THE DAILY NEWS P | | Local and Personal | i Ask for Atkins’ Sausage. : | . . . Dance at Audilorium Friday, 115th | . . . | Harry Morto of Smithers, is in town, . * ° P. FE. Doneast bliie works went ist night. . * | How's crops? Se Do ri the Fa at the Westl ne tonight . . ’ J OBrien, of Harb ister ad at It f | }? M and Mra, Ge McAfee f (ieorgetow left : night fo Va L: Ki ad in Jour cooking a nd baking makes every dish ” dis h. There's a distinctive relis h, a rich Ea we Bre an | \ SS—SS).. —SSS.OH) - ZF a “favorite ; . : pleasing flavor in cakes or cookies, puddings or pies made date the Twentieth day of September, 1920, commanding me to cause the follow- wi ith } agie B nd. nd the re’s hig nh { “ ware too, For Fy | Bue ; ’. ‘~ th } ing question, namicly:--- i tt Ria eciita alk facil ealeam anil une n, 1 can of Es, e Brand is ex Lint uruts of | tue to @ poun ton tha We G +S ei we? and a quarter of beef teak or i a | lf of pork. ow? » Van WHICH DO YOU PREFER? For this reason You can economi eb? using Fogle Brand in 5 eparing By y ft} , ni (1.) The present “Prohibition Act’? one ; 4 ; menus for r table from feat tr $ to Gehcious desserts. turer { Ont ‘ ’ A little of it used in your recipes makes your cooking more nutritious | ARS ext eis vhatetee (2.) An Aci to provide for Government Control and a r i ;* : - meh i \ ® ‘ See z end lessens the amount of other food needed to supply the body. phow.2..R--eeits Sale in Seaied Packages of Spirituouws and Write for book of “Borden's Recipes”’— we will mail it to you free. NGLAND *} — bata Mait Liquors? ‘ > 1 . oa . < “aa V1 ‘ . ; s ‘ - . : ? . In feeding Bab) use Eagle Brand—it has been the standard infant a os to be submitted accorcing to law to the Electers cualified to vote for the election food for 63 y 5, $ night sg ’ on a ‘ " food jor OF yours 7 } he tahoe _; 4 Of a member of the Legislative assembly for the Electoral District aforssaid; and, SANT ‘ ) ‘ ° e eis 7 ¢ . — BORDEN COMPANY LIMITED, } MONTREAL H further, that ir obedie: ce to the seic Wiit a poll shell Le opened at eight ¢ cicck in i { \ M.I . ; pit, AT ‘ “ aa pe SEE SS ee : : i the forenoon and shall be clos d at seven o'clock in the afternoon cn Wecne:cey, —————— —---- ae a ‘ oo at 4 ne ay ae ELI 4-8P A SR a “ r ended|4 the Twentieth day of October, 1920, for taking and receiving the votes of ihe said ERRACE MEETING ee eur ta Wesley Electors in each polling division of the Electoral Listrict aforesaid at the respective ALA ’ ‘ ' . j Siena . places foilowing:--- ee aoe eer, IS FOR PROHIBITION =: marry im beste ana POLLING DIVISIONS. ye rae rit crest . , Atnarko Haysport Margaret Bay Sand Spit h Rev. Or. Grant ‘Addre sses Mesting - a D Banks istand :)vle-in-the-Wall Masset Sevrcil few mot the he aia all the rage and Explains Doubtful " oon Bella Bella Hydah Namu Seymour Inlet Points. , te | Kas Bsiia Coola Inverness North Island Sxicegate FY wala: A rir} Buckley Ba Jodwa Coean Falis Emith tstand i ’ LG | “} ecided y y y fi bs } } ' ed last night 4 ria mp Butedale Kimsquit Oceanic Spiller River ie : widressing a iénaintnn wes sis Cedarvale Kitimat Ceanda Surf Inlet ih i f : s of | tae Claxton Kitsumgalium Pacific Swanson Bay 1 it ia Hal sit Copper Bay Kitsumgallum Lake Pacofi Torrace ‘ aa id night $5% @ q Copper City Kitwanga Port Clements Ticll b| H ere - i and \ ‘ Ki n is b we Dundas Island Kwinitsa Port Essington Tow Hill rc ' : 2 n Smithers for Lakelse Lake Port Simpson Usk r ith f Firvale e sg fo 2, ee 6 P ayers. . i B \ - esided Judze Young He is Georgetown Lawn Hill Prince Rupert VWadcham’s Cannery 1) G oid f tt 4 : jail and is| | Hagensborg Little Canyon Queen Charlotte City Weicoms Harbour H U e tamuly < how) ie me the vical? ar Leen ee oer ane oor ' Central Labor oa ; parts in stock. Freneh Polishing « Y ar . 