ene Sg aa ae DAILY NEWS 1 ~ ~ = a a ee edie, Tae Dy Neve... | MMDRAGMATN ARMY AXDNAVY SS UME AGS Liicaccil Use Massy. Wy Ste itewn FOR FIVE YEARS OFFICERS ELECT Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. : Major Tey of Po riage ia HF. PULLEN, MANAGING EpiTor. | par. , y ——$_$_—_ -———— cinebuninhaeasienelih hpiinesadiiiilenthtalaatiimatn nities lt aa No Return of the Trouble Since Taking ! Prairie Now President, Crehan ; ; > ‘ “a “FRUIT-A-TIVES” Vice-President ; VLE a. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: : VICTORIA. ( ; wie A ini] 5 e City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ....... eeeee 81,00 nd wh ¥ . oe ata d- P : ea By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, fs ae ; ‘ : » ae Wig, >, Hh AUVENOE, PEF YOST 220.65. vu egbs s deen ty TT Cee ee ee $6.00. yee’ ~ f y : ‘op, _SMOK ING renal To all other countries, in advance, per year ............ $7.50.) TELEPHONE 98. eine is Transient Dispiay Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion ; Aye Maey ; i0 apa | ue a Transient advertising on front page .......... $2.00 per inch. | wee Bee a «Se ; Local Readers, per insertion, .......6.. e+ 60-0 « 25c, per line.{ j . ‘ ee ; : is : Classified advertising, per insertion, ........... 2c. per word ’ y; Legal Notites, each insertion, ....... eee ibe. per agate line. bind al i Ras re ; ‘ Contract Rates on Application. Be ste : tugeet a cs hn * 4a All advertising should be in the Daily News Office on day pre] WAR. JOHN E. GUILDERSON loutive has b hat ™ celing publicati®, All advertising received subject to approval P. O. Box 198, Parrsboro, N. 8 VE ree ” x “! suffered with Rheumatism for five . } WET EO Saturday. October 16, 1920.| Peembaving itso badly at vineat was |} The Manin the Moon oa DAILY EDITION, unable to get up without assistance SAYS:~ } I tried different medicines I saw ee Provincial Election : advertised and was treated by doctors In Near Future. * ‘oer also in my oy Pima PHA'T at Cul ad) 7 ae ‘ a is . } mut the Rheumatism came hack J te 7 0 There will be a provincial election in the near future, unless 14 1018 Teal la an ddvertiscment | — or Fe Li Lup all signs fail. Attorney-General Farris intimated so in an address! ¢nat*Frait-a-tives’ would stop Rhew | fused tt at Vancouver and on that account it will be time to begin thinking | matism, and took one box and got | ‘ Sa: itn Se — a = =O= TT about it as soon as the prohibition plebiscite is aver, Realizing relief; then I took them right aloog | Vi = ao ele Le sll tN = et ‘ a ‘or abou or l the Rheu ame ee ee mae M that the people are hopelessly divided on the question of prohibi- | for’ iteix months an | . ° ae matism was all gone and J have newer | 5 ; =. we tion, the Government is. taking no part mw the campaign, but felt it since ae i ( > f= ’ ; is t Y , simply putting it up to the people themselves to decide what they} Anyone who would care to write | gone re “ay aa> - | want. Whatever the people decide to do, the Government will me a3 regards ‘Fruit-a-tives’ 1 would | rHAg Be + ” i ‘eee Ales orate. NE in , ; be glad to tell them what ‘Fruit , ae Tate ' carry out. That is the demux +a me aoe. They could not do oan a Sinn . “— i ! “7 ‘- ss * - otherwise tt country where the people are the arbiters. JOHN E. GUILDERSON, . a ie = . ™ a People are Still | Contractor and Mason. | ers ; Talking of Sugar. i SOc. a box, & for $2.00, trial size 25e rHAT 00 Be The till the ly ar hc Ther At all dealers or sent postpaid by \ n » sugar fiasco is stil subjec “O ‘rsation. ere . j [ I Y 1 J conve! : "oP Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. Age Q ALI is no debate, as e agreed that the attempt to hold up the sikcinaciiadlas fisiiakiiease ee ' price of one of the necessilies of life in an arbitrary manner | ‘ SL | oartct would not be tolerated, Just how the Dominion Government wi SUITCASES come out of ii, no one can say. It looks as if