nee assed Beef s Slaughtering: hip ck now arriving » the stock PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper 5 10. 25, 185 ; Fulton Market Che Daily News Phone 75 WE NEVER SLEEP Prince Rupert Auto eres 707 Second Ave. - Prince Kupert f he er wees PRINCE RUPERT, B. ¢ WED? DAY, OCTOBER 20, 1920. Vesterday’s Circulation 2,125. eS Street Gales 290. PRICE FIVE CUNTS F TRADE PROTE ESTS AT TRAIN SERVICE SY TIME AT POLLING BOOTHS TODAY VOTING ON THE LIQUOR PLEBISCITE MAY SETTLE COAL STRIKE IN ENGLAND Both Sides Desire to Reach Understanding and Pro- posals ars Being Propared. ction is Going rong Here Today g00¢ order wander Returning Of- rE. H. Mortimer; large staffs at polling booths LONDON, Oct. 20.—Nego- belief 's gensral that pro- posals are in course of pre- e paration by both parties | : wn perties. Proposes Two > Daily Trains t : ane CANON SCOTT IS East out of Prince Rupert b WILL cess COMING FRIDAY and | i EN . *" Famo'ts Padre of First Division, 1 ms : ne a Be .) ‘ iid ‘ Se Friend of all the Soldiers, eine eicie ach ! afen bé Wale here te Imoute F.4G. Dawson expressed the Opihiol vesterday Board of Trade poor service on the railway two trains.a day between here COL. LECKIE WHO TCCK FART IN THE TAANS-CANADA FLIGHT. aft fim KE IS OVER et ; : Pare 7 ~ immer there shouted be V t i i ay > pe “e | Prine Rupert Servis. : ‘i uM s inthe), B se a ming and Prince George. gne a through train carrying the tourists and) “The principal and most em-} A Protest Against the Train Service Local Board of Trade joins with Fd- / monton Board in asking for Throvgh Trains to Prince Rupert At the meeting of the council of’ the Board of Trade the rooms yesterday afternoon, | McCaffery, G. W. idraw up a held ia M. P. appointed to a committee consisting of Niekerson and F. G. Dawson was protest to be forwarded to A. E. Warren, general iwiager of the Canadian National Railways, against the present service between here and Edmonton. The were eeling ot , ' tiations which might settle : 6 the strixe are believed to be 0” M assured. Government officials j g a £ and iabor leaders in Pariia- } ment beih chowed a desire to ! MWS * Le ' ght and Major lobbs just Ihe roach en understanding. The - Wind ' mipteting the first half of the fight the members preseut was that this city was being side-tracked t strong protest li was shown the tr jand that | should be made against it. ithat while 1 1 from Vaneouver was not held at Jasper to wait for the Prince Rupert train, Prince yet when the Vancouver train was late, the Rupert train == Taking Fish and Passengers... w sau ort “rae sa LILLY GUILTY ' | Bearing on the question of . a letter of protest sent)by the kdmonton Board of Trade to r. Warren was read, from which ‘ithe following is an extract: Psersvice Oi MURDER IN FIRST DEGREE Man who was Caught Leaving »| thatic protest we make is in cast i this ; ; ; bose who wished to go to Edmonton or further east, and the : ; and ‘ the boys who ; i e wester : . Burni Launch is Convicted nstantly Ignored by) 4) niinesra lholude James BPS, AMY : . other a purely dara! train such as that running uow. A service -— = th oe ae I pe a wel overs*as ait ‘ nz ’ rince upert. an Inter-j tie Given as Reason for Howe eS, BteVens Gates: : 1 friend, | like vould tuduee tourists to come this way and would give | iediate points | Reports received from Juneau Kis Action : . \ es Waldorf ls there afte 6 do ; ‘ eas the loca! train cbuld leave in the evening. | “If you will investigate the /lell of the convietion of EF. 5. Lilly te ” 83 ‘ thre rad li folhowing \i "A to to say that. given