THE DAILY NEWB yp Ons ~ rs T eaoees = — — ———_ \" W. Beott and ( lf. Orme left} —) j on aan morning's train for Ed. | | al “on ° . . . | Mr. and Mra. Olof Hanson re. Ask for Atkins’ Sausage. _— tf | [turned this morning from a trip gi % to Victoria. A. D. MeQuarrie arrived last om ; evening from Terrace. Mr. and Mrs, ©. b. Starr went Th ; oe ae to Vancouver on (lhe Chelohsin} e€ |} Six balls crochet cotton for #4 last evening. jat Jabours’ Dollar Sale. 47) Sie | . . ‘ ray Reserve Friday Saturday ome | ion. T. D. Pattallo re turned for “Male and Female” at the lacuth on the Chelohein last 1-| Westhoime, x K ot | oa moke | . . ‘ Ladies Cotton H black or | Coming Friday and Saturday,| white, 4 pairs for *1 at Jabour Male and Female” to the West-|vllar Days Sale. 47 ue ie i . fA ", ° ee * | F. L. Buekley, t Masset Inlet Mr. and Mrs. 8. 8. Magoffin re-|! imiber man ar 1 from the jturned from the east on last}seulh this morning evening s train, | “\ ; f : ’ i ‘ s ‘ Ww. 5 eatherst iaugh, divi- . * . Noward D. Thompson, of Hafsivhal engineer, lett on th OUR wife will welcome your smoking reltor « registered al the Hotelj mor ne's train for Pr e George “E) C ” thy ‘oe Ruder * . . B JPrince Hupert. [ 5. t. srmlip, iand Tron LD CHUM” about the house. one steamship port é1 “ at * Dollar Days, Thursday, Fridayy oe ps _ , Wh th e PW (uUnS wick near Dans Eaureday, Friday ey corde al 7 en supper is over, and you settle Brothers, Ltd. 7 i" d “a h ea D a own to read or chat, fill up your ° ‘ ‘ Mrs. Fred Gith ind . . . Frank Stripgham, of Anyox, is} A : th “OLD C UM” d f | fy n town teday on his return from Miss now ion Dye eturned th favorite pipe wl H an *<> « , ly la trip to Seattle, PROFOIRE trom AP sh tos ff " ted ; Is the Highest Class | ey lattle. pull away. i>. , Taiking Machine in | Mr. aud Mrs. Alfred Stork left hi adia Mis 6 Th H ce i i a ast night for California where ‘a oe or ae ee ee ee ete e me OW fra an f th h wrk NS the world. Plays all they will spend the winter. iis Morning en suite to. her gr 0 iS Cc oIce PF. eae | | ae homie $8 Tetiaey atier « te te tobacco makes it Canada’s favori i : j ae makes of Records Kegular meeting of G. W. V. A.{ Seattle. adas avorite, baa 3 ore « 6 ee ey fer : jtenight at's v'elocy. All mem- tn . » Ds AW. pons fi. 9 ad perie without rs requested to attend. he Navy -League Tag Day ar- cove al f i aad E . . . ranged for tomor y has beer a t' — extra attachments. Mrx. ©, D. Rand, who has been}]Postponed until Saturday wee and (ee siting in the city for a week, jOclober 30 ; ~} Prices the same , ; vim, 3 Sond Fe YY elurns to Vancouver tomorrow “al as in Montreal and ene ces % LARGE POTATO CROP 6 er Torot to Alex Grekwell, of Smithers, and| 7 Bd ' ee i . n tereon. of Exatew. were |@ralrie Reports Show Tubers % f a \) Sold cn easy pay- among the up-river arrivals last] ren, war * Seer e ening ' ER ae {| EDMONTON, Oct. 419.— The t am Anyox arrivtis on the Chelohs : ament of the } ynton dis ; e ; ® ere ¢ ; ’ 7 i 9, $ day myrning ineluded Mr-Jirict potato crop to 3 | Canada’s Favorite fs ek ‘ . M. Congdon, Miss A.}r ps. pecially \ ‘ ; in ae {Crowe and P. Landers. Sa aeaeen Pipe Tobacco. ae hn i | n re ‘hee Nationa LG Instone, of verness, ; McRae Bros td. a an oa teeth rnd “9 amor he Skeena River at pee y Plarmems o Grereame . the tr } . ening ther potato growing cet ve + sellers ot Printers es er eee lready been dispatched to: Win- INCE Rt UPERT, B.C. peed. forget ‘te Seer Senees coe ' cee Sold Pads Canon Scott, on Ww! » definite ut iy misty WESTERN HEMLOCK FLOORING, SIDING ’ rnd Saturday matinee and ever A obi J . +@#eetentvewvreneeeaner CEILING FINISH OF ALL KINDS perating- r.P. 20.000 To It is just as cleay ty get you Ton Floating Dry Dock ine F . Sree : roi se srinting 4one wel’ and done at TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY - . ; Tv S@@aeane@e@eseeacaeaeress ? nds of ) t equisition for new} tome as it is to send it away. Try |” : d ‘ ) = a ene, Ot Ser ES ues Print dap OUND — at Carniva Charlotte Islands Spruce Produc's Ltd. 2 ‘ . ; ‘ | \ 4 ’ et MARINE AND City Council last night, Alderman - ? Mills: Prince Rupert, B.C. ’ ‘ s e ' ; ' marked thal they were ee Local A. * gents:*=§ ALBERT & McCAFFERY y y te i ” ‘ . COM MER e | A L W OR K ‘ , at ened LET US SING A NEW NOTICE. Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephones, 564, i116, Blue 69 ‘ ella Lance will be held} s DISTHICT--—Ke Hoars may it le Luxe Hall by the Adair SONG UNTO THE LAW caer — . ei Dock i «« Chapter LO, D. E. on Wed- hh ’ An eeay eee perenne angie eeniiiats sday, October 20, Anyone wish i x sa é eee With our modern equipment and sanitary methods, sineers, Machinists, Boller Makers, 2 invitation phone Red 330. 467 the prot sis, thougt at nws we produce a \wholes Rocheonsltiuas Mada Pibeceet Bacieine ene. ie a cece eee :oply P wholesome shi ‘ieee Mrs. David Donaldson and child} ; 2 Cate ee S ¥ vicinit e,° Ww Selicit Your Enquiries a ven ae se Prince} : soon : «i ‘arm utritious rea Box 171 Ptones 43 and 385 re — ' uae 45 . are “ brhat , eit ie as su ab x. m ¥ at PRINCE RUPERT ‘ He ea need nt ; ness 6434 in asSiad gry Our Goods are all made from High-class Material ; i : ; o's » . j ana rs iam re u ‘ ‘ . % © 7% < ' rth & a $ 7 . spate aidttaitecieiae Eeeiiaccaall tagalion el tlgmmepapests ot: es Me eet i ast TRY THEM “ onihianmmieaeetioan —— . ‘ tthin th i f bootleggers | se riy wo f Lot 3643A_ thence a FO of the cabaret Shad aoe aah Peake a The La C Bakery “— way, north @ Agnt iN a at , rner ‘ ; os t a unt ‘t . n men aeet esa e€ a asse a e : Js ed on the Prince George in; : er ntaining Two A n r less, wien 717 3rd Ave. Auto Delivery Phone 190 i 7 Dy which a father and two sons were Around the b room stove were kocated oh the tweifth day of Augns ‘ , Nor plants — hamem tik + , oliM ied I. At Ocean Falls they [Nor plant ion the ra yrapeert sken ashore and fined for dis- Nor elbows bo nw , ‘Linoite ree vege toss _ sususe cases. wane e Ete * tardy indie ‘ DATED at Alice Arm, B.C, this Twelftn ; me or gazes o 9 per cent Ay wl Si, 192 - i i In ry * re . sce bead ih y st See PRINCE RUPERT } Careful Piano Tuning it 4 I Sa a ¢ 0 oO At the weting f the City Seo ey dew} 4 LAND AUT 2 . ; Repairs to all makes of -Pianos, ? foul ht a report of the A'Geyil's brow MOine Pash Notice of tasers) en to Appl & Lease Lend Cent al | ahor Gouncil Phonographs, Cameras Spare = i : ! gas wut | , i aH i Malet th hooner” home ey. . ’ } parts in stock. French Polishing rTyY ' rd of Works econmmending i ’ KILN DRIED PLANER ENDS haw af 110.000 feet of Jum. {But Reeth to the “Red Gross Hut > re j J. Slade Stevens f ad WX. \ ehas: : dnd eith a the ehoser tt 746, 8s tne SS 28 Sth Avenue W. > Rupert Lumber Com- oo rene f eg iAnd sips a et tea, or tw sPRUCE & An CU LID Affiliated Units and Dates of ; Phone Red 291 P.O. Box 762 0 a thousand feet was ements vat nn erchants, ‘ pany's Mill at B24 Oa i - ; . Gs meembg 3 een). nents, 0 a or _merentnms, MEETINGS Ra a a ire now , es idupted and the purehase will be ; w Selita Trades Unit, First ra eae 3 ‘} Owing to better facilities, to in- ede. (He goeth Sabba v the church ones . pues and Third Mondays, 8 p.m. he si ; r a. | ae ; “— ‘ o on weet 29.9 feet: | bor C : oad one to reduce the price to At the meeting of the City oe chants a my ; rth 46 dee wane 79.8 ! Oe eee —* TOM LEE CO. Council kest night T. C. Hooper, ee et | ees ee ee ae eee , $7 00 per i load a solicitor, was acting clerk in Upon his evil ways; eet mane af “ba t planted at tne We tion Deen Social 840 Second Avenue, West. =—— lace of E. A; Woods, Mt Hooper | And nods in mes! approved style |s u west at 9 p.m.: Third Westuesday, ark eb ae a nity returned from attending | Phat they had ¢’er been bern) | mark atong este Business Meeting at 8 p.m. VEGETABLES recen wt ed trom Bie S| ata A ten u of commencement, con- | Svery