- , h ; . } selves accordingly. Ww. y off4 GIVEN unier my hand at Prince Rupert, B.C., this Twenty-eighth day of vr = ; l) ess stat ; _ A eae ' es i xe | J September, 1920. : o_o ¢ Seat , EDWARD H. MORTIMER, Returning Officer. “ Ore y the A aE st of i . i fhe il —= INFORMATION WANTED u less at y io| : W..A \lg Soe Chi k Ch I that a ; rs , pee icken Chop 3 ‘ ate ! ~ } i a 1d - NeRae Oe OF P ' } iid es 3 Pips h nie 11 Bee aoa Mr. Poy LTR*M Increased ros *9 ie ery a eo . s i for £2.04 egg prod :etion ‘means money ' nad Mr. M so has {or 84.54, a vas endorsed | Saved. B & K CHICKEN CHOP isa balanced ration mixed tellers Stationers Printers | ra er ' a ae ' al y myself according to formula which was prepared by an expert >on varies’ dees ly 2 poultryman. The analysis of B & K C hicken Chop is regis- PRINCE RUPERT, f } r ; a 7 tered with the government and is also printed on each sack. BIRTH. hs mage ; es Always in stock:---Alfalfa Meal, Beefscraps, Clam and ; Ae a ‘3 Oyster Shell, Coarse Ground Bone, Charcoal, in fact every- , Mr.ty : De Ne _ ss thing for the chickens. Vi _ a \ nus ‘ i ‘Ze Fi : = att chi THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO.,LTD. INCE R { i oF: » T p RY i} (K . at tt iry P.O. Box 745 Pricce Rupert, B.C. Phone 350 | a a i ‘i shine { ent. I L\ul . h to rE / . , , w ae ab Ane eee a f | Pi o Tuning : ss . ke ; ye ”» 1c A arefu an un Engineerir x Co | mit d : Fr 8 i 1 PARTY atl ont PRINCE RUPERT ; tepairs to ali makes of Pianos, ' hs 79 1 IT e ° ; tne p thes iaasyaes ; () { | [ b fj i Phonographs, Cameras — Spare Perating--G.T.P, 20,000 Ton Fieatine Dry' Dock ‘ | il \\ tker ha rged ‘ o pa g {EXAMINATIONS FOR | A SITION ur Pf ra C or QUNCH, ; parts in stock. French Polishing on s een. CA ahh ane O.B. U. j J. Slade Stevens Our Pla nt oda alah th - “ate Dee i eine, ae : essihlll at ik } 428 5th Avenue W. if ¥ > : cont vaca s an » ¢ »! Phone Red 291 P.O. Box 762 MAR IN two, witnesses, Mr. Perry and M . Mllty fer tenure vacaectes Affiliated Units and Dates of ; eg Bid Mr. Perry said stall MEETINGS ot Peropenenniieas Fy \ E ’ ND ti Biddlex iMr. RB ; ; Assistant Forest ne rap vs ; Building Trades Unit, First i i t A f H b orn r. Perry was een e : ; ronemad tf and Third Mondays, 8 p.m. OMMERCIAL W ORK Cc 10n 0 er 5 nistaker where | ssibIs “ikea. ’ Central Labor Council, TOM LE C é and § t t ‘i eo ee such 9s ; ont _ e- Every Tuesday, 8 p.m. West, : : al boats may h S : ; i ie bin a tak vice ts given. Promotion Women’s Auxiliary, First 840 Second Avenue, Wes docked at dne tin Ota e the D oa ; on e ys em th ld \ c af building, a iat is made by merit Wednesdays, Dance & Social 8 aa i ection of ‘ ry ocK ‘ f the ¢ Street ploneers ine Pee i ara 2 - at 9p.m.: Third Weduesday, VEGETABLES wineers, M _ 1 ul overlook the | which ised Merrytield’s Gri ; nth next year Business Meeting at 8 p.m. Black. achinists, Boller Maker: ie nt hs : —- Store. Williams & Manson’s « se s c. pe arn Fishermen, Every Thursday, Wholesale and Retali miths, Founders, Pattern Tih he re, etc. herbalists have browent helt! jaw oftice, and also Dr, MeNeill’s Quail eoeort