plenty uf eapre ss | passenger traflic and express of the murder of Bi Wood r a ee oem ‘ tel has b , See tusiness on this road between/Worth.. The verdiet was “guilty / - Ss n n rpeara | ik Ww very y a aa |Edmonton and Prince Rupert, you of murder the first’ deg ‘ { . { : A Iwill find that it is exceptionally | Withomt canitcl himent.”” I : Ce w ‘ . . ‘ . i jieavy, even during the winter, lere he is sente oppor- only a tri-weekly;tunity fo i" tat Divisik ul », friend th trains jWhen there is only < ri-weeklysfenity r-appeal % nu ven, a 2 . ' neade, genera land a perating and S R val supply inj!hey are nv urgently needed, i dinghy from the same anchorage tia that a lic ‘ ll DO paiow felt ite thrill Andthes the a Mr. Carvell replied,| lrhe dinghy was found by Hen- ted K nex rl GO. f this mary s person. | War Vetarans Were in Charge of joy. pave reeeived no complaints ‘MINERS S RESUME N ldey’s brother overturned yester- Ltd rage The pip? show to advantage J. Melvin Funeral This other than those regarding the} j } y wa ! ! v z ;day. in i \ " the sa day when to a Afternoon, supply of refrigerator cars. No CROW’S NEST FIEED — ee th lkselioster und MeLenna f hundred or more gath complaints had been received | esti Ladies Knitted ‘sel Waists, iy et i work of Rreelm eke e ma tare a — i agg tks Coal Crok and Michel Men Go to © for 41 at Jabous Dollar Sale, ' M Thomas Min Hiiatl al : vith t th esia there jaflernour the B, C, ndet est regarding ie Ca 8 y. ccntinalitiniuaiiamacininaiseilieasiaiishiii mate Miapieeiaditeiiidiie vd on. tha -P e Ce this}... : 7" thei detail, the ltak parlors J. Melvin, of which was a matter of complaint Work Foliowing Mass | ‘ nd Ww pend sou wintnl story @ the eanen’s vant bay eturned sol ith western lumbermen earlier Meeting | New location Tice i vith | laugh | t ttle n wi way reeently atiin the year, Mr. Carvell stated i ’ ismitinkg V fr ubupe . . i iis ittie = 12 lie vh pa 1 a ay cf yi i \ . : es : j M | l Duby Fourth fart with i few of those oldjthe hospital fhe funeral was in|“As a matter of fact we have not FERNIB, Oct, 20. Work was He gerson . \ i hea an y soldier charge of the Great War Velerans’}had much time to obsetve con- resumed at the Coal Creek and) Biock ’ 2 2 8 ah 4 { brotl vy tittle tatk soeiation and Canen G, A, Rixiditions in British Columbia save Michel mines yesterday morning, | Associated with br \ \ \ ededhte formerly su ? half vy the way nducted th . COs Lhe p ill in the north,” ithe deeision to go back was ar-| Taxi Service of 4 me i ' tite i ( teu . | : “ perintendent of the Anyox smelt nih " : , whith | boearors -were | L, Wilsor H ciesischegeenephiineyeenestieneienpieinat rived al & mass meeting on Sun-| ———e— Cars, Limousine in int day ite +f . st fellow ' ‘ grip tilliRaynor, S&S. 1 Warrior, BR, B Members of Si. Andrew's Bo-jday i and Touring Cars, Mice Arm where he has exten eer ' wkhouse sand/Cousins, Win, K and J. U. Kelly./eiety, the Ladies’ Auxiliary, and) The company agreed to scratch | Your Patronage liink thterest ‘ " , mr . Wa i Int i was rairview Cer Secoltish friends are reminded ofjof half the tbames on their dis- Sa@icited, oS eourse the ‘ as up.jinterment i ary . . ; , vt shioned Seotch/ crimination — list leaving only Seott ind in the « thie Real old-fashioned Seotch rinina . i - y| H \ T Phe best photoplay yet Male |< .s : thi oa GA ny dance” in St. Andrew's Hall to-/ four The regurn of these men unt ey ale. res rr Female’, Westhe oO .#8 ~~ A hless-yout B. C. Undertakers. Phone 41. : ow night. seine acltically finishes the strike. i oo RESP ag << e. -F a. a 7