: ne ey Oe ye neg ee ee eS Trade Follows the Flag The Merchant Marine of any Nation Is Its First Step to Sea-Power To develop our Sea Heritage, we must send chosen and trained emissaries—our most able busi- ness \nen—to make preferential trade agreements with other nations of the Empire. And we must make good these trade agreements with Canadian ships. The Navy League of Canada ee = PRODI POLIO D POPOL OPO OL LO Oe TAXIDERMY in all its branches. life-like. Satisfaction Guaranteed. D. C. TAIT 1116 Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. Work "3 We have now on hand 1000 Tons Wellington Coal 1000 Tons Edson Coal As we anticipate not only a scarcity and increase in price of coal but also a difficulty in meet- ing your demands for prompt delivery this fall, we strongly recommend that you make sure of your winter’s supply now by phoning 116, 564, Blue 69 Albert & McCaffery Limited WARD Electric & Marine Supply Co. Cow Bay, Prince Rupert ‘BL hi AND GASOLINE ' ENGINE SUPPLIES mM E HARDWARE repr ing Canadian Fair- . Morse, Ltd., Marine ¢. O . Crude Engines Stationery Engines Drag Saws Sculen Saw Frames Pumps, etc. Electric Light Plants Self starting—slow speed ~will operate ‘on Kerosine the inost simple and reas- | | onably, prieed outfit on the market, Write us for full particulars, i The Man in the Moon SAYS:- x aaa 7~—~—H rHuAT it is as diMeult for a DUMONT GUILTY MURDER CHARGE Cyril Raymond was Killed by Blow Followed by Strangulation BAY. Oot, 44. was found the murder of Cyril Sturgeon Falls in April of last In bringing to their verdict were out two hours NORTH Heetor Dumont year. the and jury, whe forty merey to the ar the lack of according to the jeumont Was n after Raymond following a home, story by in court here minutes, recommended etised, bes erprtain ey for t arrested until his the iuae of idence, eman, a year met death latter's the revealed quarrel in the testimony of the today tragedy, as Riven ated that the Ray unfortua the dead nineteen iret domestic relations at mond home were of an Gyril Raymond “il by hits ate sort, was declar: old us of her conduct Struck with a Bottle Cyril Kaymond returned home an the night of April about 11 to find his wife just back from with the two aecused Du ithen the owned and which Raymond rented land words passed between them jaymond objecting to the pres of his landlord in the build- Raymond, aceording to his turned lo seize an axe with Dumont, where struck him with bottle, felling Mrs but con : man, year widow to have been jeak ivi’ o'eloek, a bueey drive mont wie inside house, whieh he lence ink. wife lwhie h to eject lupon the latter i" an ordinary rye jhim floor. upstairs, later, saw Dume to the Kaymond then went down a minute and Laberge, ' carrying out the limp nd to the b gy wh itsicde After horse andt between thy for jCyril Hayu anding o ard the Was still st wards she he guilty of} Raymond at) sew“ ~~ ‘PER DAILY NEWS | BUSINESS DIRECTORY et Oe tO oe see, At se | oe {| ea i ae / t Thése are Good Places to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy j ta j ; pa 1 [ex Oe evenertcterns enorme ee em ~ ~ ate TA | — . bho 8 AERATED WATERS FURNITURE AND GENERAL LAUNDRIES it MERCHANDISE vy rt BEAVER BOTTLING WORKS GANADIAN BTEAM LaUNORY hs 708 Prnser et Phoue 199 widnio GRATTON.. Gor, Third and Tin, "hone *, for Cleaning ana | ' en hone Orem 399, for seeoml heed furni oad, i ' We ' BARBER SHOP = PAINTERS ea pe ae i | AND DECORATORS jit venanama BARBER SHOP FURNITURE FRED #cADDEN , Lady Barbe i ; ad Ave ” Sikth ond Praser et FRANK BROOHU ' ‘ rh Third Ave Phom Green 449 eee, unl ‘ BAKERS PAINTS AND olLs H , or ‘ LA CASSE BAKERY PSEO STORES THE A. W. EDag co So rhird Ave home 190 PRINCE RUPERT FEED co. Paints, ‘iin, Otaee and we J New location, cor, and Ave and th a2 2 eee § : CHINA, CROCKERY & NOTIONS ome PAINTERS AND DEOonATERs Saves Th THE DENNY ALLER 60. FISH MERCHANTS, RETAIL BOLL & ChosseTT i a rs les mat