THE DAILY NRW o—~ e@ipathy and all human trails must! ' | fihave some alibi, else humanity] i In the Letter Box wonvld denatt And if vou delvel Experienced okertaranoreeale HEE Ueopce on yout ote ki Ss MENACE TO SOCIETY sccount and mot partake of tem anking Service PF dicseas peranes tracts without at least a PERFECT commercial banking Editor Daily News—It has cost)shake of salt ee eae service is only evolved by experi- {thre American Government $#4,-)he man himesel lo blame and ence. A Bank's walue to its customer ; ti not JOUN BARLEYGORN ‘ 1000,008 to enforce prohibition increases proportionately with the : widening of ite knowledge. ) Through its enforcement they The Union Bank has been engaged jhave saved $2,000,000,000, a very '» DOWN ON FARM is in commercial banking for more than fair return that gives by § half a centur y and has attained a clear for geied dollar expe aa h A GREAT PICTURE perception of its duties to the nce wag ; public. | In B.C, we have closed four . * i! 1 wera tr provincial jails and the num ' mack Sennett's Masterpiece, a IADA inmates in the penetentiary is he Five Act Comedy shown 7 llowest on record, We have gained Acain Tonight jfinancially and = morally through : | Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderick, Manager = prohibition. More than that We) pyeryone was delighted with have hecome socially conscious 4 k Senn ; i ay ng en terete ee ore jand are learning that it pays all)..7).. of ih fron to give the other fellow aly cy) ; es ie estholme ta } ‘ i hance, ecrean Ihe ‘ ‘ mbher of e These are some of the are lari a sie oy in taking jmenta that are leading thoughtf ey i ae re e e atk I Fi €s im,en fo say, as one man said to), mee line Last time I voted against ae a : Dry Kiln Capacity: 100,000 feet per day rohibition, bet t have studied th ha dit = . jquestion thoughtfully sinee then ee ’ land now T feel that: man has al, ; ¢ a sine SI } KA SPRUCE iright to indul@e himself when his!,, ; ; rig By" i (cha mo. Tbe > jaclt is such a grave menar to a Watin's DW. G ; isociety. H.R. GRANT CEILING FINISH OF ALL KINDS ‘MODERATIONISTS silos “gaa , CANNOT CONTROL Charlotte Islands Spruce Products Ltd. y Nev WESTERN HEMLOCK FLOORING, SIDING || It is a real foal © of th a ye \ Editor Daily howe: It is — FISH Is WAl TING Milis: Prince Rupert, B.C. fal sas dee ovictssontt ana "basse ARRIVAL OF CARS Local Agents: ALBERT & McCAFFERY trol the drink traffic The Bac, Prince Rupert, 8.C. Telephones, 564, 116, Blue 69 fovernment cannel prevent im. There are 175,000 pounds of Fish pertation and the re@ent outbreak Listed on Board at Fish Ex- f drink convictions is due to the change for Sale Today r ifact that the Federal Government With our modern egtipment and sanitary methods, lifted the wartime act prohibiting j eh «a ne held ove we produce a wholesome jimportation from oné provines nt at h e e ; another The figures since Pre we f “ f ce thibition was adopted by the Pr« e Kast N “ Nutritious Bread [i eccecee : “ incial trafMie Was restarted «} ¥ ins =. Our Goods are all made from High-class Material é tpaméndons falling of te eris TRY THEM Fils 14 tha sedbbn abe Modere The La Casse Bakery party do mot ose the sures 717 3rd Ave. Auto Delivery Phone 190 Stop importation i ee core. ; eae LOTHES are the best expression of your personal ng sustained € xt W ednesday he B.C. Government is pledged | ' 4 000 E C ity and the immediate basis on which you are ask the Federal Government t } r misy “ —~ : eae ed a j — ae , sive us the right to. vote } Shirul ooo i. v Ti Af judged. . LOOSE the ni vith ane ana J iment You es O me une portation and the Federal Gov. fw 3,0 1 can make no mistake in buying 20th Century Brand, ernment must give « that right ALL WHITE HELP sedtiie thie ta. thotr plat ee DIE THIS MORNING | Sold Exclusively by Under New Management ——= fo they want it I ; Moderation’—and what a word 4Ohn Melyin of Swapson Bay The Clothes Pp_* estholme Special | : pai i—is to vote for the sale, but not Passed Away at Hospital } all y . Shop for Men rince uper ov est o me pecia ithe control of liqaor. - a i y | *rohibitio alone ca eontrol ] M a ative f Kr i Three Course Meal - from 45c up) ff Prehih'tion alone can a re oe 1 12 eve at wil ot control oeees SURES | fully until importation is stopped th prim tupert General | TTT POM at Ga Tuapuages | POpioder Up av eausgtes \VURIIOELEL) COO set DOETLEAL TD ORE SURERS Co aon eeiatid “ | BONE DRY os | ' ‘as 26 years f SS eee —— j engeagircnitniyeillinnciguinaniianit cl teeagl on er veal at the es — . i] » ‘ . done ee Mail Orders Receive P. Oo. Box 183 ) JCHN SARL Aveeee S VIEWS : i ‘ = ae tt Ot a at al Prompt Attention Phone 558 t Editor Daily aciieal artise oon | arcmmeacens |CHllous, to lack compassion, syt- Advertise in the Daily News. cart. Phone 360 243) 10 per cent down, No furl ’