ee Dressed Beef Si aught ering. Ship " k now arrivir x ave stock Mee J FRIZZELL | | 25, 185 Fulton Market esernseserer erasers from the es 10, market wer I OO anne untry Inflamed VERNMENT TO CARRY OUT WI PRINCE RUPERT Central ‘British Columbia’s Newspaper »y Netws, TAXI TAXI Phone 75 WE NEVER SLEEP Prince Rupert Auto M, H. LARGE 707 Second Ave. - Prince Rupert PERT, BOL, FD MTOBER 45, 1020, Vesterday’s Circulation 1,603. Over Sugar Prices Street Sales 368, PRICK FIVE CENTS Ul PEOPLE ON PROHIBITION QUESTION mpus Over Sugar Order ry ,O of Matter > Dominion Gov-rnmenit Zack Down on Decision will be Heard by Cabinet en October 20; Premiei Postponed Western Tour owing to Importance wr uv: L te vers ‘ Debate 2 kenzie King Launches ve Bae . . . ‘ Ss Terrific Attack at Vernon: ("Fannis in sececn | * Publication of Names of Owrers of Sugar Re- « ' fines Manufacturers Give 7 heir Sice of . , Question ; ‘ > TA\ { ! The Governor General in Council/|* ‘ n Oete ' Owing to the : : ter the remier |} tponed his . . t ert The Goveii ment’s decision was * . iiler j meet! ‘ the counclhi Neid tO CON-|-eaeecesce ste ese oe eats m,'C, J. D ty set out the view that tne regula- HOLDS OVER FISH SALE ed by the commcrce board wis very: probably er ible r not wes of achuracter never Fish Buyers have Four Carioads ‘ r met CEE NCE cfiect a pur- mird’s autlnority Qn these I is the Government ¢ red the order was inoper? - ; IN 4 a4 ATMINI ATION ha + the Meizhen Go. ernment { i { f the hich " z ‘ ca W.L. Mac nzie e | i ‘ ead terri itan here. He sai est ere l be al medal t he pc ree who at the present time ard , f rs have acted as members of the i EA ugar relining companies in “ ee a, Une rer relinery at Montreal in part- Miah ¢ Lf hould disclose by. whom and in wlat} Mar: companies are held. I challenge ; i P that these facts are immediately t pcouver, Oct, Li Mayor Gale Vancouver, they < | War Veterans, the Vancouver Liberal |o rb s have sent telegrams of pro-) , \ ie e' nt against the orders. turned iB | ERS’ SIDE OF QUESTION, , ' Se pomireal, ( lo.---Huntley Drummond, presidert) M. Pp. \ Stewa : vanadi r Kelining Co., gives the case for the)"e#'s"' . m ¥, as a result of continuous Government : oe retneries have been left with con mitments Png, 00,000 which they were forced into ' f they were forced to sell at the same ruinous os 7 tes the whole it dustry would be destroy- molnted out that ¢ to Govern- anadians, owing COntro]. | i : . et tau in the past to buy sugar : han Lh ; * © price paid in the United States, NS REGARDING MISSING FISHERMEN! been able NOTICE City Light Department. at i Lit licht and \ { n th Sunday morning ‘iia been PG. DUNGAN a t tht * tont fi F BIRTH j George La ne un pal alfa Ki Phere was bor M and Mr pre nt the views ¢ hark PrP, Balagn it Prin hewan ¢ yporatir (1 Wed iy ) bi { i i } ! id lite Ma Salvil on ii Who Withister Will ‘ ETTORNEY-CEN CALL FARRIS POAT RACE TO BE — U0 « = pune’ ‘ - « tn” —_ — cw fet fOr Starting petition for Daily News Pennant is 2 p.m. THANKSGIVING DAY in Com- . i fur N ‘ i take pum,