THE DAILY NEws ls au ’ | Local and Personal ; | Ask for Atkins’ Sausage. tf | . . . : | Morley Shier left terday for Hs azellon. ' ‘ . . . J. MeAleenan @rrived from Abies j“t n this morning. Hugh MeClinehy for the ° [south fi the John Sunday night roc ama lon Oo | Basketball Associat eting iPeck Moore office, Second Avenue hi might 8 p.m. 9 & 5 | a ee on ge ul nin 1 e hotel man, reached | n on th eC J S . I Chelohsin this morning A dance s held a Skating » % T [Rink last night. It was well en PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ‘ hioved by those attending. , | : . rt . - murs 7 In ihe Prince Rupert Electoral District ; rs. Naan a j aaugny ’ ) “e «failed on Princess To WIT: |\Beatrice Saterday afternoon for ; eouver. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to the Electors of the Electoral District | woe p bolle sina’ cil aforesaid, that I have received His Majesty’s Writ to me directed, and bearing ds, is in town, having arrrived date the Twentieth day of September, 1920, commanding me to cause the follow-' om Ocean Falls by launch yes- ing question, name ly:--- i ° lay ing. |: pec See 5 WHICH DO YOU PREFER? i Hi. &S unre manag of a ee re ree Lie Saeeee tone See (1.) The present ‘Prohibition Act”? | a uver on the rine | ieorge Thursday. (2.) An Act to provide for Government Control and | Odile *Woudes Ue Allie Weed Sale in Sealed Packages of Spirituous and | .uperintendent, was in town over Malt Liquors? he we end on his way from ‘ s . IStewar Anyox. to be submitted according to law to the Electors qualified to vote for the election tie Aiteed *rkaiasa, 8: es of a member of the Legislative assembly for the Electoral District aforssaid; and, ned Sunday night from Hazel- further, that in obedience to the said Writ a poli shall be opened at eight o’clock in d ion the Prince John the forenoon and shall be closed at seven o'clock in the afternoon on Wednesday, ancouve e { st : ° Pre : ; ny ‘ the Twentieth day of October, 1920, for taking and receiving the votes of the said i] Ww ‘ ' : : d 7€@ GWAY Db to hear Canada’s Electors in each polling division of the Electoral District aforesaid at the respective ‘ ‘ = ay laces following:--- s New O Emy . P s ‘a1 ° 9 Friday nig cl POLLING DIVISIONS. vy League ae hat—Another ampaign: : Atnarko Haysport Margaret Bay Sand Spit “ : Dane eld) @ Banks Island i -lo-in-the-Wall Masset Sewell We think we hear your exc!imation. You want to forget the war and all De Luxe Hall \da Ecila Bella Hydah Namu Seymour Inlet its aftermath. We ar } vou your desire to forget—but we must Chapter 1. O. D. 1 We Bila Coola Inverness North fstand Stidegate oot, ury the solemn obligations undertaken in the days | = . ae Bay Jodway ee paige te i e s a utedale Kimsquit ceanic Spiller River , ; ‘ . | th} 4 Cedarvale Kit'mat Ceanda *. Surf tniet Canadi have bounden duties to those who must _bear a burden until Porc = oe Claxton Kitsumgalium ~ Pacific Swanson Bay the ‘graves are Of i and the sea gives up its dead’’— who must forever ¢ se te Copper Bay Kitsumgalium Lake Pacofi Terrace carry the memory of sons and husbands and fathers who went down tothe | pe A Ba M Copper City Kilwanga Port Cloments Tisil sea in ships and never returned. ae Carthine aan Dundas Island Kwinitsa Port Essington Tow Hill 3 lies 4 Firvale Lake!se Lake Port Simpson Usk be 9 | ss Georgetown Lawn Hill Prince Rupert Wadham's Cannery Vy League — What —Another Campaign? oe sins spectfully Pe Hacenstorg Little Canyon Queen Charlotte City Welcome Harbour J ft the. { a oat Kartiey Bay Lockerort Refuge way Woden River Yes, another campeign. A campaign from-which the Navy League does not he lats M fro Lorne Creek Remo ch; | n (! yntr sud to i ; — beca B; Cc. - s to ; : : : flinch; but ‘ { : contrary @ proud ¢ bring before the people use ; Of which all persons are hereby required to take notice and to govern them- (isthe peopic § trusice. a ; ibd neter selves accordingly. ihe ot mm to oroys efor our merchant sailors’ dependents was under- very e ° . . GIVE