4s ‘ ) i x00 e ° , 7 S Vessels dry docked. § 1] boats may Jeol he mee. ee eee O. B. U. 5 J. Slade Stevens + Se ye ne time in < sect . of the Dry Dock Keen ‘ ’ mune ne at @ Dost The P All t is i i nan Object. the purpose eee snes a 7 428 5th Avenue W. 5 ae © ver ee ¥ inted in i Pet COPmer OF LOS Stewar i , nd to enabdk Phone Red 291 P.O, Box 762 -— En noe eek min eek ik cane : ; ¥ -m for future vacancies Affiliated Units and Dates of ; peers . f ad ginec ah : J . es distance ‘ tis us onania stall w ~ ¥ oe Mac hinists, Boiler Makers, i e Ne 1 ae : “s 3 ‘a ic ine Minrth _ Assistant Tanenk Rangers. MEETINGS X 4 acksmiths, Founders, Pattern Makers, etc. ; noted ' 643A, thence! \\ tl Fish. ( Assis a} Rangers “are = “ a Building Trades Unit, First : ies s \ wary’ of Lot it ouk re sh | ine Ee. and thik a iaaes and Third Mondays, 8 p.m. $A We Solicit Your Enquiries Ss test te b vo te ast a ins “i fees Mining | W. A Meloch« r Utne died wher | hy working ol Central Labor Council, TOM LEE CO. ie 0, Box 1713 . ining Two Acres, more or tess, wnen) Algun Syndicate. and Morlcy {Saree ee ee roan asl AB od Every Tuesday, § p.m. , i, é | Phones 43 and 385 ; : cated on the twelfth day Of AUBUSL Shier of the Giant Powder Cx slisfactory service is giver Promotion Women's Auxiliary, First 840 Second Avenue, West. ’ -RIN oy 2c ’ ©. Bb NORTH, . as ertanent stel 5s made py mans Wednesdays, Dance & Social ee Frings | XINCE RUI ERT, B.C, Agent for the Tay Mining Company \ n was taken into the polit 14 i See oo rst t. ar at 9 p.m.: Third Weduesday, VEGETABLES EME nk Lumited i u wl I t 7 ) rm o . stati sn i ae ,fand #42 month the next year Business Meeting at 5 p.m. Th nye huge, i ee re sigiglidepys ee pele Fishermen, Every Thursday, Wholesale and Retail ie eee Hd Cannot be identified He is af Qual eations tor Candidates, ots 8 p.m G \ Cankeantiinn aut é i ‘ iritish subjects .m, smner ; ) \ NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC. /|iniddle age and a kindly looking t in British Columbia fe . at leas : Metal Trades, First and Third gif Besley = F b { it verson, but can neither speak no rene chee Sa Fridays. . . a ed I ? ‘ . r ; ‘is i id : ca Co it a af z : nd Vine sit i vs r. opie nce. in fre Fishpackers, First Saturday { Sees 4 cg e ar in es Sale ivi a’ niki eA n posses ability to organize OPEN FORUM ; Prince Rupert, B,C ao WARTIME FISHERIES LINITED of "ame TT minis not deaf and w rk and hance men und have knowledge (commencing Sept.) Seeond , pt 647 P.O. B 725 aw Dry Kiln C; ipacity; 100,000 feet per day 0 | nh’ Coltinite, hereny myesiscapears he can understand what he examinations are partly written, and Fourth Sundays, 8.30 p.m , ones «hw \\b TARE N TICE at after the ex. Okalla and a tit { 00, Failing : , > pened Boages hidhpe toons My va ¥, ae re ¥ DUDE iitstee A the 1380 - BUILDERS A AND \D CONTRACTORS . | Te : t pubsica Yor this notice Maritime (0 pay the tne e will be required iu f the exan : tion moe toe ore pointed OMeial Administrator in the above Specialists in Light and Heavy Con- ae ar . s Lin “ der Rection ¥ Of iio serve a total of ning months in [ee eee ee ied out and goalie Deak line iccee bs Dunitahet tna crue ol struction, Repairs and Alterations. i otte Islands Spruce Prod uc $s Ltd. \ ‘ie t his at the ity of prison, L, W. Palmore was de to thy Dist 1 : ‘orestet en x rea Q be ‘ ty OF Priues ups rt, an all pers us re One Finishing. 7 i fi . . f the said site and t bet ihe date of the e\amination having claims against the Said Estate are ‘ | S ; 7 i for uve 1 nat e sata fOnding counsel, ety Date . a oe wees , e US : Local Mill Princ e Rupert : Be. . ‘salmon cannery and ee yp oh are Hagelt , tay ‘ veniber 49 Admin sat ; Sithin sbirty deus’ teumt’ tan Catinatoe. Gooartully Given ; _ ' fit ib aT I e | fonda vember Sth ate hereof , Ince Pune on ALBERT & McCAFFERY Mien at Prince Rupert, B.C, tale gta] 6 8e Mystery of the Yellow? 4 District Forester at Pritce | DATED ai Prince Rupert, B.C., this Zin) } SMHS ee BUILGING a Telephones, 564, 116, Blue 69 i risHeRIES LIMUTED POG MAUD EROS CFA Th GAVOD | NADEN Reith. He, MeMULLAN ny A Paunore & Fulton, Solicitors, Parts al the Lmpress, i Deputy Minister of Lauda, i UMicial Admidistrator. | 4 yl | | | a > TEMPERANCE PLEBISCITE ACT Lae oD i roclamation of Returning Officer PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA In the Prince Rupert Electoral District TO WIT: : PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to the Electors of the Electoral District aforesaid, that I have received His Majesty’s Writ to me directed, and bearing