be British subjects 8 p.m. 1 4 Third ; General Contractors and W — ' ‘ herbalist combined aflice in 1900 days, is now being . o] = ira . ee at least Metal Tra am, Fires a - , Labor Exchange. , Box 17] 3 © Solicit Your Enquiries ‘ "a 1 ee Juices of torn down on Third Avenue West ' “ u w i rs Aperienc ete Fish.packera, Firet Saturday i 2458 PRIN Phones 43 and 385 } t he pissed a oatit® Jacal of recent yea ; It Japutine: “possess the abllity to opgamia OFEN FORUM sas ae } INCE - S a une of Wonder/has been unsafe condition SRE: ven eee ee ' ce c sept.) secon i SINCE RUPERT ° B.C, " ; sale in P ie fi rik : x ti ; rn / x het iat are opartly written, and Fourth sundays, 8.30 p.m : $LIST | | : rd is womde rtu a re x eee oe ab eat stoners - ae ve “tunes. r i eee mplaint, Ner Among th tending an at /All’ statements ma Is bY, appease 2S iene auppeme. CbOAT De marrain 1 Our Modern ea , : \ 1 ets oe os home giv at Victoria for the { to verification bY the examining beard COLUMBIA Phon® Green GOT 1017 Sra Avenue ( july Ment and unitary methods, it ’ ¥ : \ oad to Health” | Lady Douglas { hapter of the Preference is given te renurnen soldiers |\ 7ue BAN TER OE sn AD Mis? 4. om produce a who! esome 4 a waar : o = Lb j M Fort Proelar rt "THE EXAMINATIONS.” j rHE gsT ATs OF HUGH McPHERSUON D j & W tts ] 4 joatth — A r acts on thell. "Ny rs orbes ockla ccanheat . il © held a e PECBASED , ’ am lute; * t oe. tr + it om a ime bahe hs were Mrs. ‘I DD. Pattullo, Mes. /pimees and : tt dale » kame below, xen wr ; = _ ; ie a g 0 a ¥ 1? Wee “2 . a an went matter. ine Win. Sloan, Mrs. tl. BE. Tremayne,|? . rare? AY rh gS ; Pane 3 ae RON Poon? p> A rg y" " aay : | Itio Ous re c 2 i , carried | to Mrs. &. } Poln Mre, AR. I us and ft ormanne reserding af AD wil 03 : Y nn He Mi ‘witli 1 was ap. BUILDERS ‘AND AND CONTRACTORS i U the den ane , . =o , the ihe examination abd the builds }poioted Omeial Administrator in the above s ialiats tn Licht and Heavy Con- Goods are eet imny ation, No Pere) Green and Mrs, J. D. MeNiven, | ing Witte It will_-be beld. Application Pstate, and it was ordered. that notte of struction, Repairs gud Alterations. Se ade rom Hi sh clas , Mater ial x 'D 1 ts i th " alet nol "and Mrs, H P. Hodges, daughter of ; . i i . F ester foe mere eee a citys Fa Se rt. ons aul per 4 os Fires Clans Finishing. Wet oe AK ’ -V i ' any cet j = one of /bim © the dats w eXaminalion, wving claims agains e sale state are nishing. 7 ce 7 HEM \\ Health Rest s sold in Prince Mis. Morin of this city Was on f i ru asin m \ may ' ei ta ms awa sth sad Batate are cetschings: tnsletatie ‘iamuia e Fr C ml ace Nupor' b we Co, trom thease in eharee of bridge ar- H ton hay November au Adininisirator within thirts days from the 3rq Ava a Ass. a ery ' wonderful Work may be rangzements and Miss Dorothy Al i oo pb a oae re pd aa Prince nie rt Say Prince Rupert, B.C, this 6th BRICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING , Auto Delive a . 190 Tremayne assisted in serving the |} , VAI ay cee ae ore ei.vor hh ADEN 1ou MeMULLIN suesls. Deputy Minister of Lands, UMlcial AdmiDle lator,