N 7 } dat Pri R B.C this T: t igohth da f Lies e% ic during the war, and must be maintained by them, until " ; eee my hand at Prince Rupert, B.C., this Twenty-eighth day o the need for itis no more. i f - . I sha September, 1920. After | ir, however, the League expects to cease asking for funds for |\''* . : EDWARD H. MORTIMER, Returning Officer. t lief he Canadian dependents of Merchant Sailors who were killed ac h SL NE FOES Oe LE ( Wit e Wrust Funds now in hand, together with the ed ee the Budget, to be raised by pubtic subscription this week, eke oa . Se waa = to establish an endowment, the income from which will Pwenty ; ‘ these dependents with a pension equal to that granted — re FEE ee OU SERENA, Alco Chicken Chop of Naval men killed on active service. : SITCATE AT ALICE ARM. Sia ee AP AAt ‘ r AYLUR MINING ce . ; : The As icf ‘ dents are young children, the endowment must con- “ g on UBreN} cee ae ee Mr. Powi TR) MAN! ncreased . tinue in er of years, until the children become self-supporting. ithe case t Bbia, a Company co Oe gig pata means ‘money ; Pp 8 «ae ul} at r the 1aWs Of tne saved. B & K CHICKEN CHOP isa balanced ration mixed + ae RY e 9 i Pin ‘ d : roliowing nee according to formula waoich was prepared DY an expert an ; j ' a! tua e wi ty oO Lot ltruma ne analveie >& K Chick . ic a. b L 0 icine ( fadanan Dr \ : . siae ane Sean tn poujtryman. The analysis of B.& K Ghicken Chop is regis- ; Re, vy ea g _— W hat Another ampaign 4 - Magis j ee cassia? f a Alice .” post tered with the government and is also printed on each sack. > ri Yes, at mpa sa. Is it nothing to you? Maybe not; but there are | Mor . . vatrics’ teen Cane _A rey ck:- Alfalfa Meal, Boefscraps, Clem and «ee Wi rT ek, k h | mort a ; ; deg. 29 min. West a aistance Oyster Shell, Coarse Ground Bone, Charcoal, in fact every- es iers and children praying anxiously this wee nowing that | — | ae Uke rank Td North 84. deg. 31 thing for the chickens. Upon results of the campaign must depend their sustenance for many Pempuree Sovliabeie DRelaiee Of Lak Seeker Saueae | F rears | e we‘! | THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO.,LTD mm et : aa a 5 Oommen or ca m a Pe bs liGazellea s the 4 at res ae or less, which P.O. Box 745 Pricce Rupert, B.C. Phone 350 vy | Aan cr Wi} t r .? ? ion the Knox Hotel (¢ at n the twelfth aay of August, s MmCas : 2X Rely ee A th ampaign? ie50 sia Northerr ? t NORTH, ta Y : ue na no e h I eas 890 ; But , ; I Agent for the re r Mining Company eae pe Se a! es ther Campaign ac sponsibility during the ([.°° °‘ ; - ) ce Arm, &. U., ths ourt twews ; ; ‘ ae rh . the people accepted this re pono y & toned ' t DATED = » e Arm, 6 this Twelfth PRINCE RUPERT > Careful Piano Tuning = ne pic must live up to it now. Give generously when you are . . areca ‘ Repairs to all makes of «Pianos ca ; . . : LAND ACT ~ ss . : m 8 . = a ’ e Hed Upon, | The 1 Al t rok i i Central Labor founcil Phonographs, Cameras — Spare ai wit ) Not! oe of intention to Apply to Lease i. ’ ‘ts in stock. French Poliat jiarge quantily aul and cOlgre en Cmariotte talands Land wustrict, parts in stock. rence olshing 4 jmill machinery he Kelly ca : or § : ne ae , ies Oo. B. U. J. Slade Stevens ’ . ‘ — corm _o jat Lockeport Saturday nicht ) 7 on Masset ines. . _ en {2% 5th Avenue W. THE NAVY LEAGUE OF CANADA Lous. calls we ade at Aliford (spit, Be URAKAM TELARD Affiliated Units and Dates of Phone Red 291 P.O. Box 762 - land Lago Bay to fll the for. /Glements =a w iene es MEETINGS Meehe 7 . 