these commissions Dr Ba ne and boards were being used by the Government to carry out the I R U N K S | eee ’ Rane*re ° " y ‘wishes of the big terest>s and that an effort was being made to HANDBAGS PHA ws ; , OFFICE HOURS hold themselves blameless. What is certain is that if the people I ' ; Mornieg 9 te 12, Mernooa, 1 530. Savi | had not been he d. the order would have gone into effect and WHOLESALE AND RETAIL : c Every Eve miree 1) remained indefinitely. As it is, the order will be set aside. oo | oS) ae I PHA ; Jental Nurse in attendance Veracity of Dr J. F. MAGUIRE one el mag ° e . hor J for appointment i 5 4 ¥ ’ : ty’) Ernest Hall. 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert nie , british coke ‘ : : A correspondent whose letter we publish today under the nom/% Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Bik., Cor, ida de plume of “John Barleveorn”’ makes some slighting references i sy Hest Equipy ed Office in Nort! to the veracity and experience of Dr. Ernest Hall, one of the bes i wee known and most reliably physi ians and surgeons in Canada i rHA’l ? : : ~ several of whose letters have appeared in this paper. | Mary had a ' Dr. Hall has practised in Victoria and Vaneceuver for the past} \ ? ¥ » ° e forty years and he could tell hundreds of trne stories of the! Wns» ee d . ; : j ' horrors of the drink traflic. As a result of his experiences he is | _—e ] n rie PROVINCE Pf BRITISH COLUMBIA ° ° ° Preference te given to returned soldiers a pronounced prohibitionist, so imbued with the necessity of DEPARTMENT OF LANDS THAT a : } ' with the necessary quai? one . FUREST BRANCH : are The Eramine stopping the trafliec that he gives an immense lot of his valuabl wi deri tieea cae Ses one food dollars ea : “ li OC . } ay ONS on 1 posit 0 time to lecturing against it and loses thousands of dollars a ASSISTANT FOREST HANGER ' vt ‘ ' ! 7 in ing year thro igh his aggressiveness in the cause. No one that knows Object. oan amr mamancmmneed him would ever speak of him as a fledgling or as getting his in-|oet g present varancies and to ecabie| si tas ‘ KILN DRIED PLANER ENDS formation from@racts. He has the real goods. oud -anawaaaen. in aialt : ae a ee Lumber Coa j 4 ‘ oes th ' re nert LAT A However Dr. Halli is not the issue in this campaign, neither anil Assietant Forest Rangers. oe . Piece S- from the Pr Ku . is any other man or women an issue. The issue is “wet'’ of ’ us n : : ~ : Septem! : ! ' pany us “dry,” and judging from all aecounis that come in, it is likelw to ea oa : vom - by © : the eh a) " We ire now ible . g t petter | be dry. ang ene) Cees a) rane, es n ad ta re the i : ate ma occh. ear a* a . at, es ere PE crease the 81 { tne 10 iG —— Correspondents Forget permanent Sah js made by [7T y A ( oie | d Rules as to Time. , is td per month the. en ears gO } a $7.00 per 0a Correspondents forget that it is necessary to have letters in oe ee! ot the t yea in Prince Rupert j ’ ey. ? i —— the office of the Daily News on the day previous to the date f Qualifications for Candidate* reins ss Or » term ISSHe 40 itis yeing publ shed, For Tuesday the letters are sooak "tan Medaaain ae tae Oe Lanes October 16, 1910 TIMBER GALE X 2588 Mer being set » type this afternoon between three and six o'clock |ON@ Jf. Of good Rhara, BOOS Bayes » W. Ande i if Phone afd for Wednesday the le tiers are set on Tuesday afternoon. In . hey one 4 hat wr eibers .- ! s : Rel a small office where a good deal of news is published, this is |work ano bandie men: and have knowleds \ he { necessary, There are occasions when the telegraph service fails |“ ! A‘ : or for other reasons it is possible to get letters published on |pa ie crel e inet tied shorter notice, but not as a rule. Just now so many letlers are ‘ pov vill vrs coke a . . offering that a selection has to be made. " ext ¢, edu mi tf 5 are ‘ub- Mrs Martir t of jeet to werification.! the anining Hoard ss preference is given to returned soldiers , w © egpeccery Sumaneen iwi I fell a fa ! ' TIMBER SALE X 2615. . The examinations will be held at the ; plates and on the dates named below. Each ' ' ‘oy the THEO COLLART, Notary Public ||teei sees eat ve ee | cree E. ry a = - ae ton forn * an r f ria ; rewarding \ si : : ' ' ; B, Midnight Thursday FOR SALE.