CONFECTIONERY | SHILOH Pt sia Westholme Theat
APs We have a particularly 4
Z A> good assortment. Page & 30 sishSCOUGHS Official Account of What Occurred TONIGHT
oY Shaw's bottled candies of given by Daily Herald,
many kinds. Pascall’sBut- [ PRINCE GEORGE London
> _4 ter Scotch, Fruit Drops of ! ; a '
* ig many kinds. Lowney’s [/ jiu. towing the wrecked), ant ak : : ee re Wi; Ih
FS Sticks in bottles. stoamer B.X. s essfully hi : ih ; Ne i lam arn
: Our Chocolates are of the raging waters of Fort Geort ld at | ba .
the best quality, Ganongs. Canyon, Captain
last Wednesday brought tl I
nto Prince Cieorrt Shi
Moirs, Willards, Neilsons,
wrecked down the river « \
The price is right.
‘0 last yeat ‘
brmes AT = ee Se rae
The Pioneer Druggists WN & View $0 DUCE. ¥
/ - _ dredge here t operat
Phones 82,200 THE REXALL STORE
; sa dit onderful future for the Stuart ‘ G nto a3 (etnrcrion Weare VOR . . ae i i
fee A Perpetual Thing of reas fose, eal Me Dalle Se huey —n co mi
fae ; (ennieick KING WEAKER | ae a = =
i oe a wed FF] ATURNS, Ot, 13.— King Ales mmuennas | EMPRESS THEATRE - - TONIGHT)
we eee r i it is visibly 1
Is} ' i rrince ne
. Joba Bulger (== S088 2) oe EMMY WHELAt
a Jeweller P a ae UH BSTATE wr Viet » afte . e
ee . INTE aT? , ’ \ereks n the North d - i .
4 . foray . y Bee meet e he visited his 4 : “os
——— iB tr oo 1¢ Amateur Adventuress
denice - = 10% 9 atar ' \
¥ ii ’ i t the said Jonn H sf he ¢« | iD r re
H Me™ t i i swear to the , ee
, ‘ “a 1 as urring th the b “« ; a «lf
be ' ra 1¥¥0, after i ’ (\ :
see, fi from the date ent ! ic . . | “W ° | : q L & Mor; M : | y “F '
lta FOR SALE tes, oth Episode, “Whirlwin yons & Moran Lomedy, run Wan
Hi i wr of ims Court at ii ‘ 4
q So Ss ESS" BUS SERVICE TO HOT pr Se EicactactasAtahenoe
aa’ subseq ' id WMirteenth day of) — aan ee SS —_—--—_ -—-—
ps aN . t ‘ ‘HDENED that tne
rs . . ' an notice -_-_ om
re x ate order an the Pivece| we upert batty Visitors to Lakélse Hot Springs 7 » | rae a
“4 . 5 Rooms, Modern... £3,600 Ora wks of reas dena 'ae gee en can gel automobile service fron ' a : iy
7 ® i; 484,700 jay Of Septer A v foro Verrace by notifying U. A. Wail * . i | P a I
e. JOHN ut ‘ j
Fh er 3 of ” .. $2,500 umctal Administrator. jthe liveryman, Park Garage, Ter : : ; Pe ae ; iW
a . A RIES 5 no's 6s Os $1,600 irace who bas a new Ford ear and ' Notary Public.
