or ge te gM bE. ae “ ey ee me 2 a es emcee — Canada is the Eighth Maritime Power THE DAILY NEWS el BUSINESS These are Good Places to Make Your Purchases when You go out to | ’ dUuy i { OO os ie DIRECTORY — A. » ; | |D. C. MoRae Replies Emphatically i eb es ee ee Te ee — | —o Statements of Ald. A ins ee eee : Seventy Year rey Over Hospital Affairs. . merece i inocmungiie AER! » , en oaité :, ATED WATERS FURNITURE AND GENERAL LAUNDRirs ire | ° . ' ommittee cor rising Pre " % Canada Was Third ident PD. G er wh sh inal a oie SEaAver soTTLINGe works MERCHANDISE i } a George I Gibson aot Alidermat — — ee GRATTON. Cor, Third end Tih, Phen ae STEAM LAUNORY “a | William Wileon in al . hhoene Crees g0¢ for second hand furni S : t as ap sweep ture I ‘ There are 8,700 ships under | Peinted last nicht at the BARSER SHCF ‘ PAINTERS a ” 1 obs the ( anadian Flag to-da if the hospital board to in ' YORKAHMAMA BARBER SHOP oa DECORATORS st y ite the diff ‘ , os Lady Bert ” FURNITURE : — ms ate 10 differences between DP m3 : or 1 Ave PRED SCADDEN The value of the Merchant ectors J. BOW and TD. ¢ { qe aa PRANK GR ORY . i sire ve tne Fleet of Canada is Rae on one side and Alderman | BAKERS Ave, —- Phowe Green 449 inte Sj . ia Me o i olhet a ae ren z 4 ' | $250,000,000. aa i ae t ' Sa ; i Sg . LA CASSE BAKERY FEED STORES ae ee i unl | ‘ me + TM ers im re third Ave » 190 THE A. Ww i Through lack of interest f sulted last evening in an ope —_—_ ee ainsi PRINCE RUPERT FEED 00 Sainte £008 oO Canadians . } mi re. ° ibreak and a burst of elocution! OpgEN New toration, cor, @n@ Ave. end Yeh Ot) are i an. s in their maritime Sindh” We ba A, CROCKERY & NOTIONS a Th wt * i ; affairs these st h a. ae PAINTERS A i 3 , shfis are neit er rh att ¥ : _ ND DECORAT Oa) e matter w echt ut - ATER: offic . : THE DENNY ALLEN CO. FISH MERCHANT fficered nor manned by Can- * !*!'¢" being © ad “ rhira A an Peat OMes/ 8, RETAIL eats &@ qnecent? ... ean ‘ adians. toeriga and Mc! cmandiam thatl-— —-—-—_-—____-- —- -— ANTHEN'S BARLEY —" —$———— ; ; Ave Phome 460 & 48 o a - s To-day th he Hospital Board inves CLEANING AND PRESSING] = ~~ me 600 PLUMBING oe the protection of Can- /S!!ceed ‘slanderous statem GENERAL MERCHA a Trade Routes is not lby Alderman Perry made at cou foe meee ce . ary notes on oem § Phene 6 given by Canada. icil meetings on Septeml 2 and F . , e 476 zat Wine OMIN YUEN 00 ee ae re: rE hi” Wecee: atatores } og ‘ecietieraniesienhteepeieieeniieinemaiminailis | Tita aee Phoo* Bieck 78 RENTALS 3 one letated§ reflecte« ba ! ! i urden of the British Navy |*‘" ted both pen the | CAFES GROCERIES row. MART is Seventeen Doll ipersonal characters of Mr. M Seana ya B it ollars per head ee aad Me a a es os ik THE BOSTON GRILL LINZEY'S PRINCE RUPERT eroorny —— | ‘ ge a . a ‘ ’ AY ; ‘ 4 ‘ d _ Te te The “bur- Sh canite oe a sts aS ' ; + car) r (th end fulton teertas “e SIGN PAINTING en” of the Canadian N i 7 ‘Melee a mee — avy is json, Murray, Mrs, MeLeod a The eur = Geese " ‘ ; eod a (Te CAFE sada ali Co menace cee cents per head of iIMrs. Parsons were all against the ave . uf ihe MmOMey. | ou, eee a anacdian taxpayer. | be ingineg of the hospital beard fk eae ; oS ee ud Ave. Stuvee SHEET METAL WORKS into what was i os : by Mr CIGARS AND TOBACCO . 'y. paints and Pielermens tug I i st le Faas te ° _ Read this again—This is the reason for Collison “a little squabble in th a ‘a finance e nitlee YOKAHA® : : e* "ror oe * & tal kee eae IMPORTED GROCERIES Brcund Anew JIT | xpiains. ae ALGEPTA mEA TT man The Navy League of Canada Mr. Perry then explained his DRUGGISTS y § towns rb a ” oes oe vane iposition and apolegized fer any 1 eer o am a 7) “tad he might have sau a 8 vs : pomp : LAUNCHES FOR HIRE ee es AND CENTS itaste ul or injurious altt shy tt me laren ; s _—e Leverh “NARGETRONG.” Frese Blac F = ifacts still remained i \ : -. var 6 we ie a: haga a had the appes ée of belt ene a = FI 7 