THE DAILY NEWS <7 eet somes ~~ ‘Lo | and | cal and Personal | / { ts ess oem. SE Ask for Atkins’ Sausage. tf I) f =f j “ ne th j . “\ 5 ° It { J f a i yy i r The Sea Gi U : ~, f 2c ' hen The Sea Gives Up Its Dead A Talk On Thanksgiving : fF ee ' sc. ? ' p you really pive anks {— What 1] to ye Has it any spiritual signifi- cance, OF it for ieastingr It is not ow ' but it is Our purpose to bring home to inne th “ 1, you should give thanks, Cons the hopelessness of many Europeans, 1 { spiritual and personal sacrifice of | f tt r Soldiers and Seamen, Canada might be sulle : Then consider ill bear the loss of husbands and fathers and sons and tinue to suffer this loss until the sea gives up its dead. There are, in this « v, wives and mothers and children whose husband t surely laid down their lives for a Canada’s wella : s did soldiers and sailors who died in battle Canada’s Mz ee unsung dead—the plain men of undaunted cot for their grave the boundless deep. Cypre ' ve for them their shade. Their memor * f waiting women and uncom- prehnenal c i is ‘ t » provide for such Arve ic Navy League is ercly i t | i cir retuge becial Note. \ | isking for funds for the r ‘ ‘1 if wh »>were killed on Act nn) vin | , together with the « t rs by public subscription i this \ , C1 nent, the income from \ to provide for these dependents until the } CX But a v « children, the endowment Must « e | num be years, until they become self- Their Faith isin You. Ye cannot—ye dare not Break Faith. The ‘N AILORS tober 18—23. League of Canada 5 EEK CAMPAIGN y J | ' Dor ninion Objective $760, 000 _——— j lV) ind \ Miss (3 f vy y ff) 2. © } y of thela , | bgineering Co., Limited. . wre lof then a tae rating G7 20,000 Ton Fi ing Dry’ Deck Fre a; .¥ M c ; ~ i Uur Pp . | » for +} \ faptain ‘ COMMERCIAL WORK oe pater) eas por seo) os W ind). \ y ! wil Son \ th ie i 'rs, Ma : : re ssible i 8 wy Blacksm oD takers ~ \ \ ica I ‘ rounders ‘ te. \ ~ { it ! \ ore r m vs hours) Tt? i i Box 17)3 Your Enquiries ty ; TC: ; and 385 \ \ ‘ PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. trip by the Mary from] Kerr expedts: Proclamation oi Returning Officer PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUM? In the Prince Rupert Electoral District aforesaid, tt date the Tw TEMPERANCE PLEBISCITE ACT TO WIT: PUBL'IC NOTICE ij at 1 hz paaetved His entieth day of Septemb s hereby given to the Fleciors of the Majesty’s Writ ta me Cirected, er, 1920, commanding me to ca > STA Electcral District and bearing ise the follow- ing question, namely:--- WHICH DO YOU PREFER? (1.) The present “Prohibition Act’? (2.) An Act to provide for Covernment Contro} and Saie in Seaied Packages of Spirituous and Mait Liquors? to be subn acccrcing to law to the Electcrs qualified to vote ior tre electicn oO mem be 1¢ Legisiative nbly for the Electoral Listrict aforssaid; and, further, that in cbediei ce to the said i Writ ayecll sbellbe opcrec at eight o'Glechk in the forenoon a s i be clos: d at seven o’cleck in the afterncorn cn Wednescey, the Twenticih day of October, 1920, for taking and ‘civin. the voies cf the said Ei 1 polling division of the Electoral Listi ict eforesaid at the respective piaces following:--- POLLING DIVISIONS. arko Haysport fAargaret Bay Sand Epit 3 and -in-the-Walli Masset Sevzil : Gctla Hydah Nomu Seymour Inlet B3i oola Inverness North Isiand S4inegate en Euc y Bay Jodway Ccean Fails Emith island Butocale K msquit Ccocanic Cniifor River Ced ale Kit mat Ceanda s init Clextcn K isumgaliium Pacific Swanson Bay Copyer Bay M tsumgailum Lake Pacofi T srrace Copper City Kiiwanga Port Clements Tle buncdas Island Kwin tsa Port Essington Tow Hill Firvale Laxelse Lake Port Simprcon Usk Goorgetown Lavin Hill Princs Rupert Viacham's Cannery Mecorsberg Little Canyon Queen Chariotte City Ve'come Marbour artey Bay Lockofort Fefvge Bay Vodon River Lorne Creek Remo Of which ail persons are hereby required to take notice and to govern them- f Intention to Apr GIVE! NY und r my hand at Prince Rupert, B.C., 1 is T eighth day of wenty- tember, 1920; EDWARD H. MORTIMER, Returning Officer. , 62 DLT PR SE RR LE 8 EI IO ‘evening # issn iat a ih ete aia SR i. F NOTICE n ean | ata ® Chick Ch Nt hicken Chop : a Rettabere BH cabal h Po: TR’ MAN! Increased ; ; ? egg production rf ns money per saved. B& K CHICKEN CHOP isa balanced ration mixed according to formula which was pre by an expert 300 It I ryma The analysis of B & K Chicke Chop is regis- ‘ ‘ the tered w ‘th the government and is also printed on each sack, 4 post ; ; ve r of Lot Always in stock:---Alfalfa Meal, B raps, Clam and ; : : seas Ovyster Shell, Coarse Grour a Bon Charcoal, in fact every- ‘ i deg. 31 thing for the chickens. a3A rm O°") THE BRACKMAN- P.O. Box 745 AE Pricce Rupert, 8.C R ML 1G CO.,LTD. Phone 350 wane PRINCE RUPERT Central Labor Gouncil, O.B. U. y to Lease Land. Affiliated Urits and Dates of Jammer te a reeeaes ns Building Trades Unit, ! and Third Mondays, 8 p.m. f J Inence - ‘A i \ 19 fe Central Labor Council, ' ® ‘ Every Tuesday, © p.m 468 . 1 east Women’s Auxiliary, First to af ted at t Wednesdays, Dance & Social : noe at 9 p.m.: Third Weduesd Business Meeting at 8 p.m. PLE REEL LOLOL LL OO 5 . . ) Careful Piano Tuning ? Repairs to al sakes of Pianos, ) Phonograpl ‘ Spare ; parts in stock os Polishing j ag. Slade | Seevens ; 42s 5th Avenue W, 2 2 12 P.O. Box 762 { ? lL i i E | RO Oe EE LOLOL OLE OD ODO PDO OOP TOM LEE CO. 840 Second Avenue, West. VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retail General Contractors and Labor Exchange. Prince Rupert, B,C, P.O, Rox 725 LL OLE POLO LG E Ets Phone 547 t ement, con- Fishermen, Every Thursday, ; Ss! Cut 8 p.m MLAND SPI t CEDA w, p.m. ; MITES .