Third Avenie aie Lost OMe ARTHUR'S MARKET re dus ue —_— --- - =a Ave. Phones 480 & 481 FO. Boe O85 PLUMBING ret eat wie CLEANING AND PRESSING | Senin wg GENERAL MERCHANDISE STEEN & LONOWILL = Phone 5 leet ene TOKYC OYE WORKS * and dry ieee o ~ rca, bag leanine wi Avenue Pteeonne ; wine m YUEN ~~ " ‘7 | 798 Second Aveaue Peene rack 78 RENTALS , a - — . seit au [a . for SUINI CAFES GROCERIES eile en ——EEE a Vie Serre THE BOSTON GRILL LINZEY'S PRINCE RUPERT GRocEmy SIGN PAINTING a ™ Third Ave, Ph ‘ Af I place W eat (ih ead Pullin home 8564 - om Oe “2 Sf. 4 choserrT Phone 477 THE ELITE CAFE HARDWARE a a pes ~ Pensa Ava, Bist 1 OF De OO Howe @ meNULTY Gnd Ave. Gioves SHEET METAL Works hp teaedte ry pies CIGARS AND TOBACCO paints and Fiebermen 6 sup TERRAG Ereryihing i@ Sheet Motels ROW E's FR ] VYORAHAMA Third Ave. Weel IMPORTED GROCEMES Seoumd Avenue j : UIT & “ AL@ERTA MEAT MARKET STEEN 4 LOWGWILE = Phone 5 eo pe on oo DRUGGISTS Pitth Street Phome #04 al - ‘ . ’ TAILORS—LADIES a 3 : * ction senile LAUNCHES FOR HIRE ee CenTe ‘ penne os ea hg BANNED “AARRETRONG.” Prone Biscr 4o0 T Lee 5 ‘ , therm #8. © ter et ew wee Hi 4 Ea ~ o- an ‘ f- Se tee ee eee eee es h « y | auly iNews Ulassife S. | Kenney Brg ; j 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than 50 ; r. Cer ih, errace «+i ge tn te et ee i i i i a prohibitionist to look sad during this campaign as it is for an |drive away, wanted SITUATIONS WANTED ‘ , i ertaker to be properly decor- COntradicts Young Wife ‘ rorvocoocooecee ; ' . - 4 ‘ MEN WANTED } w Lady j ke of , s when business is good Laberge gave a straight denial } busis is g ‘ ‘ 4 y P.O. bes . . . of several parts of M tlay ’ . ‘ : That one thing about autumn in| mond’s story and said shy LEARN AUTO AND TRACTON fy SeitY ‘i i ; 13 Prince Rupert, nobody is bothered | ‘have some reason of her owt BUSINI FOR SALE ; ryo nuch from the falling autumnjfor fastening the crime on th apneemenpees ee _~ Ours ; TEENGUN } 1 : i ‘ ives [prisoners It was not true, he . : on SALE Or will trade for ay ; Mets ; oto istated, that he helped to carry : oo r \ proved elose.ia Prince HKupert FOR MENT ; 4 PHA falling prices do not} Raymond to the buggy afte ! oe s) walate iene ; ‘ . - . - ‘ ‘ ; seem 10 Wor a on aoe h either.jhad been struck by Dumont , ' , rhe fast runabout taunch''() REN’ ' ; wees . PHA t tadlis th oi Raymond’ was not seen againf OUR SCHOOLS SUC ESSFULLY Keho” either with or without om, # ; = ‘ aS nid : , 7 son pais Sluntil about two weeks later, when Peach achical experience engine s 119 ieaily N : ire brought forcibly to nabice that), ; Automobile ‘ 5 i tis dead body was found in some one (ine first-clase marine en ‘ some people have nothing to bush at Sturgeon Falls Ther ! li ta nary and Marine rine re di ! nepennererer think about and others have noth-} idk’ then wr thie Fink’ sid f th ' { Vuleanizing and t a F for « 4 ing to think with, Prue z 3 ‘eg na i Cine first-class large row boat 128 De a ia anneal * és jface @ large wound the siz fa “ et ce an a th 2% hp. Caille Perfection ‘ : : phen’s exe. wr. Calomne said brale re u f Dattery Inboard engine On RENT cA : agrut CHAT you must not judge a) \ win } i ar ; c] embedded and vor : 20° f man’s think box by the elothes around the neck. and bedd i ; { M ste rphe ns, Phone 2: ee bh OF RRO wears |deeply into the flesh was a pi ONLY FEWAWEEKS REOUIRED _ - s a Wha eee lof rope with a slipknot in Ol L:ADUATES GIVEN ‘URCHASER WILL SAVE $5.00,00 Motor Tanti rHAT a crease down the pants| ConcussiCn and Strangulation PREFERENCI (one 20 bh. p. heavy duty N.