ae ee . i sa: selialasiasternietagellll L AKE ' ed and h cited ime lontes i ~ eee IDERMY ae cdicutoalea tet aie | oe cS presence of thera by { rin avauenies =" Daily News Classifi d Mel } ‘ 3 q é going to enter into * ee inal 2 CENTS PER y IN Si le As | Kenney ba © sports activities ee - ren: 3 ADVANCE. No me - from now on and al! iv eae iwer when MeRae Br = mage ener mt Taken for Lese than 50< teas bom $ : we ®Yitherm and Mr. Roeeria ! ue wepawe ' Ter a Dbasketba team ni : S Wan a. 2. oe e-- 8 aye salored « backetball 00m tlie an order of meat , res SITUATIONS WANTED “ wit : sOOh= Nort he Int t MEN WANTS LosT ae . a ined a lveore.t ‘ . fh N ANTED “ sult tl thie lers ig : ' ee wl h is ¢t Al y i : : ticipation of th i ones , a . pat ACT , = we . oo jotherwise he w } t > - .% « affairs rhe |, %s ' - , ; Phone § scallsal aie the wames ut teat, ee FOR SaLe al mn ‘ : ere on : a irried — . ? ag’, “Arran pap Mr. I nn hind ila : ‘ att ee FOUND ; TEENS | Hl, nee Kenny be dificult | ; 7 , ‘ » It is the} ing . tt a -, ee : , d id vrit bupert t Mae'e { : i teams from the lthers a maplaiat ateged a} estat : ; ‘ ; ev : - Kiks in every line of sport and}), 4; rae oa ae wee pees OUR SOHOOLS SUCCESSFULLY The fast cun-about launch i s in all its branches. have a good eup tg choose} Ot he would admit that a: l y practical experience Feh ents with or without LODGE MEETINGS : Work life-like. Setisfaction George Frizzell eaves he i been sent out t& : ; . es : i gin ; a ; Lut vbvite ' Ms ; Gosrenteed. going to fly the Elks flag over the the books of the hospital with a ir . Sita eid. Me - i frat a* narifie en i s 4 ; ; eae Violet F. IL. in the News pennant lied. ic improvement This Engine lice V annizir a ! Pr : a. iS ne deditin Se a a g and Chen “ ‘ ® WA | eooes 5: D. c. TAIT ’ n Monday. wuss : ee 5 wires report ar tepairing, Welding d Bra es class large row boat! : ae sak : os » me sy«tem had been installed th 2 ho f ln far? Si sa : ot + hip. Caille Perfect TUITION poenene : 1116 Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. . 4 a _ ree last | Vilest Slander. rely , — . ' ening “f etchikan with a| 1 am surprised at the M. M 4, Phone 222 . eargo of salmon and herring oil.jsumption of Mr. Perry | a WEEES REARS ED) : - . — es 3 ' 64 : ‘4 . ‘ fhere were also a few passengers |dressing this meeting ea Al? res aivi HASER WILL SAVE #5. ; oa , Imits he did not know about b PREVERENCGS One 20 b.p. heavy duty N. 4 W h sabi inital affairs « seh S. etiine price @2,200.00, ‘TI ” Skee? Rive arriy ry are and still has . tN | , ' ; e ave now on ar I oe , als last nig! a the vilest slander againet ts ne uITES re engme nae § r h d luded Lillian Johnson, Port d Mr. MeRs "t } gna \UTOMOBILE A ’ ewe wht tt ; an G; Gite, Pot Ed-iet hance he wil Sr ae CIA TIONS from the fact We har ; ware und. Reamner & OF RE Wigs Lita : ve a DI : 1000 Tons 2 4 Spencer, Port}. hatdmenintd or Sithdre ; 1ih.p. N. * 8. enwir - Phe ’ : Tisiis a ae f ee f te FARMS FOR SALE ental np ceded t ad Ul ate } Wellin ton (oat Ed. Conway, the Anyox mining |" nis that Mr. Perry illes . . = a ’ ARM : ae : ito e made al ! 1GGES 0 . vy Hine 91 ‘ ; eqns und passenger } ee j ~~ n 1 th # a 7 wet: if ; panne he se ‘ a8 ane f r¢ y mt ; ‘ ' i = i. ‘ 1000 Tons Payee ae t night. denied mak : ad ! } FOR SALI ! r drays Arst , y Mi ere ooewcvevetrrt I aking any «uel «tat « f ur ‘ - " : 1 for ‘ n66282600668606866 mente. “i whet Mr. Perry ‘says ‘ a ‘ 4 be a ay 1 iw press ia : . ; Varie ty job Son 0d : @li« true Mr. Roerig and 1 should «. These aut \» . wen hese wagons are se . pr ys out . ; , io , gre ‘ + bi . TU SUBSCRIBERS éibe in jail and if it is not true he : stantty mi “ot a will be sald f any well adkot ‘ ; nS : reasonnine o . ad pted : : - ; cK As we anticipate not only a . ee @ijshould be. Mr. Perry, I am not krbdual because they Ser ' ' rs ! as j oe gy VesLOCE ; y cal : scarcity and increase in price of Subscribers to The Newa @|#fraid of any exposures y ais } Spas ngpencgy = ‘ , ‘ / inhoe Hotel, Mair Daa anes z coal but also a diffieulty in meet- A are asked to pay the de. # make and my honor ia worth —_ — a ot #! 