—C SORNER LOTS on 14 on 14th th Street and Sec ond Avenue, the hour of the examination and the * . . Section Two, $1 100.00 cash. mg in whi wil head, Appl t | ! yifeet B » ! 4” Wednesday 1¢ m st EDSON COAL FOR SALE—Loose $12. 50, Sacked Lump $14.00 lo the Distrig t Forest in 4 muailec pack i M ' Miss | K ! «9 PRINCE anal oR pRANCE ase per ton delivered mim Beton te date of the examination M | Mre jugh Birch, a i is © allowed for re ‘ day 9p.™ ae bate : tw ‘ Sunday ae Most Liberal MARINE INSURANCE on the Coast Hazelton tridhy, Nateae age yb ar 8 ' + dee Ciba emenaadl ‘ , ' ve Insurahce Company of North America, Pays Claims promptly Prince Kupert Monday, November sth. | fhe b il) of W. Blac to Vietoria, m ¢ + Diswiet » ler, Primes " : P.0. box 66 Westholme Theatre Block Phone Blac 69 overt. Bc PINS Foreeer 4h Prince ee cre | 1 te " as : ne . j ' ome Députy Winshier or ‘Lane jie parlor Interme va TIMBER SALE x 2587. - RAIN SERVICE iM i ler of ‘Lands, , 1 , T 4 Saturday # - - — pith (rare #l ‘ sian « ery ine ‘ — —= —— Sat ie : , ; , 2 “ } , ; vea bY the Pass or Monday, Wednesday an \ ino ee _———~ not f ‘ j ‘ ; | : f AF ' ’ 4 sin. ‘ ! HT ENA FOR SKAGWAY See tect of Hemites sist’ Dalen me n Steamship UF Lot ited on Alice Arm, Casst eae All Ooee a VANCOUVER Oct is Whi ' cecrvationt Oe, me ; on i 7 will be allowed for re for infor aa thing avons © e e Princess Ena ia dischargi pulpimoval of uu mY at Clty Tlebet om o, 620 and taking on a cargo of 100,000), et rie Ht r Dist . veraates Princes Dentist. feet of lumber and general freight | Sepert, & aero for Skagway, Bee! } eeeeneereenene ; NAVIGABLE. WATERS PROTEG Bye B TM perl Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block JMAVIGABLE, WATEAS PROT! The b ih cf iO. C. CMAP. 116 y S DENTISTRY siete [eee oursuit do with your sue- [Ratt “Act pon tb 1 Sith the Mania! rot Cleaned and Pressed cess--your person- of th District Wepistfar of Land Lied | Hegietr district o ‘tinee Wt rt at Prin t ality---your appearance and your good health depend Rupert a description Gt tha sap and the sem taindien, dpnace, eregwers Amn Te at upon your teeth. You cannot afford to neglect such a valuable asset, Hest a, OF Diaariey, | ‘Conmubth mee 9s It only takes 15 minutes, Oct caret ie ; ‘ 6.6. pRincEs® 8 iy, Herel » 0000" | aor } | | Plans of wharf, salmon cannery and cola Steam Pressing Machine ' Oct tf na geatuie (re LOW PRICES---Best material money can buy. looky TAME NUAICH, IRM atir ne, Ors Ruse fo wana 2h ia ber ensonable from Prince Rupert for Swanee ancourer CANADIAN PACIFIC Be pul CANADIAN pacino 0oF B.C. Coast sami negate 8.8 SB. PRINCESS os Pina Be Alesha, Bivona iPlatis Proposed 10, be built in the Me thod | fer Vanoourer pine e PERSONAL ATTENTION AND PROMPT SERVICE will insure the RE ST RESULTS, [I itteucrice’Ltmied will, under Becton 7 of Delivery is Prompt Beaver Gorm, Powel! River, Tay omm wa ® the said Act, apply to the Minister of . Os nog? jPublic Works af bis effice in the elty of Give us a tral, Phone Black 502 pyauions and gon revervat Remember my address, Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block lattes, Yor aphcoval of the hal’ alte and | ror ra onan, aster! plans and for leave to construct the fice Hours y stant Oo E |wharf, salmon cannery and cold storage Of H Led? AdGstan pen Evenings per ’ ' | 9—12; 1—6; 7— wid Phone 575 — Sunday by Appointment LING | AILOR | ae h Street DATED at Prince Kupert, B.C, thin a4tn P Cor 3rd Avenue and 4t day of September, A.D, 1090 ipert : MAHITIME FISHENIES LIMITED, | : By Mesers, baunore & Fulton, Solicitors, | a th | - SS —_