as THE CARY NEWS Page @ McCa ie Gibbons es 00 ‘ BS ibs ae & Doyle, Ltd. +.00 Real Estate & Insurance rahe \ $4.25 Prince Rupert, F.C. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS oe 46c - — errr \ i tins, 960 over - - ns $1.35 7 ‘ ; Sperial DENTISTRY } ioe 40 3 ibs. $1.40 } * ; r ih 60c Don't neglect your Teeth } = ke One decayed or missing tooth 2 25e lowers your efficiency 2 pks ; $1.50 > 7 3 ibs. 25¢ DR. BAYNE ; | ea 206 Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; 2 BOc Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- ‘ 36 ] diy, 9 to i2 on! Evenings, ‘ 30 } Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- per ib. 36c } Gay, from 7 to 9. ts pkg 800 DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT ; ee EE EE BIER OO Rusert Table Sunply Co, PHONES 211, 212, DOO MAELO ACL ILD OOD TAXIDERMY oe aes -> 7 = —_> OUR COAL iS IN THE LEAD Ff When it comes to quality, and you will always find here the right kind for every purpose, No wmytter coul for power-—we COAL THAT 1S RELIABLE Consumers Coal Co,, Ltd. J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block ‘Phone 7 what you need heating, COOKING, have branches, Satisfaction in all ite Work life-like. Guaranteed, D. C. TAIT 1116 Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. - os | errr eee | Better Than Pills JAMES PARKER» CON FEC TIONERY | Pacasowe FUNERAL HELD <3 A - We have a particularly 7 onight , good assortment. Page & to tone. end strengthen Interment Was Made In Fairview Shaw’s bottled era of - Simine tne " Reet rete Cemetery this Afternoon many kinds. Pascall’s But- foo sick ne en A ng : la ter Scotch, Fruit Drops of Tog eet, Promntys plegsantly, : many kinds. Lowney's I Sticke in bottles. Tomo wv Alright Qur Chocolates are of | “ the best quality, Ganongs. Moirs, Willards, Neilsons, Liggetta, | The price is right. Ormes Limited Seats ues The Pio neer Dru agi ists . omeets + eaeetneetesr—me? ee te : i ._ \ ’ { Phones 82,200 THE REXALL SfORE :p.o. Box 1680 1 Church Notices / a aid St os uM 1 Mra. « er, | Cs ee ee ee . \\ j t araeR TEER First Baptist Church a KE. 4 s aaneabenatieieeeaaee << oe ty Sunday. October 3 i u@, o ' \l Communi Wa at At 0 ) \ : When Me ! W e. om nunity TIMBER SALE X 2697. hool a . by ! { \ Silve ttm ‘ ‘ : os D Ag ar “ j x Io DD : coat Mi” a rt he At rt i se First Methodist Church ; fal rocmet:| Morning + “tt Adair | , er J | “ s ty Hhupert, t lay » I q | Ada WATER NOTICE, ive a Phe se : . 42 STORAGE ti fan ac . l l l > Marit Fisher us " va Ch M start i ia ary es t mn i \ I Sub led | R nee for) ‘Canada Free and Canada Sobor water cmHOWT mrt GR! Ww N “10 First Presbyterian Ohuren HI q ult DE ORE aee 4 ‘id ' ; . ?r'ncre vert T na Cre to Taco- ' eae ee ma frmoltor. First of Many h ~ ! wary of , nee J B : - ; S Ou U fer : ; S . ere = bs | } Misttics Lot Ras Jeweller ies ; , ete i . to oappte CO SI EE id 1 —— ' : ' the ® i MARINE EXCHANGE. i 7 . Widetar Act VANCOUVER © { ‘ t . pee i : () > rele . é posal | a7 IT FEP I | F RS LE ; Water Hernts 1 ate to establish a ma vi ILL HER¢ KEEP US ; t “ ‘ WHIM) ery ‘ reTe } TOVCE ey ‘das aver, te ret apweaance of sah a HE ‘LTHY—TESIS PROVE IT : . ui tu ‘ Limited, Cias ita : * . ; PA oat ‘ Ke ‘ ) ! ' ; yard e °. t M rT s, M ~ 7 = OU Marnier ec) TES ae Peovie prefer pi 3 : : i ” | provided