4 : ; 4 ; . ; i cities : ; : ‘ or ore ) ing your-demands for prompt on ry boys each mouth ©) lore to me than a positios I DAY AND EVENING CLASSES FOR BALI A w#o0od baregair years t f 3 ; delivery this fall, we strongly when they call. except #{the Hoxpital Board yr prego Tow NNING @ I sa iieheome 5 . 10 1 eae ; recommend that you make sure where payment has been ~#| pinion, however, that Mr. Perry ‘ write TODAY f PRES nd poe om. 4 A ‘ ther i - J ‘ : 7 ; ve ‘Ooo en n mie tl of your winter’s supply now by made for the year in ad- @/'a8 meant nothing personal but cate hict R36 Second Avenue. Phone 657,| the end of f phoning vam e. The boys when @|/!4s simply gone off half cocked tory EN —— sixtes 116, 564, Biue 69 4 collecting carry oficial re- @ The diacussion was brought t OLL NOW od al POR SALE OR LRARBI ct acint ee . J ‘ : : Albert * ceipts which should ale @)% Close when President Stewart } ng ! s and plant. For ee aie 2 Vail & McCaffery 5 ‘ ways be préserved. eicalled for Mra, McLeod's resol LARGEST AND BEST-ROUIP particulars apply Daily New aie mm War y j eT ; eition asking for a committ f PED tor tf x achool is Mee tf — 1 \ Limited sees sess en eeesg a 6) iiicrtigution, which was secend Léd.. diacases suet a+ Kheumatisen, ‘kounme, | dividend of ten per cent. oni wanypry ; ; c ~|FOR SALK—Safe. Prine 8126 WILLIAM &. W tall yor Heh , tretiie Winey comp ‘ ‘ rs A ,ira ampete eteno® , ' 2¢ ‘ Marine C. O. Crude Engines vous disbeders, Skin deen Filed, yo aims of unsecured ereditors so ean) “ _— News office ren en Te Stationary Engin It has bech ane d With success Dy thousands ‘fer allowed by the eournt and “— fr) tke band DENSE LLANE C01) | epee eet 4 emenvewemmess gs0e:. reser EE gines ane your druggist for “The Koad to Heatin” ectting aside ef a I i poliealions to bet de HODES I ei a, excell Gasoline Drag Saws 4 reed whet tnene peuple sey iat : i “a 60,000 for like in ey." . . apt POW SALI Fr. W. Hart ear al Ciroular Saw F ond tieaiae it Oe a er acis on the/Claiine of creditors awaiting ad Mwnting lo hax $26 i ae Tee Chesniog 6, ramee ea ee ee eine uae judication in the near iors 7 Da 2 nN ollice tf) ¥ee aunt Pump eto. 0 1s open to throw off waste matter, The Gw * } . . ee | puatiidtetatiaamatame Electric Li specific herbal properties er wynn reports &306,078 col WANT! i. a 4 a we . SRE eee ferris, vai brancertataprved every arte tre Mes gee Garret, Se EER a onus of dee a s >. ¥ ‘wo Engl - girl to'TO RENT —-Por gentleman, front ——————————— slow e corre aproper ect ners ane with jollsewo Ble ’ will tale fo speed sun teed be afraid 2 lake Tat = astects of the company r out f : — een bedroom, good location, Apply We have secured the age! for % operate on Kerosine eine nothing but herbs-——no e@lconol end/#50,000 trust I y, including Apply M Kk. A. Wake. box i19 Daily News office At the best Coe! found it the most simple ar Re ol 4 trace of amy drug ’ ‘us account. the Ne ld American Const ' LT COS ort Md at pes i a t onably priced eae ae nemet ie nesit> apices 0 said ta Times earnings of the estate almost) \., ae - aie pa On BENT Fe ; outet on the Ku i) he Prince Kupert Drug Go, Frau» i alinost | wea nepy Larte riiahed | bed Frices on applicatior market. Write us for full remedy re "Genders ware me ronment cons of Hamamion nd aks lumber tallyman.| sade for genilemén. Apply box Pri - : onder r ‘ —_ rgols 4 or a! ; . ” Se pe ear ork may be ladiminisiration, Apply Peck, Moore Go, 43) 926 Daily News office, 42 rince Rupert Feed Co. ) . — inane VOR BALI hy i lea : ro ” eam Corner @nd Ave, and Advertise in the Daily News cart. Phone “ maeey ene a On WE Nl’ T'wo furnishe an rooms Phone 58 Green bir be 300, gis near Dry Dock. Phone Hed 269