T ifj ler from the meeting of the Union of Muni- ; no preache oa the evil ones ant me 3 wre ~ i “9 « es vi i ae _—e —? Wihelegais ane Petal oe ors ip rt . “a UA 4 5 > srt tL 4 ite Cirtage. Ltd Phone 93 palities and will submit his re- wo Worsiit] arleycorn, ee a LIMITED Metal Trades, First and Third General Contractors and e , ne eeting of the! ' Dated August 26th, 1990 i Fridays. ‘ Exe ort at the next m ing 1 He voteth with the saintly host SS ——— ge < ' Labor Exchange. eee uneil | Against the alcoholic, — WATER NOTICE teria re erent aoe co : b Ri = e alcoho ig HN ’ pe | M " " lAnd quotes statisties in a way USE AND STORAGE : CS. Sept.) Second Prince HKupert, B.C, In the London Sketch of Sept. | That fires th lanch TAKE NOTICE The Taylor Mining and Fourth Sundays, 8.30 p.m Phene 547 — P.O, Box 725 ember 9 appears a picture of Mr. fafivall th hat’ tant mpanyY Limited, whose address ts 607 i i ‘ i lesh eer) crea oncier B we, Vane B, i eee cincdpacies ane and Mes, Teving N. Linnell on} Sager will Sepis for : i ; t “a and ‘use ‘aii wictrat De) G.> with : , ies : ten set feet Of Water gut of Wolf Creek} fartiament Buildings, Victoria, , AEBS A their arrival at! ne “ ~ re) and all that we expect also kn on Ppa ae a Chase, ‘waiae wn thirty; Gaye erie r the first appearence of . Mi Linnell was recently sent as iH by oe Ot ; ‘ al 8 tn westerly and drains tnte the Kit- notice in a ca Soa weeeoes . Phon® Green GOT 1017 Sra Avenue the moulting period the egg pro- U.S, consul Mr. Linnell was ” oa ipe i pe a a noreh Of tie Dolly Varden M o me Se sctripanee Lory over we erie malian fuaies On 18 practical ; . eae o prurce a te ” 8 ge-< » located © rom the ol iroup of Mimeral Claim istered practically nil, W ny hot change formerly viee-consul here and n th ny siteeult River tne eapactt? u *; sh gliaoult River the petition for Dalgarno & Watts ICH’S 1 ™ dition? ONE TEASPOONFUL of Mrs. Linnell is the daughter of}tie shall be like a tree that grows [of the reservoir to be created is about nil.jthe appryval of the undertaking wilt be 8 POI LT} y y ° re ' acres of land The water will be diverted Died in ” .oflce 0 ne Comptrolier o catnehsamtiaumitemeemnnia tk Us ) ‘ ba ihe och six Mr. and Mra. W Ss. Fisher, of Near-planted by a river, m the stream 4 point about at the | Water Rights and with the Water Recorder NTRA oe ne een a et: ne ; : a Avenue Kast Mr. Linnell Whose nti are tiem embedded in \ r Mite @eiatms at 1 with De used tor at T rin ¢ Rupert aforesaid, and will be BUILDERS AND CO (TORS Mes hortening the moulting period, ourth ! * power purposes upon the mings deseribed|heard Ju the office of the-Board of Investi- Bpeciatists in Light and -Meavy Con will commer laying n uch has sinee been transferred to the he soil of the forever as i \ if in si Claun and the Doily jee! on at A date. to he Ged by the es struction, Repairs and Alterationa li con ice i iu ’ ard me Crain . - on +a os eon Phy : q Ww a) Inited States embassy al London,|But ah! dear friends, it gars ime This notice Was Posted on the ground oni interesied may fle an objection thereto i First Class Staircase Work aud n of me a fe 8 oP ae te ube 192 ~ nee f the Comptrolier of Water Finishing. acc IAN. MATT = y nen 7 0 la’ “ 7 et ~ . ’ . : f this any n . an 4) pit cation R : as i ue W fa Bede at Betas 6 Eetimates Cheerfully Given ont forge oe hear Anada s lore er ink Upon it, uu holt te ater iupert @foresal ake : —s Box 745 ‘ KER MILL ING C0., LTD. Soldier Padre Canon Seott, on!) Full many a tree las met a ave ; pein he om . of “i TAYLOR MINING COMPANY, Naas: BRICK AND ra BUILOING " —” . . ne ; " ution or Pe } ty « or t CON & “ricce Rupert, B.C. Phone 550 Canada’s New Outlook” Empress When least expecting ae : tha” ‘aid W ms Heeo! ede - The date of we erat © ssueating of, thie wee | licval!l Friday night at ¥ oc luck j WM, CRAIG roller of Water Rights, (notice ls September 22, 1920, ' ~ a eat a me