prompt ; Rooms. gs. 5 2. sl. $45600 Vv C ae: Pee . Py o's : YW. - End proves pro: Tw nae tetas Beecham’s Pi ; £5, <-oee < we ree is ] used by peop all 5 by 81.850 over ti t i 3 ul fur ecla S! have the la 7 Pv ] of any : i i the woul BEECKAI 'S PILLS verywhere "he Canada. in boxes, 25<., 55. Westholme Theat, TONIGHT lhe Most Sensational Comedy Program Eve, eines ‘Get thie old thriffs * ain- get back to Grand ie) 48 6 Old Nature WM MACK SENNETTS Big New FIVE-REEL Comedy Sensation ‘DOWN ON THE FARM’ J is a riot of rural romance and ieiry—H4e will gi y you all the benefits of a three-months summer vacation in an hour of fast and furious fun and thrills— » Aa all-star cast of Sennett Pavorites including Lowise Pareods, Merie Prevost, Ben Turpin, Bert Roweh, Merry Gribboo, James Finlayson, Billy Armstrong, Little Jobanic, the Baby, "*Teddéy,”’ the Dog with The Human Brain, “Pepper,”’ the Cet, pm Hens, Torkeys, Ducks, Geese, Cows, and en array of Perm al i? Essentials and Ornamects — wut forgetting the well-koown fs \ 4 ie Mor igage. ; Fatty Arbuckle ina 2 reel scream, WS rHe & i yA Fi ~ | . io Tit MA t ’ a Ni,.ht Prices, 30c and 55c; Matinee il Yt ER tuck! ulsnas! oetuas ihiealeieealeto ig ——— Nertice 1 HeMEBY ’ \“ Hh out 9g ea EMPRESS THEATRE - Tonight MeMali te home ta, A Seven Reel Special Featu pos ees ae ' FELOW R00 a tt Oa 8, “THE MYSTERY OF THE YiLLUY 6 ' 1 brttest at Kk ' i ' j ss AI veictihis (house: sa 5th Episode of “Million Dollars Rewa'e nd iu M “ nh not ' ie ata ow, @ MeWspaper published at Prince MUTT AND JEFF in “Up Stairs and Down” wae hpeB at erince uapert, iy, Cub ah i hinaves div _————— ee lay of Seplember, A.D 1920 Mf ! 1a 2 EE Lt , oeitiel A nee eat vw ; , sy ‘ 7 ee S ; = ccc ee ee TAKE NOTICE that one month after the ; F nal ry Never forgetsto look through grot_inertion of this, Rotice Le Pine Ak Qrnder Health Ke. (he clmaaitied tit I heme vee COORD. We PArmre ' 4 i\ r enDA TED at Wrinee Hupert, 8 $ , j Ty Pra a UWners ait ere on "Leb INI Me. WHIGH LTD, ‘ << Adele tae prop G H ARNOLD | . Peli Wor au este % ’ ae eBde | At this season of the year ae Bulkley Valley de seri Ba a Notary Public. it that his heating pl ots th the colde . " : : . mcciket “tay Sia stoves) is put in conditi + and ti Beef Prices : pe pert Deug Co. and al _ For Sale If you want the work done p mn No. 1 Side or Carcass. 14¢ posh birt throughout the Weis vied house on Bs S do. Hind Quarter .. 180 Pre or send pte ui Soventh Avenue West we } R O W BX Fr aEer aise BOER 0 $Q)800 I : Valley. Weite or wire Vaneouy 13.4 alii llalf cash, balanee to be | HEET METAL WORKS Broughton & McNeil Ser eeeeerwroaeen ane . rranged § t p one ot ELKWA, B.C. , TOO LATE 10 OLASSIFY ° Bin} foie | house on Fifth — . | 220 2nd Ave he Samet tehedl Oe Cee eee ero eee errors Se, aut Greene - i tended to bY PM FOR SALI Piano, very es $3 900 when your wants will b ¢ . eondit reasonable, hot ’ men Hotel Prince Rupert oon : ow é 605 Thompson Bt formes €1,000 cash, balance ii SENT TO po M E N’'S woM a oan on to be agrangod | NO BOYS SE ’ aA EUROPEAN PLAN Woman wants work by the duy cr $1.60 d and up. eouking or cleaning, Apply box i ' aces en per day souking or clean ie Avvly 1) HL G, Helgerson, Ltd. athe Daily Ne FIRST-CLASS CAFE se nr aes . Ca toe FO Pero eee ee eaoaad| Advertise in in “The