7 ya aie oh with salmon from this |followine ‘a ands: Building Trades Unit, First Sherer LORS’ WEEK CAMPAIGN “i's lstitin tts SSSA | monetiguntecy re | aUillters pack we Wr bi 53 thence i ‘ a. rv 7 n 2 20.9 feet; Central ai Council, TOM LEE CO. ber 18—23 2D Objective; $760,000». ana in fisted OE at Rate | Brey Tomas, pe a {rs ‘de 5 i Was fihed & i) | Teet Ienee south 33 eg es) 6 ety . ens » = me ominion Ob} ; Se=lin the police court this morning tere tome 230-4, ets mance, cant, aay b Weeremieaon Dance ® Social fi} 840 Second Avenue, West. } ’ nile bevy rt wn } uthwest corne said Dilock 53; thence - Third Weduesday ial ; Find t viiieliie after having pleaded guilty on the [seulwest corr oS Sere eee es 5 at 9 p.m r ’ : ae f ; Pru George to {charg of selling liquor. The raid |mark a ne the moatocian ieneis or D i Business Meeting at 8 p.m, VEGETA BLES j Kal Dri d sit h > ‘Heuehl Mrs. Charles}Was made by Sergeant Adams and Ehated “1% ‘pares Mone OF esa and Soro Every Thursday, Wholesale and Retail ie } } [Constables McDonald and LoganjOhsHas Shane NITED ar ; Metal Trades, First and Third General Contractors and : . n rie Bela ; sees land marked ey was effective) _ pared august @ th, 4920 Fridays. m= SS | Labor Exchange. ; ? TT d Captain Form-|} ‘ ' is eu Fishpackers, First Saturday F ,ve H. a n and u in obtaining the conviction, WATER NOTICE, : ind! in oy ood by, of Patlinson & 1 4. fe | oe USE AND STORAGE. ena i ee Prince Ruport, B,Q,, “a ies ~~ & me fey don Saturday ey tate a = } Among the | a ~~ S Passing TAKE NOTICE that The Taylor Mining and Fourth Sundays, 8.30p.m |) phone 547 — P.O, Box 725 ; ee all \ ture tre 1 we strip up Sithrough tow ie enture On| Company Limited Whose address is 60 as 1 sie 4 KII N DR Naas five is as Niyansh, | Saturday evening were P, F, Shee- oer apbie ter - ioe y+ apenou veer fee : qrommmpliisiassiitelilaelatante Tica tn : fron RIED PLANER ENDS, visiting as well at Citlakdamiks han and J. Chambers who have |teh second fet of maior git OF Wit tines in thirty. days after ine rst appearance Of ithe Pri e Rupe rt I umber Com- and si li ti Weadher i8ipeon timber cruising in the Naas south westerly and ere ae ae Bog Te aeee ty uste Wake towee will be Phon® Green GOT 1017 3rd Avenue : . 4 a Mill ” vetting very cold and there Was /eountry They travelled by foot aut Bee enone vie ag , a tate eee eee ny ines rads ‘ re | iy s : 26. u . ; ‘ the Kile me storage+da or e om the Wolf Group o ineral Claims : ae noy 4 : wi, plenty . 8 ‘ . hunting, from Terrace up the Kilsumkalum a hie io ee cae Fan connate ious the Aitzault Aver The petition for Dalgarno & Watts : : AVC owe 1 to better fa cilities, to in- \ pe is of the best in that} River to the Naas slope and then'or the reservoir to be ereated is about nil,'the approval of the undertaking will be if the $iz t : ; \ nal nd wef 1 month in r land The water will be diverted filed in the office of the aaee asant Ss ' 4 } y. Lo Alyatingrane ere & 0 ; re stresta rolnt abot he Water Rights and with the ter Kecorder ‘ . : and to reduce eC th e pri ce to ” the wilds Mr. Sheehan belongs He Mineral 2S A bina ne i od rena diaanaet anen cad “one will be BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS ; . : . power Pp ses upon the mines described heard in (he ofice of the Board of Inveass- Specialists in Light and Heavy Gon, 5 UU per lo d to the Vaneouver timber tirn,!\. ine Wolr Mineral Clatm an@ the Dolly) gation at ‘ee * ue Bxed by the Comp- struction, Kepairs and Alterations ’ ' n \ al Claim voller of ter lights, and any perso a }Sheehan & MeLarty, rr a 7 : . past don the ground on intnhs sted imay Ale an objection thetete in Fivet Class Statrcease Work oid . ene } a A the 18th day af September 1920 the offftee of the Comptroller of Water Fluishiog ’ me mr SINCE bn | : ei f this natice and an application i ghts oF wf the Water Reeorder at Prince Ketimates Cheerfully Given ¥ ; Urder . o orge o ear anada' Ss pursua her anne oO the Vater ce upert resald ifj raer from n't ‘hear: Camade etack wi ned in the office of the, TAYLOR, MINING COMPANY, LIMITED, BRICK AND CONORSTE SUILDING ‘ Ic Ca - Soldier Padre, Canon Seott, OR Wary neeorder at Prinee Rupert Applicant, ‘ rta ge, a Phx ne 93 { New QOutlov } ress! Object to the application or petition By ©. B. North, agent CONTRACTORS : 0 Vanada & oN ways DPS may | i with the sald Water Recorder the dute of the first pyeees ation of tote | : Se COUGHS i theatre Friday night al 9 Oo Clock. lor with the Comptroller of Water Rigbts, notice ls September 32, 1920 ‘