«48 10270, “CATARRH | th BLADDER wy 24 WouRS e ’ » Cor ha i) 7 wie aa ~ newawre of Cormaters ee ——— “LLOYD GEORGE . AND TYRANNY Letter to Candidate at liford Gives pias You have a cold, or your child Common. Bouver, B.C. DORK SELL ‘dana Q ) Stork’s dware Interesting Light on British has ® cold; a cou a tight feel- Bvente at - : — 4 soreness in In the past how have you treated A letter erenils euch? You hav bought some I ] i ier cough mixture, and swallowed this hg aS 41 a : wn fr to your omach d 1W, ail- 1 te nnec La : tion tween » r chest (where ties ot a diel aiyinstth nd 2 trouble is) and your stomach! en 0 wl r% o 1 wed by th stomach any mixture ¥y ie ae man the j i trouble is in your ge and bron follows c ubes 1h Mr. W i ’ m ke; and Peps is the remedy { ded t this hear your ’ m se treatment Peps I rd f th t ttle lets, w ontatn titut ‘ pine | higt ber jal Pine essences, ' — - . ed w her medi« ex- tracte. These healing extract: are in and ¢ yihing ' #0 prepared that as soon as you put ind Pep into your mouth they are lib e 4 in e form a a aling vap- ‘ine Ora You brea! £ vanora down to the throat wee anda rm thus treat the organs that in nd flamed, direct. In @ way, it is like brea ng from a vaporizer or bror tis kettle, @xeept that there is ipparatus needed, the little ' : Pe oviding everything needful o fo eatment! The very smal! pows , portion of Peps whith you swaliow his il lad ; : : y @ slightly tonie effect asen the tomact 4 Ss you good, but of Pepe is not for stomach ; ht } lung, threat and sade hye brone? be Peps relic ve asi ra treatment car en Uke Peps and these they are y does I best for the little ones because j niain no morphir lauda 1” ther peisen fourd in so J ’ f 1 gt ix ! res where 0 for pr r the 5 4 POE — WF a4 6 ° = — 5 ma: fe et | / | Ten Years Ago. . i im Prince Rupert ii pothtelintetncnnsrupisinssmminiiens eres MACK SENNETT | DOWN ON FARM Amazing Santi in ‘Which Farm-/| yard Cenizens Perform Parts Shown Tonight. i tatthe W Ma lDobown i ' ’ han the ali that ‘ tha pre ‘ } “* i f { ous Mark § stud nia he th y! 4 n ‘ ih ’ 1 “ ' i d ' i d 4 y ; ONL WELLS NOT. YET GIVING RESULTS IN PEACE RIVER COUNTRY il With our modern equipment and sanitary methods, : iy ND AVENUE Octot 1910 we produce a wholesome nal Nutritious Bread ‘ , HON f pHi ‘BIA Our Goods are all made “from High-class Material | EPARTMENT. OF 1.4 TRY THEM ‘T | ; i EXAMINA x F rH SPTIUN ¥ - B k | en So seks The La Casse Bakery Br ind wt oBlscT: 717 3rd Ave. Auto Delivery Phone 190 : . ! e x a _ ae f th oe 1 ind t zk by 3 > rv " tar a * 4 s 7 nr ee ee ee Forest | Bengt ye. LAND ACT Forest Hane re el red tt Ae , M Notice of intention to Apply to Lease Land. 1408 = | : Dist A : ee , nc NV estho me Lunch ye "T= Under New Management & * renants, . PeeRS, | Sismizatice ‘mn ALL WHITE HELP planted at we Qualifications for Candidates. ? kK thnene { be . . H : ¥.9 feet; ’ ue Nee a, "ae Westholme Special ve Lengths we x S ‘ ARTAGE, LTD, Eee: tienes Three Course Meal - from 45c up — ase i 7 a ne n » « = v " COP OLEL OER OOOO. lene r Dp AN uo 1 s if ’ ‘ A Dy appl a ' 7 inndiidilibemaare aie : ’ tne , over f m by the examinir i % - EVITT t M ™. o5 ty Preference is given to retract scidiers Mail Orders Receive P. O. Box 183 : i» with the necessery qualifications. = tioneer Mr. W Ae une, Examinations, Prompt Attention Phone 558 nd Accountant git t ms os. and ae te dates. eat apo Each toonesncnnandl 1 TIMBER SALE X 2587. mic oding candidste | should apply fo the s _ — tion forms and for tnformation regarding by th uP th ee n ar ” cs: . Miss GLEESON i r th : r 1 1 mailed beck . GRAY , cut 1448, eb Forester in, ume to, react Exclusive Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear et of Piano . Aru s Place : Date. j iday, November ; enu maiendbordiredt Gp mv Fee * Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C, om S31 or 406 . ' vorester, Pres W, H. MACINNES \3 i L (AV Service Milli issioner a , \ ‘ T L DESIRE TS » MAY SEE noe AP, de SRE A SPRING POH-UM TO F pO. STICKING THROUGH THE APRIL MUD | +A AND PECUNIARY WE LOOK AND SEE THE SWEET MAY BUDA AND — \TS~(T 1S BENEATH THE SURFACE-NOW T WEEN, SEEDS ARE SUBMARINE. — / THE BUD \S NATURES eerste) “TAROUEH WHICH (T RUBBERS OUT WITH HO FOR SUN AND RAIN-1TS ON THE et Re Si is FOR SUN AND RAIN, \TS ON THE WATCH