& OOM ’ au does not increase the intellectual} eThe medical testimony was t ery 5. engine price $2,200.00, The “ ne power of the wearer. tire effect that death was caused rUNELIMI D OPPORTUNITIES price of this engine has gone up Lost Mand, Lega ~ iby the combination of a “foreil LEADING AUTOMOBILE ABSO FO00.00 since we ft aht = tbie or of a THAT many a man walks down |hlow with a blunt instr LATIONS i , } ' from the fact We have als the street wearing an eighty dol-jand the fastening of the r« a ath on hand 4 hop. N. & 8, engines lar suit and all the time hisjin this statement Dr. Calonne ‘ jee for same complete, 8200 ' ( twelve dollar Stetson has nothing |corroborated by Dr. Auh ‘ Prince Rupert Cigar Blore rowers toe to hide. cussion of the brain, followed ?t rik ni ES | nit Pho rhe Bh v1 if * gal © strangulation, took place, ft! ; CONC . - “7 FOUND eocoeseeee ’ rHAT considering the priee Of} aoetors said. and they added that ’ FOR SALE. Four drays in fire Va sty of ice, a real frost ought to be worth : ie ro i : necha t a Class shape and two empres* |) pay Nip A ue aries) the rope bad been applied to t .“ : n bloom anit a good deal in this part of the a ori'at ‘didi Midis Hani h j al ! ‘ yagons These wagons are Hin ‘i ; in a world, E Mm ' t con good and will be sold for any $ CHICKENS | 6 wig oi ' eonstantly calling on reasonable offer Apply 1 LODGE MEETINGS ; CITY MARK | THAT someone gently remarks CURIOUS DISCOVERIES luates, because hey Kweeney, Ivanhoe Hotel, Main ’ DGE 1054 1 4] & per cnnrerten ithere will be a frost all right, all (yt of men we turn Street, Vaneouvet PES PES 8 F : ‘right on October 20, and it will ie a ns omens | 6 Moose ft lhe most severe on the imingdera- Prehistoric Wizard's Den Found : . FOR SALR—Good rooming house} evening at the De I * © sy i In Cave—Gther Curious DAY AND EVENING CLASSES|" . t tion, plenty of hooze side of the NOW RUNNING jusiness 20, rooma well ur } Odjects. ) | i, TUITION if nee { ee ite TODAY for FREI nished, good location, Mra. L i oh ® _—-- : Volters, 8t. Louis Roaoma, cor j ‘ : ‘ Pp 4 Ts to i ira j catalogue which ’ Hon AND j | rHAT at election time it is sur- PARIS, October 44 lwo @ { i} { yi EN ner 2nd Ave. and Oth St. Phone Iprising how easy it is to find|coveries that throw light on pre S COPe ery ee Red 91 tf : people willing to talk polities. historic tijines have been made in tOLL NOW and save money snheananbal senenuminn . me fi j fo. P4R Central France. In the cave of the J the POR SALI lwelve horses and d teact ' THAT it is said there has been |*fhree Brothers,’ at Montesquieu I ‘GEST AND BEST-FQUIP. harnes fourteen t sixteen ' me § . notable falling off in the num-j|q waltt-painting, made in elemen- PRD r training school tn hundred, aceustomed to logging its wer of voluptary workers in the)tal colors of black and yellow’ has Cat t The achdol that has Apply Kitsumkalluin Timber parts ' yee |Frizzell Block since it has been|been found by savants® It is ap-! ted by the Dominion!) Company, Ltd 44 News off z jfound there was nothing there tolparently 15,000 years old. It “0 nt for the traming of|— eat pene ae ae ~|1N THR SUPREME Co op the spirits up. represents a man, walking to the| 5.0. I en. lyon SALI Boon rargaine—|} ent MHI THAD € 7 ‘i : left, naked and bedaubed with UMMPUILL’R AUTO AND BAAR NE: LON, sues 1+ tng ' ¢ , . — » | o i ‘ ree Tit A 3 ‘arpentier seems to be stripes. His body is leaning for reacTOR SCHOOLS and pool room, Good loeati n ‘ THR Mat mn OF TH : looking for some easy money in , i 825 Second Avenue. Phone 557.) THe PSTATE OF BAM tat , ward, with his artns in front and ANOOUVER BOHOOL, ecRAnat the States. +“ : ; ' - , i es a a — ne oe Corner Granville and Fifteenth | pon SALP—Rooming house, six TAKE NOTECE at Probe says a learned report of the) Avy: West ait ahs nnd io o an “4 Teste t of ia a | Never forget to luok through! academic des Seionces. On hi 7 ey nel. fen foe © @ location, G56 |will ena [oe ; lthe classified list a nle ‘ ciences mo his} fake Shavehnessy tivights Car Second Avenue, P hone 557. Ai if! polly we head is a sort of mask represent-| at Postoties b cqnteienetepebnnentineientaaieal salle ee ber, | ‘ ' gaiu : NOTICE. ing @ stag, and a horse's tail tes VICTORIA SCHOOL ikecond-hand automobile for sale aes us ie’ oat 4s rie: GANMIAN LAND. OlNTMICTs