» 46, 1920, ee | cece a ae ee eer ee a . ee ” _ as a | MORSE CREEK FOR yoo Branches — 1910 SKATING PURPOSES ' Work Must COmmence at Once if , ; howd bank 7 Rises is to be Ready | 4 Laat ila 1 il athlete re Me (aNG0d. legates sera om oe te > da nk, bot it wh i Ce it i! { l n shape ur Victory Bonds by ae Stety Deposit BAX cakes elt int the cold #he coupons every ! nd nt ths in a Savings aM n. Bef ’ and earn interest M : Me ! : ae a hond interest at - ts 4 ea ; i t per annum com- led if M ded half-yearly aed 1) nier tt t it uh with + h ) will ‘ peserves $38,000,000 , nme All Sport Briefs | ; ves " “tt M wit UFR fine enone a's ae 1 * mn 4 ; gure n turning i ay ' ly : oe “ There must be a beginning ta a Aetnpfow, fe to okt pee | n ly chen finished, VIELDSTHE Ut, gu’s b TRUE GLORY.” — ak t! Stk FRANCIS DRAER. } tt ‘ . ge Mabon -aye| To Continue in Public Service— Ce: ier avy League O hada | . a ed amd . rea Re Needs $760,000 on t Next , 1% . ~~ i > ORK aia 7 SELL yee | I lots if . e s at f OVE «Since the money must come from the people, explanation is due it . e _— to them of the need for it. The work of the Navy League 1s: A en 7 thw bein 1848 Stil) Ye thi ne of business To Continue the:Sea-Conscious Spirit in To Continue to Relieve Distress of eo the People and in the Government. Canadian Merchant Sailors. tails To enlighten people upon the importance of the After this year the League expects to cease asking IN SALE at sea; so that Canadian products may be shipped, for funds for the relief of the Canadian dependents ; through Canadian ports, in Canadian ships,- of Merchant Sailors who were killed on Active Ser- 0 Stork s officered and manned by trained Canadians. vice. With the trust funds now in hand, together d " a with the suin set aside in the Budget, to be raised ar ware . a public subscription, it should be possible to establi Beam E st To Continue the Sea-Conscious Sptrit an endowment, the income from which will be suffi- me Black 114 inthe Schools. cient to provide these eo with a pension r dt} . ; equal to that granted to the dependents of Naval - y \s a Merchant Navy is the first step to sea men killed on Active Sérvice. ae power in any nation, so is the seed-sowing of fund- aie nated eats . . 7 ee “% S amental national ideals in the schools, the first step > eae Ot eed Ae eee of : li COAL (fl St. Andrew's Phursday to national greatness. years, until the children become self-supporting. ‘aa — a Steet canis To Continue Training 2,000 Canadian To Continue Upholdin Every Sailors’ Whe: . ae sl vit! Lads for the Sea. Home, Institute and Sailors’ Welfare ies , a i siete The continuous training of over two thousand Can- Society in Canada. rar Rupert F dC et Last night's adian lads, in the Boys’ Naval Brigades of the The Navy League seeks to make life comfortable we? sy fed UO. ge eainbibeh— Ww, ( Navy League of Canada, is to-day having an effect for our sailors when ashore. After all, Canada is ie V Ave. a St ts SAS We Mente Be upen pur maritime future. their home; and the home, while they are here, of ae KH, Mack and M. M, Lamb; the Since May last, sixty of these lads have completed the sailors of other lands. t. a wo can % M . 6 : , their training and passed into the Canadian Mer- The Navy League endows, maintains or assists in fr, ae Wirrcccesssveseséi\Mathieacn and 3. M. Cainpbell chant Navy. Fifty more have gone to England to maintaining every Sailors’ Home, Institute and 9 R RE N 7 fi Wit Martin, Jr, was ret man the new ships of the re-organized Royal Can- Welfare Society in Canada. And every dollar sub- Ce a adian Navy. scribed for the maintenance of these Homes and ished R eee tue ee bh esol Under the guidanee of Experienced Sea Minds, it Institutes will be money well invested and redound f coms Tiledt TE hha alias teens, Thule is oe eae to give chosen lads from the Boys’ to our national prosperity. . . . . . bel oan es lay\night and they are g to Naval Brigadés an ocean-going education second to These objects can only be achieved throagh an ‘eeper uunLON Hot | take an active part in all the} none, so that Canada will have efficient master organization representative of public responsibility ‘ae 9 cae sy e — i o_o and ae eve : a oo sca:inen. and outside party politics. Pr ees Pits A eee oe ly saa . dents i cai tele lant } fi ‘ee et, Pe ~ t h