! i. 7 WENT) Rieie.s-ea,08 8 $2,000 fry a class 1 advertisement jtruek for this business. NReasor , I» , At this season of the . ao
4 , 62 000 f ant to buy or sell or able rates . 1 }
5 4 eg 5 MP Ree ahs x £1 850 t any A lot of = Seep it f or Sale * it that his heati:
i. J » and furniture 8 u Ness i8 @ | way 4 soe ae ; { stoves! is pul ir yd ' on, d
ead ¥ rA ‘TICE teat 7 F af e “ a ini h if you want the w I prot
- TAKE x TI , that z Collected Money 2 500
McCaffery, Gibbons hag a pig te ’
? \ vd RE 8 ML Mo
Week End gh Fe | K O W E S|
t Restor md =6drains x
& Doyle, Ltd. Qo ] a are Ai er abo t Je ; ‘ d s half no ‘ co
Real Estate & Insurance Cla S mile from ibe Kitsauit River. The capa i i ;
Prince Rupert, P.C. te © [iscres of land. The water will be diverted , ; $3,200 22 id A :
- - Ww Mineral claiges, and will be for
Wer PUrpOses UT the mines d bed | ‘ i 1
———— eee —— - . 40c Se the Ww If Mineral Claim and the D ; as re } when your watrit Wii t att
j 30c Varde Mineral Claim Ves ie
rece ‘ 3 ibs. 25c tie i. i an wee D pied : " i" ground }
‘ . $1.00 ‘ py of this notice and a ‘application ’ H ( ij | L 4 N'] j I MENS wo
DENTISTRY ; Hoe |floutwtall thera, Sind one" Wher Act . &. Helgerson, td. NO BOYS SENT TO MI
w ate He ler at Prince Ropert " a.
Don’t neglect your Teeth ee petty ope arenes ot cre eee reteee, OF pewmnes inaprante ~ Rentals - Bonde
One decayed or missing tooth GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS < S th th Compiroiier of Water Kish d manent — © byt Eid
lowers your efficiency ettes rWbarty Gara Giad tas tee Keovadines of coagmnieicnmenmemimomanmmeatocman, | amines a
° iis notes a local new sper j d
’ (as, ‘tana pee |] lg notice, Ima Hoeal newspaper. ies Phore R
LR Bayne | fl ete: Scot Ar Pen ae ng es oo. 0 ton Wm | SMITH & MALLETT |) Phone fa 0
Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; 3 ' pecia wear the Kitsauit Rive me pettion for ae :
Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur : 3 for $1.00 © approval of Ube fertaking Ww be aoe = ene ee ne j
d+y, 9 to 12 only Evenings, $ 3 ibs. $1.40 fied in the oMee f the Comptrotier of itt ere z a f {
Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- 7 > om aotearoa, Wee SOS Weeer fears Peont PLUMBING AND ‘HEATING |
@day, from 7 to9 . : oe . ro eard in the omMice of the Board of Invest ; la ENGIVEERS { Victoria
) DENTAL NUKSE IN ATTENDANCE pke 25c frolier Of Wate “ I ist ena’ and 4 Katimates furnished $i} Vancouver t
PHONE 109 POR APPOINTMENT # b. family pke imerceted may Ble an objection thereto Im | |; ‘tia Bb | Prince Ruper
ter er ere err er Ar nres er er er er eres er erers 3 ee R ents A f ine Water le jer at Pri Address, Jrd Avenue, head O # E S A bi E
Be a ee A fa is ta pets 2 Ibs. me TAYLOR MINING COMPANY, LIMITED. ! ' of Becond Street W H ) PROD CE
' ic pphean ¢
ak*Z st Len ! per © . 86c The date of ine’ nit ‘5 bi rat a of ih ‘ ‘ iY Phone 174 P 0. Box 274 FRU ITS ANI We carry
ii TTT am . eli TT ee ’ oe nitive is September 22. 1920 POCOO A A OOLOL LOO LOLA OOS to a Wire or phone us
i i} | ' ' m ¢ j ib - : , it ‘ ‘ ;
ze: ? ‘ Engl i * pKE 300 be ele a notable episod WATER NoTICI FT cee
— | . wid aheceonat
| Bulkley Valley | ; fina al position 2 - m ; a a. ’ aan as ROCCO POC OOOEOE OOO LOODROOOOT EEE on 0 Bal
fuprt Table Supply nc te sn a ee ;
wert Table Sup G0. 1) ~ Beek Prices |inituniriat stat Bie beable | aan oer Reco a
: 1 ’ . :, . .
1 i Phe everett tx of yiteh Creek, whien Town 2 ention
{i f hy Ati i PHONES 211, Me. 4 Bide or Carcass. 1440 os ot tha’ i mn in roms Prompt Attentit
o i _—— ET ae do. Wind Quarter .. 380 Bion. ar advertiaoes despite eb inminG“ N
re a she aad : ; ; ‘ i haba ’ ’ ate few rom sstoriy boundary o
“ti~ Bae aS | A GOOD TRADE WITH [fF | hese. prites are BO. Ae us at onde to. doubla) +4 30) Sesee tLe estes to ISS to-Weat
rez Fae ee, alley. rite or wire , . als hail Bees ikl A he ibe ca Baek heh “te : ’ Read ye
wit. > SS GUARA NT EED POSITION Broughton & McNeil a , 1© pay ’ 3 1916 2 (Tate te Exclusive Ladie: |
aoe wdinary inteitt 8 bell te point as 8 db io und tional Ru {,
OUR COAL IS IN THE LEAD ¢ |.) eat) darn, learn Ma, arg PLSWA, 6.0. fi oy re eas Ro, 20, oe amend and 3 be prince PA
; ort iisiruet 1 seties ” dire t's i ‘ baily i se upon the lant . ‘ 2r111e
When it comes to quality, 5. We Euavanton sUnbis ¢ Gomtink on) ae - ———| : : , eae Fi oy BA at ot Ristrot the ne Third Avenue
3 and you will, always find Bi pmpletine vow or Warner elton : ‘ ok aad Raa the| ‘the: Tesnee’ applied for te. to suppl ati agencoseees
ta dM here the right kind for every Bk, Vat vor, Be | FOR R EN T *e ‘ —_ os ov se i " a rie ) ake Gil Une WRLer as ial
er ele | onset ere £75,000 offer, Mr. Francis Mey~|per seinditional weenie” Noo” a70b, ks rr oaovee ones
2 oe \ nell ned tite seat on the;" aie lice Was posted on the ground POCA POROEEEEOEOETOI LOE TT ET
ark i No ‘wiattey what you. need ; t ember, 1980 Nota yl
a ennai ¢ he pape and all the \ the t8th da plomber ?
oth: eoal foe-—cooking, heating, li | P a R Furnished Rooms f ; . od a" ' , a A evs os this i ies ond “ application THEO COL. f ART, r seco #
ey am owe - : at othieg dipectlors have ihe { \ rs ut there y um , oe te ate 4,
Ty, . powel we have ote rince upert a fe tate t that they knew nothing ware 1 a at i ' oh rt " . FOR SALE. OK 5.00 al
aa COAL THAT IS RELIABLE Dominion Hotel of the matter until it come th Mr). tbiections to the appiteation . inay | be Porn two, #1 eas rT
ea EUROPEAN PLAN — Lansbury's knowledge on Bepteri~ ime Compiroiicr of Water Himhts, artis EDSON COAL FOR ° cance on the
Pt ‘aiid tora, BG within i
me: f f If Ltd $1.60 por day and up. Just Remodelled and Refurnished her ¢ . shiney: Gaye At the frst appearance. of I INSU RAN ays (a z=
vety de ‘ ’ ' ARIN 4
a h Onsumers 0d 0,, . Corner First Ave. and Eighth ee ee RON a : ra ian 7 Limited Moet Livers’ - te
Ap J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager FIRST-CLASS CAFE Street, Prince Rupert Two-color window cards take Ans eee Applicant ] Insurance Steet tholme , Thal Bloc
: : Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 A La Garte. Phone Ked 468 P,O, Box 353 the eye quickly. See them atthe) 9 5% y; DUbitalione of thie P. 0. Box 66 Westh poo
‘ a. (sa lO a |News Job Department, juvlice is Thursday, seplember 83rd, 1940 menrrarwncerereren et eees rere {